Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, August 27, 1943, Image 1

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iiv#ï*<ty c i O regon
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Vol. 1
No. 15
One Man Tank Menace
Wednesday Is Impressive Guest List
Date of Service for Post's Dedication
Club Opening Comp
°pen Tr for
Friday, August 27, 1943
Gens. Patch, Robins,
Hannum to Participate
In Colorful Ceremony
Camp Abbot will be host to the
A ll facilities of the Camp Ab­
most impressive group of mili­
bot Service Club—its recreation
tary and civilian dignitaries in
room, cafeteria, soda fountain
its history Thursday when three
Applications of civilian em­ generals, a United States senator
and library—will be opened next
Wednesday, Sept7l, even though" ployes of Camp Abbot and the from Oregon and a prominent
Central Oregon publisher arrive
many of the unit’s furnishings Ordnance
here to participate in the Post's
have not yet arrived, Mrs. Helen shops for housing in the 75-unit dedication ceremony.
S. Smith, principal hostess, has trailer project which opened in
Speakers for the'program will
Bend this week will be consid- include Senator Holman of Ore­
Mrs. Smith anticipates little ered before employes of other gon, Maj. Gen. Alexander M.
Patch Jr., commanding general
, difficulty in operating the foun- industries a r e
certified as
of the IV Corps; Robert W. Saw­
Sr' tain room, the library and large eligible for accomodations, L. H. yer, publisher of The Bend Bulle­
A -
recreation room, but admits the Davies, federal housing agency tin, who was instrumental in the
The proper technique for ambushing a tank with rifle grenades cafeteria may have to “ operate , representative, has announced. selection of the site and name
r ln m n n c tv o t/ ir l
» o P ow » « A K knt
i _ i ____ £. ________ x r\ n o e V in o c i v i r u r ” u n t i l Q r l r l i t i n n a l
is demonstrated
by K « a
Camp Abbot trainee. Tank _______
is just ° na shoe string” until additional
Mr. Davies is acting as manager for Camp Abbot; Maj. Gen.
one of the Ranger tactics recently incorporated in the ERTC’s furnishings arrive. Ten sets of
Thomas M. Robins, assistant to
training program.
tables and chairs will accomo- of the unit until a permanent the Chief of Engineers, Washing­
— Photo By Vincent. Post PhotoBrai-her date patrons of the fountain resident manager is named.
ton, D. C., and Brig. Gen. W ar­
Possible relief for Camp Ab­ ren T. Hannum, commanding
, room, but mess hall tables will
be used in the cafeteria unless bot soldiers was seen in an an­ general of the Pacific Division.
the 30 table sets ordered arrive. nouncement by National Hous­
The program, which marks
About the only equipment lack­ ing Agency officials that “ hence­ the 88th anniversary of the date
ing lacking in the way of table forth a family would be permit­ on which Brig. Gen. Henry Lar-
ware for the cafeteria is forks, ted to occupy war housing if one com Abbot bivouacked on the
but cooks—if the Service Club or more members are civilian ■ site which now bears his name,
can find them—will have to man­ war workers, even though the will begin at 1 p. m. with an in­
age with a skelton kit of uten- recognized head of the family is spection of training activities.
It appears that basic engineer
a member of the military ser­ An inspection of the cantonment
1 sils.
training will now last 21 weeks,
Miss Helen Souhrada, cafe­ vice.” Previously war housing area is scheduled for 3 o’clock
teria hostess, issued a call to facilities would have been denied and a parade by soldiers of five
instead of the former 13, L. Col.
soldiers’ wives interested in families in this category.
Engineer Training Battalions at
Clarence L. Douglas, director of
Application blanks, which in­ 4:10. Units participating in the
working in the cafeteria, and, if
the Training Division, said today.
t workers can be obtained, plans clude a certificate from the em­ parade will include the 52nd,
The new schedule will probably
' to serve full luncheons and din­ ployer, may be obtained from 53rd, 54th, 55th and 56th Battal­
go into operation with arrival of
ners at the outset. The cafeteria the Personnel Office at Camp ions.
By Pvt. Sheldon I-’lynn
will be open from 7 a. m. until Abbot, the trailer project office
the next increment of trainees.
(Co. B, 52nd Bn.)
The dedication ceremony, in
The exact details of the new
Trainees of Company B, 52nd 10 p. m. daily and will cater to and the Bend Chamber of Corn- charge of Col Frank S. Besson,
training schedule are not im­ Engineer Training Battalion, enlisted personnel and civilians, mcrcc.
Post commander, will begin at 5
Completed application forms o'clock with the invocation by
The library will occupy a sec-
mediately available. Until Re­
placement Centers receive their
Chaplain Norman M. Goldberg.
unif ~rn schedules headquarters . side order of Artie Shaw, a main eral thousand new books now in returned to the Personnel Divis­ Following addresses by visiting
fill draw up their own dish of Tschaikowsky and a sat- the 11th Group library will be ion which in turn will submit dignitaries, a poem written by
program in keeping with their isfying dessert of Paul White- moved to the new location. Miss them to War Housing officials Cpl. John Abramson of Camp
in Bend for consideration.
own schedules.
Abbot will be read by T/Sgt. W il­
man, through the medium of an Caroline Paddock, Post librarian
Officials pointed out that a liam Hanson. Congratulatory
It was indicated that more
improvised intercommunication
family would be eligible for war messages also will be read.
time will be spent in the field
housing only so long as a mem­
under the extended program, and public address system in­
Retreat and benediction by
ber is employed as a civilian Post Chaplain William II. An­
76 Courses Now Open
probably two weeks or more in stalled recently.
continuous bivouac. These addi-
Designed by Capt. Peyton J. For Enlisted Men
drew will conclude the cere­
Seventy-six noted colleges and ity. A number of applications mony.
tional weeks spent in bivouac Nelson, company commander,
would not be spent on any one the two-way system links the or­ universities have agreed to make have been received from persons
Miss Marion L. Abbot of Cam­
continuous program, but rather derly room with five barracks, their extension courses available not eligible for accomodations, bridge, Mass., daughter of Gen­
to be used for various phases of the mess hall and the latrine. A to the enlisted personnel of the Mr. Davies reported.
eral Abbot, who originally was
Several families all ready have scheduled to participate in the
technical training.
loud speaker attachment pro­ Arm y through the Arm y Insti­
It was believed there will be no vides blanket coverage of the tute. I f you have been in the moved into the project.
program, was forced to cancel
(Continued on Page 2)
service four months you are elig­
increase in technical training of company area.
her visit on the advice of her
specialists but additional time
Materials used in the system ible to enroll in any one of the
during field programs may be were taken from two dismantled 64 courses available. The Spe-
Sergeant's Club Dues
allotted for the practical appli­ portable radios and other elec- cial Service Officer will help you
at $1 Per Month
trical odds and ends. Working choose the courses that will help
cation of specialists duties.
Dues for membership in the
Time for physical training and with Captain Nelson in assem- you most.
rapidly • expanding Sergeants'
inspection may also be increased. bling the unit were Lt. Ralph P.
Club have been set at SI per
A dance for the approximately
Lee, Cpl. William Hays and Pvt.
month, the Board of Governors, 500 civilians employed at Camp
Alfred M. Garland.
Fall maneuvers of the IV announced following a meeting Abbot will be held at Carroll
Discharged Soldiers to Get
Corps, headquarters of which Monday night.
Acres near Bend Sept. 15, under
Distinctive Lapel Button SOI.niKKS’ WIVES SOUGHT
are at Camp Abbot, will start
Plans for furnishing club the sponsorship of the Employes
Camp Abbot soldiers who will
Soldiers' wives are needed for Sept. 13 and continue until Nov- rooms (Building T-205) also Relations Branch. A floor show
return to civilian life soon, via all types of kitchen, dining room ember, it was announced this were discussed.
will be held, refreshments will
the discharge route, won’t have and fountain work in the Ser- week. The area to be used in the
Non-commissioned officers of
any trouble being recognized as vice Club cafeteria, scheduled to maneuvers is larger than recent- the first four grades eligible for be served, and music will be- pro­
men who served Uncle Sam in open next Wednesday, Miss ly conquered Sicily. It provides membership may join the club vided by Bud Russell anel his
this “ grand daddy of all wars." Helen Souhrada, cafeteria hos- a varied terrain for practice of within the next week or so, Rhythm Rustlers. Mr. Merrull
They’ll be easy to spot as a form­ tess, announced. Applicants are combat problems. Tank battal- M Sgt. Wilmer R. Shaffer, presi- Ballantyne of the Civilian Per­
sonnel Office is chairman. Ad­
er GI.
urged to contact Miss Souhrada. ions and air support units will dent, said. Payment of dues will
mission will be- 55 cents per per-
Because every man and wom­ 'phone 63, for an appointment.
also participate.
begin Sept. 1.
an who is honorably discharged _
from the Army will be awarded
a new lapel button, which is now
Soldiers headed for finshing
being readied for distribution.
Simple ceremonies will mark triotic members of the feminine They will be formally welcomed areas on the Deschutes River
The design is simple, but ef­
fective: An eagle, within a cir­ the entrance of the Camp Abbot sex who have volunteered to into the ranks of the Army by hencefbith must avoid several
cle with the wings of the eagle Wac detachment into the Army serve the nation in its hour of Col. Frank S. Besson, post com­ training areas enroute to the-
mander. and in the 30 minutes stre-am. Peest He-adejuarters has
extending beyond the circle's
as a regular unit of the armed peril.
following be formally mustered issueel an edict placing the ob­
They will be given the oath of in as enlisted members of the stacle course, practice bayonet
forces at Retreat Friday after­
allegience, the same as that obli­ Women’s Auxiliary Corps, with court» anel the woods surround­
Pass The ENGINEER To An- noon.
No fanfare of bugles or bands gation given by every male sold­ the same rights and privileges as ing these areas o ff limits be­
ither Abbotman—He'll Appreci-
tween retreat and reveille.
playing will welcome these pa-1 ier by Capt. Dudley S. Triplett. soldiers.
ite It.
W ar Workers
-W eek Training Cycle
Likely for Camp Abbot
Public Address
System for D-52
Post Civilians W ill
Hold Dance 15th
Simple Ceremony to Mark W A C Army Entry