Thursday, Sept. 2, 1943 Post Volleyball Tourney Slated To Begin Monday A post-wide volleyball tourna­ ment in which all battalions of the Engineer Replacement Train­ ing Center, the Service Com­ pany, the Supply Co., the Mili­ tary Police Co., and the Medical Detachment will participate is scheduled to begin Monday, Roy L. Rider of the Post Special Service Office has announced. Contests between squads and platoons to determine company champions will be scheduled by the 11th and 12th Engineer Training Groups of which they are member units. Once com­ pany champions have been de­ termined ,the Special Service Of­ fice will distribute elimination bracket forms to units and con­ tests will be held on a two-game elimination system. When the battalion champions have been chosen, play will pro­ ceed on a best-two-games-out-of- three basis. Battalion and carde unit play­ offs are scheduled to begin about September 14. The championship game will be played on the All- Purpose Recreation Hall court. Other contests will be held in the company areas. ABBOT ENGINEER Page Five Pensions Boosted For G l's W id o w s "Farewell" Party At Supply Unit * Widows of war veterans killed during wartime will receive $50 a month under terms of legisla tion signed last week by Presi­ Members of Supply company, dent Roosevelt. The pension will SCU 1973, gave a party Tues­ supplement benefits from Na­ day night in honor of their form­ tional Life Insurance. er commanding officer, Capt. Ab Widows with one child will re­ ceive $65 monthly and $13 more Jolly, who has been assigned as assistant commandant and Lt.< for each additional child. New peacetime • service - con­ Gene Foley-Gilmartin, adminis­ nected death pension rates are j trative officer. It likewise was set at approximately 75 per cent; the last gathering of the Supply com pan y personnel. Today, of the wartime amount. Under the old law, widows un­ many are no longer members, der 50 years of age receive $38 but remain attached, pending monthly and $45 monthly for transfer, due to the reorganiza­ those over 50. The new law elim­ tion of camp facilities and at­ tendant reduction in personnel. inates the age differential. Others are leaving via the dis­ charge route. As result the Mo­ War Games Cancel Fights tor company has been combined i f eiTA r-G r e M i r u c t h C iO Between ERTC, Signalmen with Supply company and is now A fight program scheduled commanded by Lt. George W., Tuesday night at Camp Abbot Ealey. Following beer and sand­ (0 ! J y Can you direct us to the Motor Pool?" between boxers of the Engineer Replacement Training Canter wiches an impormptu floor show and a Signal Corps unit partici­ was staged in the company mess pating in Central Oregon man­ hall. Corp. Johnny Koll acted as euvers was cancelled this week master of ceremonies, and Pvts. when operations of the latter Ignatius Esspiale and George unit intervened. In an earlier Gorlier, furnished the music and set-to with the Signalmen, ERTC singing. It likewise was the last day for 1st Sergeant F. E. Milli- Power steam shovels, to be M/Sgt. Bill Anthony, but his fighters won two fights, lost two kin as top kick of the outfit. He used by Camp Abbot trainees in crew was able to repair all but and fought to a draw in another. is awaiting a new assignment. learning the “Arm y way” of one. handling these ponderous ma­ NEW SOCKS FOR ARM Y The shovels are used for load­ chines, are being repaired by ing cinders to be taken to the 1« MORE MINERS LEAVE Cotton dress socks don’t make mechanics assigned to the mo-1 rock crusher and prepared for the grade in the field, the War Ten enlisted men, most of tor pool. use on post roads, as one fea­ Department has decided, so out­ whom were from recently acti­ Some were rather “ beat up ture of trainees’ engineer basic standing contracts for them have vated engineer training battal­ jobs” on arrival, according to training. been cancelled. Stocks of cotton ions, were transferred this week socks on hand will be distribut­ to Fort Douglas, Utah, for pos­ is coached by Cpl. Billy Conn and ed, but future orders will specify sible release to work in western mines. Cpl. Dan Mooney. The latter is a a mixture of cotton and wool. former featherweight contender. Joe Di Maggio is hitting again. He broke out of a slump recently The boxing team at Tuskegee when he clubbed a triple and sin­ (Ala.) Arm y A ir Field, which re­ gle in four trips to the dish while cently captured an inter-post his Santa Ana, (Cal.) team was fight tournament held at Ft. losing to the Kelleys of Kirtland Benning, Ga., is looking around Field, N. M., 6 to 5. for challengers. Power Steam Shovels Fixed By Motor Pool Mechanics SERGEANTS GOING STRONG The membership roster of the newly organized Sergeant’s Cluh stood at 180 on Tuesday, with additional n a m e s expected, M/Sgt. W. R. “ Bub” Shaffer, president revealed recently. All are members in good standing and of the grade of sergeant or above. Over 350 books have been placed in the library and plans are under way for the furnish­ ing of the club rooms in which Johnny Beazley still has his Lt. Don Faurot, former Mis­ ping-pong and pool tables will be stuff. The young St. Louis Cardi- found. Located in Bldg. T-205, I nal star, now pitching for Ft. souri University football men­ the lounge of the Club is open Oglethorpe, Ga., fanned ten, won tor, has been named head coach of the Navy Pre-Flight eleven at all day. 6 to 5 over the Atlanta Naval A ir Iowa City, la., succeeding Lt. Station in his last outing. Col. Bernie Bierman, now on duty elsewhere with the Marine WAR ENCYCLOPEDIA Pvt. Maxie Shapiro, New York Corps. AIRCRAFT lightweight who holds a ring de­ cision over Lightweight Champ Homer Peel, ex - New York Bob Montgomery, is punching Giant outfielder and now man­ the bag around at the A A F basic ager of the Norfplk (Va.) Naval training center in Greensboro, N. Base nine, has been admitted to C. the Base hospital where he will B R 1 T IS H undergo a hernia operation. S U P E R M A R IN E S P IT F IR E Marine Lt. Ted Lyons, former While he’s away, the team will White Sox pitcher, has been as­ be run by Chubby Hugh Casey, S IN G L E -S E A T E R FIGHTER CAN signed to duty in the Pacific former Brooklyn Dodger bullpen C lIM B T O 11,000 FT. IN LESS Coast area. THAN S M IN U T ES. SPEED OF great. SPORT SLANTS 367 M R H . SPAN IS 3 6 FT. 1037 H.P. ROLLS-ROYCE ENGINE. C ARR IES 8 M ACH INE GUNS. Fred Lineham, former line Cpl. Martin Fogel, M i a m i coach at NYU, is now a lieuten­ Beach golf pro, won the Enlisted ant stationed at Camp Campbell, Men’s golf tournament at Ft. Ky. where the Post boxing team Hancock, N. J. last week with a two round score of 146. Sgt. Joe Louis, his old spar­ ring partner, F/Sgt. George Nicholson, and Cpl. Ray Robin­ son have begun a 100-day boxing exhibition tour of of U. S. Army camps. A D O G 'S LIFE — Photo by Vincent. Post Photographer These Abbot trainees appear to be recognizing, and painfully, the importance of feet in 1943’s army. Miles of steady marching over rough and rock ground, al accompished in heavy G. I. shoes, is not so easy on the feet of rookies The Wolf by Sansone Ask Discharged Soldiers To Send Back Uniform Because crothlng that honor­ ably discharged enlisted men are authorized to retain constitutes in the aggregate a large drain on Army supplies, the War De­ partment is ordering that each discharged man be informed that if he does not wish to retain his uniform clothing he may return it voluntarily either in person or by shipping it at government expense via express, according to the current issue of the Army and Navy Journal. T il« ' K f f f p li o n e w n ” ( f i l l the s t o r y o f D m f o r p o r a l w h o s a i d : " I t ' s r o s y to w rit# a p la y . F ir s t act. hoy a r c t i l i r l ; second act. they hold h a n d s ; t h ir d act. they k i s s ’’ S a id the P fc. s o f t ly : ‘T h a t ’s h o w I got arre ste d .’* " U t a r r e s t e d ? w h a t do y o a sse on ? ” A d d e d the P r i v a t e : ’ W e ll, yo a see. I w ro te a fiv e a ct play.** 'I t o y Swing If you boy* want anything alta — tpaalc up1^