Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, August 27, 1943, Page Page Two, Image 2

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August 27, 1943
Friday, August 27, 1943
Former Editor
To Don Civvies
¡1 Speakers Named
For Hospital
Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests of the personnel
o f Camp Abbot, Orejron, under supervision of the Special Service Officer. News
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot is furnished by the Public Relations Branch and
is available for general release.
Representatives of Oregon
Sgt. Morrie Guss, editor of the
medicai and dental societies will
Abbot Engineer since its nativ­
be among the principal speakers
Written contributions, art work and photographs are solicited and should be
directed to the Public Relations Branch, Post Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone
ity, turned over the journalistic
for the dedication ceremony to
reins this week and prepared to
be held at the Station Hospital
The ABBOT ENGINEER receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper
Service, War Dep't., 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Credited material may not
Thursday in conjunction with
ply the writing trade as a civil­
be republished without permisión of Camp Newspaper Service.
the dedication o f Camp Abbot,
ian. Sgt. George Sherwood Fly
Col. Frank G. Crandall Jr., Post
Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by m ail: 50
and Pvt. Richard Shearin, who
cents for three months; six months, $1.00; one year, $1.50.
surgeon and chairman of the
posed as newspapermen before
«- - O r
induction, will attempt to fill the N E W S T A R . Ella M a e M o rs e , w h o se program, announced. The pro­
re c o rd in g o f “ C o w - C o w B o o g ie ’* m ade gram will begin at 10 a. m.
aching void.
ju k e -b o x history, h elp s Jo h n n y M e rc e r
Medical and Dental organiza­
Morrie’s many-faceted career ru n h is N B C “ M u s ic S h o p n
tion speakers will include Dr.
as a writer more than prepared T u e sd a y at 7 : 0 0 p.m. ( P W T )
Charles E. Hunt of Eugene, rep­
him for his work at Camp Ab­
Entertainment On anil Off the Post for Week
resentative of the Oregon State
bot. He entered the profession as
August 28 to September 3
Medical Society; Dr. Fred A.
a copy boy on the Salt Lake City
Lieuallen of Bend, Central Ore­
Telegram in 1926, and was cor­
gon Medical Society, and Dr. R.
BEND: USO Community sing, 7:30 p. m.
respondent for a couple of
BUILDING No. 211: Formal dance and floor show, Officers Mess, papers even before he left high
R. Hunter of Prinevilie, Central
Camp Abbot soldiers liter­
9 p. m.—1 a. m.
Oregon Dental Society. Addres­
ally shed tears over one mis­
school. After he was graduated
MADRAS: Dance for Camp Abbot V.'aacs 9 p. m. to 12.
ses by Col. Crandall, a veteran
take they make in training.
from the University of Utah, he
of the Guadalcanal campaign,
BEND. Breakfast Club, 10:13 to 11 a. m.; Musical Recordings, toured the country and worked 1
On entering a gas cham­
3 p. m.: Buffet lunch, 3 p. m. to 5 p. m.; Snacks, 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. on 26 papers in the brief space of
and Robert W. Sawyer, publisher
ber used in teaching defense
Party Night.
of The Bend Bulletin, also are
three years. Next Morrie and his , against chemical warfare,
masked soldiers are asked
brother operated an advertising
ARM Y WIVES Club Meeting—USO Club, Bend, 2 p. m.
Other highlights of the pro­
whether they ran detect the
"Do As You Please Night,” USO Club, Bend.
agency and later established a
BIBLE CLASS, Post Chapel, 7:30 p. m.
gram will include a flag raising
press agent bureau in Holly- > presence of gas. Tests are
ceremony, an inspection of hos-
marie by slipping fingers be­
wood, a business he can’t seem
Open House, USO, Bend.
pial facilities by visitors and a
neath the edges of masks to
to get away from. Prior to his
musical program by the Hospital
permit air or gas to enter.
“ Camp Abbot on Parade,” weekly radio show, KBND, 7:45 to 8 induction, Morrie, with his broth-
p. m.
orchestra. Chaplain David I. Seg-
The answer is a nod.
, er, was putting out a weekly in
Choir Practice, Post Chapel, 7:30 p. m.
erstrom will read the invocation
A fter a few minutes in the
“ Game Nite," Telephone call to winner, USO club, Bend, 8 p. m. Salt Lake City.
and Post Chaplain William H.
A versatile young man, Morrie, j chamber an order to remove
Andrew, the benediction.
masks is given. As tear-
“ Learn to Dance Class," USO Club, Bend, 6 p. m.
when the occasion demanded
Choir Practice, Post Chapel, 6 p. m.
gassed soldiers attempt to
(and it frequently did), would
stuff masks into their car­
Informal Activities, USO club, Bend, 7:30 p. m.
air waves. He was instrumental | riers, ail order to replace
them is given.
l in the introduction of Camp Ab-
“ Now what the hell did
; bot’s two news and record pro­
you take them o ff for?" the
SATURD AY—“ Once Upon a Honeymoon,” Ginger Rogers, Cary grams “ broadcast” over the
Third Officer Patricia Elwell,
instructor yells. “ Let that be
camp public address system, and
formerly administrative officer
SUNDAY and MONDAY—“ Hi Diddle Diddle,” Martha Scott, j was active in radio work in • a lesson to you. Never take
W AAC company, has been ele­
Adolphe Menjou. “The War,” Issue No. 7— RKO-PATHE News
o ff your mask if you know
vated to the post of company
TUESDAY—“ Spotlight Scandals”—Billy Gilbert, Bonnie Baker, Bend. He was a familiar figure ! gas is in the air."
i in every public gathering at
Henry King Orchestra.
commander. She relieves Sec-
W EDNESDAY—“Silver Spurs" and "Here Comes Kelly.”
Camp Abbot and frequently ap-
Officer Stephanie Podzunas.
THURSDAY and FR ID A Y—“ Heaven Can Wait,” Don Ameche, peared as master of ceremonies. \»/
i i • r
Lt. Podzunas will proceed to
Gene Tierney; RKO News.
What’s left of the staff of the r f aC U n !f ° rr" s
the W AAC Training Center at
“ This Is the Army," originally scheduled to be shown at the Engineer wishes Morrie the best Changed Only Slightly
Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where she
Uniforms of the Wacs will will be sworn in as a member of
Camp Abbot theater next week has now been scheduled for Sep­ of luck in any venture he may
tember 9 and 10. according to L t Henry L. Hansen, theater officer. see fit to undertake.
show’ only slight difference from the Army of the United States.
As for the new editors. Ser­ those of the Waacs, when the She then expects to be assigned
Members of military and civilian personnel who desire tickets to
give friends for attending the formal dedication of Camp Abbot, geant Fly formerly was a staff women's corps is taken into the to either Walter Reed General
Thursday, Sept. 2, are urged to contact Maj. Paul L. Diediker, correspondent for the Hearst or­
Hospital, Washington, or John
director of Administrative Division soon as possible.
ganization both in this county regular Army during the latter Hopkins H o s p i t a l , Baltimore,
and on foreign assignment, and
Straps on the shoulders of the where she will study tropical
Private Shearin managed to eke
uniform which now face diseases. Prior to joining the
out a bare existence as an Asso­
and the back will be WACs Lt. Podzunas was
ciated P r e s s correspondent,
macist and in addition t^ H e r
Post C h a p e l . Bid*. 208; n th Gp. writer on two Hot Springs, Ark., changed to conform to that of
duties as W AAC company com­
Kid*. 1255: 12th Gp. CImpel.
We are glad to present the Chapel,
Hid*. 754 ; Hospital Chapel in Red Cross journals and the Arkansas Gaz­
mander has assisted in Station-
facing the head and out.
following poem which has been Recreation hall.
ette in the halcyon days. Third
The distinctive insignia, the “ 0SP'tal pharmacy,
adjudged by the Library of Con­
member of the staff is Aux.
head of Pallas Athene, used on
gress as a companion poem to
Friday, Aug. 27, 1930 ( 7:30) p. Mary Graham.
the lapels and on the cap, will be Bend U S Q ,f p o p u |ar
“ In Flanders Fields.”
m. Uth Group Chapel (Bldg.
The author, a member of the 1255).
Bend’s USO was visited by
R. C. A. F „ was born in America,
more than 57,000 soldiers during
educated in England and killed
Saturday, Aug. 28. Confessions
July . . . last Saturday's atten-
at the age of 19 in an air acci­ Post Chapel (Bldg. 208). Sunday
Officers desiring to apply for dance soared to over 3200 . . .
dent over England.
Aug. 29, 0900, Mass Post Chapel.
Air Corps pilot training in offi­ such staticstics were reelased by
cer grade may secure applica­ Mr. Harry T. O’Grady, director.
1830 ( 6:30 p. m.) Mass Post
(Continued From Page One)
Chapel. 1830 ( 6:30 p. m.) Mass
tion forms (W-5252) from the At the same time, word from
By John Gil'espie McGee
Officers Personnel Branch in Washington, D. C. stated that
daily except Thursday, Post
Each trailer unit will accomo­
Oh! I have slipped the surly
Post Headquarters, it was an­ funds for remodeling the GI
Chapel. Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1900
date from two to four persons
bonds of Earth
nounced today.
(7:00 p. m.) Choir Rehearsal
| center will soon be forthcoming.
And danced the skies on
and will rent for S6 per week, in­
Post Chapel.
laughtersilevered wings;
cluding light and water, facilities
for heating and cooking, tubs
Sunward I ’ve climbed, ami
Sunday, Aug. 29, 1000, Post and ironing boards and service
joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun split clouds,—and done Chapel (Bldg. 208 1 . 1930 ( 7:30 p. rooms for washing and ironing
m. ( Post Chapel, Monday, Aug. and bathing and toilet facilities.
a hundred things
30. 1900 ( 7:00 p. m.> Bible Study- A $5 security deposit is required,
You have not dreamed o f—
Class, Post Chapel. Wednesday, but this will be refunded when
wheeled and soared and
Sept. 1, 1900 ( 7:00 p. m. t Choir the trailer is vacated, provided
Rehearsal, Post Chapel.
the unit is in satisfactory con­
High in the sunlit silence.
Hov’ring there,
Sunday. Aug., 29. 0700, Catho­
In view of the demand for
I've chased the shouting wind
lic Confessions, Red Cross Rec housing by civilian workers not
alone, and flung
M y eager craft through foot­ Hall. 0730. Catholic Mass, Rad employed at Camp Abbot, Post
Cross Rec Hall. 1000. Protestant personnel were advised to apply
less halls of air—
Service, Rod Cross Rec Hall.
L'p up the long, delirious, burn­ DENO M INATIO NAL GROUP
Housing officials expressed
the belief that sixty housing
ing blue
I ’ve topped the windswept
Wednesday. Sept. 1, 1900 ( 7:00 units now being converted into
heights with easy grace.
p. m.) L. D. S. Service, 11th suitable accomodations for war
Where never lark, or even eagle Group Chapel. Thursday. Sept. 2. workers and 50 additional units
flew -
1900 ( 7:30 p. m. > Christian also under construction will be
made available to Camp Abbot
And while with silent, lifting Science Service Post Chapel.
personnel classed as essential
mind I ’ve trod
Services for quarantined
war workers. They warned, how­
The high untrespassed sanctity ’
ever, that the project will not be
of space.
Sunday. Aug 29. 1100. General completed for several Weeks or
Put out my hand and
Service for 57th Bn. 12th Group months to come.
touched the face of God.
Chapel (Bldg. 754).
Mistake in Drill
ACrying Matter
Lt. Elwell New
Wac Commanoftr
The Chaplain's
” k
Trailer Camp
Pass The ENGINEER To An­
\ word to the spies is snfft-
Thusrady. Sept. 2. 1900, 12th other Abbotman—He'll Appreci­
rienl !
Group Chapel (Bldg. 754).
ate It.