Saturday, December 11, 1943 ABBOT ENGINEER Page Eight Abbot Cagers Scalp Indian Braves Double Win on Reservation Last Week End REWARDED FOR EFFORT Sgt. Charles, M iss Souhrada C o p Tennis Tourney Titles Sgt. Ed Charles, veteran of j Mrs. Hauser in the finals: 17-21; scores of matches, walked off 15-21; 21-14; 21-18 and 21-19. with the Singles title in the The two winners of the singles tournament for the Camp Abbot titles also teamed to win the Table Tennis championship. Dis- mixed doubles title. Sgt. Charles , playing extraordinary skill, the j and Miss Souhrada defeated Sgt. former instructor of many ping Charlotte Schneller and Cpl. pong players, experienced little Sieplinga by the f o l l o w i n g trouble in copping the title. He scores: 21-17; 15-21; 8-21; 21-15 won the title by defeating Cpl. and 21-17. In the womens’ doubles, Cpl, Howard Sejplinga, of Service company, in three s t r a i g h t Ellison and Sgt. Schneller de­ games: 21-17; 21-15 and 21-18. feated Miss Souhrada and Mrs. One of the early favorites for Hauser: 21-14; 21-15 and 21-14. The matches attracted many the singles title, Pvt. Red Win­ ston, was eliminated by Seiplin- spectators and the game room of the Non-Coms club, where the ga. In the womens’ singles, Miss tourney was held, was crowded Helen Souhrada, cafeteria host­ each of the three evenings the ess at the Service Club,defeated championship was being decided. Two Camp Abbot basketball teams turned tables last Satur­ day on two All-Indian teams at the Warm Springs Indian Res­ ervation to scalp both the high school team and the All-Reser- Cation quintet. Five hundred howling braves witnessed the double-header. Company C, of the 51st Eng. Trng. Bn., scored the initial suc­ cess of the evening by coming from behind to defeat the Warm Spring High School team, 46 to 32, in the preliminary contest. Lt. Pulver ... 118 117 121—356 Whatever the Indian lads lack­ Mr. Henn. .164 158 162—484 ed in stature they compensated Ctpa. Stro.....133 176 148—457 for by using a fast, aggressive Headquarters Hotshots Mr. Cox ...... 182 120 116—418 floor game. Capt. W and. 128 128 114—370 In the main event, Dazolea Lt. Shick... 115 180 152—447 Totals 763 743 701 2207 and Winnishut led the Indians’ Lt. Johanek 105 163 118—386 attack with 10 and eight points, Capt. H ’nh’st 123 162 128—413 respectively. The Camp Abbot Maj. Cuadra 85 93 128— 306 varsity squad turned on a pow­ erhouse attack and showed the Totals 556 726 640 1922 Wildcats Ail-Reservation team no mercy Lt. Oxford.. 131 172 211—514 as they drilled the hoop for a total of 82 points, while the di­ Lt. Rogers.. 218 145 166—529 Approximately 550,000 offi­ minutive Indian athletes man­ Lt. Jarvi... 170 189 158—517 Lt. Burgess.. 175 184 163—522 cers and enlisted men have been aged to sneak in 28. Coach Leo Frizzo substituted freely in or­ Lt. Brown .... 125 175 162—462 honorably discharged from the Army between December 7,1941, — Photo By ERTC Publications. der to try out various combina­ Col. A. M. Mock, executive officer, congratulates a member of the Totals 819 865 860 2544 and August 31, 1943, the War tions. 54th Engr. Trng. Hu., small musical instrument class, after pre­ Department has announced. Corporal Tucker again led the senting the soldier with a certificate of proficiency in playing the The figure does not include scoring with seven field goals, Toilette and qualifying him as an instructor for other G I’s. Grad­ Strikers those discharged to accept ap­ and one free throw, while Lts. uation exercises of the various classes are held in the Service Club. Capt. Fuller 154 200 145—499 pointment in other branches of Allbright and Butts both tallied Lt. MacKni’t 147 101 122—370 the armed forces, but does in­ Giant infielders; Ed Levy, ex- six maskets apiece for the rangy Lt. Stenma’k 105 95 114—314 clude approximately 200,000 men Yankee first baseman; Gar Del Abbotmen. Lt. Kobel.... 97 102 169—368 over 38 years of age who were The composite box score of Savio and Hank Sauer of th e , Capt. Ham’er 125 88 113—326 discharged to accept employ­ both games follows: Cincinnati Reds; and Randy ment in essential industry or Camp Abbot “ C” ¡list Totals .... 628 586 663 1877 agriculture. Gumpert, Newark pitcher. FG . FT. F. TP. Medics Of the remaining 350,000 dis­ Williams, f ...... . 4 0 0 8 I Maj. Dris’h’l 118 134 171—423 charges, a large majority was Newest Army-bound big lea- j A-57 continues to pace the post 1 15 1 Brichta, Í ........ .. 7 2 guers are Ken Trinkle and Hugh ¡basketball league. The standings, Lt. Langhus 134 149 125—408 1 for physical and mental dis DeBarr, c ....... .. 7 0 1 14 I 1 Lt. Flanigan 157 125 165—447 ability. 1 9 East, Giant pitchers; Charlie ¡including Thursday n i g h t ’ s Lt. O’Brien.. 127 146 130—403 ¡Markarian, g 4 1 Keller, slugging Yankee out- ¡games follow: Fallis, g ........... . 0 1 0 0 fielder; Chubby Dean, Mike Cen- |Team Won Lost Lt. Snyder. .. 206 166 118—490 Bowling Notes Half Million Discharged Since 1941 A-57 Leading Post Cagers 2 22 Totals 5 46 Warm Springs High School FG. FT. F. TP. Danzoka, f 1 5 0 10 Winnishut, f 4 0 1 8 Charley', c ........ . 3 0 1 6 2 Squimphen, g . 3 0 8 Sooksoit, g ...... 0 0 3 0 Totals ...........; .15 2 6* 32 ? Camb Abbot Varsity FG. FT. F. TP. Allbright, f .... 6 0 0 12 Higginbotham, 5 0 0 10 Tucker, f ...... .. 7 1 0 15 Tognetti, Í . 1 5 0 11 Murphy, c . 0 6 .. 3 0 Butts, g . 6 0 0 12 Haruon, g ..... 0 . 2 0 4 Demgen, g 3 0 0 6 Hohenhorst, f-g .. 3 0 ,0 - 6 ter, Henry Edwards and Gene jA-57 ...............................11 Woodling of the Cleveland In- C-51 10 dians; Sherrod Robertson of D-56 ............................... 7 Washington; Dee Moore of the ¡Supply .......................... 7 Phillies; and Dick West, Cincin- jB-52 ................................ 8 nati catcher. ¡A-51 ..................................8 ______ A-53 ................................ 7 Rex Mays, twice winner of the f B-54 ................................ 6 famed Indianapolis auto speed Service ........................... 6 race, has taken to the air. He is jB-51................................ 6 now Lt. Mays of the Air Trans­ !A-52................................ 5 Casual port Command. ___ _ ........................... 5 jdv. Pers............................... 4 'C.53.......... SPORT SLANTS The U. S. Coast Guard Station at Manhattan Beach, N. Y. should be able to field a pretty fair baseball team next spring. Stationed there are Mickey Witek and Sid Gordon, former 2 Pfc Bryan (Bitsy) Grant, for- p w ................................