Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, September 11, 1943, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Saturday, Sept. 11, 1943
Page Two
September 11, 19-13
Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests of the personnel
of Camp Abbot, Oregon, under supervision of the Special Service Officer. News
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot ia iurniahed by the Public Relations Branch and
is available for Keneral release.
Written contributions, art work and photographs are solicited and should be
:lirooted to the Public Relations Branch, Post Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone
The ABBOT ENGINEER receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper
Service, War Dep't., 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Credited material may not
be republished without permision of Camp Newspaper Service.
Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by m ail: 50
cents for three months; six months, $1.00; one year, $1.50.
Entertainment On and Off the Post for Week
September 10 to September 17
Dance, USO Club, Bend.
Open House, USO, Bend.
Form al Dance, O fficers' Club, Camp Abbot.
Open House, USO, Bend.
Bible Class, Post Chapel, 7:30 p. m.
Dedication Notes
The first W ac m ilitary police­
man was on d u t y Dedication
Day. T/5 Rosemary Kassap,
who is assigned to the office of
the Provost Marshal, assisted in
handling the crowd at the hos­
pital ceremony. Some dog faces
had to look twice to make sure
their eyes were not deceiving
them when they noted a Wac
wearing the fam iliar brassard.
Although the high ranking
arm y officials, through an over­
sight, failed to give the Wacs
much mention in their speeches
to the crowd, they w ere the
only unit on the post to score in­
dividually on the radio chain
broadcast o f the day’s happen­
ings. Lt. E lw ell told the air lis­
teners o f what C a m p Abbot
Wacs were doing to help win the
w ar when the program went on
the air and she was escorted from
camp to the radio station by a
full colonel-Col. Snow, public re­
lations officer o f the IV Arm y
Five Abbot Wacs Chosen
For Hospital Training
Five members of t h e W ac | ard, an eight-week course given
company at Camp Abbot will be fo r medical technicians. Each
members of a class of 1,000 will return to this station on
Wacs enrolled in the Army-Na- completion o f their respective
vy hospital school, Hot Springs, courses. Classes w ill start to-
Ark., in military hospital train- day.
ing courses.
Pfe. Lu tz was one o f the 45
Each will be enrolled in one Wacs from all camps of the
of the five separate courses of- country selected fo r the X-Ray
fered. Corp. Flora George will technicians course, while the
attend the surgical technical \ others were chosen as one of
school fo r eight weeks, while groups o f 100 who were initial-
Private First C l a s s Della M. ly selected. This group will be
Burger and Aleta J. Billups, w i l l , increased later to make up the
be enrolled In the dental and lab- 1,000 quota set by the W ar De­
schools, respectively, partment. new classes being
Both o f these schools w ill con- started each month,
tinue for 12 weeks. Private First
The new field o f training now
Class Pancy O. Lutz will attend opened to members o f the Wac
a 12-week course for X-Ray tech- has heretofore been restricted
nicians, and PFC Helen M. Sew- i to m ilitary personnel.
just as he had finished “ run­
ning” the obstacle course said
he thought
the course
make a man of him but he’d
“ rather be in Bellingham.”
Ex-Aggies Will
See Themselves
In Movie Here
The M ilitary Police company,
Capt. M. P. Coover, Intelli­
resplendent in white gloves and
gence Officer, dodged in and out
“ Camp Abbot on Parade,” W eekly Radio Show, KBND, 7:45 to 8
commendation o f camp visitors. of the crowd, like a sniper in
p. m.
the jungles of the Southwest
N early 100 trainees who came
Open House, USO, Bend.
Members o f the headquarters Pacific, spotting cameras which
Camp Abbot from Texas A &
companies—the units who are were forbidden, except to those
Dance, USO, Bend.
M College w ill see themselves on
assigned to camp sta ff divisions,
the screen next Thursday and
minus those who were on duty— he had them all and when the
Friday when W arner Brothers’
fo r which the commander’s
new picture “ W e’ve N ever Been
might have breathed “ thanks,” laxed a bit. Then, right in front
F R ID A Y — “ TH IS IS T H E A R M Y ,” all star cast; R K O News.
Licked” comes to the Post
made a most creditable showing o f him, out came a lady with a
S A T U R D A Y — “ A L A S K A H IG H W A Y ,” Jean Parker, Richard
theatre. Over 80 per cent o f the
Arlen. “ Danger, Women at W ork,” M ary Brian, Patty Kelly, in the review.
production was film ed on the
cord the proceedings.
W arren Hyman.
college campus last winter when
Dale Vincent, official post
S U N D A Y and M O N D A Y “ S A L U T E TO TH E M A R IN E S ,” (all in
the trainees w ere in the E. R. C.
technicolor), featuring W allace Beery, Fay Bainter. R KO News, photographer, and Sgt. Ed. Pitra,
there and the entire student body
Short Subjects.
publications branch, made a pic­
o f over 7,000 cadets assisted in
T U E S D A Y and W E D N E S D A Y — “ TH E S K Y ’S TH E L IM IT ,” Fred ture story of the day’s events,
Astaire. Joan Leslie, Robert Benchley.
the film.
T H U R S D A Y "W E ’VE N E V E R BEEN L IC K E D ,” with Richard but your correspondent is con­
To celebrate the occasion, the
vinced they missed the best pic­
Quinn, Noah Beery. Jr., Ann Gwynne. Also Pathe News.
Texas A ggies w ill have a brief
ture o f the day when they fail­
(Continued From Page One)
yell practice fifteen minutes be­
Post Chapel (Bldg. 208). Sunday ed to record the training bat­ eradicate
breeding fore the first show Thursday.
Sept 12, 0900 Mass Post Chapel. talions leaving f o r their bar­ I areas.
Several Camp Abbot officers
1830 (6:30 p. m.) Mass Post racks, the ceremony concluded.
Col. Crandall was in the
Chapel, 1710 (5:15 p.m.) Mass Spreading fan-wise, in opposite South Pacific area from May also are form er Texas A & M
daily except Thursday, Post directions, they resembled troops 1942 to January 1943. He served students. They include Post
the zone as Senior medical officer of the Chaplain W illiam H. Andrew,
Chapel. Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1900 m a r c h i n g
Capts. J. M. Haille and John C.
(Continued From Page One)
(7:00 p. m.) Choir Rehearsal operations — a p i c t u r e that . Arm y there and also as port
Nelson and Lt. R ay V. Jarvis.
surgeon to an advanced Arm y
learned that one phase o f the
similar troop movement 25 years and N avy base and as Medical
training will involve an attack
Sunday Sept. 12, 1000, Post ago this month on the eve o f the Department liasion officer on
o f an "enem y” village which will
“ There is no hard and fast
be built on a high promotory in Chapel (Bldg. 208). 1930 (7:30 p. attack on St. Mihiel salient, in the staff of the Admiral in com­
mand of all naval forces in the rule that a salute should not bo
the camp area and stormed by m.) Post Chapel, Monday. Sept. France.
South Pacific. One duty o f Col. rendered at distances beyond 30
troops in an problem similiar to 13, 1930 ( 7:30 p. m.) Bible Study
A trainee from Bellingham, Crandall was to eo-operate with paces,” Col. Frank S. Besson,
that encountered in actual com­ Class, Post Chapel. Wednesday,
Sept. 15, 1900 ( 7:00 p. m.) Choir Wash., whose name the “ Engi­ the senior medical officer on the Post commander, said this week
neer’s” usually “ on the ball” cor­ admiral’s staff and the task sur­ in reminding Camp Abbot sold­
The training director also in­ Rehearsal, Post Chapel.
respondent failed to catch,” geons, in working plans fo r med­ iers that the saluting distance is
dicated that additional stress
Sunday, Sept. 12 0700, Catho­ should be given a paid up mem­ ical supplies, evacuation o f cas­ the distance at which an officer
w ill be placed on training in
planting and removal o f demoli­ lic Confessions, Red Cross Rec bership by the home town ualties and locating hospitals. can be recognized. Colonel Bes­
tions, the latter in particular, for Hall. 0730, Catholic Mass, Red chamber o f commerce. Inter­ Col. Crandall is a veteran of son also pointed out that it is as
by Johnny Carpenter, World W ar 1, having served important to be courteous to jun­
it was the wide and lavish use Cross Rec Hall. 1000, Protestant viewed
K O I N ’s versatile announcer, overseas with the 35th Division. iors as to seniors.
o f land mines in Sicily that held Service, Red Cross Rec Hall.
lip the American troops advance.
Electrical mine detectors o f the
Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1900(7:00
type used in the Sicilian opera­
tion have arrived and will be p. m.) L. D. S. Service, 11th
I he bravery of our American fighter pilots found a strange reward the other day and the>
Group Chapel, Thursday, Sept.
used in field demonstrations.
were presented with the Purple Heart, not by any general but by Frances Langford, a voluptu
16, 1900 ( 7:30 p. m.t Christian
ous show girl who appeared for the solemn occasion in an orchid colored fem ale zoot suit which
Science Service Post Chapel.
gave the assembled multitude an unhampered view of the young woman’s stomach, says a dis­
patch appearing in the Chicago Daily News.
Thursday, Sept. 16, 1900, 12th
A lte r piesenting the decoration for gallantry to three of the American heroes, Miss Langforc
Group Chapel (Bldg. 754'.
Tost C h a p e l . BUitr. 208: 11th Gp.
donated each o f them what a recent issue of Stars and Stripes describes as “ a resounding smack
Chapel. FUI*. 1255 : 12th Gp. Chapel.
that was no W ill Hayes kiss by any means.”
KUtg. 754 : Hospital Chapel in Reti Crosa
Inform al Activities, USO, Bend.
Medical Chief
Training Cycle
Recreation hall.
Company “ C” is winner o f the
Friday, Sept. 10, 1930 (7:30) p.
m. 11th Group Chapel (Bldg. 54th Tng. Bn. championship. Its
team downed “ A ” company, 10
to 6, in the championship game
Saturday, Sept. 11,Confessions Wednesday e ening..
Male Call
The three men whose bravery was recognized in this Hollywood manner w ere First Lieut
^ ^
Pittsburgh, Flying O fficer James I. Poole of Clearfield, Pa., and Flying Officer
Cec.1 O. Dean o f Panama City Fla. Capt. W alter B. W alker of Stamford, Conn., got a medal from
Miss Langford without the trimmings.
" J , * ™ 0' ™ " h0 U rPSp0nSiblc for orSani7inff this little travesty on what is generally sup
posed to be a solemn occasion.
by Milton Caniff, creator of Terry and the Pirates
Slight Snaf In Cupid s Path