Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, December 11, 1943, Image 1

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    V STA rFUBRA*>
Saturday, December 11, 1943
Trainees Asked To Submit Suggestions
Gen. McCoach Visits Abbot
Post, Training
Ideas Will Be
Given Study
Awards Good
Conduct Bars
To 24 Soldiers
M aj. Gen. David McCoach,
Jr., commanding g e n e r a 1,
Ninth S e r v i c e Command,
made his first visit to the
A rm y ’s newest Engineer Re­
placement Training Center
Thursday and Friday. A l­
though his visit was of short
duration, the commanding
general saw virtually every
section of Camp Abbot, met
for the first time the staff
officers who make operation
of the training center pos­
sible, and upon departure, in­
dicated he was extremely
well pleased with the prog­
ress of the post.
The general, an officer of ex­
tremely affable personality, ai-
The boys o f Company C, 51st Engr. Trng. Bn., are really musically minded. They have their own rived in mid-afternoon Thurs­
hand to give the company enthusiasm on the march. You will hear them almost anytime somewhere
on the post. It may lie in the All-Purpose Kec Hall cheering a basketball team on to victory, or in the day. He came from his head­
Post Theater at an Orientation program. They are, back row left to right: I’ vts. William E. Kurgeson; quarters, at Fort Douglas, by
Harold Kndieott, First Sgt. Henry G. Biggs; Cpi. Wayne S. Havhard and Pvts. Rogers I,. Griffin and , plane to Redmond A ir Base,
Harris -I. Gummer. Bottom row: Robert Salesbury, Ralph P. Fulston; Ross Goodbar and Raymond C. where he was greeted by Cot.
Frank S. Besson, ERTC com­
Arriving at Post Headquarters
he met the staff officers on duty
and then made a tour of inspec­
tion of the immediate area in
What do you want your
company with Col. Besson. Later
friends and relatives to send you
in the afternoon he reviewed
for Christmas?
three battalions of Engineer
Most wanted are cigarets,
A n amateur show, complete with cash prizes and open trainees and personally present­
says a survey conducted by Ad­ to all Camp Abbot military personnel who can sing, dance, ed Good Conduct Medals to th-:
vertising Age. Of 500 men in­ imitate bird calls or come forth with any sort of perform ­ following enlisted men:
T/Sgts. Frederick K. Krug-
terviewed, 89 per cent requested ance remotely associated with stage presentations, will be
R. L. Franklin, Glen
cigarets; 87 per cent, socks; 85 held at the Service Club N ew Y e a r’s Eve as one of the high­ man.
per cent, wrist watches; 84 per lights of the entertainment program arranged for Camp R.
Russo and Sgt. Peter R. Wal­
cent, shirts and stationery; 83
All types of acts are needed for
Training will be suspended ker, ali of Service Company.
per cent, pen and pencil sets.
the show, Lt. V. G. Henderson, Christmas and War Depart­ T/Sgt. James A. Butler, S/Sgts.
Wo- »n in service first asked
Special Service Officer, said. ment employes, except for those Harry I. Randall, William C.
*;onery, then for stock­
Library shelves were being for
Abbot d u r i n g Christmas whose work makes them indis- Bohl, Jerome F. Herrman, and
linted this week to add to the ings, pen and pencil sets, gloves
week, the Special Service pensible, will observe a holiday. Sgt. James C. Cobb, of Supply
tractiveness of the reading and hangars, clothes brushes
O ffice announced this week.
(Continued on Page 5)
(Continued on Page 2)
and furlough bags.
>om in the Service Club.
Double acts, skits with larger
casts and virtually anything sol­
diers can work up will bo wel­
comed. All those wishing to take
part in the program are re­
quested to call the Special Ser­
vice Office, 'phone Extension 8.
Pvt. Seymour Goldston of Ser­
vice Company will be master of
Lt. Col. A. M. Mock, Executive O fficer of Camp Abbot,
Eighty-four civilian employes of Camp Abbot were ceremonies.
Christmas festivities will get despite his years as a successful engineer in civilian life,
presented with blue and silver ribbon bars, in the center
of which was the red, white and blue emblem of the Arm y under way Thursday with a always has been interested in military affairs. Mack in
Service Forces, at the Post Theater Wednesday morning, Christmas decorating program the days when he was a student at Ohio State University,
and were lauded for their loyalty by the E R T C commander. at the Service Club. Open House he was prominent in ROTC circles, serving in his senior
The ribbons were em blem atic---------------------------------------------- is scheduled throughout the day year as cadet colonel of the -----------------------------------------------
when he was made a group ex-
o f the award for civilian O'Donnell, chief of civilian per- and all soldiers are invited to RO TC unit.
Upon his graduation from th-1 ecutive officer. He served in this
sonnel, called attention to the take a hand in decorating the
university he was commissioned capacity until June, 1942, having
“ I consider this a privilege,” fact that those who serve in club and an 18-foot tree.
A Christmas Tree party for in the Officers’ Reserve Corps received his majority the pre-
said Col. Frank S. Besson, in mufti felt they were doing their
brief remarks made just prior part as much as those in uni- children of all personnel on the and did reserve duty regularly ceding February. In June he as-
to his handing each civilian the form. He pointed out that while post is scheduled at the club thereafter. In 1933, he served a sumed command of a battalion
tour of duty as company com and was made a lieuteant col­
award recently authorized by the some might suffer inconveni- Sunday.
onel a few months later. In De­
A formal Christmas dance is mander of a CCC unit.
\Var Department for employes ences because of the long dist-
Col. Mock’s rise in the Army cember he was assigned as as­
who have completed six months ance from camp to town, it was set for Wednesday night. In ad­
Of satisfactory service at Camp well to remember that men in dition to being the most gala af­ has been rapid since he was call­ sistant S-3, ERTC, where h<;
Abbot. Col. Besson was obviously uniform were called to go thou- fair scheduled during the week, ed to active duty in January, served until February, 1943.
With the formation of the
pleased to present the ribbons as sands of miles from home and the dance will offer members of 1941. At that time he reported at
the W AC Company an oppor­ Fort Belvoir, Virginia, for an in­ Camp Abbot cadre in February,
indicated by the broad smile and put up with many hardships,
genial handshake bestowed upon
Col. Russell D. Turrill, direct- tunity to blossom forth in civilian structor’s course with the grade 1943, Col. Mock was made execu-
of captain. Upon completion of tive officer of the 12th group,
each employe as they filed or of personnel, in the role of clothes.
Christmas Eve will be devoted the course he served as company serving as such until last month,
across the theater stage.
master of ceremonies, said the
In a speech of acceptance, in awards were made by the War to choral singing. Midnight mass commander at the Fort Belvior when he was named executive
(Continued on Page 5)
will be read at the Post Chapel. ERTC from March to June, 1941,
behalf of the employes, John J .t
(Continued on Page 2)
Camp Abbot trainees this
week were urged to submit
ideas and suggestions about
the post and training meth­
ods by Col. Frank S. Besson,
E R T C commander.
“ I hope to get some valuable
ideas about the camp, its opera­
tion and training,” Col Besson
said in an official notice in the
Daily Information Bulletin.
To encourage trainees, there
is an Idea Box in each company
orderly room. This box will be
opened only by the company
commander and will be so open­
ed each Monday morning, the
ERTC commander directed. The
company commanders will.then
forward the ideas to the com­
manding officer through group
Col. Besson pointed out, in an­
nouncing solicitation of trainee
ideas, that officer and non-com­
missioned officer cadre are free
at any time to submit ideas and
suggestions about the camp and
the training program, but that
trainees might feel they do not
have such a free opportunity. It
is to rectify this impression that
the ERTC commander has asked
new soldiers to offer suggestions,
ifie plan is similar in many re­
spects to the ideas sought by the
commanding officer from civili-
and employes that will improve
operation of the camp.
W hat Soldiers
W ant for Xmas
8 4 Civilian Employes
Given Service Awards
Post to Have
Gala Yuletide
ERTC Executive Officer
Long Military Student