Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, September 02, 1943, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, Sept. 2, 1943
Page Three
Urge Insurance
Before Too Late '
General Abbot Organized
Siege Against Richmond
Record in Com bat Tells
Thrilling Narrative of
Officers Brilliance
command of the Siege Artillery
of the armies operating against
Richmond, being engaged in the
Henry L. Abbot, after whom
of Petersburg, including
Camp Abbot is named, was born
August 13, 1831, in Massachus­ the mine assault, Battle of Fort
etts, He was graduated from the Steadman, and assault of the
United States Military Academy, Rebel intrenchments, as Chief of
West Point, New York, on July Artillery of the Department of
1, 1854, and was made a brevet Virginia; and in command of a
second lieutenant, Engineers, on brigade in the defenses of
that same date. He was commis­ Washington, D. C.
sioned a second lieutenant Octo­
A Brevet Major General
ber 2, 1855.
He was made a brevet captain
He first served as Assistant in on July 21, 1861; brevet major
the Office of the Pacific Rail­ on May 4, 1862; was promoted
road Surveys, Washington, D. to captain, Engineers, on June
, from October, 1854, to 18,
1862; brevet brigadier gen­
1855. From May, 1855, to May, eral, United States Volunteers,
1856. he served on survey of a on August 1, 1864; and a brevet
railroad route between Cali­ major general, United States Vol­
fornia and Oregon, and as As­ unteers, on March 13, 1865. He
sistant in the Office of Explora­ was made a brevet lieutenant col­
tion and Surveys, Washington, onel, brevet colonel, and brevet
D. C. He was on hydrographic brigadier general. United States
survey of the delta of the Missis­ Army, on March 13, 1865. He
sippi River, Louisiana, from was mustered out of Volunteer
May 1856 to July 1861.
Service on September 25, 1865,
and w a s promoted to major,
Wounded at Hull Run
He was promoted to first lieu­ Corps of Engineers on Novem­
tenant, Engineers, on July 1, ber 11, 1865.
His next service was in com­
1857. He served during the Re­
bellion of the Seceding States mand of the Engineer Battalion
from 1861 to 1866 as: Assistant at W illet’s Point, New York, and
Topographic Engineer on the as Superintendent Engineer of
Staff of Brigadier General Mc­ the construction of Fort Schuy­
Dowell; as Chief Topographical ler, New York, for one month,
Engineer of General Tyler’s Di­ from November to December,
vision in t h e Manassas Cam­ 1865. He then became Assistant
paign; the Battle of Bull Run Engineer in examination of the
in July, 1831, where he was Mississippi levees until May,
wounded; as Assistant Topogra­ 1866, when he assumed com­
phic Engineer in the Defenses of mand of the Engineer Battalion
Washington on the Staff of Gen­ and Engineer School of Appli­
eral McDowell; as Assistant to cation in June, 1866. He also
General Barnard in the construc­ was in command of the Post and
tion of field works south of the Engineer Depot at Willet’s Point,
Potomac; as Aide-de-Camp to New York, in June, 1868, to May,
General Barnard in the Virginia 1886. During this our of duty
Peninsular Campaign (Arm y of he served on various Engineer
the Potomac); and various engi­ Boards and was Superintendent
neer duties of the Seven Days’ Engineer of various construc­
Operations before Richmond, in­ tions.
cluding the preparation of maps;
Died in 1928
again as Aide-de-camp to Gen­
He was promoted to lieutenant
eral Barnard, being engaged in colonel, Corps of Engineers, on
the southern ap­ March 31, 1880, and to colonel,
proaches to Alexandria, Vir­ Corps of Engineers, on October
ginia; as Chief Topographical 12, 1886. His next assignment
Engineer of General Banks’ ex­ was as Chief Engineer for the
pedition to the Gulf of Mexico; inspection of engineer work of
in command of a regiment or the Northeastern territory of the
brigade in the defenses of Wash­ United States in December, 1888.
ington; as member of Board of From January, 1890, to August,
Engineers to reorganize system 1895, he was stationed in New
of seacoast fortifications; in York City as President of the
organizing Siege Train for the Permanent Board of Engineers;
armies operating against Rich­ President of the Harbor Line
mond; in command of the Siege Boards of New York and Boston,
Artillery of the Army of the and of various other boards; and
James; and of the Siege Artil­ member of the Board of Ord­
lery of t h e armies operating nance and Fortifications. He re­
against Richmond; as Chief of tired from active service as a
Artillery of the Expedition to colonel on August 13, 1895, and
Fort Fisher, North Carolina; in was promoted to brigadier gen­
eral on the retired list, April 23,
1894. He died on October 1,
Nail-Up Boy
1928, at Cambridge, Massachus­
His ancestors served in the
W ar of the Revolution: Major
Abiel Abbot, Captain Nathan
Hale, Lieutenant Joseph Hale.
(Taken from General Cullum’s
Biographical Register of the O f­
ficers and Graduates of the Unit­
ed States Military Academy.)
Chicago Organist of Note
Member of Engineer Bn.
To all WACS, WAVES and
SPARS interested, Hollywood
comedian Gil Lamb offers him­
self as "nail-up boy” in open
competition against ptn-up girls.
Private William H. Sumner,
Co. B., 56th Eng. Tra. Bn., was a
musician of note in his home
town, Chicago. Before induction
he was organist at the First Coil
gregational Church, Evanston,
and accompanist for the Chicago
Association of Commerce Glee
Club. His music educational
backgorund includes three years
study at a conservatory of
Save for Security! Save with
Security!—Buy BONDS!
What wilh pulchritude being a scarce item in these parts, we can’t
help letting things like-this slip into our copy. In addition to sing­
ing on an NBC program with Bing Crosby, Pat Hyatt (that’s her
name) models garments such as these occasionally, limm, nice
piece of goods.
Clothing Valued at $10,000
Reclaimed by Salvage Unit
Clothing valued at $10,000 was
reclaimed and restored to quar­
termaster depot stocks for fur­
ther use by the salvage division
of the Supply and Service divi­
sion at Camp Abbot, Capt. John
B. Burgeson reported this week.
Forty thousand pounds of tin,
in the form of tin cans, almost
two-thirds of a car, was gath­
ered; 51 tons of scrap iron, 40,-
000 pounds of cardboard; 10,000
pounds of cooking fats, 6,000
pounds of chuck grease and 2,-
500 pounds of bones and meat
trimmings, rounded out the list
of recent major activities of this
Other activities included the
reclamation of several thousand
blankets, beds and mattresses,
formerly used in the dormitories
and bunk houses erected by the
building contractor of C a m p
Abbot, all of which have been
cleaned, sterilized and repaired
for use in prisoner of war
c a m p s . A total of 9,000 egg
crates help add to the impres­
sive total of work accomplished
by the division.
The division also handles all
salvage for IV corps troops now
in the Central Oregon maneu­
ver area. At the conclusion of
the war games, Capt. Burge-
son’s division will salvage 360,-
000 pounds of copper wire, used
in construction of the 6.000-
mile network of wire communi­
cations necessary in conduct of
the maneuvers.
The army’s program of cloth­
ing and equipage repair and
salvage resulted in saving $4,-
942,000 in the Ninth S e r v i c e
Command during the last fiscal
year, it has been announced by
headquarters of the Ninth Ser­
vice Command at Fort Douglas.
Shops repairing clothing and
equippage were credited with
the largest single amount, $2,-
579,439. Shoe reclamation added
$12263,904. The remainder — $1,- i
098,826— resulted from the sale
of salvage, articles of no fur­
ther military use such as un­
serviceable containers, broken
glass, grease and garbage and
similar items.
During the year, 1,464,111
pairs of shoes were repaired in
this command. This is approxi
mately one-quarter of all the 5
584,028 pairs repaired for fur
ther soldier use by Quartermas
ter Corps shoe repair instalia
tions in the United States. Cloth
ing and equipage repaired and
altered n u m b e r e d 2,821,485
More than 112,411,000 pieces
of apparel were processed in
quartermaster laundries during
the last six months of the year,
headquarters of the Ninth Ser­
vice Command reports. Laundry
service, reserved strictly for
military personnel, has been
growing rapidly. During Janu­
ary of this year, 14,773,52 pieces
were processed. The number in­
creased steadily to the June to­
tal of 22,380,774 articles.
Capt. Burgeson is assisted in
operation of the Salvage Divi­
sion by 1st Lt. Charles E. Smith
and 2nd Lt. Ralph Loewy.
H o l l y w o o d (C N S )—Harry
James will record all army bugle
calls for use on public address
systems at training camps.
Mail Your
A survey of troops with re­
spect to National Service and U.
S. Government Life Insurance
coverage is being made by the
Ninth Service Command in an
effort to obtain maximum insur­
ance for every man before he is
sent to a staging area or port of
embarkation, Post Headquarters
has announced.
Intensification of the insur­
ance drive was made necessary
by the fact staging areas and
ports of embarkation have con­
tinually been required to process
soldiers desiring to take out in­
surance or increase their insur­
ance coverage to the maximum
before they depart for overseas,
the Ninth Service Command
pointed out. This activity, in ad­
dition to requiring added person­
nel, sometimes does not always
allow units engaged in this ac­
tivity sufficient time to make an
adequate survey of insurance
needs. By obtaining full cover­
age for troops before they leave
for staging areas or ports of em­
barkation, the Service Command
will be able to relieve port and
staging area units of the insur­
ance burden.
Terming the recent intensive
insurance campaign “ extremely
successful,” the Ninth Service
Command announced that 93 per
cent of the command was insur­
ed at the end of July. Policies
averaged $8,838 per soldier. Cov­
erage at Camp Abbot was said
to exceed the percentage figures
j for the command by approxi­
mately three per cent.
G al W ho Cut Recording
Queers Marriage Propoi' '
Camp Chaffee, Ark. (CNS) —
A dogface walked into a Red
Cross recreation hall here and
asked to send a proposal of mar­
riage by record to his best girl
back home. “ Okay,” said the
Red Cross gal, adjusting the
needle, “ now begin.”
The yardbird made his pro­
posal, shipped the record to his
lady love and in a few days got
a curt refusal. She wanted no
part of a man who had to be
told by a woman when to begin
proposing, she wrote.
Pass The ENGINEER To An­
other Abbotman—He’ll Appreci­
ate It.
H IG 'ic f M A N EU V ER A B LE,
E N G IN E E R "
d lN V D
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