Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, July 16, 1943, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Friday, July 1 6, 1943
Page Three
Volley Ball Enthusiasts in Action
11 P ra ctic e
G a m e s Run
O f f in 5 2 n d .
E l e v e n hectic preliminary
games were run o ff this week in
the 52nd Engr. Tng. Bn. in prep­
aration for their participation,
along witli other teams, in the
firsta animal camp-wide softball
The tourney gets under way
July 26, lasting one week, with
beautiful plaques awarded to
wining teams.
Sponsored by the post Special
Service office athletic depart­
ment, the tourney gained im­
petus with the distribution of
regulation score cards to the 24
teams in the meet. Until the day
of the meet, all units will con­
duct squad eliminations to select
an official representative.
There will be three brackets
of eight teams each competing
on a two-game elimination sys­
tem. Teams are again urged to
send in their results to the EN­
GINEER via Message Center or
phoning Ext. 8. The champion­
ship game will be played on the
camp diamond, with balance of
tussles slated in battalion back
^>ts that have been cleared for
■•creational sites.
ENG IN EER Wants Scores
O f All Cam p Sports
Sports news of all types—
from scores of ping pong
matches to results of inter­
unit ball games — will be
welcomed with open arms
by the ENGINEER Sports
Make it a point to phone
in results of all athletic con­
ests to the ENGINEER,
Ext. 8. Post Hqs. Annex.
Bldg. 202.
Lt. Ealey Reels In
20-in. River Trout
This IS a fish story! Lt.George
W. Ealey, Hq. Co. ERTC supply
officer, is a fisherman from
'way back and enjoys fishing at
Camp Abbot as he did at Et. Bel-
voir, Va. where he was stationed
for 10 years prior to being trans­
ferred here.
Et. Ealey says tile only thing
lie likes I letter than fishing, is
more fishing and admits he lias
caught the biggest one yet at
Camp Abliot—a 20 inch German
brown trout.
Fishing in a mountain stream
differs from casting in the Po­
tomac where Lt. and Mrs. Ealey,
also an ardent rod-and-reel fan,
caught many bass,weighing four
and a half pounds and over, in
that the fish in D e s c h u t e s
streams are trickier. Lt. Ealey
spent nearly an hour bringing
in the 20-inch beauty. He has
caught rainbows measuring 16
A “ Fun Schedule” listing day- inches and made other sizeable
to-day recreation activities for catches.
battalions of the 11th Engr. Tng.
Gp. is being prepared each week
by Lt. Stephen I). Hopkins, Hq. Co. 'Rustlers’ Trounce
Group Special Service Officer, 54th Bn. Squad, 1 3 to 1
The Hq. Co. “ Rustlers,” an
for distribution to units.
independent baseball
A dance for members of the E R T C
52nd and 53rd Bn. Tuesday night team, defeated a squad from the
was a feature of this week’s pro­ 54th Bn., 13 to 1, in a seven-in-
gram. Companies of the 51st Bn. , ning contest on the Camp Abbot
attended Wac parties in the pon­ 1 diamond last Sunday.
Grabbing an early lead, the
ton area Monday and Wednes­
d a y nights, and a third party ; Rustlers amassed five runs in
*va s
scheduled for tonight. : the first frame. Three more
Movies headlined activities for runs were collected in the fifth
j inning and five in the sixth.
the quarantined 54th Bn.
Squad and platoon tourna­ I Malone, Rustler hurler, gave up
ment playoffs in volleyball and ; only two hits as compared with
softball were scheduled for all ; 10 for Butz, 54th Bn. mounds-
battalions in the Gp.
Daily Recreation
Slate A t 11 th Gp.
Abbot n’ Around
♦ Being a weekly calendar of events listing activities in Camp
and Bend for Camp Abbot personnel
BEND USO: Quiz and Game Night.
BEND USO: Juke-Box Dance; “ Saturday Nite Fun.”
BLDG. NO. 211: Officers’ dance, Informal, in Officers Mess, 2100
to 2400.
ABBOTheater: Matinee, 1400; Regular Shows, 1830, 2030, week-
ATTEN zJCHURCH: Chapels on post or churches in Bend.
CAMP B A LL PA R K : Baseball game between Camp Abbot and
visiting team, 1400.
SUNDAY DINNER: Register at USO for Home Hospitality.
BEND USO: Dunkers Club, 1015-1100; Musical Gems (classical
recordings), 1500; Buffet Lunch, 1500-1700; Snacks, 1900-
2200; Party Night-Games, refreshments, community sing-
POST CHAPEL: "Wings Over Jordan” Spiritual Swingers, 1930.
PILO T BUTTE IN N —ARM Y WIVES-USO Club Meeting, 2000.
BEND USO: "Do as you Please Night” —Open House
ERTC BARRACKS 919: String Ensemble Practice, 1830.
BIBLE CLASS: Post Chapel, 19.30.
A L L PURPOSE BLDG.: Dance for Hq. Co. ERTC and SCL Carde.
USO hostesses and Wacs as dancing partners, 2030-2230.
STATIO N KBND: “Camp Abbot on Parade,” Studio in Pilot Butte
Inn, 1945-2000.
CHOIR PRACTICE: Post Chapel, 1930.
BEND USO: Bingo Party-Telephone call home to winner, 2000.
BEND USO: "Learn to Dance” Class 1800.
BEND BOWLING A LLEYS: Wac Tournament Night, 1930.
CHOIR PRACTICE: Post Chapel, 1800.
Ball Club Plays
I ndisinaicd over a 101 loss Irt
Bend Elks last Sunday, the Abbot
ENGINEERS c ro ss tints with a
"mystery team" day after tomor­
row at I till) o il the rati ,, diamond,
located in rear of the obstacle
The defeat was the third one
handed out by the hard slugging
Benders. Maybe when they play
( us on our home grounds ihe
charm will reverse. 'Hie Elks out­
fit has assured the Special Ser­
vice office that they are willing
to perform on the camp diamond
— in the very near future.
SLAP IT BACK, BUB The dogfaces with their hacks to the
Jumping into an early load,
camera are newly-arrived trainees in A-54, shown as they past­
ed the leather off the bouncer in a practice game with cadre in
4 A M r A IIH O T
preparation for the camp-wide volley ball meet. (ENGINEER
Slievrin. 3b ............. ___ 1 0 0 0 0 2
2 0 0 1 k 1
Photo by Hahn.)
0 n 2 4 J
The swish of lightweight balls
across nets and healthy socks
by toughened hands provided
cheerful music to Abbot volley­
ball enthusiasts as the first
week’s warm-up games were
played in company areas.
Typical of the interesting con-
tests was the game between
trainees and cadre of A-54, which
the former captured handily,
The above photograph shows
the two teams in action. The
Hymen Fink, left; Pvt. Walter
Davis and Pvt. Burt A. Simpson.
Cadre, shown across the laced
barrier, are Cpls.
Bob F. Hickey,
Ita T. Ayseue, Willis A. Guilotte
and Larry L. Doyles.
The Special Service office,
tournament sponsors, reiterated
the necessity of all teams to
record their scores with the SSO.
The Phone is Ext. S.
Hospital Names
M usic, Fun Unit
P. A. System
Plans for the organization of
an orchestra and entertainment
(Continued From Page One)
unit which will present shows
for patients of the Station Hos- six additional speakers soon,
pital and participate in Red * » * * ■*“ .
Cross programs were announced
Equipment already installed
by Sgts. Morris Stavsky and inclu<ie8 six speakers mounted
Carlo 4 Cotella Med I)ct SOU on 25-foot towers atop the rec-
19-;!. In charge of arrangements,
building, two micro-
phones and two portable ampli-
Personnel of the orchestra in- fiers.
eludes Pfc. Paul W. Eriksen,
Supervising installation were
pianist, composer and arranger; , Capt. John C. H. Nelson, Post
Pvt. Jack H. Norgsard, piano; Signal officer, and Lt. Alfred B.
Sgt. Joseph C. Walker, trumpet; Brown Jr., Signal property offi-
Sgt. Ferrel A. Massey, trom- cer. Actual installation was done
bone; S/Sgt. Alvin E. Keust, by Sgt. Roger Stamp of SCU
bass; Cpl. Newton J. Hall, saxo- 1991, Signal Corps, assisted by
phone and clarinet, and Pfc. Wil- Cpl. Larry’ Walsh, Sgt. Albert
liam E. Morrison, drums.
Wcisner and Pvt. Louis Black-
Entertainers are Pfes. Charles . welder.
R. Hartzell, William G. Hesse,
— -----------------------
Gerald LaSalle and Angelo M. L a r q e s t Crowd Attends
Cuzzo and Pvt. Edward C. Mich T r a i n e e D a n c e ;n A . p H a ll
Largest attended dance in his-
Try-Outs Staged
For Cam p Show
A number ol talented Abbot-
men and Wacs were discovered
last night at the first try-outs of
future cast members for a gala
all-soldier show that will be pre-
sented to every new incoming
Lt. Wayne B. Leitzell, Special
Service Officer of the 12th Gp.
conducted the rehearsals, assist­
ed by members of the post SSO.
Original skits, blackouts, songs
and comedy material will be
written by G. I.’s here as the
“ meatier” portions of the p r o ­
jected musical revue.
As yet untitled, the show will
last about an hour and will be
enhanced by the musical back­
ground of the camp's second
dance band. Anyone interested
in trying out for the show
should contact Lt. Leitzell at
Ext. 60.
tory of the camp was on hand
last Tuesday evening in the Ail-
Purpose rec hall when trainees
of the 52nd and 53rd Engr. Tng.
Bns. jigged to the toe-tapping
rhythms of S/Sgt. Jack Hayes’
ERTC band.
Original posters, advertising
the dance, were designed by Pvt.
r a Hollabaugh, B-35, and dis-
tributed tnrougTiout the area.
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the Bend team scored three runs
in the first inning when Bill
Hatch, first baseman, poled out
a home run, driving in two men,
both of whom had reached fust
base on walks. Bond bad its isg-
lnnlnB in the fourth when
lour runs were scored,
The Camp Abbot contingent
made two runs in the fifth oil a
triple by Maslan and threatened
to rally in the seventh when
Maslan singled, Pizzi knocked a
triple and Orloff drove th« m
home with a single. The Elks..iso
chalked up a run in the fourth
inning and two in the sixth.
Camp Abbot committed Jive
errors against lour lor Bend.
Presbyterian Church Boolts
Music Appreciation Hour
aturday night music appre­
ciation hour at the First Presby­
terian church in Bond is attract­
ing sizable soldier crowds, the
Hov Uol)C1-t jj . p rcntice, pastor,
saj(| today.
Talented G. I. musicians nro
hemp afforded an opportunity of
playing the melodious church
organ in the auditorium. Pian-
ists can also enjoy relaxing mo-
mcnls over the keys. Ihe infor-
mal event lasts from 2000 to
22(H) and women of the chuirh
serve refreshments to the kh.'ki-
clad audience.
« 1
(lowers is kid talk.
Summary. Homo run: Hatch: throo-l a «o
h it: Muslim. Two-base hits: Pi/.zi. Hutch.
Hanes on b a ll»: O ff Korn. 3: o ff N «•*•««»
1: o fff Farm er. 2. Struck nut: by h tr n ,
2; h> Nokes, 1: by Farm er, 5.
¿- '-r
Sets Record
A new daily attendance
record was established last
Sunday at the ABBOTheater
when 1495 servicemen en­
joyed “Stage Door Canteen,”
one of the best movies yet
to come out of Hollywood
, N D FH.KS—
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by Sansone
The Wolf
Cvr o t
\okon, of, p .............
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Fitzpatrick, If .........
Maniait, l b .................
I’ u/.i, c ....................
Korn, p ..................
Orluff, cf .................
So th * b a d s n th b ee s n th
But d o you gotta be so b lu n t7”