C A N YOU NEWS from your company desired for July 30 Edition. Act, sing, dance, play an instrument, spin a yarn, sell peanuts or popcorn? Eight Big Pages J O IN THE "C A S T L E S O ' F U N " S H O W CAST! Send in Your C O N T R IB U T IO N S To the EN G IN EER! C A M P ABBOT, O R E G O N Voi. 1— No. 10 A B B O T FACE! -TO THE HEAR, MARCH!” ..— The current Sicilian in­ vasion brought to light one of the better gags, relayed to us by our gagster pals in (cen­ sored). An Italian officer spoke to his command in a voice stirred with passion and tragedy: “ Men,” he shrieked, "do you know we are about to lose this war?” A voice from the ranks bel­ lowed: "Yeah—but when?" New Chaplain Arrives for 12th Engr. Gp. Distinguished Engineer Visits Cam p Capt. N. M. Goldburg To Deliver First Sermon Tonight in Post Chapel Friday, July 23f 1943 6-2 t o Chart W ar Results ByMapData Action on All Fronts to Follow Official News From Radio and Press Arrival of Capt. Norman M. "Straight dope” as to who’s Goldburg has increased Camp winning the war, wliat forces Abbot’s Corps of Chaplains to are where, who's in charge and four, who, as spiritual advisors why a particular campaign is are the best friends soldiers can significant will lie available to have. Camp Abbot soldiers s o o n Chaplain Goldburg, in active through (lie medium of largo • • * service for over two years, was maps to lie imsted in Ihe Public, BON MUTT—Lending an appro­ recently s^itioned at Camp Kclutiuns Office and kept "up priate spectacle to the recent Stoneman, <_ 'if. Prior to that to the minute" by the Intelli­ ERTO and SCU cadre dance in time, he was assigned as a divis­ gence Branch, Capt. M. P. the All-Purpose ree hall was the ional chaplain for troops quart­ Coover, Military Intelligence of­ unexpected visit of four camp ered at Fort Ord, San Jose and ficer, announced today. mascots on the maple floor. As Camp San Luis Obispo, all in Action in four major theatres INSPECTION HIGHLIGHTS Last weekend Camp Abbot was one sarge remarked: “ Dogs California. He is an Arm y re­ host to Brig. Gen. Clarence J. Sturdevant, assistant to the Chief —the European, Russian, Chin­ mingle with real dogfaces.” servist since 1934. of Engineers. Upper photo shows the General, Col. Frank S.Bes­ ese and South Pacific will bo * * * Post Chaplain William II. An­ son, post commander, and Col. Aubrey II. Bond. C. O. of the comprehensively charted. Battle COOKIES FOR ROOKIES— drew said that Chaplain Gold­ 11th Gp. inspecting the battalion. Lower left, close up picture of Gen. Sturdevant and Col. Besson. Lower right: executive o ffi­ lines will be shown in tape and, The guy who built a better burg will serve as an assistant cers of the 11th Gp. whose troops paraded during a retreat cere­ in some theatres, farthest points mouse-trap had a path beaten post chaplain, assigned to the mony. Col. Bond, front center: Lt. A. J. Minke. Jr., adjutant; to which the Axis advanced in * ' • _his door, but when a soldier 12th Engr. Tng. Gp. He will also rear left; Lt. Col. Carl G. Kustncr, executive officer and Capt. earlier campaigns by varl-color- ^Bes cookies better than his supervise the religious activities John P. Gilboy, S-4. : ed lines. Nfom’s—well, that's when he be­ of Jewish personnel at Abbot. Tabs will show the location of comes more popular than the A native of St. Louis, Mo., i both Axis and Allied units, their G.I. who’s loaded with "pocket Chaplain Goldburg was rabbi strength and officers in com­ personality” two days before pay for 13 years at Temple B’nai mand. Alongside Ihe maps will day. T/4 Robert Root, 1st cook Israel in Sacramento, Calif. he placed a chart showing the “ I am extremely happy to be in Hq. Co. ERTC, baked a batch Transformed in six weeks guns, traverse the rugged oh comparative strength of units (a mere 85 dozen) of coconut [ transferred h e r e,” Chaplain of various nations. goodies when Abbotmen and Goldburg said. "The camp is from raw' recruits into smartly- sfacle course, use hand and pow­ Latest newspaper releases, Wacs entertained the Bend-USO ideally situated, the facilities a p p e a ri n g, cadence - minded er tools, disable and demolish newscasts, magazine articles and troops, the 11th Engr. Tng. Gp. equipment, squeeze off dead modern and impressive.” senior hostesses recently. So de­ information supplied by the War The new chaplain will deliver drew praise from Brig. Gen. ringers on the rifle marksman­ Department will lie used as lighted w e r e the townspeople with his crunchy-munchers, that his first sermon tonight at 1930 Clarence J. Sturdevant, assistant ship eourse, watched training sources of information. he has been besieged by dozens o’clock in Post Chapel, Bldg. to the Chief of Engineers who j tests, inspected buildings and As an indication of the com­ o f matrons for his recipe. He 208, highlighting the regular watched the Abbotmen stage a ' facilities. pleteness of the new service, weekly services for Jewish sold­ retreat parade last Friday. Gen. Sturdevant's most recent Capt. Coover pointed out that of obliges them cheerfully. iers and Wacs. A musical pro­ The future combat engineers assignment was in connection the 20ti Nazi divisions said to be gram has been arranged, follow­ looked like veterans as they en­ with the construction of the 1,- participating in the Russian ed by a get-together. A ll mem­ tered the vast, rolling plain des­ 671-milc-long Alaska Military campaign, all bul 10 will lie bers of the Jewish faith are in­ ignated as the 11th Gp. parade Highway from Dawson Creek, identified on the map. vited to attend the services. grounds. The silver-haired, be­ Edmonton, Alberta, to Fair­ Posting of the maps awaits spectacled, sun-tan clothed dis­ banks, Alaska, a superb feat ac- the installation of wall board tinguished visitor evoked a smile j complished by the Army Corps material on the rear wall of Ihe as he saw the soldiers step off, I of Engineers. Public Relations Office in An­ their bodies erect, their M l Lt. Col. Ralph A. Tudor, Port­ nex “ A". 0|>ening of the service Tank warfare soon will be in­ shouldered at the correct angle land district Engineer; Lt. Col. to soldiers will he announced. cluded in the program for sol­ and eyes on the alert as they A. D. Harvey, Bend area Engi­ Meanwhile, the maps are iicing diers of the Engineer Replace­ moved forward. neer; Capt. Hayward Andrews, prepared by Intelligence person­ "CASTLES O' F U N ” has been ment Training Center here, Lt. training inspector, Hq. Ninth nel. Col. Frank S. Besson, p o s t Col. C. J. Douglas, director of the selected as the title of a slap­ commander, likewise, was pleas­ Service Command, Ft. Douglas, stick musical comedy revue, now Training Division, said today. ed at the demonstration, as were Utah, Mr. Robert W. Sawyer, It's T 5 O'Neil, Bob! " Six obsolete light tanks which in preparation, for presentation other visitors in the reviewing publisher of the Bend Bulletin, A Camp Abbot Wac is keeping otherwise might have been con­ to every incoming increment of line. Mr. Frank Loggan, advertising pace with her husband in climb­ rookies in Camp Abbot. signed to a scrap heap and a For two days, Gen. Sturdevant manager, and the following ing the Army ladder. Promotion Designed to set a new high in 1939-model medium tank arrived toyred the camp in Col. Bes­ camp officials comprised the re­ to a T/5 for Frances O'Neil, na­ here this week and are being re­ hokum and pure G. I. comedy, son’s jeep and obtained a per­ view line, fronted by Gen. tive of Portland, Ore., meant the action will take place all conditioned by the Motor Trans­ sonal picture of the efficient |Sturdevant and Col. Besson: Col only two jumps below her hus­ portation Branch for service in over battalion rec halls where ERTC schedules. On Friday he I,. H. Hall, post executive o ffi­ band, S Sgt. Robert L. O'Neil, the opus will be shown. Actors the field. saw trainees construct floating cer; Col. Robert M. Copeland attached to a combat Engineer Object of the training is to ac- (? ) will break into each other's bridges, hurl hand grenades, and Lt. Col. Clarence J. Douglas, outfit somewhere “ down under.” routines with heckling, ribbing, cusom soldiers to the presence of Frances, who joined the Wacs rigging, operation of machine Director, Training Division. (Continued on Page 4) tanks and to teach them proper last March, is a stenographer in employment of cover, Col. Doug­ the office of Maj. M. J. Cuadra, las said. The armored vehicles commandant Hq. Companies, will be driven over fox holes and similar entrenchments occupied by trainees. In addition, light tanks will be used to test mine The editorial staff of the Ab­ which chose “Great Day,” evi­ gestivo of ERTC routine. fields and fixed and floating bot ENGINEER emerged from dently with visions of a victory “Body and Soul” was ehosen bridges built by trainees. Medium a stark of ballots this week parade. Apathy had its followers as Hie “evira” favorite mil in­ tanks will test traps and other tightly clutching a list of four cluded in ihe list of suggestions obstacles prepared as part of tunes selected by soldiers as RADIO SHOW FACTS by the Waring aggregation. Abbot's intensive training pro­ Iheir favorite ballads for Ihe The program will he broad­ T H E BEST PRO TEC TIO N from a' Date: Thursday, July 29, 1943 Fred Waring “Victory Tunes” gram. Time: 2000-2013. cast over 129 stations of Ihe daylight air raid is to lie flat on the. Classed as salvage material, program to lie dedicated to Songs to be featured: NBC Red network. As a special ground nr in a diteli, shell hole or- the light tanks were manufac­ Camp Abbot from ÍWK) to 201.» "I Kissed Your Picture Good­ servire lo soldiers at C amp Ab­ shadnw and nnt move. tured on order from the Chinese Thursday, July 29 over a c«*ast- night.” bot, Station KB.MI in Betid. 1340 toeoast network arranged by "Great Day,” "Day In, Day government several years ago Out.” kiloeyrles, lias made arrange­ but f a i l e d to measure up to the post Special Service branch. "Eody and Soul.” ments io earry the program. Attitudes of three G. I. schools specifications and were not ac­ Should the program originale F O R BEST RECEPTION- of thought apparently were re­ cepted. Instruments bear Chinese TUNE IN BEND’S STATION in a New York studio, two Ab­ symbols instead of English le- flected in the titles chosen. KBN'D — 1340 ON YOUR botmen—Sgt. Alev Orloff and From the homesick tribe came tering. D IAL. Dale Evans—on furlough in the Mushing avowal: ”1 Just Three more medium tanks Manhattan plan to attend the have been requisitioned and Kissed Your Picture Goodnight.” should arrive hare soon. Col. Occasion for rejoicing was pro­ in the third clique which listed radio show. Roth are attached phesied by the second school "Day In, Day Out,” a title sug- to Hq. Co. SCI 19*3, be expected. Douglas said. G en. Siu rd e v a n f Inspects A b b o t on T w o-Day Visit ERTC Subject Casting Date Set For G. I. Musical, "Castles O' Fun" "Victory Tunes" Selected by Abbotmen for July 29 Radio Dedication by Waring Band