Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, August 06, 1943, Image 1

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Have YOU Joined
A uk . 10 is the final
«lay to BUY G. I. In­
surance. Don’t Get
Non-Coms are urged
to enroll in the NCO
dub. S2 is the price.
See your top surge
for niemher’v'up.
Shut Out. CHEAP
KATES for Tour
valuable LIFE.
Voi. 1
No. 12
Five New Units i
Formed on Post
From Hq. Group
Abbot Face!
■ tor Company’s acting first sarge.
S/Sgt. George Wright came up
/ with a nifty definition of a GI
patch of hair with
Y haircut—a
white sidewalls. Anyway, we
toss a bouquet for a “ right” guy,
; especially after returning the
editor’s dogtags, given up as lost
for nearly a week.
A WORD FOR IT —Disregaril-
Ing its original import, SNAFU
has become a particular mean­
ingful word in soldier parlance
at Abbot. A rough translation,
“ situation normal: all fouled
up,” has lost its original mean­
ing. Now the connotation has
nothing to «lo with a norm. We
use it for anything which has
been fouled up.
A soldier who goofs o ff is pull-
^ * g a SNAFU. A job done wrong
said to be SNAFUed. Duties
not p e r f o r m e d mean that
SNAFU-tage has been commit­
ted. It’s a word which fills a
language need. Don't let it apply
to any Abbotman!
ly-arrived Wacs attended their
first dance, writes CNS, at Black-
land A ir Base in Texas. The
next day this announcement ap­
peared: “Starting immediately,
dancing classes will be held for
male soldiers.”
’seuse me, I mean propaganda
minister in the Reich, recently
told people living in the un­
bonded parts of Germany (yes
—there are some) that victims
in industrial areas weren’t whin-
ning. Of course they’re not, Joe.
They know if they whine they’ll
only get shot. And at close
range machine gun fire Is pretty-
97 Per Cent Of
Buy Insurance '
Division Creates Service,
Supply, Motor, MP and
W ac Co's; Pick Officers
Four Days Remain Before
No-Physical Exam Ends;
Average Policy Is $9,675
For the benefit of soldiers who
Populmrtiy of G. I. insurance
may have been shifted about
showed a distinct upward trend
today at ( amp Abbot four days
during the Post’s reorganization
before any member of the arm­
Sunday, Aug. 1, without know­
ed forces with enough strength
ing exactly what happ«*ned,
to sign his name can get $l<MK)0
here’s the setup, according to
worth of protection— without so
Maj. M. J. Cuadra, Hq. Co. Com­
much as a physical examination.
Latest statistics compiled by
Hq. Co., ERTC, Hq. Co., SCU
Enlisted Men’s Personnel sec­
1973 and the Wac Co. were merg­
tion reveals that nearly 97 per
ed and personnel assigned to five
cent of the military personnel
units. In the process, the fol­
here officers and EM have en­
lowing companies were activat­
rolled in the program. Average
ed: Service Co., the personnel of
amount for the policy is approx-
which is assigned to administra­
miately $9,675, according to of­
tive duties; Supply Co., those
FIGHTINGM AN: VINTAG E 1943—Take a good look at this
ficers in charge. The number not
who handle stores and subsis­
determined soldier, Abbotmen! Someday, you, too will have to
signing up for the maximum
tence; Motor Co., composed of j
coverage is "very small.”
enlisted men assigned to the Mo-1 alertness, highly-coordinated movement and courage . . . the
Japs may be in the jungles, but this type of highly-trained
Up to August 10, inclusive, the
tor Transport Division; Military
Yank fightingman will clear him out . . . but good!
physical examination is waived
Police Co. and the Wac Co., for­
for any GI. After that date, all
merly known as a detachment j
soldiers desiring insurance will
of the SCU.
| undergo a detailed examination
The ERTC band was inactivat- j
by medical officers.
ed then reactivated as the Camp
Abbot band and attached to the i
In a corner section of Bldg. 225 is located one of the most im­
Service Co. for rations and quar-1
portant—and newest—sections of the ERTC in Camp Abbot—
All enlisted men designated as ' tlie Consultation Service. The average Abbotmen and Wac will pon­
Camp Abbot's new Spc«-ial
members of the Corps of Engi-1 der over the unit's title: Consultation Service. Just what Is it? What
neers, were transferred as En-1 are its functions? How «lues it fit in the complex picture of trahi Sorx1«‘e. officer is 1/I.t. Vernon
gineers, in the reorganization. |- ------------------------------------------ ing future combat Engineers?
G. Henderson, a native Oregon-
Maj. Arnold Eisendorfer, M. C. inn, who succeeds 1/Lt. 1*. If.
However, all must Wear th e ! nT. I. T. A .” Booked
of the Consultation Scrvi«-o Stall O'Brien, recently naiiMMl adminis-
shoulder insignia of the Ninth
For Four Days
and one of the nation's promin­ trative officer of B-57.
Service Command instead of the
ent psychiatrists, supplies the.
Lt. Henderson was from 1935
red, white and blue patch of the In Bend Theater
Irving Berlin's “This Is
answers. He’s well «iiialifu'd, too, to 1942 vocational education su­
Army Service Forces.
The Army,” created into a
having l>con chief neuropsychia- pervisor of 34 CCC units in the
Capt. Ab Jolly is CO of Sup­
magicinema by W a rn e r
trist at the psychiatric clinic of Vancouver Barracks, Wash., area
ply Co.; 1/Lt. Fred Hohenhorst
Bros, will be shown at the
New York’s Mt. Sinai Hospital, and has had a wealth of ex­
is CO of Service Co.; 1/Lt.
Capitol theater in Bend for
one of the largest in the world. perience in directing activities
George W. Ealey is CO of Motor
four days, beginning Aug.
The Consultation Service func­ sponsored by the SSO. He was
Co.; 1/Lt. Leonard F. Carney is
tions as a part of Enlisted Per­ reactivated into the service in
Administrative officer of Service
Opening night tickets will
sonnel Branch, as a practical June, 1942, and is a graduate
Co., and 2/Lt. Gene D. Foley-1
sell at "premiere” prices, but
means of dealing with individ­ of the Transportation Corps
Gilmartin is administrative of­
regular admission will be
ual soldiers’ problems and as an school at Camp Stoneman, Calif.
ficer, Supply Co.
charged on the remaining
integral part of the Classifica­ He will also serve as p«)st Ath­
2/o Stephanie A. Podzunas is
tion and Assignment procedures. letic and Recreation, Orientation,
days. "T IT A ” had its world
CO of the Wac Co., and 3/o Pa­
premier in New York last
Its functions include the admin­ W ar Bond and Insurance offi­
tricia E. Elwell is administrative
istration of group and individual cer as well as director of Public
officer of the Wac organization, i
tests used for purposes of class­
ification and assignment, inter­
Lt. O'Brien was assigned as
viewing soldiers or Wacs con­ SSO and PRO prior to the
Camp Abbot personnel inter­
cerning their personal problems, camp’s activation. During the
ested in forming a choir to sing
treatment, referral to agencies
at Catholic Mass are urged to
past three months, his efforts
capable of assisting the soldier
attend rehearsals held every
resulted in the camp securing
Thursday at 1930 o’clock in the
with his problems, and making much favorable publicity as well
Post Chapel, Bldg. 208.
2/Lt. Earl E. Rtyd, former cerning classification or re- as providing recreational, ath­
letic and educational facilities.
(Continued on Page 2)
post assistant Transportation of
Vital Aims of Consultation
Service in ERTC Are Noted
Special Services
Gets New Officer
"Judge" Foster Is
Transferred; N e w
J.A. Is Lt. E.E. Reed
Service Club— Center of Abbot
Activities— Nears Completion
Rapidly taking shape as the
future center of all Camp Abbot
activities is the Service Club,
located on Group Avenue, just
o ff Center street.
Workmen today were putting
finishing touches In the interior
and the contractor was of the
opinion the two-story, well-light­
ed, ventilated and heated GI ren­
dezvous would be completed in
a "very short time.”
Mrs. Helen S. Smith, principal
hostess, likewise, was cheerful
over the approaching opening,
slated for sometime this month.
Furniture and fixtures, ordered
weeks ago, are scheduled to ar­
rive here in the near future.
Fully equipped to provide any
type of social, recreational and
educational—as well as nutri­
tional — needs that Abbotmen
and Wacs seek — the Service
Club represents the latest de­
signs in buildings of such type.
Friday, August 6, 1943
ficer, has been named acting
1/Lt. Stanberry Foster, assigned
A modern, well-stocked library,
to a new station.
directed by Miss Caroline Pad- i
Lt. Reed, a native of Nampa,
dock, chief librarian, is to be lo­
Idaho, is a prominent member of
cated here, as well as a cafeteria,!
the Idaho State Bar. He won his
under the supervision of Miss
gold bars from the Transporta­
Helen S. Souhrada; also a soda
tion Corps school last June and
fountain, game rooms, reception
holds two degrees from Stanford
halls, and as Mrs. Smith said,
"plenty of comfortable over­
His predecessor, who arrived
stuffed chairs and divans.”
here on April 5, was formerly
Rustic pine and oak decorative
assistant attorney-general of the
patterns enhance the appearance
state of Washington.
of the club's interior. Newest
types of lighting fixtures have
been ordered. A gala program is N E W F A C E S IN ERTC B A N D
Two new face’s are perform­
planned for the opening, Mrs.
ing in the ERTC band. They are
Smith added.
Pvts. Bill Hall and Ray McClcn-
ahen. The former, who fills one
Selection of a committee to of the trumpet chairs, recently
administer the gas ration pro­ arrived from Boise Bks., Boise,
gram in camp includes Col. L .H. Idaho, and the latter, a French
Hall, executive o ffi«»r; Maj. horn artist, used to toot with a
Russell D. Turrill, Director, Per­ musical organization while at­
sonnel Division, and Mrs. Mar­ tached to Co. C of the 32nd Bn.
at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
garet J. Keith, secretary.
Hurray for Shaffer! ! He's Chief of
N C O Club Seeking New Members
Elongated, well liked, efficient
M/Sgt. W ilm er R. “ Bull” Shaf
fer, sarge m ajor in the llqs.
Commandant’s office, was elect­
ed president of the recently-
formed Non-Commiaaioned O ffi­
cer’s club in camp.
S/Sgt. Alexander S. Ilall of
the 51st Kngr. Tng. Bn. was
named vice prexy and ( pi. For­
ties L. Satre, Hq. Det. 12th Gp.
assume«! the roles of secretary-
These three popular Abbot
non corns, aided by stripe-and
rocker men in every organiza­
tion are enthusiastically spread­
ing the urgent need of every EM,
above the grade of and including
corporal, to take steps to immed­
iately enroll. Memiierships cost
$2, entitling card owners to full
privileges of the facility's and
activities of the NCO clubhouse,
located in Bldg. T-205 in the All-
Purpose rcc hall annex.
Constitution and by-laws, re­
cently drafted, have been sub­
mitted to Post Commamler
Frank S. Besson for approval.
M Sgt.. Law W. Henry, 12th
Gp. sarge ma*«* and chairman
of the ad interim committee, in­
strumental in forming the club,
is cooking up a terrific advertis­
ing campaign to "sell” the NCO
to every eligible serviceman on
the post.
"Get on the ground floor,”
Henry says. "Th«- fee may go up
when our clubhouse is fully
A committee is lying groomed
to make personal appearances in
all organizations to explain fea-
tures of the NCO -an«l also sign
up as many members as pos­
sible. Join Today!