Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, August 13, 1943, Image 1

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    Happy Birthday
T. N. T.
• Today is the 112th
anniversary of the
founder of l amp Ab­
GET and KEEP the
Voi. 1
C A M P AB B O T , O R E G O N
No. 13
311 Abbotmen
Released to
W ork in Mines
Abbot Face!
“Rajah'’ Branham, top sarge of
Service Co. SCU always earns a
chuckle from listeners when he
spins the yarn about a shave­
tail passing a private who failed
to salute. The officer glared.
••Don't they teach you to salute
in your outfit?” “Yes, sir,” said
the T/7, adding “I didn't want to
attract any more attention than
necessary. I'm not supposed to
be out without a pass.”
GI REUNION—A sea of khaki
covered Bend’s downtown sec­
tor last Sunday night. . . veri­
tably a teeming mass of GI hu­
manity. Out of the thousands
roaming the streets, Cpl. Jerry
La Selle, Med. Det. SCU. spied
his kid brother, Pvt. Christie La-
Selle whom he hadn’t seen in
nearly two years. Following a
spirited reunion on an intersec­
tion, the brothers staged an im­
promptu feast. Christie is with
an outfit on maneuvers in this
Sgt. Marty Riis, brainy EM in
ERTC Publications, suggests an
appropriate toast that might be
Of interest to some foxes (a wolf
who sends flowers).
To the ladies: Our arms your
defense; your arms our recom­
pense, FALL IN!
Band C o n c e r t Set
Fitness for Duties
Sunday in Bend
Is Yardstick as
Music of the United Nations
be featured on a concert
" L S . " Is Abolished will
program to be presented by the
“Limited service” has disap­
Camp Abbot band in Bend’s
peared from the vernacular of Drake Park Sunday, Warrant
army records effective last July
Officer Charles S. Spalding, di­
rector, announced. Maj. W'illiam
Abbotmen now classified as H. Andrew, Post chaplain, will
such have undergone physical
deliver an address on "A United
examinations, and those who
America” during intermission.
meet present minimum stand­
Musical selections will include
ards for induction will be re­
“American Patrol” march, an
tained on active service. Those
English march entitled "Colonel
who do not meet the prescribed Bogey on Parade,” a Czechoslo­
minimum standards for induc­ vakian rhapsody, a Russian com­
tion will be discharged. Excep­
position and an Irving Berlin
tions to this requirement may waltz melody. The concert, spon­
be made in the case of a man sored by the Bend U S O, city
who is physically qualified to authorities and the Post Special
perform his present job and the Service Office, will begin at 1630.
commander desires to retain
him. EM so retained will not be POST INSPECTOR NAMED
transferred from Camp Abbot.
Veteran of 27 years in the
War Dep't circular 161 states Army, Maj. Arthur Davidson,
that the title "limited service” formerly of Camp Kohler, Calif.,
must be deleted from service has assumed the job as post di­
records and allied papers of the rector of Inspections Division,
soldiers retained.
Summing up the circular adds
up to this: I f the Army can't
use your brains or brawn, you’ll
Best show of the generation—
he discharged . . . however, don't "This Is The Army"—the Tech-
turn in your equipment yet!
nirolor movie version of Irving
B erlin's smash stage success will
lx- premiered Aug. IH in Bond's
Uapitol theater with proceeds
going to the Army Emergency
Camp Abbot s participation in
My guess is that the real rea­ the gala opening night festivi-
son Rad Boy Benny Mussolini ties includes selections by the
scrammed out of Italy is that post band under direction of
now he knows we ain't kiddin' Warrant Officer Charles S.
w hen we say well l.omb mili­ Spalding, and T Sgt. William V.
tary targets in Rome or any­ Hanson, chief of the ERTC Mes­
where else. A ehin the size of his sage Center, who will briefly
yvould he awful easy to hit even dutline aims and achievements
of the AER.
w it bout a homhsight.
News Broadcasts
Friday, Aug. 1 3, 1 943
Dedication Program
Nears Completion
Rallying to aid in the produc­
tion of vital non-ferrous metals
Gen. Abbot's Birthday
including copper, zinc and moly­
Today; Liberty Ship
bdenum, 311 Camp Abbot sol­
diers this week were released
Launched for Founder
from the army to accept em­
Today, Friday the 13th
ployment in 33 of the west's es­
marks the 113th anniversary
sential mines.
of tile birth of Brig. Gen.
Transferred in grade to the
. «
Henry I.areom Abbot, fam­
Mining Casual Det. at Fort
ed Civil war soldier ami
Douglas in Salt Lake City,
Army engineer for whom
Utah, the shipment formed the
This ERTC is named. No
first large troop movement from
formal camp ceremonies are
the nation's newest ERTC. 2 Lt.
John N. Alders, assistant classi­
in Portland,
fication officer, was the train
Ore., yesterday the Oregon
commander; 1/Lt. Oscar Rozett,
Shipbuilding Co. launched a
M.C., the medical officer, and pating the day when he and his
10,300-tnn Liberty-type ves­
buddies go over the top, Pvt.
sel, honoring the memory
Thomas C. Moseley, A-51 is
of the distinguished camp
trusty piece with bayonet attach­
founder. Mr. Robert W. Saw­
Soldiers with mining experi­ ed, seeking an enemy target.Bay­
yer, publisher of the Rend
ence still are needed to oper­ onet technique is heavily em­
Bulletin, delivered an ad-
ate the western properties. Ap­ phasized in the ERTC. (E N G IN ­
I dress at the launching.
plicants for mining employ­ EER Photo by Hahn.)
ment will be interviewed Fri­
day (today) in Bldg. 202, from
1300 to 1700.
Sgt. Joseph R. Stonier, B-57 the
ranking line N C O. Mess ser­
geants included S, Sgt. Joseph T."
Kuzaro, C-57, and S Sgt. Nor­
man H. Yost, D-57. Preparing
typical GI chow en route were
T/4’s Tony J. Napolitano, C-57;
Nicholas C. Ligosh, A-57; Chong
L. Chin, D-51, and Louis Pizzan-
no, B-57. The men ate from reg­
ular mess gear which was re­
turned to camp upon arrival in
Salt Lake City.
Means Today's News
Todajv T.isten to the
S. S. O. Chief
Slates Visit to
Camp Abbot
Lt. Col. William M. Beveridge,
chief. Ninth Service Command
Special Service Branch, is ex­
pected to arrive in Camp Abbot
this weekend on a periodical in­
spection of SSO facilities here.
Col. Beveridge’s last visit in
Camp Abbot was about two
months ago, at which time he
expressed satisfaction over the
camp site and projected morale­
building facilities. His headquar­
ters are in Fort Douglas, Salt
Lake City, Utah.
" This Is The A rm y" Premiere Set in Bend
Maj. M. J. Cuadra, Hqs. Com-
mandant, who will be the master
of ceremonies, and Lt. V. G. Hen-
dersc-r., post Special Service of-
ficor, are cooperating with Bend
Shown ¡n Camp Sept. 2-3
At regular GI prices— 13
cents — Abbotmen will view
-This Is The Army" when it Is
shown in the ABBOTheater on
Sept. 2 and 3, as a feature of the
ramp dedication events.
officials and business men in
staging the premiere — one of
nine throughout Oregon on that
Varied Events Planned
For Sept. 2; Notable
Speakers Are Invited
An army of civilians from Bend
and neighboring cities will “ in­
vade" Camp Abbot on Sept. 2 as
colorful dedication ceremonies
are staged on the SSth anniver­
sary when the camp’s founder.
Brig. Gen. Henry Larcom Abbot
bivouaced on site that is today
the heart of the nation's newest
Engineer Replacement Training
Center, under command of Col.
Frank S. Besson.
Highlighting the varied events
will be "open house" to residents
of Bend and environs who will
obtain a first hand glimpse how
this war started soon alter Pearl combat engineers are trained
here, and dedication of the Post
Harbor when “ Dogs for De­
Hospital. Conducted tours will
fense" was organized on a na­ cover every phase of activity,
tional scale.
with officers and non-coms serv­
Experienced MP's will under­ ing as guides. The Bend Cham­
go schooling to qualify as sentry ber of Commerce will distribute
dog handlers. The war dogs, all the tickets to citizens in this lo­
of them donated by their own­ cality.
A formal retreat parade with
ers, make ideal guard sentries,
all organizations participating
in the opinion of Capt. M. A.
looms to be another colorful
English, Provost Marshal.
spectacle. Camp Abbot’s now-
"One soldier and a dog are
famed band will provide martial
better than two men for guard
tunes for the marching troops.
duty as the four-legged sentry
Heading the list of distinguish­
smells and senses danger that
ed speakers are Governor Earl
numans can't see or hear. There
Snell of Oregon, Senators Char­
is no chance for a soldier and a
les L. McNary and Rufus Hol­
dog on night partol to be at­
man. Brief remarks also will be
tacked by surprise or ambush."
delivered by the chairman of the
day, by a representative of the
Dance for T 5's and T/7’s Division Engineer, by a high-
ranking officer representing the
Slated for Tuesday Eve
Next Tuesday night's dance in Commanding General of the
the All-Purpose rec hall will Ninth Service Command, by a
honor Camp Abbot's hardest (sta ff officer of the Corps of En­
working G I’s- those attached as gineers, anti by Mr. Robert W.
cadre to Hqs. companies and Sawyer, publisher of the Bend
Training branches. Only corpor­ Bulletin, who played an impor­
als and privates will lx? eligible tant role in selecting the location
(Continued on Page -1)
to attend.
Music will be furnished by the
camp dance band, featuring the Ex-Servicemen Eligible
hottest (and sweetest» melodies For Lapel Buttons
this side of the Cascades. Wacs,
Service la|»el buttons will be
civilian gals employed on the awarded men and women, both
post and Bend USO junior host­ officers and EM, honorably dis­
esses will serve as dancing part­ charged from the army in this
war, Robert P. Patterson, acting
secretary of war, announced re­
Save for Security! save with cently.
Security!— Buy BONDS!
The small, gold-plated plastic
buttons have an eagle within
a circle, with wings extending
beyond the circle's edge. When
"This Is The Arm y” is the buttons are available, eligible
freshest, the most endearing, the pei'sons may obtain them.
most musical rousing tribute to
the American fighting men that
has come out of World War II
rhe original all Army cast is on­
Fance.l bj i -i mp ol I' elin
Hollywood personalities.
Berlin's magic melodies cover
Pvt. Sidney Lesnick, Service
every GI mood. Indeed, it is
buoyant .captivating a helluva Co., who gained fame as the
"nation's No. 1 singing postman”
great show!
“T.I.T.A." will also be shown while touring the country with
for three nights after the pre­ a Major Bowes trio unit, com» s
miere at customary box office up with this lulu;
Mrs. skunk to Mr. ■skunk:
admissions. Prices for the pre­
miere are $5.50 for the best "sammy, dear, I think we arc:
going to hate a little stinker.”
seats, $2.75 and $1.10.
K-9 Corps to Serve Here
With MP's as Sentries
Man's l»est friend—the dog—
will in the near future play an
important role at Camp Abbot as
vigilant guards.
Alert, aggressive four-footed
commandos are scheduled to ar­
rive from the war dog training
center at San Carlos, Calif., dur­
ing the latter part of September
for assignment with the post
Provost Marshal’s office.
Sgt. Raoul Mound, in charge
of the stockade guard, who is a
graduate from the Ft. Robinson,
Neb., dog training depot, will
attend a refresher course at San
Carlos and, upon graduation,
bring the K-9 Corps to Abbot.
He will be in charge of the dogs.
Use of dogs by the Army in
Camp Will Play
Host to People
In Bend Sector