Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, October 09, 1943, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    New Athletic
Aide Named to
Succeed Rider
Saturday, Oct. 9, 194
Pago Four
French, Spanish
Language Course
Favorites Here
It seems there’s a private in
Camp Abbot who talks, often
and audibly, in his sleep. His
nocturnal soliloquies afford
his barrack mates no end of
entertainment and the other
night was no exception. Sit­
ting holt upright in his bunk,
with a grandiose gesture he
French and Spanish apparent-
Pvt. Leo Frizzo, former ath­
gave out with "Of course, fel­ 1 ly are the tongues most inter-
letic director for the Coldwater,
low, take a 30-day furlough; | esting to prospective foreign
Mich., High School, was assigned
you deserve it.” His audience 1 language students at Camp Ab­
to the Special Service Office
can’t decide whether it has a bot, the Special Service Office
sports department this week to
masquerading MacArthur in announced t h i s week after
succeed Sgt. Roy L. Rider, who
its midst or a victim of sup­ checking lists of soldiers who
recently was transferred to the
pressed desires.
have signed with Miss Caroline
Medical Detachment.
Paddock, librarian, and Mrs.
Private Frizzo was graduated
Helen Smith, "Service Club direc­
from Michigan State University
tor, for instruction.
with a degree in physical educa­
Courses in French, Spanish,
tion in 1938 after earning a let­
Brazilian, Chinese, Russian, Tur­
ter with the university’s varsity |
kish, German, Japanese, Italian
basketball team. He accepted a I
(Continued From rage One) and Arabic, taught through the
post on the Coldwater school j
media of phonograph records
faculty a short time later, doubl­
tively onto the stage. He spied and texts, have been made avail­
ing as athletic supervisor and j
a dummy representing a Jap able to soldiers through the
biology instructor. In 1939 he I
coached the school’s basketball j
soldier peeking from behind a Special Services Branch.
All soldiers interested in en­
squad to the semi finals.
curtain on the opposite side of rolling in classes are urged to
As assistant to Lt. Henry L. ]
the stage and promptly bayon­ contact Miss Paddock or Mrs.
Hansen, Post athletic and recrea- j
eted hell out of it. "Blood” Smith and to list the language
tion director, Private Frizzo will |
sprang from a hidden source and they wish to study.
act as coordinator for virtually
the dummy fell to the stage a
every sports program underway I
gonner. A sergeant who’d been
at Camp Abbot. Prior to his as- I
holding the dummy transferred More Than 95 Per Cent oi
signment with the Specia Ser- !
his attention to his hand.
Military Personnel Insured
vice Office, Private Frizzo was 1
Another innovation was a
More than 95 per cent of the
a member of the 56th Engineer j
large announcement board man­ military personnel of the United
Training Battalion.
ned by two officers. Arranged in States is covered by the govern­
tablet form, the placards pro­ ment’s National Service Life In­
claimed the names of officers in­ surance, the Veterans’ Adminis­
(By ( a m p N r w s p a p r r Service)
troduced and taught, through tration in Washington has an­
the medium of art, an occasional nounced. Filed with the admin­
Ken Silvestri, former New
object lesson, one of which show­ istration are 12,500,000 a p p l i ­
York Yankee catcher, repaid Lt.
ed a grave in one corner and a cations representing $90,000,000-,
Johnny Beazley the other day
soldier greeting his family in 000 worth of insurance for the
for the ex-Cardinal pitcher’s two
the other. Trainees were told average service man or service
victories over the Yanks in last
they could expect interment if woman insured for $8,000 to
year’s World Series. Silvestri
they failed to take their training $9,000.
belted a homer off Beazley to
seriously or the happy home­
give the Second Army a 1-0 vic­
Under the war risk insurance
coming if they came through of World War I, the Govern­
tory over Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.
with flying colors.
Beazley, on detached service,
ment had to pay out more than
Speakers included Colonel five times what it received in
was pitching for Oglethorpe. He
yielded six hits and fanned seven
premiums. The course of the
11th Engineer Training Group war will naturally determine
while Sgt. Hugh Mulcahy, form­
er Philly star, hurled 3-hit ball These seven inches of pulchritude represent Marie MacDonald commander, and Maj. Lawrence how much the government will
vho appears in native garb i in n a ------
J—1— **-----------
------ chosen
*------ Fuller, who relinquished his
Paramount ‘ * has
for the Second Army.
to call "Standing Room Only.’ " We see Paramount’s point.
have to pay out this time. There
command of the battalion to are few figures on what has
Leading hitter on the Sixth St. Louis Cardinals, is now sta­ back at the University of Colo­ Capt. Robert T. McClure.
been paid out so far.
When the program was con­
Ferrying Command baseball tioned at Port of Spain in Trini­ rado, Oxford University Rhodes
team is Max West, ex-Braves out­ dad.
Los Angeles (CNS) — Mrs.
scholar, Yale University law stu­ cluded, trainees marched to the
fielder, who has clubbed .482 and
dent and former professional battalion area singing t h e Evelyn Murphy had her husband
hit 10 homers in 53 games. Sec­
arrested because he punched her
Dee Moore, Phillies catcher, football ace, now is stationed at of the band.
ond best batter on this hard hit­
in the eye. In court, however, she
has been assigned to the Marines a motor torpedo boat base in the
Orientation programs were in­ asked to have the complaint dis­
ting nine is Hank Danning, form­
and given a 2-week furlough be­ New Georgia Islands.
troduced here by the first incre­ missed. "I guess I had it com­
er Giants catcher, with .432. He
fore reporting to the San Diego
is followed by Nanny Fernandez
Col. Paul D. Bunker, CA, who ment of the 52nd Battalion and ing,” she said. “You see, I bit
(Cal.) base for training.
of the Braves, a .411 sticker and
died Sept. 7 in a Japanese prison later adopted by other units. In him first.”
Red Ruffing, alternating be­
camp, was an All-American foot­ charge of Sunday’s show, the
Backbone of the football team
tween the mound and the out­
ball player at West Point in 1901 most elaborate to date, was Lt.
at Camp Davis, N. C. is built and 1902. In 1901 Col. Bunker] Albert P. Willis of Company B.
field, with a .383 average.
around Cpl. John Melius, Villa-
was named to Walter Camp’s :
Another ex-Cardinal, Cpl. Enos nova All-American tackle in 1935 All-American team as a tackle ! Off-the-Beam Pigeons Pick
(Country) Slaughter, is hitting
and the next year he made the Ft. W ood for Landing Spot
an even .500 against GI pitching. York Giants.
team as halfback. He was cap - 1 Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. (CNS)
tured by the Japanese at Corre­ — Three off-the-beam Signal
Pvt. Terry Moore, former cap-
Lt. (jg) Byron Raymond gidor.
Corps carrier pigeons bearing
tain and star center fielder of the (Whizzer) White, All-American
messages for Camp Crowder,
Lt. Archie Williams, former Mo. landed here. The birds wrere
track star at the University of placed in the care of a former
California and a member of the pigeon racer stationed here until
1936 Olympic team, has been as­ arrangements could be made to
P u t it i of Public Relations
signed to the Tuskegee Army send them on to Camp Crowder
U. S. W ar Department
Air Field, Ala., as weather offi­
Here's the new lapel button
cer. Lt. Williams holds the
Mt. Kisco, N. Y. (CNS)—John which will be awarded to men
world's record for the 400-meter
Williams’ car jumped a curb, and women honorably discharg­
struck and severed a telephone ed from the present war. When
pole, knocked down a couple of ready for distribution, full par­
Score of Fancies at Dance trees, overturned and rolled up ticulars will be made public so
Find Affair's a "Show er" on an apartment house porch. eligible persons may learn how
Ft. Brady, Mich.—One battery' When onlookers arrived they to get them. The medal is made
of an artillery unit here was found Williams sitting in the of plastic material with gold
tossing a party in its day room, driver’s seat- unhurt.
and had been so gallant as to fix
up the latrine for the gals. The
windows were blacked out to
blind prying GI eyes and every­
fasten it together, place l ’ac stamp in
thing possible had been done for
corner, mail)
the comfort of the lovely lassies.
About 20 gals were powdering
and painting when a male head
poked slowly out of the shower
loom. The gals beat a hasty re­
stam p
treat while the soldier dressed
and scrammed. He had been
stranded in the shower.
Stage Show
N o w don t w orry about yo u r coo kin g not agre eing
w ith m y stom ach dear
m y governm e nt insurance
p olicy covers all ha za rd o us u n d erta kin gs
Wichita. Kan. (CNS* Postal
officials here are looking for
Frank Roe. They've been look­
ing for him ever since the last
war. They want to give him his
Army discharge papers issued
Dec. 24, 1918.
Camp Abbot, Oregon