Saturday, Oct. 2, 1943 ABBOT ENGINEER Page Four TANK POISON 54th Cagers Add New Wins To Long List Rider Leaves SSO for Post At Hospital Company D of the 54th Engin­ eer Training Battalion, length­ ened its string of consecutive victories this week by defeating three Post teams—Co. D of the 55th Bn., Co. C of the 56th and a “ get-together” team composed of three officers and two non- coms. The undefeated 54th contin­ gent marched roughshod over Co. D of the 55th, winning the contest 60 to 16. High scorer for the 54th was Kinney, who amas­ sed a total of 14 points. Co. C of the 56th met a sim­ ilar fate Monday night, losing its contest by a 46 to 8 margin. Kinney took additional laurels by dropping in 30 tallies, against five for Cunningham, the oppo­ sition’s high point man. A return game was scheduled with Co. C last night. Against the “ get-together” Bazooka is the slang name for this weapon which has proved so deadly against enemy tanks and team Wednesday night, Co. D which has been classified "secret” until recently. I t ’s GI name is Launcher, AT, M l. It can be oper- ated by one man i na pinch and shoots a big spurt of flame out its tail. The guy who holds it feels won by a score of 48 to 17. practically no kick ata all Previously, the 54th team won over Co. A, 53rd Bn., by a score oi 30 to 23; Co. A 57th, 55 to 0, and Co. C, 54th, 43 to 14. Sgt. M. S. Bratko, manager of the 54th unit, has issued a chal­ lenge to any team on the Post. , <-¡„,...1 ancl ^oips men nere on maneuvers in mid-August. Early in June Rider organized a Post baseball team and entered it in Central Oregon League competi­ tion. Somehow or other the lea­ gue angle fell through, but the Camp Abbot team played Bend and adjoining camps on several occasions. 9 A month later, at Rider’s > « - a f i n n e d tail which provides hest- teams were formed to The W ar Department this i turai steel and railroad rails. pete in a tournament sponsored (By Camp Newspaper Service) The gun’s mechanism consists 1 accuracy in flight. week relaxed restrictions gov by the Amateur Softball Asso- I of a metal tube more than 50 Although the navy took top erning publicity on the power- A two-man team operates the cjation. Service Company emerg- : inches in length and less than , „ , , honors in the National Tennis: iul rocket gUn, named by sol- three inches in diameter, to launchor’ one ilrln8 a " d the ed the winner, but games could tournament when Lt. (jg ) Joe diers the “ bazooka,” and an- which is attached a shoulder other loading. The loader is to not be played o ff until after the Hunt stopped 1 V Coast Guard Sea- [ ^ U d al u U d l (I o c d * Ip a r llin n o f K i It cx • *•_ man Jack Kr :amer, 6-3, 6-8, 1 ( 7 - 8 , ! n° unced that the weapon is be- stock and front and rear grips the right and rear of the firer. aeaanne set ny tne association, tie National National Singles supplied in quantity by the for the firer, sights and an elec- He inserts the rocket, turns a so Camp Abbot was dropped 6-0, to win the Singles from association competition. title, the U. S. Army was in there United States to American and trie battery which sets o ff the contact lever to the “ fire” po- ‘ready” to the Volleyball and basketball con­ other United Nations’ troops. rocket propelling charge when sition, signals punching all the way. Strictly hush, hush until now, the gun or launcher trigger is firer and drops down and away tests were among the more re- Cpl. Prank Parker, former Davis cup star, reached the semi­ the “ bazooka” is a product of j squeezed. The tube, which is from the rear end of the ccnt sPorts ventures, but results so far have not been forthcom- finals in the singles competition long experimentation by the open at both ends, rests on top launcher to avoid the rocket- before bowing to Kramer and Ordnance Department. In action of the shoulder, extending more propelling charge which flashes in®“ Rider began his athletic career paired with Kramer, won the na- on foreign fronts during the past than a foot to the rear of the from the rear of the gun. in the army at Tort Leonard In defensive action, the War tional doubles crown from Wil­ several months it has proved it firer. The rocket itself is nearly two Department pointed out, “ ba- Wood, Mo., more than a year and liam Talbert and PKC Dave self capable of penetrating the Freeman of the Army Air force. armor of any enemy tank used feet long, weighs more than a zooka” teams may be recruited a hal* ago. Priot to his induction Other GIs who participated in against United Nations forces, as hand grenade and resembles a from among chauffeurs, truck e ' ' as Tf n. at . etIC . sl!per'2 S a for the University of Wyorrj the goings-on were PFC Bitsy well as an effective instrument small elongated aerial bomb, drivers, ammunition bearers, of which he is an alumnus. of destruction against thick It has an explosive head, a pro- orderlies, clerks and mess per- Grant, A/C Tom Falkenburg, Rider has been assigned as an Pvt. Bob Odman of Seattle, Cpl. brick walls, rock masonry, struc- pelling charge, powder tube and sonnel. assistant in the Station Hospital Charles Hare of Kt. Meade, Md. operating room. His successor and Pvt. Vincent Paul of Camp season was the Navy Skyjackets Rizzo who used to play for the SHOE SALES HALTED has not been named. Stewart, Ga. Norman, Okla. The Skyjackets Phillies, Pirates, Reds a n d Due to critical supply prob­ are coached by Lt. Charley Dodgers. lems, low quarter shoes hence­ PKC Ed (L efty ) McKadden, Gelbert, former Cardinal short­ YANK DISTRIBUTOR HERE forth will not be sold to officers sports editor of the Tailspin, stop. Their top pitcher is A1 A district supervisor of Yank Camp Davis, N .C. has a tough by the Quartermaster, the Sup- magazine, Pfc Curtis L. Wood, Tinker Field, Okla., reports that Benton, ex-Detroit righthander, the best team his field met this and their leading hitter is Johnny 9-game football schedule set up ply and Service Division an- visited Camp Abbot Monday to for this fall. The Camp Davis nounced this week. This type confer with Lt. V. G. Henderson, eleven will tackle Wake Forest shoe is au,horized for issue only Special Service Officer, and Post North Carolina State North to enlis,ed men of the Medical Exchange Officer, Lt. Charles rV Carolina Navy Pre flight David Corps stationed at iixed hosPi- Keithahn regarding the publiciz- son Collece Camn I M cm s pt tals- Requisitions for shoes for ing and distribution of the maga- on i_oiuge, camp LeJeune, ft . enlisted men who cannot wear zine here official army Monroe, Presbyterian College, service shoes because of phys- organ of, by ,and for enlisted Daniel Field and the University ical disability must be submitted men, the magazine began publi- of North (Carolina on successive separately with a medical certi- cation a year ago and contains Saturdays. ficate which not only recom- articles, serious and humorous, Enemy Has Learned Effectiveness Of Deadly New Rocket Projectile SPORT SLANTS George Selkirk «-Y a n k ee out- -. .. . s . ’ ... 10 t r, .¡S n'!» shoe but states the nature of the man’s disability. Those wishing to purchase shoes from other sources may obtain shoe certifi- cates from the Quartermaster in ueu 0f stamps. news items o i camPs- SP01^ views, cartoons, and numerous other features including the pic- torial trials and tribulations of “ Sad Sack.” Yank is available to service men through post ex- changes or by subscription. SFND THE ENGINEER HOME (Fold paper, fasten it together, place l ,*c stamp in comer, mail) From Hi Cent stamp Here Camp Abbot, Oregon