Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, December 24, 1943, Image 1

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News, Music
Slated With
Repair of 'PA'
News flashes hot from the
wires of the nation’s news serv-
ives, music and transcriptions of
local musical productions and
stage shows will become a regu­
lar feature for Camp Abbot sol­
diers soon, through the medium
of the camp's public address sys-
tme, the Special Service Office
announced' this week. Amplify­
ing equipment, made useless
when a high wind blew speakers
from their perch atop the All-
Purpose building a couple of
months ago, was restored to ser­
vice this week w h e n Station
KWJJ in Portland loaned the
camp a set of speakers to use
until the original set has been
repaired. Equipment was install­
ed atop the Service Club.
Installation of the new speak­
ers makes possible new use of
recording equipment acquired
last week from the Internation­
al Woodworkers Union in Port­
land. The latter machine, loan­
ed by the CIO organization un­
til the arrival of a set being
built f o r presentation to the
camp by the Portland station,
will be used to make transcrip­
tions of local programs as well
as to make individual midget
records which soldiers and mem­
bers of ^he W A C may send
Some 400 of the small records
have been received by the Spe­
cial Service Office and will be
distributed to various camp units
on a pro rata basis.
The new speakers, as well as
the recording apparatus, was
brought here by Les Marcus,
staff announcer of KWJJ.
Furnishings for
Dayrooms Set
As soon as the necessary pri­
orities a r e
obtained, $6,000
worth of furniture for Camp
Abbot dayrooms will be purchas­
ed through the c o u n t y Red
Cross camp and hospital com­
mittee, Ben Hamilton, chairman,
has announced. The $6,000 rep­
resents the amount of the coun­
ty war chest earmarked for fur­
nishing dayrooms and has been
available since the county's $27,-
500 quota was reached late in
Bend Knights of Columbus,
Elks, Veterans’ groups, and the
Civic league each equipped
rooms at the camp previous to
the war chest drive. Furniture
purchased from the chest funds
will be divided among the re­
maining "living rooms" for the
boys, Hamilton said. At present,
members of the committee are
working with Abbot special serv­
ice representatives on the spe­
cific needs.
Bill Veeck, president of the
Milwaukee Brewers in the Amer­
ican Baseball Association, has
joined the Marines and is taking
his boot training at San Diego,
'Rush Raising'
Rites Held
For New Mess
And old Texas custom was re­
vived in Oregon recently when
officers and enlisted men of
Camp Abbot staged a “ bush rais­
ing” ceremony to celebrate the
near-completion of the roof of
the new addition to the officers’
Participants in the program,
which is modeled after the
“ roof raising” ceremony of Eng­
lish tradition, were the men who
had a h a n d in planning and
erecting Ihc structure. Like the
English ceremony, Friday’s pro­
gram marked the virtual com­
pletion of the roof without the
loss of life or limb.
It was the custom of English
workmen to celebrate the occa­
sion by getting drunk; however,
service men confined their de­
bauch to consuming 3.2 per cent
beer and staging an impromptu
program which
poet Signal Photo Lab.
included group singing led hy
Up goes the bush at the “ bush raising" ceremony held at the new addition to the Officers’ Mess last Lt. Robert Herring and selec­
week to celebrate the near-completion of the roof without the loss of life and limb. The custom was
imported from Texas and originally sprung from the “ roof raising" celebration of English tradition. tions by the Camp Abbot band,
directed by Warrant Officer
(See story).
Charles S. Spalding.
Included in the more formal
aspects of the program were
brief talks by Col. Frank S. Bes*
son, ERTC commander; Maj. Le-
Compte Joslin, director of train­
ing, and Capt. Howard F. Me-,
Keown, wiio was in charge of
Camp Abbot will go on the air at 7 p. m. Friday to construction. The invocation was
begin a weekly series of 45-minute radio broadcasts over read by Chaplain Norman M.
a northwest network.
Sponsored by the Barde Steel Goldhurg.
The bush was hauled from the
Congestion of telephone facili­ Company of Portland and entitled “ Pacific Parade,” the
program will be devoted to the promotion of government floor of the building by rope and
ties at Camp Abbot was relieved
activities and will feature music by the Camp Abbot band nailed in place atop one of the
considerably this week with the and dance orchestra.
huge, rustic roof beams by T/-
opening of an eight-booth attend­
Stations in the northwest
Sgt. William M. Corts, non-com­
ants’ exchange in the building chain include: KWJJ in Port­
missioned officer in charge of
behind the Post Signal Office on land, KORE in Eugene, KJR in ing section will consist of parts construction.
of “Over There Fantasy” by
Seattle and KBND in Bend.
Center street.
Officers and men who plan­
Under the new system, pat­
Broadcast of the first pro­ Grofe, played by the entire band. ned or aided in building the
Sgt. Dante DiThomas, arrang­
rons merely fill out a slip listing gram, the theme of which is
, structure, a spacious, two-story
where and to whom the call is to bond sales, will originate in the er and former clarinetist with building of Oregon timber and
be placed, give it to the attend­ studios of KWJJ In Portland. Tommy Reynolds' orchestra, will natural stone, the latter pro­
ant in charge and wait to be noti­ Camp Abbot’s portion of the pro­ be in charge of the dance band cessed at Camp Abbot and in­
fied when the call has been put gram will be broadcast from the in the absence of Sergeant stalled in the fireplace and
through. Attendants also collect Service Club on the Post through Hayes, who left Wednesday on chimney, were Colonel Besson;
for the call, making it unneces­ the Portland station. Because of furlough.
LI. Col. Alvin M. Mock, execu-
Following the broadcast, the
sary to drop coins in a call box. a conflict in schedule for the
(Continucd on Page 2)
•____________________________ .
I *
The new addition is open from first broadcast, KBND will make band will play a Christmas Eve
4 to 11 p. m. week days and from a transcription of the show for
2 to 11 p. m. Sundays and holi­ rebroadcast at 7 p. m. Saturday.
days. As a special Christmas
Next week’s program will be
feature the booths will be open devoted to the WAC recruitment
The NCO club added sand­
from 8:30 a. m. to 11 p. m. to­ and the following week’s to the
wiches to its menu this week
morrow. Two public booths (the “March of Dimes” campaign.
following the installation of
A New Year’s dance for mem­
coin variety) are available in the
Use of other Camp Abbot tal bers of the NCO Club, their wives
a three-burner electric grill
lobby of the attendants' building ent on subsequent broadcasts and guests wil be held in the
and promptly Is-gan adver­
during closed hours.
also is contemplated, Lt. V. G. club rooms Saturday, January 1,
tising I he biggest hamburg­
Plans also are under way for Henderson, Special Service o ffi­ T/Sgt. Max Millsap, chairman
ers in Central Oregon for 15
installing new furnishings in the cer, said. In addition to being a of the entertainment committee,
rents. Hours for serving are
exchange. Magazines will be publicity medium for the post, announced this week. Music will
from 6:30 In 10:30 p. m.
(Continued on Page 2)
broadcasts also will provide en­ be provided by members of the
week nights, 6:30 p. m. In 1
tertainment for Service Club Camp Abbot band and dancing
a. m. Saturdays and 0:30 a.
m. to 10:30 p. in. Sundays.
will be from 8:30 to 12 midnight.
The band’s part on the pro­
gram will be divided into three
sections. Selections in the first,
by the military band, will be
A good soldier is a happy soldier.
"Them Basses" by Huffine, fea­
I wish you all happiness and success in whatever you
A record crowd attended Camp turing the bass section of the or­
Abbot’s formal Christmas dance ganization, and “ Born is the
undertake during the new year.
at the Service Club Wednesday King,” a fantasy of Christmas
I give the Season’s greetings to all the Command,
carols, by Warrant Officer Char­
and thank those units, and officers and enlisted men
The hall was appropriately les S. Spalding, director. The
decorated with a Christmas tree dance band will be featured in
who have sent their greetings to me. I wish I could an­
and garlands of evergreen. the second section. Numbers will
swer each personally.
Music was provided by Cpl. include "Liza” by Gershwin,
C O L O N E L F. S. B E S S O N
Agho Tiemann’s ERTC dance
der and “You’re Tops With Me"
New Attendants' Camp Featured
Exchange Eases In Radio Series
'Phone Problem
NCO Club Plans
New Year's Dance
Christmas Dance
Sets New Record
NCO Grill