Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, July 30, 1943, Image 1

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you rail join file
NCO Club. Drive for
new member* ha.s
remain before the
d.svOhiio for G. I. In­
surance. Take out
maximum policy!
“A Good Go for Short
Friday, July 30, 1943
Non-Commissioned Officers’
Club Formed at Camp Abbot
Abbot Face!
BARGAIN — A package ar­
rived at an express company
for Cpl. C. V. Shaffer, formerly
stationed at the Fort Worth A r­
my Air Field but now in North
A notice was forwarded to him.
Express company officials re­
ceived this V-mail letter from the
‘‘It is impossible, of course, for
Fred Waring's Orchestra
me to call for the package. I f I
leave it there the storage will
in U.S.
break me. Please open the pack­
age. I f it’s cake, eat it; if it’s
Millions of radio listeners
smokes, smoke it; but if it’s a throughout the nation learned
blonde, send her collect and I about Camp Abbot last night
will pay all charges."
when Fred Waring’s “Victory
Tunes” program was dedicated
Nation Hears
Abbot's Top
Tunes on Show
A srroup of soldiers were discusing the
many things they were going to do when
the war was over and they were dis­
“ First thing I ’m going to do,” said one
* .rgie, “ is bust the first sergeant in the
yeah!” retorted a comrade, “ that’s
what you think. You’re going to stand in
line and take your turn, just like the rest
of us.”
Edward Brinkman, F i n a n c e
branch sarge major tells the
yarn about a rookie, after col­
lecting his pay. counted the
money by wetting his finger and
leafing through the bills. A near­
by soldier said, “Hey, bub, don’t
you know that money is full of
The greenie grunted. “ Brother,
no germ could live on my sal­
An Abbotman who recently ar-
* V d from a "Pacific post” tells
^ »b u t a Honolulu cafe frequent­
ed mainly by dogfaces. In the
bistro there is a sign on the pin­
ball machine which advises:
“ In case of air raid, crawl un­
der the machine. It’s never been
Chaplain Cooley
Tranf erred
To New Station
Lt. Vernon A. Cooley, first
chaplain at Camp Abbot, has
been transferred to a new sta­
tion, Post Chaplain William H.
Andrew said today.
Arriving here in early April,
Chaplain Cooley, native of Utah,
was chaplain of the 11th Engr.
Tng. Gp. and conducted religious
services for Abbotmen of L. D.
S. (Mormon) faith.
Popular with all of the enlist­
ed men and officers, Chaplain
Cooley’s successor as assistant
post chaplain and Gp. chaplain
will be announced in the near
future. He had the distinction of
performing the first wedding in
a camp chapel in early June.
FRED WARING . . . his band
saluted Camp Abbot.
to the ERTC over a coast-to-
eoast network.
The quarter-hour show was
solid; rich blending of voices and
instruments by individual per­
formers and choral groups
“ sold” the three favorite songs
selected by the personnel here,
in a contest sponsored by the
Post Special Service office.
Highlighted by the premiere
of “W e’re Fighting Engineers,”
the Waring crew of melody mak­
ers played “ Great Day,” “ I Just
Kissed Your Picture Goodnight,”
and climaxed the show with the
No. 1 ditty, “ Day In, Day Out.”
Gala Dance Set
Aug. 3 in A-P Hall
Equipped with a modern heat­
ing system, the All-Purpose rec
hall, closed for nearly two
weeks, will reopen in time for
cadre and trainees of the .»3rd
and 54th Engr. Tng. Bus. to stage
a dance next Tuesday, Aug. 3,
front 1030 to 2230, the Special
Service office announces.
Paint and Palette Boys Get
A Chance to Show Their Wares
At last, embryonic artists and
he-mannish interior decorators
are going to get a chance to dis­
play their latent talents at Camp
The W ar Dep't has okayed
decorative art projects to embel­
lish mess halls, recreation rooms,
s e r v i c e clubs, administration
buildings, class and o r d e r l y
rooms . . . providing such activ­
ity is undertaken in after duty
The Special .Service office will
be happy to hand out timely tips
on how “ to do over” any type of
room to enhance appearance.
Come in and ask for the “Inter­
ior Decoration Editor.”
Chow In the Field Yields Smiles
1-205 Chosen
ife for .’
Stripers' Den
M Sgt. Henry Named
Temporary President;
500 Eligible to Join
By Cpl. Morrie C. Guss
Abliotmeii with two or more
“cowfracks” on their slecves will
get the bite today—solidly—for
two bucks! That's all it costs to
join the NCO club, at last a re­
ality and boon to non-com serv­
A dozen well-liked p i ’s, repre­
senting every unit on the post,
have been named to a member­
ship committer which plans to
canvass the camp and sign up
every eligible stripe-and-rocker
man who has a deuce and they
should have it Friday -even if
it’s 24 hours before payday.
Championed by Col. Frank S.
post commander, Col. L.
CANNED RATIONS—No wonder Pvt. Robert F. Fang, A-51,
H. Hall, executive officer, Col.
l«K»ks so darn healthy and happy—downing a can of delirious
beans and other concentrated foods while in the field. Abbot
Aubrey H. Bond, 11th Gp. C.O.;
Soldier-engineers, like Bol». find relish eating a well-balanced
Col. Robert M. Copeland, 12th
meal after an arduous day in the rugged Oregon terrain.
Gp. C.O. and Maj. J. Cuadra,
Ilq. Co. commandant, the NCO
project mushroomed into a gen­
uine plan after weeks of consid­
Housed in three spacious, well-
Plans are progressing for a colorful program on Sept. 2 when lighted rooms in Bldg. T-205 ad­
Camp Abbot— the Army’s newest Engineer Replacement Training joining the All Purpose rec hall,
lhe NCO clubhouse will afford
Center— will be officially dedicated, it was announced today by
Col. Frank S. Besson, post commander. Working closely with the members with an exclusive ren­
dezvous where they can relax in
Special Service Office in arranging the event is Mr. Robert W.
comfort, write or play games,
Sawyer, publisher of The Bend Bulletin and the person responsible
toss down a mug or two, eat a
------------------------------- for this camp being named after
delicious sandwich, curl up with
Brig. Gen. Henry I.. Abbot, noted
a good book (like Period Plan­
Civil War soldier-engineer.
ning tomes) and regularly at­
Distinguished military and tend dances.
civilian persons will be invited
“It’s the greatest break for
Neighboring civilians ral­
to participate in the dedicatory 1 non-coms here,” said M Sgt. Lew
lied to the cause of ist/Sgt.
program. A number of plans are ( W. Henry, 12th tip. sarge maj*?
Arthur Hicks of D-53 who
under consideration for the in-! who is president of the tempor­
inserted an advertisement in
elusion of musical and educa­ ary committee. “There’s about
the Bend newspaper for an
tional features to highlight the 500 non-coms in ramp and their
alarm clock— to wake up the
day, 88 years ago, when Gen. membership cards are ready. I
Abbot and his party camped on1 hope they’ll all get in a short
After two days of hopeful
the bank of the Deschutes river while.”
waiting, nine persons offer­
which flows through the hearl j
A sub-committee is in the
ed to sell their Big Bens. Up­
of the camp.
throes of drafting a constitution
on inspecting the assort­
Word has been received from j
and by laws. Upon its adoption, a
ment, Hicks picked out a
Miss Marion L. Abbot, daughter
permanent organization is to be
clear banging tick - locker,
of General Abbot, that she will
effected by an election of offi­
proferred $2.50 from the
be unable to attend the dedica­
cers and committers.
company funds and became
tion. Miss Abbot, living in Cam-1
Assisting Henry in a myriad
the happiest GI in camp.
bridge, Massachusetts, ha.s been
of details in organizing the NCO
“Honestly, I didn't expect
advised by her physician not to
are M Sgt. David J Moreland,
to have so many sellers,” he
undertake the trip.
11th Gp; M, Sgt. Wilmcr 1!.
said. “We’re grateful to the
"Bub” Shaffer, Hq. Co. ERTC;
citizens of Bend.”
(Continued on Page 2)
Colorful Program Planned
For Camp Dedication, Sept. 2
Hicks Clicks!
Big Ben Ticks
Before Cashing Checks at
Cash Awards to Civilians Camp Bank, See an Officer
On Post tor Victory Ideas
To save wear and tear of GI
Civilians emplo.ved at Camp
Abbot liave l>een called to con
tribute "Ideas for Victory.”
Purpose of t h e program,
launched by the War depart­
ment, is to assist in the stepping-
up of production to achieve what
FDR termed “ the inevitable tri­
leather, Abbotmen are again re­
minded that prior to cashing out-
of tow n checks, money order1' oi
travelers checks, an officer must
countersign them before the
camp branch of the Bend's First
National Bank will convert them
into that “ green stuff.”
Endorsers here must also
write their full name, rank, ser­
Pass The ENGINEER To An­ ial number and parent organiza­
other Abbotman—He'll Appreci­ tion. The bank is located in An­
nex " A ” Post ilqs. Bldg. 202.
ate It.
German orders which got left
in the dust in Tunis have shown
that Luftwaffe fliers were de­
serting in fairly large numbers,
partlru’arly over on the Russian
front where the Reds were giv­
ing them hell. It all g*»es to show
that even a Nazi rat is smait
• nough to get off a sinking ship.