Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, September 25, 1943, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Saturday, Sept. 25, 1943
Page Two
Will Receive
Chance to Make 48
Conduct Medals New Units Under
OCS Now Remote
Good Conduct medals (rib­
bons until after the war) will be
awarded to 48 Camp Abbot sol­
Although all enlisted men still diers at the first parade, to be
September 25, 1943
have a chance to apply and be scheduled in October, the Per­
sonnel Division announced this
for officer candidate
Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests o f the personnel
week. The awards will represent
of Camp Abbot, Oregon, under supervision of the Special Service Officer. News
Two new units came under the
schools, it will be practically im­
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot is furnished by the Public Relations Branch and
both September and October
is available for general release.
possible to be accepted, accord­ quotas, the awarding of ribbons supervision of Maj. M. J. Cuad-
Written contributions, art work and photographs are solicited and should he
ing to new restriction and re- in September having been can- ra, Headquarters commandant,
directed to the Public Relations Branch, Post Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone
visions in that system.
celled because of a conflict with last week with the transfer of
The ABBOT ENGINEER receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper
the Special Training unit from
In a memorandum just issued the Dedication ceremony,
Service, War Dep't., 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Credited material may not
the 11th Engineer Training
be republished without permisión o f Camp Newspaper Service.
by the AGO in Washington ad-
Unit quotas: Service Company
Group and creation of a Casual
vised commanding officers to in- and Camp Abbot band, 11; Sup-
Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by m ail: 50
sure the selection of only “ the ply Company, 11; Military Po-
cents for three months; six months, $1.00; one year, $1.50.
The newly - formed Casual
most outstanding accepted appli- lice Company, two; Casual Coin­
Company is in charge of admin­
çants to fill their current quot- pany, one; Medical Detachment,
istration for all casuals and dis­
four; Special Training Com-
charge cases. Previously, casuals
“ These restrictions virtually pany, one; 11th Engineer Train-
were assigned to almost any unit
mean that commanding officers jng Group, 10, and 12th Group,
which could accomodate them.
Entertainment On and O ff the Post for Week
will recommend only superior eight.
September 25 to October 1
Personnel includes trainees re­
candidates for interview before
Col. Frank S. Besson, ERTC turning from furlough and
awaiting assignment, men await-
of a statement from the Camp bons Tim(1
(Hfn of th_ nn .
‘ ?
T , ........“ Z.“ "
Informal Dance, Officers’ Club, Camp Abbot.
------- H b o n s ’ T l m e and da,P of th0 pa' mg discharges and former ASTP
Abbot procurement section.
Open House, Bond USO.
rade will be announced.
students. Since strength of the
I These restrictions have been
unit may vary from just a small
Bible Class Post Chapel, 7:30 p. m.
instituted as result of a large
group of men to several hund­
j number of Arm y officers at the New Troop Cars to Provide
“ Camp Abbot on Parade” KBND, 7:45, weekly radio show.
red and the company itself has
present time. The quota in prac­ More Comfort for Soldiers
accomodations for only 250 men,
tically every arm and branch has
Open House, Bend USO.
Traveling soldiers will make it may be necessary to quarter
been filled. In view of this some their station-to-station jaunts in
excess casuals in training battal­
! of the officer candidate schools greater comfort once newly-de-
SATURDAY “ FRONTIER BAD MEN,” Diana Barrymore, Lon have been closed. The latest is signed, triple-decked sleepers re-
Other units under Major Cuad-
Chaney, Andv Devine; Short Subjects.
the Army Administration School eentlv ordered hv the Transnnr.
- tne iranspor ra are Service Company, the
SUNDAY and MONDAY—"DESTROYER,” Edward G. Robinson
- u r..,,!.
• • ,
- . . - , - - ni,
- , - ,
' dj
at Ft. Washington,. Md. The Ad- tation Corps hit the rails. Three Wac company, Supply Company
Glenn Ford, Marguerite Chapman; Short Subjects
Ancient Scroll
For Jewish Rite
Ward is in command of the Cas­
Designed exclusively for trans­ ual Company.
portation of troops, each of the
| cars will carry 30 men. For day-
I time travel the triple-wide seats Officers Sponsor Programs
New Bayonets Designed to Takes More Than One Man
| are grouped in sections on one At Post's New Picnic Site*
Aid Troops in Jungle Fighîs To 'Lick' W ac Company
Production of a new 10-inch
Stout Field, Ind—During ma
bleached sido of the aisles. Upper berths
of Camp _______
Abbot spon-
bayonet for the Army and Mar
neuvers here one (1) soldier was white and minute Hebrew char- are f‘xod and can be used any sore(j a pjcnic at the new picnic
ine Corps is underway, accorcT sent to the W AC barracks to tell acters, each a jewel of perfec- ,ime- Backs of seats are raised site near the fixed bridge area
ing to the current issue of the the gals they were captured. The tion, is the Jewish Torah, which ,0 iorm the middle bunks and ]ast Sunday evening. A feature
Arm y and Navy Journal. The WACs, who take maneuvers seri- will be used for the first time tho seat itself is converted into o{ the outjng was group singing,
new blade and scabbard will re- ously, tittered among themselves here at holiday services of Rosh ,he lower. Each car has wash- with musicai accompaniment by
place the present 16-inch blade ] and then rebelled openly with Ha-Shona and Yom Kippur the rooms and a drinking fountain Mrs. J. E. Campbell, wife of Maj-
as quickly as supplies become | the attitude that it would take end of the month. Rolled on two and each section a rack for weap- or Campbell of the 12th Engineer
available. Just as deadly as the more ,han a single soldier to spools of polished mahogany, ons-
Training Group, and daughter,
longer blade, the new 10-inch [ capture them. Before the captor the scroll contains the first five
Three hundred kitchen cars al Betty Jean, accordionists.
blade possesses a number of ad­ know what was happening the books of the Bible and is used at so were ordered by the Trans-
Volleyball, horseshoes, bridge,
vantages over the older bayonet. WACs had rushed him, thrown services much as the Bible is portation Corps.
ping pong, boating and darts
furnished entertainment during
Affixed to the end of a rifle, the him to the floor and he was beg- used in Protestant and Catholic
new bayonet being much closer ging them to give him back his services.
the early part of the evening,
| Approximately four feet in
following which a picnic supper
to the hands can be manipulated rifle.
--------------------- -----
! length, the scroll is complete To Guide Visitors in Camp was served by the Officers’
to give a faster and deeper cut.
A number ot new directional
with a cover of silver satin and
Its shorter length makes it val­
mess. About 100 guests attended.
Approximately 15 trailer units an exquisitely-carved
hand of signs " i l l appear soon along
uable as a trench knife. Six inch-
In charge of arrangement^
es less of bayonet to tangle with still are available at the Bend ivory to be used as a “ pointer” Center St., Maj. C. C. Hull, Post were Major M. J. Cuadra, Lt. VN
underbrush in jungle fighting Trailer camp, the Personnel Di- in following the text.
It is in Ltigincer, said today,
G. Henderson, Lt. John D. Tracy
and six inches less of scabbard vision announced this week, scribed in the purest Hebrew,
the signs will be patterned and Warrant Officer Marvin L
to slap against thighs while men Qualified civilian employes may various characters being embel- aiter ,he one now at the mter- Tragerman.
are on the march may also be obtain application forms from lished with very fine brush- section of Warehouse and Cen-
the Civilian Personnel Branch, strokes which add to the beauty ler Sts-’ and " i l l indicate the
listed as advantages.
of the manuscript.
routes to the various Camp
Building 201.
A recent War Department cir-
Each synagogue has its own areas-
Torah, usually a _ gift from a | The making and erection of cular reveals that no soldier may
Four Camp Abbot soldiers
new Posts is part of the pro- henceforth be shipped overseas
Louise L. Bloodworth, 2nd Lt., member, and there is no specifi-
left this week to attend the Engi- Wac, arrived at Camp Abbot cation as to the size of the Kram being carried out by the if he doesn’t meet the minimum
neer Officer Candidate School Sunday, September 19, to as- scroll; however, it must be of Post Engineer’s office to place induction standards or if he has
at Fort Bclvoir, Va. They are: some duty with the Wac Com- either parchment or vellum and signposts on al* streets within a neuro-psychiatric condition of
Sgt. Clarence W. Dietterich of pany here. Lt. Bloodworth w’as the characters inscribed by per- the confines of Camp Abbot both any kind, hernia, perforated ear-
Company B, 56th Battalion: Sgt. formerly Recruiting Officer at sons chosen for the delicate task directional and, where needed, drum or Class 1 dental condi-
Kenneth M . Holmberg o f Co. B. Seattle. Wash.
ecau se n
e ir s
a in tlv c charac­
h a ra r. f ° r traffic.
of f th
ter. Almost a lost art, the Torahs
55th Bn.; Sgt. Hugh R. Holstrom
in existence today are extremely
of Headquarters Detachment.
31th Engineer Training Group.
Assigned to the Medical De-! valuable and, in many cases, are
and CpI. James E. Johnson of tachment at the Station Hospital many hundreds of years old,
Co. B, 56th Bn.
Pfc Bevely Potasnik, Wac com­ claiming their origin in the
pany, began duty this week fol­ Balkan countries.
The Torah, which will be used
lowing her arrivel from Butte,
Sgt. “ I only go out with the Montana, where she had been in at Camp Abbott by Chaplain
Norman H. Goldburg, was ob­
girls who wear glasses.”
recruiting service.
San Francisco
Pvt. “ Why?”
Sgt.: “ I breathe on ’em and
Pass The ENGINEER To An­ through the efforts of the Jewish
then they can’t see what I ’m other Abbotman—He’ll Appreci­ Welfare Society of that city. It
is more than 100 years old.
ate It.
Bal' Virginia Weidler, Harry James’ orchestra; RKO News.
Alan Carey, Margaret Landry; Short Subjects.___________________
The Wolf
It's Your Duty to Write Home
We can’t all send a captured Jap or Nazi home to Mom but each
of us can send letters that will be appreciated almost as much.
E ' cry soldier knows that next to chow call the most popular is
mail call. Ho knows hi^w avidly he looks forward to letters, cards
and any other evidence that his friends and loved ones are well
and thinking of him.
This same thing is true of the folks at home. They are just as
anxious to know all about you. Your activities, promotions and
general well being, are of vital interest to them. You owe it to the
friends and family to contribute in this manner to civilian morale,
\ our letters need not be long but make them cheerful and in-
terrsting. And above all see that they are sent with a rgularity
that is assurance of the love and affection we hold for intimates
on the Home Front. The postman's whistle is a welcome sound . . .
Write, soldier, write!
by Sansone
Ex-Abbot Officer Finds
"Dream" Assignment
Life as commanding officer of
____ unit
_ _ is “ __
all this _ and
heaven too," according to a letter
received by a Camp Abbot offi-
cer from Capt. Ab Jolly, former
commanding officer of Supply
company. SCU, here,
Capt. Jolly is commander of a
company, composed of three pla-
toons, he writes. In addition he
acts as instructor in seven sub-
The former Camp Abbot offi-
cer added “we go dressed up all
A¡2 b * ; e
»•-SES Uvé.AASH-
* You II just love my cooking1“