Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, August 06, 1943, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Chin-Up Girl
MEET MARY—First guest ar­
tist to occupy the regular AB-
BOTIZERS column is this blond
starlet, Mary Elliott of the Hol­
lywood film factories. Mary was
recently chosen by the Supply
Company as their
“ Chin-Up” girl. She gets our
Vote, too.
Panoram," C am p
Picture M agazine
On Sale Shortly
Camp Abbot's colorful pictor­
ial magazine, “ranoram” will be
on sale within two weeks at all
PX’s for 35 cents.
Graphically displaying life in
the ERTC, the 24-page LIFE-
sized publication is the creation
o f Mr. Dale Vincent, post photo­
grapher. A mailing envelope is
attached to all copies.
Officers wishing to arrange
for company and platoon pic­
tures are requested to contact
Mr. Vincent through the Post
Special Service office until his
photographic studio building is
completed in camp.
Be a Good Gl and
Ride to Swim Hole
You gotta Is- a good GI to
rate a free ride on the nightly
trucks to and from the post
swimmin' hole.
A 2’ á-ton truck will be avail­
able at each battalion headquar­
ters and at the Hq. Command­
ant's office, while a weapons
Friday, August 6, 1943
Page Four
Sneak Preview
Of Camp Show
Wins Applause
A sneak preview of what
Camp Abbot’s all-soldier musical
show is about was termed “a
huge success” by guests attend­
ing the regular Saturday night
dance in the Officers’ mess.
Arranged by the Special Ser­
vice Office, highlights of the
forthcoming GI revue—“ Castles
O’ Fun”—were clever, smacking
richly of diversified entertain­
ment and, when whipped into
shape, are assured of pleasing
any type of khaki-clad audience.
A feature of the capsule show
was introduction of an original
song, “ We’re Taking A Lesson
From Colonel Besson, On How
To Be a Real Gf,” composed by
Sgt. Morrie C. Guss, and intro­
duced by Maj. and Mrs. James
E. Campbell, Lt. and Mrs.
Wayne B. Leitzell, and Lt. and
Mrs. Jack Bates.
A number of talented Abbot-
men, recruited for spots in the
song-and-dance-and - comedy ex­
travaganza, sold their wares in
true socko style.
Pvt. Seymor Goldston’s ability
as a voice impersonator earned
him numerous call-backs. That
talented violin virtuoso, Pvt.
George Doumani bowed his way
into the hearts of the audience,
ably assisted by T/5 Dwight
Newton on the piano. Three hill­
billy vocalizers— Pvts. Joe Dan-
bull, James Stevens and Jack
Gullidge—all of C-54 were slight­
ly terrific. Pvt. Harry Gerrard,
also of C-54, brought his pretty
wife to aid him in several rhy­
thmic toe-tapping numbers.
“ The Six Kernels of Korn,”
namely ERTC bandsmen You-
man, Hadcock, Riggleman, Tie-
man, Coburn and Owens, stole
the show with their brand of
wacky melodies. They had to beg
Rehearsals will be announced
shortly. Additional talent is
needed to round out “ Castles O’
Fun.” Cpl. John Abramson, D-54
roving cadre, is whipping up
lyrics for five featured songs.
A n ti-G as Garb
Officer Robert M. Cox, left of
the QM branch explains to Cpl.
John W. Bradford salient fea­
tures of clothing made of im­
pregnated cloth affording pro­
tection against gas. The issue,
widely used in combat zones, has
been received in Camp Abbot.
Trousers and shirts have the
same appearance as regular
G I’s, but have a protective lin­
ing with an extra flap to prevent
gas fumes from seeping through.
Well Tan My Hide
It's Cool Inside
Expressions usually in vogue
during winter months or in a
perennially cold climate again
were aired at Camp Abbot this
week when soldiers expressed
their views on changing from
olive drab to khaki.
Interviewed in the interest of
fashion by the A b b o t ENGI­
NEER, during early morning
and evening hours, supporters of
unanimously vibrated,
“Brrr,” their voices barely audi­
ble above the rattle of their ver­
tebrae. At noon interviewers
were greeted with a contented
look and an enthusiastic “ ah.”
Soldiers in ODs answered noon
inquiries with a “ whew” and,
scratching vigorously, made a
dash for the nearest water foun­
carrier will be placed at the Wac
Co. disposal. The trucks leave
respective sites at 1915, return­
ing at 2100.
A dance for members of the
In the battalions, half of the
55th, Engr. Tng. Bn. and cadre
daily bathers may be trainees
of the 12th Gp. will be held at
and remainder cadre. “ Passen­
the All-Purpose recreation hal.l
gers will be chosen as a reward
Tuesday night. Music will be
for good service during the day,”
provided by members of the
commented Col. Frank S. Bes­
Camp Abbot dance orchestra.
son, post commander.
bonds Buy Bullets!
Tojo " I T Boy
Abbot n* Around
* Being a weekly calendar of events listing activities In Camp
and Bend for Camp Abbot personnel. For listings phone Ext. 8
BEND USO: Informal activities, 1830.
BASEBALL PRACTICE: Post. Hqs., 1800. Try out for the team.
BEND USO: Dance. Community Sing, 2030.
BLDG. NO. 211: Officers' dance, Informal, in Officers’ Mess, 2100
to 2400.
ABBOTheater: Matinee. 1400: Regular Shows. 1830, 2030, week­
days. On weekdays, 2 shows nightly: 1830-2030.
ATTE N D CHURCH: Chapels on post or churches in Bend.
CAMP B A LL PARK: Double header baseball game, 1330-1500.
BEND USO: Dunkers Club, 1015-1100; Musical Gems (classical
recordings), 1500; Buffet Lunch, 1500-1700: Snacks, 1900-
2200; Party Night-Games, refreshments, community sing­
ing. Register at USO for Home Hospitality.
BEND I'SO: "IVi as vou Please Night’’—Open House.
ERTC BARRACKS 919: String Ensemble Practice, 1830.
BIBLE CLASS: Post Chapel, 1930.
ALLPU R PO S E REC H A LL: Dance for cadre and trainees of
55th Engr. Tng. Bn., 2030 2230.
STATIO N KBND: "Camp Abbot on Parade." Studio in Pilot Butte
Inn, 1945-2000. Interviews, speakers. Audience invited.
CHOIR PRACTICE: Post Chapel. 1930.
BEND USO: "Game Nlte,” Telephone call home to winner, 2000.
BEND USO: "Ia»arn to Dane»'" Class 1800.
CHOIR PRACTICE: Post Chapel, 1800.
Critical Home
Shortage to
Be Alleviated
Lush Thrush
Plans for a conversion and
construction program which
would relieve the congestion and
confusion now attending the
securing of housing facilities in
Bend were announced today by
Maj. Russell I). Turril.l, Director,
Personnel Division and president
of the camp housing hoard.
A plan is under way for the
conversion of 60 existing hous­
ing units in Bend into suitable
accomodations for civilian per­ VOCALOVELY
This is Hile-
sonnel classified as “ in the war garde of NBC’s “ Beat the Band”
effort,” and 50 additional units show. She is what you call a
chanteuse. Here she is chante-
of a permanent nature also plan­ using. What else do you dog­
ned for use by war workers, faces at Camp Abbot want?
Maj. Turrill said. Military per­
sonnel and civilians whose
mates are in the military service
are not classed as “ war work­
ers” or “ in the war effort,” so
Two Abbotnien — an officer
far as availability of war-time
housing goes.
and EM—said “I do” this week
A trailer camp which will to headline Cupid’s campaign—
house 75 trailer units is under
in the attractive Post chapel.
construction just south of Bend
In the presence of Post Com­
and there is a possibility an ad­
ditional 60 permanent units mander Frank S. Besson and
may be authorized by National Mrs. Besson and a number of
Housing Administration. These officers, Miss Leoma Jones, of
units, which should be complet­ Washington, N. C., became the
ed by Jan. 1, 1944, will be avail­ bride of Lt. Thomas P. Kruzic,
able only to eligible civilian per­ assistant director of inspections
sonnel not members of military at a Catholic nuptial mass last
Saturday morning. The cere­
Investigations by the camp mony was read by the Rev. Ed-
housing board and housing mudn Hyland, OFM, Cap.
board in Bend have unearthed
On Tuesday evening, !\H »
some unethical practices em­ Jean Clark, of Memphis, Te5 ^
ployed by some prospective ten- and T/Sgt. James H. Williams
nants in efforts to obtain hous­ exchanged vows in rites per­
ing, Maj. Turrill added. A lack formed by Post Chaplain W il­
of cooperation on the part of liam H. Andrew. Sgt. Williams
others has resulted in available is a key man in the Rail Trans­
housing going to personnel portation office.
other than civilians and military
The Jones-Kruzic marriage
personnel of Camp Abbot.
was one of the loveliest yet held
Congestion in Bend was at­ on the post, with the bride wear­
tributed in part to the fact that ing a white mouseline de soie
“ camp followers” and families wedding grown and carrying a
of personnel connected with white
prayerbook, decorated
maneuvers are applying for with white carnations and sweet
housing despite the warning by peas. Miss Helen Moore, was
the Commanding General, IV bridesmaid and Lt. Raymond J.
Army Corps that the housing sit­ Sammarco, Weapons Branch,
uation would be acute.
Tng. Division, was best man for
Camp Abbot personnel were the groom.
cautioned by Maj. Turrill not to
Traditional music was fu n ^ ^
"bid” on housing because such ed by Mrs. James E. CampS..,,
procedure might result in high­ organist, and Pvt. George Dou­
er rents. Inadequate facilities mani, violinist. An informal wed­
and exorbitant rents are under ding breakfast was held at the
investigation at present and ef­ Officers’ club following the cere­
forts are being made to improve mony attended by 20 guests.
the situation. The joint housing
Sgt. Williams’ brother, H.
boards estimated that 25 per Wright, a 3-striper who works
cent of existing accomodations in the same office, served as
will be withdrawn if OPA comes best man. Capt. John C. Nelson,
Post Signal Officer, gave the
to Bend.
Officers and married enlisted bride in marriage. An informal
men stationed here seeking reception followed. The couple
housing accomodations are ad­ will reside in Bend.
vised to consult Mrs. Hoppick,
in charge of the housing desk at "expect to obtain housing in
the Bend Chamber of Com­ Bend.”
“ Don't, if you are a trainee in
Save for Security! Save with
training.” cautioned Maj. Turrill, Security!—Buy BONDS!
Two Couples Wed
In Post Chapel
Two Shows Nightly— 1830-2030: Matinee, Sundays at 1409
DRAPE APE— This smug mug
is “Suki Kuki" voted as the most
popular pin-up boy by the Jap­
anese Geisha Girls Association.
Attired in zootsuit, and puffing
on a rice ciggie, the monkey is
idolized by the JGGA babes—
boy, are they dumb?
FRIDAY—Aug. 6—' “HERS TO HOLD,” with Deanna Durbin,
Joseph Cotten. Deanna sings “ Begin the Beguine.” Funny
Terrytown, news.
SATURDAY. Aug. 7—"UNION PACIFIC” (Revival), with
Joel McCrea, Barbara Stanwyck, Akim Tamiroff. A powerful
historic film worth seeing again. Color cartoon.
SUNDAY M O N D A Y , Aug. 8-9 — "W HAT’S BUZZIV,
COUSIN" with Ann Miller, John Hubbard, “ Rochester” of the
Benny radio show, Freddy Martin's grand band. “ Unusual Oc­
cupations," short; "Speaking of Animals," short, news.
TUESDAY Aug. 10— "MELODY PARADE” with Mary Beth
Hughes. Eddie Quillan. A tuneful screen appetizer. Famous Jury
Trial, short; “Jungle Land,” with Lew "Monkeys are t h e
Kwaziest People" Lehr.
WEDNESDAY. Aug. 11 — (Douhle Feature — "MEXICAN
SPITFIRE'S BLESSED EVENT." with Lupe Velez and Leon
Erroll. Also "FOLLIES GIRL" w ith Wendy Barrie and Gordon
Oliver. Two good entertaining films. Each one worth the price
of admission.
THURSDAY. Aug. 12—“DIXIE" with Bing Crosby. Dorothy
Lamour and a string of featured players. This is Bing's newest
and best. Loaded with songs. “ Night Life in the Army," and
latest news.