Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, December 04, 1943, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Chaplain Hears Plenty of
Woes: W ho Listens to His?
Post Chapels
All Furnished
It is a standard Arm y joke for dividual cases with which his
soldiers listening to a tale of woe branch has been concerned since
from a fellow dog face to advise Camp Abbot was activated last
the complaining soldier to go May. He, and other chaplains
see the chaplain.” However, it is stationed here, have helped
not such a joke, after all. Many solve problems o f all types and
soldiers take this advice—and descriptions — somu- serious;
there are many at Camp Abbot some o f an ordinary minor na­
who seek the solace of the Chap­ ture.
It was suggest j that Chap,
lain’s branch whenever they are
beset with troubles without the lain Andrew might write an in­
tongue;in-the-cheek urging of teresting book. He agreed that
some o f the incidents would
their buddies.s
Chaplain William H. Andrew make good reading, but, of
is quick to verify the fact that it course, everything is kept in the
strictest confidence.
! is no joking matter.
“ In addition to all those w h o ! A ll in all, the chaplain has a
come to us,” says the chaplain, busy tim e o f it, and has plenty
“ there are many cases in which of troubles himself. However
the soldier is unable to do so, and that brings up a question. Where
as result we go to them.”
I does the chaplain go when some-
Chaplain Andrew has on file one tells him to "go see the
records o f approximately 750 in -1 chaplain?”
W ith the arrival this week of
chancel draperies and a record
reproducing system, the chapels
at Camp Abbot, are completely
furnished for the benefit and en­
joym ent o f the personnel o f the
Chancel drapes and carpet fo r
the chancels have already been
installed. The “ church-like" ap­
pearance o f the interiors adds
restfulness and becomes an aid
to a religious atmosphere.
The record playing system
was procured
sources, and w ill be used each
evening after supper fo r an hour
o f good music for all the camp.
Several records have already ar­
rived. The Chaplains invite sug­
gestions as to the records de­
sired. An attempt w ill be made
chosen by the men and women
o f the camp.
Arm y Gains Since W ar I
church rites Revealed in Official Figures
Post C h a p e l . B id ». 208: 11th Gp.
Bldjr. 754 ; Hospital Chapel in Red Cross
Chapel. Bid*. 1255; 12th Gp. Chapel.
Recreation ha!!.
Friday, 7:30 p. m. Post Chapel
(Blgd. 208).
Confessions Saturday, Post
Chapel. Masses at 9 a. m. and
G:30 p. m. Sunday at Post Chapel.
Masses daily, except Thursday,
at 5:10 p. m. at Post Chapel,
Choir rehearsal 7 p. m. Tuesday.
Study Club, Wednesday, 12th
Group Chapel, at 7:30 p. m.
(Big. 754». Mass, Wednesday,
Post Chapel, (Bldg. 208», at 6:30
p. m.
Service Sunday at 10 p.m.,
Post Chapel (Bldg. 208). A t 6:00
p. m. services fo r 56th Bn.,
(quarantine) at 12th Group
Chapel and at 7:30 p. m. Post
Catholic confessions at Red
Cross Recreation H all at 7 a.m.
Sunday. Mass (visitors invited)
at Red Cross Recreation H all at
7:30 a. m. Sunday. Protestant
service at Red Cross Recreation
H all at 10 a. m. Sunday. Catho­
lic Mass, Red Cross Rec Hall,
Wednesday at 7 a. m.
L. D. S. Service, 11th Group
Chapel at 7:00 p. m. Christian
Science service, 12th Group
Chapel, Thursday.
W ar Imiuls and stamps build
ships and bombers. Bu> them
Saturday, December 4, 1943
abbot engineer
Page Four
The United States Arm y, com­ today than they were in 1918,
World W ar I casualties totaled
pleting its second year o f global
260,496, including 35,560 killed
warfare, stands today as one of
in action, 14,720 dead from
the mightiest fighting organiza­
wounds: 205,690 wounded; 46
tions the world has ever seen.
missing in action, and 4,480 pris­
A recapitulation o f the A rm y’s
oners o f war. In the present war
manpower and equipment fig ­
U. S. casualties number 89,650,
ures, recently made available by
! including 12,841 killed, 30,263
the W ar Department, shows that
wounded, 23,954 missing and 22,-
the A rm y today is rapidly near­
592 prisoners.
ing its wartime goal of 7,700,000
The W ar Department has re­
j officers and men while U. S. in­
leased some interesting compari­
dustry is producing the tools of
sons o f war production in this
war at a rate unapproached in
i war and the last one. Here are a
the history o f man.
! few pertinent figures.
When the first W orld W ar
When the U. S. entered World
ended, the U. S. had an A rm y of
W ar I, it had 55 airplanes and
4,057,101 men o f whom 2,086,000
an A ir Service numbering 1,200
were serving overseas. Today
| men. By the end of the war it
the A rm y
personnel almost
; had 11,000 planes and 200,000
doubles the old figure and 2,500,-
> men in the A ir Service. Today
000 o f these highly trained men
the Ar my A ir Forces number 2,-
are serving abroad in every cor­
880,000 officers and men and in
ner o f the globe.
! a single month the U. S. manu-
Our enemies in W orld W ar I
| factures more planes than it did
were the Central Powers with
! in an entire year during the last
Germany the main threat. Our
j war.
principal Allies were Britain,
During World W ar I the U. S.
France and Italy. Most o f our
' produced a total o f 132,000 ma­
fighting was confined to the
chine guns. In two months of
front between Germany and
j this year alone is produced 150,-
j 000 machine guns and 132,000
Our enemies today are Ger­
; sub-machine guns.
many and Japan, the latter a
In 1918 it turned out 278,000,-
minor ally in 1918. Our primary
000 rounds of small ammunition
allies are Britain, China and the
a month. In 1943 this amount is
produced every week.
fronts are spread throughout the
The last war saw 80 tanks
built. N ow 5,000 tanks are made
Despite the huge scale o f the
in two months.
w ar and despite the fact that we
On paper and in the field the
have been fighting 23 months al­
A rm y has been streamlined,
ready as compared to the 19
months o f combat w e had in the modernized, revolutionized. The
old square division of World
last w ar our casualties are fewer
W ar I has given way to the new
triangular division, which is
smaller, more compact, faster—
and tougher. A rm y personnel
has moved ahead to keep pace
with the up-to-date equipment it
This, then, is a portrarit of the
American Arm y — the biggest,
strongest and best Arm y ever to
represent the Nation on the field
o f battle—on the eve o f the sec­
ond anniversary o f U. S. en­
trance into the war.
and Mrs. Willard Holly were
voted the best dancing couples
on the floor. Pvt. Loren Gerard
was the champion jitterbug. We
enjoyed the party very much and
look forward to another one in
the near future.
kle in his eye and that omni­
present Virginia smile, took the
mike in hand and, in his best
southern accent said: “ and the
sergeant w ill serve the break­
morning Sgt. Ryan, with tray,
Much interest is being shown
in the pinup gallery, back of
headquarters section. I f atten-
increases much more we will be
forced to consider fixing an ad­
mission charge.
in hand, shuffled up to three
men and very daintly served
them their morning meal. The
lucky lads were Pvts. James
Whitlatch, Em ery Tako and
Lewis Andrews.
Upon arrival o f the cold snap
Monday night, I entered the bar­
racks to find everyone running
about in his “ John L. Sullivan”
attire. Pvt. George Wilson could
hardly be distinguished from a
circus aerialist.
The Thanksgiving party given
by Sgt. Ryan, and his men of
the second platoon, turned out
a great success, thanks to Mrs,
Helen Smith, Service Club host­
ess. She assisted the sergeant
when the problem of securing
a hall confronted him, the mu­
sic, and lest w e forget, the young
ladies fo r partners. We believe
that Mrs. Smith is doing a grand
job and deserves a big hand for
the way she is providing enter­
tainment fo r the boys. Take a
bow, Mrs. Smith.
D-56 forfeited one of its men
to the form er Miss Gladys
Thompson, of Bend, Saturday
night. The man, Pvt. J. L. Bow­
man. He remarked that an elope­
ment would not have been too
effective, so they spent their
honeymoon within the limita­
tions of a week-end pass.
A fte r Pvt. Otto Prerichmann
got his steel, electric guitar
Well, I regret I must stop, but
warmed up Pvt. Emery Lake,
I have remained out of this pil­
the second platoon clown, gave
low fight long enough. I ’ll have
us his version o f the Hula.
to stop and defend myself for
Our mail is coming through
better these days now that Pvt.
Elm er Deiba is back on the job,
after a furlough.
Notes From
By T/4 Eugene Plank
When we went down on the
rifle range a few days previous
to Thanksgiving, Sgt. Vincent
Ryan very nobly stepped to the
P. A. system and made the fo l­
lowing announcement: “ Every
man that makes a possible gets
excused from duty Thanksgiv­
ing and breakfast in bed.” Capt.
J. F . O’Grady, company com­
mander, turned and with a twin-
Another heir comes to Com­
pany C. This, too, is an engineer
and the proud papa is Pvt. John
Pelto. H e was on the alert for
the blessed event, but was al­
most too nervous to open the
telegram announcing the young­
ster’s arrival. Good luck, fellow,
we know exactly how you feel.
That makes us one up on Co.
B. of the 52nd. You get the girls
down there and w e'll furnish the
Notes From
By Pvt. Glen Name
Celebrities seen at the D-56
shindig last Friday night were
distinguished and many. High­
lights o f the occasion featured
First Sergeant James Sawyer
cutting a neat rug with Mary
Muscatello, top kick o f the Wac
company. Capt. Yarbrough en­
joyed the evening dancing with
Wacs. w hile Mrs. Yarbrough en­
joyed swinging it with various
members o f D company. All per­
sonnel of D-56 were present and
enjoyed the refreshments of
sandwiches and beer. Pvt. and
Mrs. Billy McGinnis, and Pvt.
, D‘>M |u,t
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