Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, August 20, 1943, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Friday, Aug. 20, 1943
Founded May 21, 1943
A weekly newspaper published by and for the military personnel o f Camp
Abbot. Oregon, under supervision of the Post Special Service branch. All editorial
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot is available for general release and reprint in
other publications. All articles represent personal opinions and are not official
news unless specifically credited to the War Department.
All editorial matter should be directed to the "Abbot Engineer,’’ Tost Hqs.
Telephone Ext, 8.
Copies of this official post newspaper distributed free to camp personnel. Sub­
scription to the public, by m ail: 60 cent* for three months; six months, 11; one
year. $1.50.
The ENGINEER receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service. War
Dep’t.. 2 f’-, E. 42nd St., N. Y. C. Credited material may not be republished without
permission from Camp Newspaper Service.
1st. I.icut. V. G. Henderson...................Director, Special Services
2nd Lt. S. D Hopkins......... 11th Group, Special Service Officer
1st. Lieut. Wayne B. Leitzell....l2th Group, Special Service Officer
Sgt. Morrie C. Guss..............................................Editor-in-Chief
leorge S. F l y ......................................... Editorial Associate
M ry Graham
....................................... Camp Activities
Richard Shearin ................................... Editorial Associate
Sgt. Roy L. R id e r......................................... Sports Coordinator
Cpl. Harlan L. W eeks........................ Hq. ERTC Correspondent
Photography and art work by Publications, Engineer Re­
placement Training Center, Camp Abbot, Oregon.
ment Une? True, you do not have
much free time, hut you have
some—How are you using it?
WACS UNDERGO GAS T R A IN IN G - This quartet of soldier-
ettes, along with their khaki-clad sisters, are nearing completion
of a five week chemical warfare course. “The Wacs took the
demonstrations in excellent manner,” said Lt. Leonard S.
Brooks, post Chemical warfare officer.
PX's Ration Items 'Front and Center'
For CampWcrkers
That ole dchbil “ ration” struck
camp this week!
Civilian employes at Camp Ab­
bot will he permitted to purchase
only a limited number of items
from post exchanges in the fu­
ture, unless they are wives of
service men, Lt. Charles H. Keit-
hahn, exchange officer, announc­
ed today.
On displaying their identifica­
tion badges, civilians may pur­
chase soft drinks, ice cream,
gum, bar candy but not box
candy and a limit of two pack­
ages of cigarettes daily.
Wives of service men, regard­
less of where their husbands are
stationed, may purchase any­
thing offered for sale subject to
quantity restrictions on certain
cards may be obtained by wives
of service men from the Ex­
change Office in Building 308,
between 0800 and 1700 daily. No
sales will be made without prop­
er identification.
A brand new sub is pulling at
A few Abhotmen nave taken her leash. In a matter of days
advantage of the op|M)rtuiiltics she will slide down the ways. . ..
offered in the off duty education eager to nose out into the Pa­
cific on her first Jap hunt.
program; many more might.
The Special Service Officer Foundrymen, machinists, engin-
can and will give you assistance 1 eers, laborers, all have gone into
in selecting courses through the action, worked day and night to 1
Armed Forces Institute. He will finish this weapon of war way Civilian Librarian
Aide Appointed
secure records and materials for ahead of schedule.
With luck and skill and daring
men desiring to study a foreign
Miss Alma Halvorsen, former
language. He will help set up she will sink and destroy enemy Bend junior high school teacher
classes for the study of typing, troops and supplies. Do you has been added to the post li­
shorthand, physics, arithmetic, know what that really means? brary staff as a civilian assi-
algebra, trigonometry, geome­ American men will live and fight I tant, Miss Caroline Paddock, li-
try, military correspondence and that would have perished at the ■ brarian announced today.
Formerly employed as a filing
bookkeeping, for he can secure hands of the enemy dead and
self teaching texts for your use. their equipment.
clerk in the Post Hospital ser­
The strength and energy of geant major’s office, Miss Hal-
He will help arrange tours to
places of historic and education­ this nation are evidenced in the > voi sen has had considerable ex­
al interest. He will help form purchase of War Bonds. Bonds perience in library work.
hobby groups and provide the are the very life blood of battle,
and by putting at least 10% of WEINER KRIEGER RITES
Why not he wise and take ad- our pay into bonds we not only ! The post chapel again was the
vange of these services that he insure an earlier victory, but a scene of a wedding Saturday eve­
can provide for your improve­ finer and richer future.
ning when Pfc. Rose Weiner,
Soldiers In training and civil­ Wac company, became the bride
After this fracas is over, where ians employed here should say it of Lt. Mervin Krieger of Camp
Mill you stand in the employ- with Bonds—every pay day!
White, Ore., Chaplain Norman
M. Goldburg reading the vows.
The couple were attended by
Pfe. Phyllis Siedenberg and
S Sgt. Mitchell Bratko. D-54.
41 ,000 Pieces of
Joy From Home
If you're looking for someone
to dispel all doubts as to the
popularity of Camp Abbot sol­
diers, any employe of the Post
Office here should make a No. 1
candidate. Camp postal workers
sorted over 41.000 pieces of mail
for soldiers from Aug. 2 to Aug.
6 .
other Abbotman He'll Appreci­
ate It.
Victory Ideas
Contest Opens
“ Suggestion boxes" have been
placed in five Camp Abbot build­
ings for the convenience of civil­
ian employes who wish to sub­
mit suggestions for the “ Ideas
for Victory” plan.
Boxes are in the main waiting
rooms of the hospital and Post
laundry, the Civilian Personnel
branch of post headquarters, the
Repairs and Utilities administra­
tion building, and the Supply
and Service Division administra­
tion building.
Send to
C it y ----
illiam H. Vndrew
Post Chaplain
Your G. I. Testament is wait­
ing for you at your Chapel.
Your government thinks enough
of religion to provide Testa­
ments in each of the three major
faiths Protestant, Catholic, and
Jewish—free for your request­
ing. No man is compelled to read
his Testament; every man ought
to. Your Mothers did, and that is
one of the great things about
David, the great king of Israel
said: “ Thy word have I hid in
mine heart that I might not sin
tigainst Thee.” A good couplet
to write on the fly leaf of your
G. I. Testament is; “ This book
will keep me from sin; sin will
keep me from this hook.”
L e t's G o to C hurch
Post C h a p e l . Bl.lir. 208 ; 11th Gp.
1255 : 12th Gr. chapel. I
HKlvr. 754 ; Hospital Chapel in Red Cross
Recreation hall.
G l T eam w ork
at 1100 in 12th Gp. chapel.
Monday. Aug. 23—Bible class,
1900 i Protestant). Tuesday. Aug.
24— Catholic choir rehearsal,
1900; Wednesday, Aug, 25— Pro­
testant choir rehearsal, 1900;
General song service on Thurs­
day, Aug. 26, in 12th Gp. chapel,
at 1900.
Are You Hoarding
Pennies? Camp
Bank Can Use 'Em
Sgt. Raoul Mound of the MP
Co. shown with a husky, intelli­
gent war dog of the type soon
to arrive here for sentry duty.
Kennel site has been selected
and construction will get under
way shortly. Mound will attend
a refresher course and person­
ally train the sturdy K-9 corps
coming here.
Job Work Studies
introduced Here
By Civilian Head
I f you encounter a Camp Ab­
bot civilian w i t h a furrowed
brow muttering the questions
“ why, what, where, when, who
and how,” don’t be too worried
about him. He hasn't lost his
wife; he hasn't lost his way; he’s
just another civilian who is tak­
ing Job Methods Training.
Job Methods Training is the
latest phase of “On the Job”
Training to have its inception
among the civilians at Camp
Abbot. Mr. John G. Jones, chief
of training and safety section,
Civilian Personal branch,- recent­
ly completed a Job Methods in­
stitute course in Boise, Idaho,
and started the first Job Meth­
ods conference group in Camp
Abbot the same month.
Abbotmen C a n
Be Paratroopers
FRIDAY. Aug. 20, at 1930 in
11th Gp. Chapel.
Camp Abbot trainees who are
SATURDAY, Aug. 21, Confes­ physically qualified and desire
sions, Post Chapel. SUNDAY, , duty with parachute troops may
Aug. 22; Mass, 0900. (Mass daily request transfer to the Para-
at 1830 e x c e p t Thursday in 1 troops through their company
commanders, Post Hq. announc­
Post Chapel.)
ed today.
Names of applicants will be
SUNDAY, Aug. 22, at 1000
reported to the Personnel Pro-
and 1930 in Post Chapel.
• curement officer who will return
SUNDAY, Aug. 22, 0745, Cath­ application blanks to enlisted
olic Mass; 0745, Protestant ser­ men volunteering for Paratroop
duty and make arrangements
vices, 1000.
for physical examinations. Re­
SUNDAY, Aug. 22 lor the ports listing the names of volun­
56th Bn. in quarantine, at 1830, teers will be sent to the Adjutant
in 12th Gp. chapel. General ser­ General on completion of train­
vice for 57th Bn. in quarantine ing cycles here.
(In Post Chapel Unless Otherwise Noted)
Tiie Abbot ENGINEER can be sent to the home front for
13 weeks at a cost of 50 cents, or 26 week* for 51. If you wish
the ENGINEER sent home, fill out this blank, enclose money
” 5*1 forward via Messags Center or U. S. mails to: Abbot
ENGINEER, Public Relations Office, Camp Abbot, Oregon.
“Here’s your helmet liner,
Deuk; found it in the bat­
talion area,” a fellow soldier
told S/Sgt. Herbert Denk,
A-35 mess sergeant.
The name “ Denk” was
written across the front of
the headpiece, but it wasn't
the sergeant’s.
Denk consulted a file clerk
in battalion headquarters to
find the owner.
“Must belong to Walter H.
Denk of Oakland, Calif.,” the
clerk said. “ He's in Company
D, right across the street
from you. Know him?”
“ Slightly,” the sergeant re­
plied. "H e’s my brother.”
Private Denk was in the
merchant marine until his
induction recently. The last
time the two had correspond­
ed, the sergeant was station­
ed at Fort Leonard Wood,
Mo. Since the reunion, Pri­
vate Denk has pulled K.P.
in his brother’s mess hall.
Got any coppers you can
The camp branch of the
Bend unit, First National
Bank of Portland issued a
f o u r - a l a r m for pennies.
Seems there's a shortage.
Any Abbotmen or Wac
“hoarding" coins of the
smallest denomination are
urged to take their piggy-
banks to the bank in Annex
“ A ” where bank attendants
will provide wrappers and
then, exchange them for lar­
ger coins or currency.
New YANK Prices
YANK, The Arm y Weekly,
will ante its subscription rates
effective Sept. 1, 1943, Camp Ab­
bot authorities w-ere informed
this week.
Old rates—eight months (35
issues, SI. One year, S1.50.
New rates— six-months (26 is­
sues», 51- One year, $2. The
single-copy price of 5c is not
New Service Men's Club
In Bend Invites Abbotmen
A new haven for Camp Abbot
servicemen has been opened in
the basement of the Bank of
Bend building, near the intersec­
tion of Oregon and Bond streets.
Operating under the title of
Christian Service Men's Center,
it is open evenings and equipped
with various facilities for enter­
tainment and recreation.
An American toldier in England waa
Vivin* tome illustration« of the tise of hia
country. "Y au can hoard a train in th«
•tuta af Tetaa at daw n." he «aid inpres-
•hrely. and 24 hours later you'il »till be in
"Ye*. I know." said the Britiaher. "w e
have traias like that here in England. too."