Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, November 13, 1943, Image 1

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Vol. 1
No. 26
Saturday, Nov. 13, 1943
Camp Abbot Six Months Old
D A Y — 1943
Rated Higher
Than Many
Older Posts :
“Carry on’’ . . . The message
comes this morning
As it come for a quarter of a
hundred years
Now the Argonne woods are
hushed and quiet
Passed and gone the storm of
But o ’er our dead—The bugles
still are sounding in the rain
From Montfaucon to Batheviile.
Camp Abbot, the Army’s new­
—Joseph S. Sickler est Engineer Replacement Train­
An old soldier would never
1st Lt. AGD. ing Center was six months old
believe it. But it happened.
Friday. Orders transferring the
Breakfast in bed, often a
camp headquarters from Fort
dream o f all soldiers, was a
Leonard Wood were effective as
reality last Sunday morning
of May 12.
when the third squad of the
Vast improvement is notice­
third platoon, Co. B, 52nd Engr.
able since that wintry day in
Trng. Bn., reposed in bed and
May when the camp opened. Jt
ate breakfast from trays served
was in the last stages ol comple­
by the second squads of the first
Camp Abbot's Service Club, tion; some facilities were not as
— Photo By ERTC Publications.
This unusual feature of com­ with its variety of programs, yet in operation. Today, how­
Here’s a picture of the first dance held at Camp Abbot. Not so pany rivalry grew out of a sug­ cafeteria, soda fountain and li­ ever, finds almost completed a
many Wacs then. Now that the camp has passed its first half year gestion by the company com­
brary, is becoming more and modern Army cantonment. So
as an Army post notice the difference. A swell service club where
manding officer, Capt. Ernest more the mecca of the camp efficient has been the direction
a real floor, and real music is available.
of Col. Frank S. Besson, ERTC
G. Fritsche, who said the squad GI’s.
qualifying the highest on the
Thursday night the third commander and his staff that a
rifle marksmanship range would group variety show was present­ recent inspector of the Arm y
bo accorded this honor. The ed by Service Company. Pre­ Service forces said its training
winners qualifying with an aver- viously the 12th Group, the and general facilities were equal
to i antonmeuts established many
I age of 169. Officer in charge of Wacs and the Medical Detach­
the losing platoon was Lt. Eu­ ment staged shows that were
Much has transpired in this
gene Noncmacher, while Lt. given a most cordial reception.
months period. Many changes
The Tuesday night Bingo
Returning from a five day Earle Wilson was in charge of
have taken place, and many o f­
food saving and conservation the winners. Lt. Robert D. Fos­ games which are staged under ficers who were responsible lo r
conference at Fort Lewis, Wash., ter is administrative officer of the direction of Pvts. Walter the high standard set by this
Chandler and John Wersinger
Maj. Arthur Davidson, division the company.
ERTC are now at other posts.
The boys will probably enjoy draw many contestants.
inspector and food service super­
An officer who was deeply in­
visor, said the salient feature their day of fame—if they ever
terested in the camp's improve­
Soldiers who fought in France
covered at the conference was get to see a newspaper. For
a quarter of a century ago gath­ the importance of food wastage the Associated Press, when ad­ House, with Cpl. Morris Cohen ments Col. L. H. Hall- is now
Oh duty at an another post. Lt.
ered in the Post Chapel Thurs­ elimination with special em­ vised o f the unusual incident in as commentator, are meeting
Col. Clarence H. Douglas, who
day to observe Armistice Day. phasis on the proper utilization Army life, requested a p h o t o
established the training schedule
(incidentally it was taken by a
They were joined in the observ­
tor. She announced this weeks to mold hundreds of trainees
ance by soldiers of the new Davidson to the conference was Wac—her first time in a men’s program will be: Mozart’s Sym­ into combat soldiers, has left to
Lt. Keith W . Beardmore, assis­ barracks) fo r use on wire-photo.
army and civilian employes,
phony No. 40 in G Minor and j< in an outfit destined for over­
tant commandant, Cook and
men who themselves may face
Concerto o. 1. seas service. Many officers in
Bakers School, and Lt. Willard
shot and shell, trudge through
announced the key jositions have been promot­
J. Langhaus, nutrition officer.
the mud of Flanders before the
arrival of 12 bridge tables and ed. Among the first was Paul If.
Maj. Davidson likewise said
present conflict ends. Present
chairs and the model airplane i >iedike r, admin strativi
that the highly critical food con­
too, were representatives o f the
lor the hobbycralt class. who arrived at Camp Abbot as a
dition in America was discussed
captain; Capt. William Pascoc
American Legion, the Veterans and the shortage that may be ex­
came as a first lieutenant and as
o f Foreign W a-s and the Dis­ pected in connection with Ameri­
assistant adjutant officer sports
abled America.» Veterans of can troops taking over occupied
Lodge Women Hang
S. Sgt. George S. Fly, long an
captain’s bars. Maj. Russell D.
countries which will inevitably aspirant to literary fame, be­ Drapes in Post Rec Hall
Tutlill, whose work as person­
These veterans of a war that lead to America being forced to
Drapes in the Recreation Hall nel chief requires perhaps th i
lieves he has at last crashed the
seems so remote today recalled share food with their citizens.
gates o f the immortals. He re­ o l the 51st E n gr. Trng. Bn., most exacting work on the post
memories of the day so long
ceived notification this week of which were furnished by the has been justly rewarded and is
since past. They had gathered
acceptance o f a story submitted Masonic Lodge and the Eastern a lieutenant colonel. Capt. Fred
because they felt they wanted to 300 Maneuver Men Guests
more than two years ago in a Star of Bend, were hung yester­ B. Hoenhorst, of Service* Com­
pay this brief tribute to those At Service Club Dance
book contest for stories of the day by the lodge committee com­ pany, one of the largest on the
men who had died for the flag.
Three hundred members of the
Deep South. His story is un­ posed o f Mrs. A. E. Stevens, Mrs. post, won his double silver bats
One veteran present recalled 104th Division, one of the units
usual in the fact that it deals Harry Hamilton and Mrs. Frank after arrival. As a first lieuten­
his narrow escape from being which participated in the recent
with the early days of Louisiana Bookman. They also took meas­ ant he commande d for a time the
listed as a casualty only five IV Corps maneuvers, were
Territory and the literary effort urements of the other 12 day- largest company ie the ERTC.
minutes before the Armistice special guests o f Camp Abbot
is the result o f extensive re­ rooms for which they will make It would take more words than
came. But he recalled with sad- Wednesday night at the regular
search, part of which required drapes from material furnished space permits to recite ihe rise
weekly Service Club dance.
(Continued on Page Four)
translation o f early French ar­ by the American Red Cross.
(Continued on Page 4)
chives. For another story, which
he wrote while making the same
research work, he was honored
by the National Archives and
the magazine in which that story
was published now reposes in
An officer who assisted per­ national agreements is noted in
The Non Com Club really
Col. Frapk S.
that institution in Washington,
fecting the agreement by which the document which Major Mo­ D. C.
threw a whingding Monday commander, ; s ‘ Col. Russell
military forces of the United hum and the commanding o ffi­
He is also the author of more night. Their “ open house" was Lyons, com m a^i c of the 12th
cer of the U. S. military forces than a score of short stories one of the hest-attended, conviv­ Group, dropped In to look over
States were permitted to land
in Surinam perfected with the
ial affairs ever held on the post. the festivities a-> did Col. Audrey
in the Dutch colony of Surinam, Dutch Colonial governor and his and co-author of a novel dealing
with the Tennessee Valley. His Everybody was happy and every­ H. Bond and the GI's got a real
South America, is now Judge legal representative. The final recently accepted story will be body had a good time.
thrill when CoL L>ons asked
Advocate at Camp Abbot.
article o f the agreement refers published in December by Mac­
The affair was a credit to the Pvt. Sonnenfelt for the first
Major John B. Mohum. who to the translation of the docu­ Millan.
board o f directors and the com­ dance, chaplain Goldberg was
traveled extensively in South ment, which w a s In the two
mittee they had named to handle there and he, too, remarked on
and Central America, loaned by languages. It says: “ In event of
the splendid showing of morale
the War Department to the State dispute as to interpretation, con­
Sgt. Pat Halloran was in rare by those present.
Arrival o f a large number of
Department to act as a diplo­ siderations will be given by both telephone directories from most form as master o f ceremonies,
Members of the cadre f i om
matic representative, perfected governments to the spirit o f the of the leading cities o f the na­ and the Wac show, which, after Fort Leonard Wood were pleased
the agreement with the Nether­ agreement rather than any hid­ tion, and many smaller towns, all, was (he main feature, was a to find Former M Sgt. Bert
lands government for the pur­ den technical meaning which this week has been announced real “ lulu." All the gals, Pvt. Lewis, president of the NCO
pose of protecting the valuable might be placed upon any one by Miss Caroline Paddock, post Agnes Sonnenfelt down to Cpl. club at the Missouri post whilo
bauxite mines in the Dutch Col­ particular word or phrase used librarian. They are available in “Sunny” Giaham brought down they were there, but now re­
by either government in their the Service Club library on a the house with their specialty tired from the service. He drop-
An interesting angle on inter­ respective language."
special shelf.
(Cor.tlr.ued on Page 2)
Service Club
Adds Features
War Vets Pay
Tribute Here
To Ex-Buddies
Abbot Officers
At Food Parley
Ye Ed Crashes
Literary Gates
Officer Who Effected Treaty
With Dutch Stationed Here
N C O Club Draws Record
Crowd; Wacs Star in Show