C-15st Takes Lead in Post Cage Tourney Saturday, Oct. 30, 1943 ABBOT ENGINEER Page Four Pick fhe Winners Games for November 6, 1943 G I ESS THE RIGHT SCORE OF THIS GAM E vs. □ Army Team □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Notre Dame CHECK THE W IN N E R ! Do Not Indicate Scores Team California Cornell Iowa • Michigan Minnesota Oklahoma Penn Pittsburgh Syracuse Texas A and M UCLA Utah Iowa State North Carolina Navy Oklahoma A and M Rice Wisconsin Georgia Bend VS. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. □ Tie □ USF □ ‘Colgate □ Illinois □ Indiana □ Purdue □ Kansas □ Navy □ Ohio State □ Penn State □ S M U □ Del Monte Preflight □ Colorado □ Missouri □ Camp Davis □ Tulsa □ Arkansas : ; Northwestern □ Georgia Navy □ Medford Post Anglers Sgt. Mayer Wins Pack Gear as Season Closes Football Pool Staff Sergeant Ernest Mayer, Camp Abbot anglers who Co. C, 53rd Engr. Trng. Bn., didn’t forsake the Deschutes would have put the football River for deer haunts when the bookies behind the eight ball had season Opened put their fishing he been hitting for a cash jack­ gear back in moth balls today as pot, instead of cigarettes, in the U. S. O. football score guessing closing of the fishing season put contest last week end. Of the 20' an end to angling until April 15. games listed, Sgt. Mayer guess­ Fishing became one of th e , ed the correct winners in all but Post’s most popular pastimes one contest. His reward—three when Col. Frank S. Besson, cartons of cigarettes. Pvt. Corlos ERTC commander, removed off- J. Cotella, Medical Detachment, limits restrictions from the river and Cpl. Jack Harris, Co. 3, 56th area the latter part of May and Engr. Trng. Bn., each won two continued to flourish until cold cartons of cigarettes when they weather and the deer season di­ named the correct winners in all verted the attention of sports­ but two games. men to other game. The fishing Increasing interest is being season had closed as early as shown in the contest, according September 15 in many fishing to Harry O’Grady, manager of spots o ff the post. the Bend CSO. He has arranged Unlike the majority of non-GI a special box in which the list anglers, soldiers seemed reluc-1 published in each issue of the tant to boast of their successes Abbot Engineer may be placed. during the season and reported I f not convenient to be in Bend, few o f their catches. Prize for mail your selections to the foot­ the best fish story goes to Cpl. ball contest, USO, Bend. The En­ Jess Castiaux of the Camp Ab - 1 gineer is increasing its circula­ bot band, who reported catching tion 500 copies with the present a 17-inch German Brown on a issue so that more men may en­ vitamin pill. ter the contest. Try your luck, you may win the big prize—and six cartons of cigarettes is not to Capture of Sicily Related be sneezed at in these parts. □ Company C of the 51st Battal­ □ ion forged into the lead in the □ Post’s 1943 basketball tourna­ □ □ ment this week defeating Co. A. □ 52nd Bn., 45 to 16 and Civilian □ Personnel, 72 to 9. □ Scores included: 1- riday night—Co. B, 51st Bn., □ 19, Medical Detachment, 11; Co. □ B, 54th Bn., 27, Military Police □ Company, 24, and Co. B, 56th □ Bn., 28, Service Company, 11. □ Saturday night Special Train­ □ ing Company, 33, Co. B, 51st Bn., □ 24; Casual Company, 27, Co. A, □ 57th Bn., 4, and Co. C, 51st Bn., □ 45, Co. A, 52nd Bn., 16. □ Monday night—Service Com­ □ pany, 16, Co. B-, 57th Bn., 55; Supply Company, 32, Co. A, 51st Print your name here.. Bn., 19, and Casual Company 51, Co. B, 54th Bn., 34. Co. or Bn. Tuesday night—MPs, 31, Co. Drop or Mail to U. S. O. Contest Box—Bend A, 52nd Bn., 10; Co. C, 51st Bn., 72, Civilian Personnel, 9, and Co. B, 52nd Bn., 33, Co. B, 51st Bn., 30. Wednesday night — Supply Company, 53, Medical Detach­ In Tomorrow's Film Fare ment, 20; MPs, 28, Service Com­ pany, 17, and Co. B, 51st Bn., 10, ( The story of the conquest of Fam Kong Poon, an Engineer proved steadily in trial shooting Sicily as recorded in official Casual Company 32. Thursday night—Medical De­ soldier who in 1938 saw his and made his record “ when the Signal Corps, Navy and Coast , tachment. 38, Civilian Personnel, mother riddled in a Canton, chips were down,” they pointed Guard films will be told at the out. 31; Casual Company, 32, Special Post theatre tomorrow and Mon-1 The first in a series of record­ China, street by bullets from a The Chinese youth was 16 day with the showing of another Training Company, 29, and Co. ed classical music concerts will B, 54th Bn., 27, Co. B, 52nd Bn., Japanese plane, was one of 28 years old when he saw his moth­ release in the Army-Navy Screen be held at the Guest House at soldiers who qualified as expert er killed by the Jap plane, one of 26 (overtime). Magazine series. Also shown in 7:30 p. m. Friday, Lt. Helen Mar­ Contests scheduled last night when Company A, 51st Battal­ many supporting troops invad­ 1 the film are the methods em­ tin, Theatre Officer, announced ion, qualified 100 per cent on the ing Canton. He is a soldier today ployed in selecting songs for the were between Co. A, 57th Bn., this week. Features of the pro­ only because he was resourceful armed forces’ Hit Kit and a view and Co. B, 54th Bn.; Co. D, 56th 1 rifle range here recently. gram will be the playing of Although the record of the en­ enough to escape from the Japs of services being performed by Beethoven's Fifth Symphony Bn., and the MPs, and Service tire company was considered as who declared all Chinese prison­ American railroads today. Fred Company and Co. B, 52nd Bn. and a commentary by Cpl. Mor­ Games scheduled tonight Co. exceptional by training officers ers of war shortly after invasion Waring’s Pennsylvanians and 1 ris Cohen of Company A, 53rd 93 qualified as sharpshooters of the city. A, 52nd Bn., vs. Co. C, 52nd Bn.; Donna Day are featured in the Battalion. Poon escaped at night, made 1 “ Hit Kit” section of the release. [ Co. D, 56th Bn., vs. Co. C, 51st and 77 as marksmen—Poon’s A discussion of plans for fu­ Bn., and Co. A, 51st Bn., vs. Co.. I feat was regarded as little short his way to Hong Kong, secured ture recorded programs also is of phenomenal. When Poon ar­ a job as dining room steward on A, 57th Hn. Monday night Co. scheduled. A ll persons interest­ A, 57th Bn., vs. Co. C, 52nd Bn.; rived in the United States only a French liner and left China. ed in classical music are invited MORE ABOUT MPs vs. Co. C, 53rd Bn., and Ser­ eight monthes ago, he could For three years he led a tran­ to attend. vice Company vs. Co. B, 53rd neither speak nor understand quil life aboard the boat; then Nine sets of recordings, order­ Bn. Tuesday night Co. A, 53rd English, and even now he finds the Japs struck again. The liner ed by the Special Service Office, Bn., vs. Co. A, 51st Bn.; Co. B, it difficult to understand orders on which Poon was working sail­ arrived this week. Included in (Continued From Page One) 52nd Bn., vs. Medical Detach­ of instructors. He had never ed with a large convoy in which selections ordered are “ Passac- handled a rifle before entering there were several American ment, and Supply Company vs. president, was graduated. After aglia” by Bach. “ Symphony No. Co. C, 51st Bn. Wednesday night the army, and in early attempts ships. Jap bombers attacked the 5” by Beethoven, a piano con­ on the range could hardly hit the convoy, and Poon watched two graduation from the University certo played by Stock and - Co. B, 56th Bn., vs. Co. C, 52nd of Vermont he served as a con­ target. American vessels go down. Bn.; Special Training Company Schnabel, a quartet in C sharp Officers attributed his ability Soon after the attack, Poon struction engineer, being en­ vs. Co. A, 57th Bn., and Co. B, minor played by the Budapest gaged on many projects in the to “ a perseverance typical of our came to Los Angeles where the 53rd Bn., vs. Co. A, 52nd. Thurs- i Quartet, “ Hungarian Dances day night— Co. B, 51st Bn., vs. fighting Chinese allies and con- Chinese consul arranged for his northeastern section of the' Nos. 5 and 6” by Brahms, “ Rou­ United States. Called into service Co. B, 52nd Bn.; Co. B, 57th Bn., I scientious endeavor." Poon im­ entry into the United States. manian Rhapsody No. 1,” “ Sym­ j Nov. 11, 1940, having been a re­ phony No. 40 in G Minor,” by vs. MPs, and Medical Detach- , serve officer since 1929, he was Beecham, “ Schererezade” ment vs. Special Training Com- ! by pany. ordered to Fort Belvoir, Va., Rimsky-Korsakov, “ Piano Con­ where he served as a group ex­ certo No. 1,” by Horowitz, and a A new and unfirst-sergeant- like note was sounded by Promotion of 14 members of ecutive officer and later in the waltz album consisting of “ Blue Unit S/Sgt. John R. Evans as he the Wac Company has been an­ training division. His outstand­ Danube” “ De Fledermaus,” and Won Lost ing ability led to his being chosen “Emperor Waltz.” Co. C, 51st Bn.......... 3 0 left his job as chief NCO for nounced by Post Headquarters. to head the training division Supply Company . .......2 0 the llth Engineer Training They are: Co. D. 56th Bn. when the Camp Abbot cadre was ...... 2 0 Group's S-4 section this week 2 Co. A, 57th Bn........ To Staff Sergeant—Mary L. formed. He will join his new or­ 0 to become top kick for Com­ Co. B, 52nd Bn. 3 1 pany B, 52nd Battalion. In­ Moscatello and Florence I. Van- ganization in the field to par­ Contributors to this week's Co. B, 57th Bn. 1 stead of making noises like a dergriff. ...... 3 ticipate in the last phase of IV edition of the ABBOT E N ­ Co. B, 54th Bn. 3 1 first sergeant, Evans averred: To Sergeant—Florence Breit- Corps maneuvers. He will doubt- j G IN E E R include Pvt. J. D. De- Special Training ...... 2 1 •Must 'cause it was over two mger, Alma F. Bluhm, Helen M. less see service overseas at an Ment of the 52nd Battalion, 2 years ago, don’t think I’ve for­ Curlee, Ruby E. Hibbetts, Casual Company ..... 3 Cpl. Dale Rector, 51st Battal­ early date. Frances A. Kasper, Helen E. Le.- Co. B, 51st Bn.......... 3 2 gotten what it was like to take ion, Sgt. Jerry Goodfarh of Lt. Col. A. M. Mock has as­ 2 basic. I'll probably become Blanc, Rose C. Schneller, Ruth sumed the duties of Col. Hall. Headquarters, llth Engineer Military Police . 2 Medical Detachment just like a father to those Ixtvs M. Smith, Edith Thompson, Major LeCompte Joslin is at pres­ Training Group. 1 3 and Sgt. Beryl M. Smith and Ruth M. Co. C, 52nd Bn. . .....0 2 in time.” Harlan Weeks of Service Com­ ent in charge of the training di­ 2 Chadsey. Co. A, 51st Bn....... ____0 pany. vision . To T 4—June C. Dixon. Co. A, 52nd Bn ......... ......0 3 Some G I’s have their pin-up Civilian Personnel . 0 4 girls but not Pvt. Bill Boitnott, Service Company 0 4 Co. D-55 . . he has a pet chip­ SEND THE ENGINEER HOME munk! Found beneath a Dine Hospital Detachment Last (Fold paper, fasten it together, place l ’ 4c stamp in tree, the little fellow underwent To Go on Field Rations corner, mail) It's happened at last! the entire training course . . . in the pocket of his master's field- It has been common knowl­ From jacket, where he “ quarters.” edge throughout the Army that Thirty memliers of Camp Ab­ When last seen “The Chaplain” Cent a hospital detachment mess was bot cadre, attached to the En­ was busily engaged eating pea­ Stamp the most elaborate of any unit nuts from the hand of a Wac, gineer Division, are engaged in Here a logging project approximately stopping only to have a drink of at an Army post. It was the eight miles from ERTC head­ Coco-Cola (from the bottle cap) medics who could talk of fancy quarters. Logs of considerable and an occasional face washing! pastry, savory roasts and ice Camp Abbot, Oregon cream galore. It is only a mem­ size, to he used in construction Lt. E. P. Dee is the Army's ory at Camp Abbot now. The of camp projects, are being cut from trees felled by the soldier new sit-up champ. His record is detachment is now on field ra­ loggers. After heing trimmed the 4.004 sit-ups in 3 hours, 15 min­ tions, as are all other units of logs are brought to the post saw­ utes. Lt. Dee is athletic director the ERTC. Only hospital patients mill where they are cut to des­ for the 5th Battalion, Drew will continue on garrison ra­ tions. Field, Fla. ignated sizes. Chinese Lad Who Foiled Japs Becomes Rifle Expert Here Classical Record Program Friday Abbot Loses Abbot Face! STANDINGS Promotion of 14 W ACs Announced CONTRIBUTORS Abbot Men Work On Log Project