Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, November 13, 1943, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
Saturday, Nov. 13, 1943
Yank Offers
Photo Prizes
Notes From
By Pvt. Joseph A. Mukloon
513,535 Loaned
By Red Cross
Three other trainees and my­
New York—Polish up those self were going to town last Sat­ The American Red Cross Field
lenses and start clicking, all you urday evening. As we stood on Office at Camp Abbot had a total
O fficial c a m p n ew sp ap er, published w eekly in th e in te re s ts o f th e p erso n n el
GIs who have a weakness for the corner of Warehouse Avenue of 1440 cases open during the
o f C am p A bbot, O regon, u n d e r su p erv isio n o f th e S pecial S erv ice O fficer. N ew s
m a tte r p e rta in in g to C am p A bbot is fu rn is h e d by th e P u b lic R e la tio n s B ra n c h a n d
snapshooting. YANK, The Army and Center Street waiting for month of October, according to a
is av a ilab le fo r g e n e ra l release.
Weekly, is offering every enlist­ the bus, a Major rolled up in his i report made the ERTC post com­
W ritte n c o n trib u tio n s, a r t w ork a n d photo g rap h » a r e so licited a n d should be
directed to th e P u b lic R e la tio n s B ran c h , P o st H dqs. A n n ex , B ldg. 202. T elephone
ed man or woman within the car. He was alone and had ample mander by Frank Dunning, Field
E xt-8.
Continental limits of the U. S. a room in the sedan for all, but he Director. Of this number 295 re­
T h e A BB O T E N G IN E E R receive« m a te ria l su p p lie d by C am p N ew sp a p er
chance to win a S25.00 War pointed to two of us to ride with quired loans In th e amount of
Service, W a r D ep 't., 206 E. 42nd S t., N ew Y ork, N . Y. C red ited m a te ria l m a y n o t
be rep u b lish ed w ith o u t p erm isió n of C am p N ew sp a p er Service.
Bond for the best Camp News him. One of the others asked if $13,535.00. Forty-four soldiers,
! they also might ride, but he re­ due to allotment committments,
D istrib u te d fre e to c a m p p ersonnel. S u b sc rip tio n r a te to p u b lic, by m a il: 60
The first announcement of the fused and left them standing would have been,unable to repay
c e n ts fo r th re e m o n th s ; six m onths. $ 1.00; one year, $1.60.
contest, which will appear in the there as he proceeded on his way either a partialior total loan, so
Nov. 26 issue of YANK, sets with us two in the back seat. At grants in the amount of $1383.00
forth the following rules:
i the corner of Center and Hos­ were issued.
The Red Cross office at Sta­
There will be two $25.00 bonds pital Avenue were two others,
awarded, one for each of these apparently waiting for the bus. tion Hospital had 329 cases dur­
Entertainment On and Off the Post for Week
classes: Class 1—Enlisted mem­ He signalled to them and I as­ ing the month. Six loans were
November 13 to November 20
bers of the Armed Forces in the sumed that he was offering them issued in amount of $200. Seven
U. S. who are assigned to photo­ both a ride. To my surprise he cases for Wacs, involving one
sections as part of their allowed one of thorn to get in : lean in the amount of $80. A
Jig Saw Puzzle Night, USO Bend, 8 p. m.
military or naval duty. the ear and refused to give the total of 3341 cases, 215 of which
Open House, Service Club, Camp Abbot.
needed loans in the amount of
Bingo Party in Auditoium, Station Hospital, 7:00 p. m.
Class 2—All other enlisted mem­ other a lift.
bers of the Armed Forces in the
The Major was very friendly $15,070.00 and 18 grants in
Pvt. Chidichimo at easel will sketch a picture of anyone who de­ U. S.
with us and we all enjoyed the amount of $950 were handled for
sires: 2 - 4 p. m.—Hospital.
Entries should bear the name, ride. All the way to town I was IV Corps troops.
Open House, Service Club, Camp Abbot.
rank and organization of the thinking of his selection of cer­
Breakfast Hour, USO Bend, 11 a. m.
contestant, should be cleared tain ones to ride with him. Fin­
Buffet Supper, USO Bend, 3-5 p. m.
Classical Music Hour, Guest House Lounge, Camp Abbot.
through the Post Public Rela­ ally, when we reached Bend and
tions Office. They must be ad­ ; were being unloaded in front of
Classical Music Hour, 8:00 p. m.—Hospital.
P o st C h a p e l . B id*. 20 8 ; 11th Gp.
Graduation Small Instrument Class, 8 p. m., Service Club, Camp dressed to Camp News Picture the U. S. O., I gathered nerve Bid*.
H o sp ital C hapel in Red Cross
Contest Editor, YANK, 205 E. enough to ask him why he had C hapel, 754 B : id*.
1265 ; 12th G p. Chapel»
Game Night, USO, Bend.
42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. given three of us a ride and not R ecreatio n h all.
Movie for patients only. “Four Jacks and a Jill, 6:00 p. m.—Hos­ Captions explaining the subject the others. I even mentioned that
m. Post Chapel
in detail should accompany each he had plaity of room for at
Card Party, USO, Bend, 8:00 p. m.
j least two more. I’ll never forget (Blgd. 208).
Bingo, Service Club, 8:00 p. m.
Contest opens Nov. 26, closes his answer.
Saturday, Post
midnight, December 31, 1943. All
“Well, Soldier,” he said, “with
Jigsaw Puzzle night, with prizes, 8:00 p. m.—Hospital.
Chapel. Masses at 9 a. m. and
Stamp Club, USO, Bend, 8:30 p. m.
or before the latter date. Judges Bend, a man’s life is in danger 6:30 p. m. Sunday at Post Chapel.
Dance, Service Club, 10:30 p. m.
will be members of the YANK . if he is so unalert as to not Masses daily, except Thursday,
Camp Abbot Band, under direction W. O. Spalding, 7:00 p. m.— staff.
' recognize and salute an Officer at 5:10 p. m. at Post Chapel.
Choir rehearsal 7 p. m. Tuesday.
' when one drives by.”
Musical Appreciation Hour, USO Bend.
name and your camp in the offi­
Talent Show, Service Club, Camp Abbot, 8:30 p. m.
Services at 10 a. m. and 7:30
cial Army Mag, YANK. Read the
p. m. Sunday at Post Chapel.
Quiz Contest, USO Bend.
full details in the Camp News
Game Night, Service Club, Camp Abbot.
11:15 a. m. Protestant Commun­
ion Service. Service for 55th Bn.,
ing with this big Camp News
Dance (Camp Abbot Orchestra), USO Bond, 9:00 p. m.
(quarantine) at 11th Group
Photo Contest.
Movie: “Rose of Washington Square,” 7:00 p. m.—Hospital.
Chapel at 6:00 p. m.
(Continued From Page One)
SATURDAY—“Here Comes Elmer,” A1 Pearce, Frankie Albert­ When I was young and full of
Catholic confessions at Red
ped in to say hello while at the Cross Recreation Hall at 7 a.m.
son, Dale Evand, Jan Garber and Band. “Chance of a Lifetime,”
Chester Morris, Jeanne Bates, George E. Stone.
i post visiting his son, who is a Sunday. Mass (visitors invited)
SUNDAY AND MONDAY—“Crazy House,” Olsen and John­ I lived up North where folks I soldier here.
at Red Cross Recreation Hall at
son; RKO News.
said “Yep.”
The new improvements to the j 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Protestant
TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY—“Lassie Comes Home," I learned their talk, was quite
club, the newly painted floor,! service at Red Cross Recreation
Roddy McDowall, Ronald Crisp, Edmund Gwenn; Community
j the nifty furniture and the win­ Hall at 10 a. m. Sunday.
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY—“The Iron Major,” Pat O’Brien, At saying things they all could dow drapes, drew the praise of
Ruth Warrick; Disney Cartoon; RKO News.
all present.
I shot their lingo all the time.
However, most agreed that \ Episcopal Holy Communion
roach for the cleaver, he comes Those jerks could understand
, Sgt. Moberg's ability as a musi­ Service at 8:00 a.m. Post Chapel.
| across without another word.
me fine.
After supper I get busy on “Hi Babe”—“how's my loots;” cian was worth the time to at­ L.D.S. service at 7 p. m. Wed­
tend. Everyone, too, was in ac- nesday at 11th Group Chapel.
(Continued From Last Week) | CAOIG Form No. 983.1 and by “Come on Babe, shake a hoof.” . cordance with the suggestion
2130 I usually have it ready for
At the warehouse I have an the Administrative Officer. That “Shoot the woiks,” “Toity toid" that such parties be held weekly.
argument with a glorified K P is, I think it’s ready, but when I “Dem Brooklyn Bums,” “Take
William P. Remington, Episco­
my woid”
who wants to give me six num­ check my figures against the 1st
pal bishop of the Eastern Oregon
ber ten cans of tomatoes. I tell I Sergeant's, I find that I fed one Was language sure and fast and
Lt. Charles H. Keithahn, post Diocese, will deliver the sermon
him I have a whole shelf full at more man than I should have.
officer, returned this at Protestant services this Sun­
the Company and have already ' We finally agree on a definite 1
week from the Army school for day morning at TO o’clock and
been gigged for having too many ’ figure after he tells me that 1 1
exchange officers at Princeton ' give communion at 11:15 o'clock.
on hand. He seems to have the j was included In the count. Act­ I come down South without
\ University.
Approximately 100 j Chaplain Norman M. Goldburg
same trouble and Is just trying ually I didn’t eat a bite. Didn’t
to get rid of them. Then along have time. —Well, I get the days That I could sling the lingo here. post exchange officers from all ! will read the 10 o’clock service
comes some guy whoso old man figures transcribed from CAOIG But that, my friends, was just of the nine service commands ' and Pvt. Paul Anderson will sing
were in attendance, Lt. Keithahn 1 a solo accompanied by Cpl.
no dice:
once know a guy that was a bull- Form No. 983.1 to CAOIG Form
Eldon Morris.
They put our language on the said.
cook in a logging camp; he No. 982.1.
starts telling me how to make
About all I have left to do now The stuff they use makes you
barley-tomato soup, but he can't is help the baker figure out how
by Sansone
The Wolf
think twice,
figure out how to make it with­ he can make cake for 170 men
leem rd I
*ftr*v « t4 frr C « -» » w » » « W n «
out barley. —Well, I finally got with the three eggs he Is allowed Like “Sho’ ’nuff, honey, hush yo
their shipping ticket signed and to use. We eventually come to
go to the cold storage warehouse the conclusion that he can use “Hurry back, ya hear, to our
litt'l ole house”
where I sign another one.
them, shells and all.
was fixin' to go, but we’re
I get back to the kitchen just
And so at midnight I drag my
fresh out”
Jn time to meet the Food Service aching frame into bed—to dream
Supervisor who is Inspecting the about infinitesimal pieces of They call their sweeties “sugar,”
mess hall. Everything is in tip­ orange peel mixed with edible I And for “youse” they say “you
top shape as is the custom in our garbage. Even to dream of such
Company, so we get a good a thing is a crime punishable by They sure do murder English
grade on the Inspection Report, sentence from a General Court. With their good old Southern
CAOIG Form No. 986. While the
Inspector wassfci the refrigera­
But when the war is over
tor, he was a ™ '/ring the deer Former University Prof.
carcass hanging there and wants Is Member of Abbot Cadre I’m headin' back for home.
A former professor at Cornell I'll go to church moreover
to know who killed It. I can't tell
him who killed It, because I University whose lectures on And pray from morn to morn.
don't know'. Then I explain to hotel m a n a g e m e n t perhaps “Oh. Lord, do teach our neigh­
him that it isn't a deer, that it’s steered many hotel executives to
a lamb that was issued by the a better financial budget, is now Below the Dixon line
a member of the cadre at Camp To speak our native English
subsistence warehouse.
I get through the rest of the Abbot. He is S. Sgt. Don Dunk- Like we Yanks above the line.”
day without much trouble. Of loo, whose home town is East However I am fearful
course I have another argument Brewster. Mass. He is a gradu­ He'll answer soft and low
with one of the men authorized ate architect from the College With a rich old Southern accent
to ration separately. He swears of New York and is assigned to “Sho, Roger—Wilco.” — From
"Really — I don't understand why you two go into town
that all he ate was a piece of pie the fixed bridge section here.
Booster, Napier Field, Ala.
every weekend. There t fully as much fun to be had right
and a cup of coffee, and doesn’t
here in cam p'"
When You’ve Read it—Flease
think he should have pay two-
Save for Security! Save with
bits for it. But when he sees me Fass The ENGINEER AROUND. Security!—Buy BONDS!
NCO Club
A Mess Sergeant's
m h n