Did Your Company Make the What's Your f.Q.? HEADLINES? Correspondence Instruction Enroll Today for UNIT REPORTERS ARE W ANTED from all O R G A N IZA TIO N S— from ARMY FO R CES INSTITUTE.' CAMP ABBOT, OREGON S. S. O. Chief Toasts Camp Hostesses Pyj}|jç AdOTCSS Learn in Army System Will Amplify News Program Starts Special Service Office Project May Soon Air Reveille, Rretreat Calls WELCOME TO ABBOT—Photographed at a recent G. I. dance in the All-Purpose Rec Hall, Lt. P. H. O’Brien, post Special Ser­ vice O fficer is shown engaged in an anim ated conversation w ith these three charm ing voung women who have been selected as hostesses. Miss Helen M. Souhrada, left, in charge of th e cafe­ teria; Mrs. Helen S trong Sm ith, Service Club director, and Miss Caroline Paddock, chief librarian. ABBOT FACE! Hostesses Are G lad as Units Near Finish ST R IP TEASE—A story is told of a draftee who needed a m in o r nose treatm ent. “As long a s you’re the one who discovered This,” he told his d raft board doctor, “how about you doing the tre a tm e n t” T he doctor told him to rep o rt a t his office th e next m orning . . . W hen he arrived, th e doctor said: “Go into the next room , and rem ove all your clothes” . . . "Ju st for a nose tre a tm e n t? ” th e patient p ro test­ ed. The doctor repeated: “Re­ m ove all your clothes.” The m an w ent into th e adjoining room, and removed his clothes. There khe saw a stranger, nude, holding ci package. "All I need is a m inor nose treatm en t,” the draftee told him , "and the doc m akes m e take off all m y clothes” . . . “T hat’s nothing,” sighed the n u d e stran g er. “I ju s t came to deliver a bundle.” T hree happiest women in Camp Abbot today—aside from the W aes—were civilian hostes­ ses whose jobs it will be to supervise recreational, s o c i a l and educational facilities estab­ lished fo r enlisted m en by the Special Service office. Mrs. Helen Strong Sm ith, di­ rector of the Service Club was jubilant because w orkm en reach­ ed th e interior phases of the beautiful and large G. I. rendez­ vous on Group Ave. C ontractors hope to have the building ready in mid-August. Miss H elen M. Sourhada was flashing h er p rettiest sm ile as draym en unloaded van a fte r van of furnishings and fu rn itu re for the cafeteria in Bldg. 205, ad ja­ cent to the All Purpose Rec hall. The cafeteria, which she will m anage, accom m odates 120 per­ sons and 40 m ay be served in the fountain located in a wing. Civil­ ians will sta ff the cafeteria, ser­ ving a variety of m eals, snacks or dessert a t economical prices. Miss Caroline Paddock, chief librarian, has completed catalog­ ing th e thousands of books eventually to be placed for dis­ tribution to all cam p personnel in the m ain library in th e S er­ vice Club and sub-libraries in each of the two G roups here. At present, books, m agazines and (Continued on P age 4) • • * RED LINE ITEM—Personally w e don’t cherish the idea of be­ in g a tattle-tale but to prevent a sartorially-m inded M.P. from being “gigged” we pass th is in­ form ation along to the guilty m em ber of th e cam p M otor P a ­ tro l squad. Several days ago you w ere seen (yes, w e saw you!) astrid e your powered scooter, License No. 61333, on highw ay 97 w earing red socks, which, definitely isn’t G.I. Up to the m inute news flashes, im portant announcem ents from post headquarters, popular phonograph records and bugle calls will be “broadcast” to per­ sonnel of Camp Abbot through the medium of a new public ad­ dress system installed this week in th e All-Purpose Recreation hall at Center St. and Group Ave. In addition to public announce­ m ents and news flashes, a daily w ar sum m ary will be read prob­ ably around 0800 daily except Sunday. Lt. P. H. O'Brien, direc­ to r of Special Services, will be announcer, and new scasts will em anate from a soundproof “penthouse” studio in the recrea­ tion hall. As soon as a turntable, ordered recently arrives, calls fo r form ations and popular records will be included in the program . The am plifying unit can be heard distinctly in the 51st and 57th Bn. areas on either end of Group Ave., at the Station H os­ pital and on ta rg e t ranges, Sig­ nal Corps officers who su p er­ vised installation and testing of equipm ent reported. Reception is expected to be improved con­ siderably w ith the installation of (Continued on Page 3) B-51 Builds First Ponton Bridge Using a short crew of 92 men, instead of 106, B-51 became the first Abbot unit to construct a heavy ponton bridge over the sw irling D eschutes riv er in th e vicinity of the ponton w arehouse last Tuesday. Utilizing 13 two-ton ponton boats, th e trainees built a 205- foot bridge in 3 hours and 50 m inutes. Capt. C. E. Spahr, com­ pany com mander, w as en th u s­ iastic over the m an n er in which his rookies m astered the rugged job. The bridge, having a load­ ing capacity of 25 tons, w as dis­ m antled in 1 hour and 45 m in­ utes. Retreat Parade Is Slafed Today for Gen. Sturdevanf H onoring Brig. Gen. C lar­ ence J. S turdevant, assistan t to the Chief of Engineers, a re tre a t parade is scheduled F riday between 1* *00 to 1800 on th e parade grounds by the l l t l i E ngr. Tng. Gp. Gen. Sturdevant, accom­ panied by m em bers of his sta ff will m ake an inspec­ tion of ERTC training facili­ ties and confer w ith cam p authorities, headed by Col. F ra n k S. Besson, post com­ m ander. have been held in Bend are: Mr. C. J. Lindh, chairm an of the Cham ber of Commerce housing com mitee; Mr. S. D eitrick and Mr. John Cusick, com m ittee m em bers; Mr. D. H. Peoples, secretary of the C ham ber of Commerce; Mr. W. C. Coyner, chairm an, fair ren ts com m ittee and Mr. P. B. Johnson, Mr. J. F. Arnold, Mr. R. H. Prentice, and Mr. W. A. W irtz, com m ittee members. Of 356 housing questionnaires completed by civilian personnel w orking at Cam p Abbot, 285 have indicated th a t they a re sat­ isfied w ith th eir accommoda (Continued on P age 4) Ninth Service Unit Chief Reveals Varied Plans for Camp Abbot By l pi. M orrie C. Guss (E d it o r, Abbot E N G I N E E R ) A six-point educational pro­ gram . designed to increase mil­ itary efficiency and assist am ­ bitions Abhotm en who w ish to get ahead in lift*, has been in sti­ tu ted by the Special Service Branch Hqs., N i n t h Service Coma lid, Ft. Douglas, l tab. These off-duty educational op­ portunities, available to all m en and W acs in camp, consists of (1) correspondence instruction, <21 self-taught foreign languages, Over ninety-five p er cent of (3) self-taught basic subjects, the Wac contingent at Cam p Ab­ i4) a rt and hobby groups, (5) to u rs of places of historic inter­ bot have indicated th e ir inten­ est, and (6) group discussions. tion to “take it” as an an sw er to , A rm ed w ith colorful posters, th e A rm y’s offer to “take it or I ext books, catalogs and praise­ leave it” when the oath of se r­ w orthy le tte rs from other A rm y vice is adm inistered to the wom­ posts in the NSC, Capt. George H. Ivins, education oificer, out­ ens’ corps in the n ear fu tu re. lined the program to cam p a u th ­ A 60-day period of grace has orities who im m ediately approv­ been granted to presently-enroll­ ed its w orthiness and began to form ulate classes ed Wacs to decide w hether or plans am ong all units stationed on the not they will rem ain in the ser­ post. vice to release a man fo r active The program will lx? directed fighting duty. T here is to be no by the post Special Service Of­ coercion used to persuade the fice. Lt. P. H. O'Brien, director, women in khaki to “stand by said full inform ation about any th eir gu n s” and A rm y and Wac phase of the educational plan is officials are of the opinion th at available, and assistance will be th e num ber who leave the corps given to organizing the neces­ will be “very sm all.” sary classes, supplying self­ teaching tex ts and m aterials, aid soldiers in selection of S Sgt. John L. Overman to and correspondence courses through Attend Finance School th e Arm ed Forces Institute. S /S g t. Jo h n L. Overman, Fin The la tte r organization, under ance branch, Hqs. Co., SCU 1973, governm ent supervision, covers today w as en route to the Army alm ost th e en tire conventional Finance school at W ake Forest (Continued on Pago 2) College, W ake Forest, N. C , for a th ree m onth’s special finance course. Large M ajority of Abbot Wacs W ill Remain in Service Date fo r W aring "You’re Turning Out Swell Soldiers" Band Camp Abbot Dedication Nears B r • • B auauon R ating C hart Cam pH ousing Board Reports Results on Questionnaire Cam p Abbot authorities today- studied results of a com prehen­ sive housing survey initialed several weeks ago as a project of the Personnel Relations Divis­ ion. M embers of th e H ousing Board, named by Col. F ra n k S. Besson, post com m ander, com­ prises Maj. Russell D. T urrill, D irector, Personnel Relations; Capt. Thom as B. Fulkerson, QM P ro p erty O fficer; Lt. John Q. Gelder, A ssistant Sales Officer, an d Lt. John N. Alders, A ssis­ ta n t Classification Officer, E n­ listed Men’s Personnel. M embers of civilian com m it­ tees w ith whom joint m eetings Education Is Offered in Off-Duty Hours CONGRATULATIONS—Col. F ra n k S. Besson, po-r m ander, left, w as p r o u d of Capt. W i n s t o n W. Eh; C-51 a fte r records revealed th at his com pany was adjud, • in the Bn. ratin g chart, shown in th e background. Tabu w ere based on com pany m arksm anship, tactical, technic adm inistration achievem ents. Thirteen days before tlie na­ tion learns about Camp Abbot when Fred Waring’s “Victory Tunes” radio program is dedi­ cated Co the Army’s newest ERTC, names of songs to bo played by the famed band were stilf undisclosed due to the num­ erous requests yet (touring in the Special Service Office. On Ju ly 29, from 2000 to 2015, over 129 stations of th e NBC red netw ork, the W aring organization will tell in sto ry and song the aim s and present achievem ents of th e cam p th a t is destined to become the la rg e st ERTC in the country. Tile Ju ly 23 issue of the E N ­ G IN EER will c a rry full details of the W aring program , includ­ ing the three most popular songs w ith Abhotmen. P lans a re un­ derw ay to c a rry th e quarter- hour p rogram over th e public