Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, November 20, 1943, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Saturday, November 20, 1943
Page Three
Patients Make
Table Favors
By Glen Nance
Fourteen weeks ago, a com­
pany of rookies hailing from
Chicago, W ashington, Oklahom a
and Louisiana principally, moved
into th e sacred are a of D-56th.
I can’t say we w ere too much
impressed w ith ou r first meeting
of the sta ff o r w ith our first en­
trance into th e barracks and
mess hall.
Our first reveille w e stood,
some in th e ir underw ear, some
in th eir socks, and som e who
didn’t stand. B ut fo r obvious rea­
sons we w ere all on hand in first
class condition the next morning.
A fter draw ing our webbing,
rifles and bayonets we w ere
ready to plunge into basic, and
when I say plunge, I m ean ju st
that. O ur period plans called for
so much in so little tim e th a t we
found ourselves train in g many
times a fte r evening chow. In ­
cluded in our training w as every­
thing th a t a full tim e basic calls
for. except bridge construction.
We w ere capably led by Capt.
W. H. Y arbrough, Co. Comman-
d e i; Lt. C harles M. Salfesburg,
A dm inistration Officer; a n d
r-. t -.
— r n o to u y
ru o n cau o u s.
F irst Sergeant Jam es G. Sawyer, Note
broad grin on the
face —
of IL*
F ^ S- , Besson'
th„ the
t-HTC com mander, as he presents a check in
all of whom are still w ith us. the am ount of illbO .lJ, representing the donations ol civilian employes of Camp Abbot to the Nation-
Leaving us at the end of our five ai w a r r unci.
week basic w ere Lieutenants
Schoenlienn, Canny and Miller.
A fter basic we w ere broken
up and placed in one of eight
carpenters, heavy equipm ent op­
erators, mechanics, demolition-
ists, tru ck drivers, saw mill op-
erators, clerks and cooks. We
found th is schooling to be eight
weeks of the m ost thorough
schooling we had ever had, for
again w e had so m uch to learn
in so little tim e.
Now w e are ready for ship-
ment, and I feel safe in saying
that from our train in g we have
attained th e know ledge of com­
bat and engineering necessary
for the task s th a t stand in front
of us, and th a t we shall be able
to do our p a rt in th e w inning of
this w ar.
Notes From the
Bull Pen
By Sgt. C urt F orem an
Wonder w hat a latrine orderly
thinks about. A bunch of the
boys w ere whooping it up in a
cozy corner of th e GI rum or
headquarters when th e conversa­
tion, if you could call it that,
turned to the definition of the
word, squeegee. T he L. O., a
lanky, sleepy lad from Georgia,
who really does have a lot to do,
leaned silently on his broom,
looking from one to th e other
and listening intently. Well, sir,
it turned out a squeegee was
rig h t th ere in th a t very room! A
homemade affair, it was, used
for pushing w ater off th e cement
floor. E veryone turned to the
overw orked L. O., expecting a
look of m ild surprise. But he
m erely resum ed his sweeping
with slow, ineffective strokes.
He shook his head. "Ah don't
know w hy people give nam es to
Male Call
H ospital patients, u nder the*
supervision of the A m erican Red
Cross recreation aides, have
been busily engaged in craft ac­
tivities this week. Most of th e
tim e has been devoted to fa sh ­
ioning table decorations l o r
tables both in the officers an d
patient mess halls Some of th e -o
novel decorations consist of
sm all tu rk ey s, fashioned froor
pine cones. O ther p atients en ­
gaged in c ra ft activities have
been building boats and planes.
N ext w eek’s program w ill be as
follows: Sunday, Pvt. Chidichi-
mo will sketch a picture of an y ­
one who desires, from 2 to 4 p.
m .; Monday, talen t show ; Tut s-
day, movie "Ho\\> About i t ';
W ednesday, Bend H igh School
Glee Club; T hursday, classical
m usicale, in lounge; Friday,
movie, “H enry Aldricn G ets
G lam or,” and Saturday, Bingo.
T o st C h a p e l , lihljr. -(»8; 11th lip .
Bklfr. 754 : H o sp ital C hapel in Red C r<l t>
C hapel. Bids’. 1255; 12 th Gp. C h a j t l ,
R ecreatio n h all.
things, anyhow,” he said. “They course th a t trouble vanished being changed and m any men
w on’t come when yuh call 'em. w ith la ter im provem ents.
j are going to various schools for
Yuh still have to go git ’em !”
Opening of the new shack, | specialist training. The g reater
however, recalls some difficul­ portion of the com pany will con
W anna rassle? A welcomed ties experienced in the early tinue th eir technical training as
addition to the office staff here days of Cam p Abbot. T here were combat engineers. However, the
at the GI stir showed up recent- then five gates, und not many entire company is looking for­
ly in the form of shrewd, attrac- more gate guards. It w as rath e r ward to th eir three-week bivou­
tive Pvt. Bettina Stout of the difficult to operate on a 24 hour ac late in January.
W ac detachment. Q uite a gal. schedule because of the acute
W ent to school in Switzerland, m anpow er shortage existing at
The first platoon reg rets the
been everywhere, reads, w rites, the time. But they did it. The j loss of Lt. Nonnem aker, who
fences, rides, has a brother in
' has been tran sferred to the 53th
w as
going j battalion. He will be replaced
the M arines; and she's patriotic th a t everybody
as all get out. W hen this bloom- around w ith bags under their i by Lt. Mallon of the fo u rth pla-
ing w ar is over she plans to bags.
| toon. As yet no successor has
One gate in particular, num ber been nam ed for Lt. Mallon.
snatch a tram p steam er and take
off for parts unknown. But six or Siberia, as it w as known,
am ong her m any accomplish­ reposed som e six or seven miles
Captain F ritche is back in the
m ents is the newly-developed a rt out in the wilds of L ava Butte. harness a fte r a short session in
of Judo. Take it easy, boys. Take
the hospital. Lt. Mallon is okeh
a tip from this tired, old, v ita­ it was, too. The stove w as little afte r his accident w hile on
min-eating scribe. Oh, my back! m ore th an a bucket w ith a pipe reconnaisance patrol last Friday.
attached, and you could throw
a cat th ro u g h the cracks in the He tripped on a log stub, fell,
And now comes new day walls. Tour of duty w as eight cutting a gash on his face. N u­
room for MP's. E arly last week long hours, and at night wild m erous men suffered scratches
Captain H. E. Switzgable descen­ things of every description roam ­ on the patrol, but m ost men who
ded upon the MP comanpy area ed around, some venturing to were not captured report the pa­
w ith a sw arm of trainees, and peek through a crack a t th e un­ trol a full success.
before you could say nasophar­ com fortable sentry. One night a
The basketball team ran into
yngitis with a m outhful of pop­ cougar showed up. The guard
corn, a nice, new day room stood brought back tw o em p ty revol­ some trouble this week and
ju st east of the barracks. The ver shells. But he didn’t bring ¡came out on the short end of a
33-15 score in a gam e w ith Co.
structure, some 60 feet in length, back the cougar.
A of the 57th. A ten-mile hike
fills a sorely-felt need. W anted:
that day could have accounted
one pool table. Make or condition
lo r the loss.
no object. Price m ust be reason­
Those gate guards, the lucky
bums! S itting over there all
comfy and w arm in th eir new
guard shack at the main gate!
Electric lights, telephone and —
listen to this, fellows—modern
plumbing! The only thing was. at
first, before the road was widen­
ed a t the booth, cars came so
close they had trouble in keep­
ing enough iodine. Skinned legs
"-ere a dime a dozen. But of
By Pvt. -lack IJeMent
That added spirit in th e step
of Co. B is due to the influence
of a snare drum . The com pany
com m ander is now on lookout
fo r fife players to add a bit of
melody to the beat of the drum .
Enlisted Personnel May Buy
Candy at the Commissary
Announcement th a t enlisted
men and women may purchase
candy, cigarettes, cookies, shav­
ing cream, soap, tobacco, tooth
brushes and tooth paste at Build­
ing 313 was announced this
week. These item s m ay be pur­
M embers of Co. B have chased at a considerable saving
finished th eir six weeks of basic and sales will be m ade between
in fan try training. Platoons are the hours of 1000 and 1100.
by Milton Caniff, creator of Terry and the Pirates
• U . *-*
D-56 Ready
For Shipment
Friday, 7:30 p. in. P ost Chapel
(Blgd. 208).
Confessions S aturday, P o st
Chapel. M asses a t 9 a. m. an d
6:30 p. m. Sunday a t Pest Chap* J.
M asses daily, except T hursday,
a t 5:10 p. m. a t P ost Cnap* 1.
Choir rehearsal 7 p. m. Tuesday.
Sunday a t 1000, Post Chapel*
i Big. 208).
Services at 6.00 p. m. fo r 5c. ■’h
Bn., (quarantine) at 11th G roup
Chapel, and 7:30 p. m. P o st
Catholic confessions a t R ed
Cross Recreation H all a t 7 a.. i.
Sunday. M ass (visitors invited)
a t Red Cross R ecreation H all a t
7:30 a. m. Sunday. P ro te sta n t
service a t Red Cross R ecreation
H all a t 10 a. m. Sunday.
L. D.S. Service, 11th G roup
Chapel at 7:00 p. m. C h ristian
Science service, 12th G roup
Chape), 7:00. L u th eran H oiy
Com munion, 7:30 p. m. P e s t
N C O Members Must Shew
Card to Enter Clubroom
The NCO club tightened tip a
bit on those who m a y e n te r
through the clubroom porta s.
H ereafter, each m em lier m u st
show hi* card when arriv in g a t
the c l u b . O fficers announc-ul
th a t m em bership had taken a
sudden sp u rt since payday a ril
it is hoped th at even more w il
join up now th at w inter is < p-
proaching and the club affoi-’s
a nifty spot to spend a long w ai­
ter evening. The club has a r ­
ranged for daily p apers to e
placed in the club library, au.o
cu rren t magazines.
Some Stuffing!