Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, August 20, 1943, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Friday, Aug. 23, 1943
Beavers Drop
Close One to
Game Decided in Last
Frame; Entire Team
Shines in 11-10 Loss
By Sgt. Stanley Yavorski
(Ser vice
It was the “Same Old Story”
Sunday afternoon on the post
diamond, for the homesters lost
a nip-and-tuck affair to the
Camp White Medics again, this
time by a SCOre Of 11-10.
In many ways this contest re-
sembled the game of the pre-
vious Sunday, for the Beavers
started off fast, only to be
caught from behind and outdis-
The customers had hardly set-
tied in their seats (?) when Ab-
hot shot out in front with four
runs. Diminutive Frankie Cap-
asso started proceedings with a
two-base knock, which was
quickly followed by a whistling
drive down the right field line by
Herb Seid, flashy hot corner
guardian, which was good for a
. , f
home run. A triple by Acting
Manager Steve Poehek followed,
Lefty Maslan singled, and both
scored on Al Pizzi’s bingle.
The W o lf at Abbot
S ports
E R TC Rookies
Best Signal
Corps Boxers
By Sansone
O ffn jM 1 W l>ï UoMfd iisWM . distr*utt<l b» Cimp N*w»pa,)«f Seme#
" S ' S ' " f:
• News of All Sports Events Should
Be Reported to the Paper. Phone
Results to Ext. 8.
By Pvt. Sheldon Flvnn
<5Jnd Bn. (orr..pond.‘nU
Pvt. Paul Wright of B-52 was
stopped in one minute and 17
seconds of the first round when
he met Cpl. Pentrole in the main
event bout on a program be-
tween ERTC and Signal Corps
fighters at Lava Butte Tuesday
night. Pentrole took the fight
wlth two stiff left uppercuts to
Wright's ribs, two of which had
been injured previously,
in a six-event program, Camp
Abbot soldiers won two fights,
lost two and tied in another. One
hout was of the exhibition var-
iety with no decision scheduled.
, T> .
Pvt. Gammell of A-u3, and Pvt.
Nehmer of the Signal Corps,
both 150-pounders, fought to a
draw. In the 135-pound class.
Pvt. Hinton of A-54 decisioned
Pvt. Johnson.
P la y er —
A B R 11 () A E
Pvt. Melton of A-54 registered
Sm all, 2b .........
3 3
the TKO of the evening in one
Frydenlund, rf
. . .3 1 1 1 0
L*w n, 3b .........
. .3 1 n U 4
minute and 55 seconds of the
Hartramian, l b
. . .4 2 2 12 0
first round against Pvt. Owens.
/ g a n j a i,
. . .4 1 3 2 2
Macho, c f ................................ 5 1 2 3 0
Both weighed 150 pounds. Game.
Rayer, If ............................... 4 0 1 0 0
. . ,
, .
Bfli ch , c ............................... 3 0 0 6 4
but less experienced than his op­
Dettman, p ......................... 1 3 0 0 6
ponent, Pvt. Bell, ISO, of A 54
To ta ls ................. ..........33 11 13 27 : 8 3 was defeated by a TKO in the
second round of his bout against
____ C A M P A B B O T
A B R H o A E | Pfc. Morovec, Signalman,
2 0 r j
Pitted in the three-round ex-
Seul. .n. b ^ F ......... ............4
1 1 3
t i hibition match w’ere Pvts. Wag-
Maslan. l b ............ ............ 4
3 2 8
} j ncr, 122, and Pvt. Castro of D-52.
Mard, c f .................
0 1 3
¡| *
Judges were Lt. V. G. Hender-
Orloff. r f
............ ............ 4
1 1
Fitzpatrick. If . . . ............ 4
( hirkirda, p . . . . ............3
Page Three
Star Performer
G. HIGH JUMPER One of the
stars of the recent 52nd Bn.
track meet was Pvt. Bob Graff
of A company, shown clearing
the championship high jump. He
also wu" the broad, J uS o anti
was anchor man on the 880-yard
A rt of Angling
Revealed by
S/Sg f. Larson
To those Camp Abbot anglers
who've returned from the Des-
. .
, . ,
chutes river lately convinced
,hat fish arc harder t0 ilnd ,han
hospitality in a Jap fox hole,
here are a few’ words of advice
from S Sgt. Robert Larson, who
seems to know the tricks of the
Since fish are feeding in mid-
I can think of much pleasanter things to do!”
Abbot M.P. Saves
Punches fo r Axis
Eifteen years ago. l ‘fc, Gilbert
Attell, 37-year-old Camp Abbot
: M.P. earned $22,000 for 15 min­
utes work in the ring against a
lough I i t I 1 e soldier-slugger
named Sgl. Sammy Baker.
More than 40,000 howling fans
in Chicago's Soldiers stadium
saw Attell trade blow-for-blow
with Baker, only to slip in the
seventh round and upon arising,
hit the canvas when the sarge
let loose of a slashing chin poke.
Fighting is an old business to
the s h o r t , dapper-appearing,
brassard-wearing Attell. Of 296
scraps in 15 years, he lost 15.
For several years he ruled over
New A . R .C .
Aides Here
Assignment of four Red Ci ■
workers to the Camp Abbot to ld
office to assist troops participat­
ing in Central Oregon maneuv­
ers was announced by Mr. F lan k
J . Dunning, field director ibis
week. They are Scott Wilson,
Nathan Weed, Paul McKinisliy
and William Hoffman.
Mr. Wilson, who with Mr.
Weed is designated as a tq k
force worker;, visited many ol the
lands now in theatres of war be­
fore abandoning a career as in­
dustrial designer to join the Red
Cross. Nations he has visited in­
clude the Philippine Islands,
their casts. A fly can be sent as still in sound condition and main- gram broadcast over stat on
A return engagement is sched- much as 35 yards, he said, if the tains a regular training schcd- KBND in Bend Tuesday night,
angler has good coordination. He ule. He is also adept in tumbling Mrl V/ilson described cities which
recommends that the forward and would like to meet with j recently were occupied by Allied
motion of the line be started the other Abbotmen who like to flip j forces. A former student of Har­
vard University, he joined the
instant the line is stretched flops.
“I’m saving m.v best blows for ^ed Cross June 14 and atlo d-
nSrhkJrrdans.tV Ker7
n: tv VlSek• > by Aug. 26 in All-Rec Hall
ed a Red Cross Field Director’s
2 . wiki pitch.«Dettma'n,?:*Vhickirda!j
Abbot bowling devotees are should be cast upstream and al those Axis rats,” Attell says.
I School before coining to Camp
MiMaMn* sh .l'o ": K,rn'
I urged to attend an organization- lowed to drift with the current.
I Abbot.
! al meeting August 26 at 1900 in
Sgt. Larson has been a sport-
Mr. Weed, a former student of
■ blcalrc>a, Abbot hurler, was : tbe All-Purpose rec hall for the ing enthusiast since he was 10
the Massachusetts Institute of
pounced upon by the visitors in purpose of clarifying a number years old. Although he’s done a
] Technology, veteran of W oj 1<I
the t h h e n . they scored four | Qf questions relative to forma- great deal of fishing in Iowa and
| W’ar 1 and social worker for (he
runs. w
it up.
q j kegline outiits.
Minnesota, he had never used a
i Veteran's Bureau for the past
This situation existed until the j qy5 Gari
Gosselin, protag- fly rod before coming here. His
Meet the GI who "earries the , eight years, has served at Camp
fifth when Chickirda was safe j onjst behind the sport here, will best catch in this area was a 21-
mail” for Camp Abbot.
! Croft, S. C., and the Army Air
on Smith s error, Poehek got on serve as temporary chairman. j inch brown trout which scaled
li e s Cpl. Joe Beretta, a big, Force a Basic Training Centei ¡it
on a fielder’s choice, Maslan j officers and enlisted men who three and a quarter pounds, a
doubled, and '‘Meatball’’ Ward bke t0 bowj 'em over should a t- 1 record for Camp Abbot. This good - natured ex - San Diego Greensboro.
, ,
. . .
. wholesale ice cream dealer, who
shot a single to center. This was ) tend
week he brought in an 18-inch makes 19 trips weekly ,nto Bcnd
good for three runs.
rainbow trout to set a record for ; whcre hc deposits , . cks oi mail
However, the visitors went to
that variety of catch. Most catch- wrltten by Abbotmcn.
work in the sixth to tie it up, A-52 Rookie Invited to
es, however, have been browns
Joe began carrying the mail
and Glen Kern replaced Chickir­ Be on Portland Fite Card measuring 12 inches.
on May 17—two days following
Mess personnel of Camp Ab­
Veteran of nearly 125 amateur
da on the mound. They continu­
As for bait, there's only one
herc" f” ^
bot arc performing "autopsi- s”
ed their assault on the new hurl i scraps
thing to use, in Sgt. Larsons
on garbage
er to forge ahead 10-7 in the Pvt. Tony Ditietro, A-52, rugged 0pini0n—dry flies
. . . . . .
- cans in keeping with
,172 pound slugger, has been in-
T , rson
sereeant maior for
11 s a sweU ,oh’ Kerps
tho army’s program to reduce
Abbot got two counters in their ; vited to appear on a boxing show the consultation Service here. ou,door® aad 1 belp ke£ p up ,he to a minmum food waste in the
alf of
________________ __
morale, the Motor company, form of plate scraping,
i the 8th when Maslan and i in the near future at Portland.
ERTC soldier says. He's been in left-overs and cooking errors,
Al Orloff singled and were chas-
The former shipyard worker :
the Army slightly over two
a daily record is made of in-
ed across the plate by Fitzpat has been keeping in top shape Bleachers Installed
I >'ears.
ches of waste in cans. This, to-
rick’s one baser. The Abbotmen as a rookie here and says, ‘T’ve |n All-Purpose Hall
! “Do I get any mail? Sure, only gether with remarks as to lb*»
came even in the 9th without the never felt better in my whole .
Installation of bleachers in the t hate to write too many,” Joe food most often found in *he
aid of a hit. Frankie Capasso life.”
All-Purpose rec hall serves as an admits.
waste, is turned In to the Food
led off with a walk, was sderi-
Supervisor each week to
fi ■ d to second by Seid, and then £ 0 |f Semi-Finals
proceeded to steal the rest of the
Four GI mashie . and . niblick season when basketball will oc COMF1.ETE 3-DAY PROBLEM be used as a guide in plann- lg
cupy the top role of sports for
Trainees of the 51st Engr. Tng. menus and using rations to List
| artists of the 52nd Engr. Tng. j Abbotmen.
Bn. who have spent the past advantage.
I he home fans found their joy Bn entered thc semi-finals of a
m for
.„r ,n
In„ last
,a=T half
„an ,
As soon as the hardwood floor three months learning the rudi-
---------------------------- -
short m
in the
of the ninth Dettman drew his ba,tallon golf ,ournp>’ and wU1 hasbeenresu rfacedand filled .lt ments of modern combat engi- M
, . . n
fourth walk of the afternoon and
off Sunday on the sporty w!n ^ lald out for various ln. neering warfare put their newly N®cd Ar^ D ev o tees for
R»nH onif
door games,, such as badminton, acquired knowledge to practice W a te r Color Classes
raced all the way home on
Semi-finalists and their organi­
in actual field operations this
Classes in water colors ;• <d
Smith's second triple of the day, zations are Pvts. Soars iD>. volley ball and hoopmania.
portraits will soon lie form 'd
d p into left center.
Saunders <B), Ogrin (A) and
on varied problems and living on if a plan of the Post Special Ser­
Waldby <C). In a “grudge’’
individual field lations.
vice office materializes. Anil it
match last Sunday, Cpl. Luby
Camp Abbot's Station Hospital
should with i'vt. Herbert I>«\
he Medical Detachment soft
sliced his way to a 3-up
victory softball artists avenged a previ- MP’S TKO I NCE MACS
Service Co. artist spearheading
ba team gave the Military Po-
over Lt. Sweeney.
ous 12-0 defeat by a maneuver
Batting left-handed, GI guard- tho campaign to round up Ab­
lie Company a 23 to 9 trouncing
QM team when they nosed lan angel softball artists defeat- bot paint and palette devote« s.
V. inesday night to win its first
them out 6 to 5 last Sunday. Cpl. ed the Wac Co. outfit, 15 to 1 in
Lee, a former student of ’ he
Cc: est in the Post's six-team
Yale Art School and New Yoii.’s
Under direction of T 4 Clar- Haas was the shining light for an interesting contest. Pvt. Wll-
cc petition.
ence Galloway, a volleyball court the Pill Rollers, socking out a ma “Dazzler” Girod hurled for famed Art Student’s League,
•--------- — -------------—
was built this week in Supply homer with two on, besides play- the gals, with Pvt. Gaye Trout wants to meet all soldiers and
u »r bonds and stamps build Co. area as plans were announc ing a hangup game on short cen- behind the irvi-k. Cpl. Fred Soul- Wacs interested in forming a
“hips and bombers. Buy them ed for a inter-company competi- ter. T 5 Griffin pitched for the veret and Pvt. Donald Prunedu club on Aug. Z3 at 1900 in 'bo
t tion.
dinners and Sgt. Adams caught. t comprised the MP's battery.
j 11th Gp. rec hall, Bldg. 1351.
10 11 25*
x — Batted for Ralieh in J)th. ( * )
_ run
Tw, blit
/ uled at Camp Abbot Tuesday,
when winning
Annawush, ( apusso. Maslin. Thr ee base A U Ë f . 3 1 .
Ro rga mi an,
S m it h .
Home r u n : Seid. Stolen b a s e s : Z g an ja r ,
2 : De ttman , 2 : A n n a u u s h , Capasso. 2 ; I . .
Maslan. Fi tz pa tr ic k Double p la y: Seid-
M e e t TOT B o w l e T S S e t
Maslan. Rases on b a ll s : O f f Det tm an, 1;
, »
Meet the Gl Who
Carries the Mail
For Entire Camp
Mess "Autopsies”
H a lt Chow W aste