Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, December 11, 1943, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Saturday, December 11, 1943
Trainees Wil! Russian Film 'Young in Heart'
Witness K-9 On Screen Here Wins Approval
Troops on Job
Camp Abbot trainees will get
their first training with War
Dogs next Wednesday night in a
demonstration of sentry duty by
members of the K-9 Corps.
The trainees will be shown the
two types of warning given by
War Dogs—silent and growling
—and with K-9 troop handlers
will be demonstrated how the
dogs attack in case of emergen­
— Photo By ERTC Publications.
The W ars are right on the hall in the food wastage conservation
Later, and with all lights ex­
campaign at the Army’s newest ERTC. The feminine soldiers take tinguished, two sets of War
care to separate plate leavings in various refuse cans so that an
accurate check may I m * made of food wastage. Reading from left to Dogs, one at each end of the
right the photo shows Lt. Patricia El well, company commander, stand where trainees will be sit­
observing l*fc. Ida Thomas and CpI. Agnes Early making the ting while witnessing the dem­
proper disposal, under the approving eye of Mess Sgt. Evelyn onstration, volunteers will be
called for to come forward and
attempt to penetrate the area in
from 7:15 to 8:15 a. m. and Pro-,
which the K-9 troops are on
testant services in the Post
guard. The volunteers will ad­
Theater. Additional services will
vance 50 yards in front of the
be held from 11:30 to 12:30 p. m.
stand, while the K-9 trops will
for office personnel and regular
services at 6:30 and 7:30 p. m. be in charge of non-commission­
Since Sunday will be a normal ed officers detailed to handle
training day, Col. Besson has ap­ them.
Training Units
Given Time to
Shop for Xmas
proved granting of passes to
training cadre and trainees for
In order to allow trainees and one-half day, during a regularly
training cadre time to perform scheduled open period.
The regular Wednesday night
Christmas shopping in Bend, the
following schedule will be in e f­ dance will be held at the Service
fect for the remainder of the ! Club December 29.
Scheduled for New Year’s Eve,
time preceding the holiday to al­
low units of this command to in addition to the amateur show,
visit town for this purpose: Dec. | are battalion parties, a dance for
11, Companies B and C of the | officers at the Officers’ Club
51st Engr. Trng. Bn., from 1200 and a dance for enlisted men at
to 2300 and 0740 to 1230, respect­ the Service Club.
Regular training will mark
ively; Dec. 13, Co. A, 54th Bn.,
1200 to 2300; Dèe. 16, Co. B, the post’s return to normalcy
1200 to 2300; Dec. 17, Co. C, New Year’s Day.
54th Bn., 1200 to 2300. Dec. 17
and 18, Companies A, B, and C
(50 per cent of strength each
day) 1200 to 2300; Dec. 21, Co.
C, 56th Bn.; Dec. 23, Co. A, 56th
and Dec. 24, Co: B, 56th Bn.
Other units had been granted
(Continued From Page One)
this time previously.
officer of the post to succeed
Col. Lester H. Hall.
Col. Mock has a brilliant car­
eer as an engineer in civilian life.
Most of his work has been with
consulting firms in the sanitary
engineering field, when he was
(Continued Fi-om Page One)
in charge of construction of sev­
Church services will be held in eral municipal sewage systems,
£ll three chapels at 11 a. m.. A water treatment and distribution
twilight service is scheduled at systems; and with cities, such as
the Post Chapel, a matinee at the Columbus and Mansfield, Ohio,
Post Theater and an Officers’ as senior construction engineer,
supper dance at the Officers’ and engineer of design. For a
time he was with the Ohio State
Training missed Christmas day Health Department in charge of
will be completed Sunday, ex­ expediting health projects built
cept for the first period (7:40 to in collaboration with the Works
8:15 a. m.). Catholic services are Progress Administration.
Just prior to entering active
scheduled in the Post Chapel
ERTC Officer
Post to Have
Page Five
service in the Army he had turn­
ed his attention to the broader
field of engineering and con­
struction, for which his earlier
experience had prepared him.
His study of the structural de­
sign of factory buildings and
complete lay-out systems was
followed by comprehensive re­
ports with recommendations for
increasing efficiency in operation
and production.
Col. Mock is an associate mem­
ber of the American Society of
Civil Engineers and a registered
Professional Engineer and Sur­
veyor in the State of Ohio.
The struggle of a valiant peo­
ple in the greatest battle of his­
tory, "The Battle of Russia,” is
vividly portrayed in this fifth
film of the Orientation Series
now being shown on the post.
The film accurately photographs
the story of a “ people’s war”
with the hated Nazi regime.
Pictured is the German ag­
gression, the suffering of the
Russians ,the Nazi rush across
the 2,000 mile frontier, the at-
t a c k s inflicting tremendous
losses. Then the Red Army stif­
fened and they scorched their
“ The Young in Heart,” first
legitimate stage presentation
staged before a Camp Abbot
audience, was greeted with
warm applause when the Bend
High School student body pre­
sented the three-act comedy at
the Post theatre Thursday night.
Although the play itself was
not an ideal vehicle, being some­
what trite in plot and a little
too shy of the risque element for
the average soldier audience,
members of the cast turned in
performances of a quality not
usually associated with high
school dramatics.
95—Fabrics, also reputations
1— Barracks where provisioins
96 Fetters
are sold
98— domestic cattle
6— A soldier
99 The sun
12— Judge advocate <ab.)
100-This is the man who is really
13— A fellow’s sweetheart
making the Japs take notice
, 101-Distress signal
14— A sign of some future event
The Wacs are planning to
15— -Detached service (ab.)
have a Christmas tree party that
1—a strong, sturdy fellow
17— Enlisted Reserve Corps (ab.)
2 National Guard (ab.)
wil be as good as a trip back
19— Apprentice operator (Signal 3 Aslant
home. A committee has been
4- One of the Great Lakes
named to arrange for a program, 20— Armed conflict
5- One older in rank or station
a Christmas tree has been order­
7- The mountain Ash
21— An epoch
ed and decorations for the rec- 22— Those chosen for service
8 An Eastern Prince
reat'on and mess halls will be in 25— Sprees
9- -A part of speech
10— Any
order, according to Lt. Patricia 28— Kitchen police (ab.)
29— Cadet officer reduced to 111 Border
Elwell, company commander.
12—4-wheei drive ’j-ton truck
ranks (ab.) West Point
30— A rampart with apex toward 16— First principle or source
18 Important island in the w ar
the enemy
At sweet sixteen, I first began
31— Two thousand (in Roman 21 —Weapons of defense
To ask you Santa for a man
22—Company commander
At seventeen you will recall
23 To complain
32 Double time lab.)
24—To close formally
I Wanted someone strong and
33— This is a very important
25 Coffee
road in this war
The Christmas when I reached 36— To gather together in great 26 A famous Mosque
27—A managing officer
39- Proficient (ab.) West Point 33 Commanding General U. S.
I wanted someone tall and lean 41— Rem em ber-------
forces in Ireland
And then at nineteen I was sure 44 Form of salutation
34 Union commander at
I ’d fall for someone more
46—Johnny cake
35- Anti aircraft (ab.)
48— A pepper shrub used to
make intoxicating drink by 36 Cadet walking punishment
At twenty I still thought I ’d find
tours in area of barracks
natives of Polynesia
Romance in someone with a
37 Mustered out
49— Evenings preceding
38 Second Lieutenant
important events
I retrogressed at twenty-one
i 40—To wander
50— Brevet (ab.)
And found the college boy most 51— Always
I 42- A new recruit
43- An allowance of provisions»
52— Cease from action
1 45- An apparatus for cooking
54— To accommodate
My viewpoint changed at
47— To bar
55 - Toward
48— A real hero who died for hi»
I longed for someone who would 56 Infantry (ab.)
57— Lieutenant (ab.)
be true
53- Gibraltar of Philippines
58— A pace
I broke my heart at twenty-three 60 Silly or worthless fellows
58— Sergeant
And asked for someone who’d be 63— A unit of square measure
59- Units of Cavalry
61— Impresses
kind to me
64 -To strike lightly
67 -Army of the United States 62- Indian native soldier In
Then begged at blase’ twenty-
British service
65 Disbelief of God
For anyone who wouldn’t bore 70 Practical skill
66 One strongly imaginative
71— Anger
Now Santa, that I ’m a Wac an-1 72- A register
67 Active duty (ab I
74 A kind of igneous rock found 68 United States Military •
Just send me anyone who is
in Berbyshire, Eng.
70 - Indigo dye
—W AC News 77 Recorded tape (Signal
73- Honor distinction
Fort Des Moines
75 Air Service lab >
78 Move on
76 Officer of the Day (ab.)
Kansas City <CNS)—Little 79 Complaints
77 Sculptural slabs formerly
81 This is a finger or a toe
Ella Karris, 6, and her mother 83— Word of denial
used by Greeks to mark a
were watching her grandfather 84 Badge worn on shoulder by
80 Sharp noise
board a train. "Oh, mama," said
Ella suddenly, "look at that man 86 This is our very own uncle 82 Mountain wild goat
put his hand in granddaddy’s 88 -This freedom is the thing 85 An air carrier
86 Short billed American rail
for which we are fighting
pocket." M a m m a screamed,
87 Place where money is coined
90 An Inn, in the East
granddaddy grabbed the pick­
89 City in Nevada
91 In like manner
pocket, police ran up and carted 92 One of our own U. S. (ab.)
him away to the poke. Ella went 94 Takes out a letter (in proof­ 93 Kind of tree
97—Correlative of either
right on licking her lollypop.