Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, July 09, 1943, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Friday, July 9, 1943
WANTED: Spor+s
How would you like to be a
G. I. sports writer?
The ENGINEER wants news
about sports happenings in
every platoon, battalion and
Gp. on the post. I f you have
any news that should appear
on the Sports Page, either sub­
mit It to the ENGINEER ,yia
Message Center, or phone Ext.
P. S.: You get in free to all
of the games, too. Maybe we
can design a "PRESS” card
for hard-working correspond­
The Wolf
CapT»|iH IWJ b» lwa«i4 W
Elks Stage a
Stampede to
Beat G.L Nine
H i: F L A Y ’EM A G A IN
July 26 Set As
Opening of
Softball Meet
Championship Slated for
Aug. 1; 24 Teams Sign Up
To Compete for Awards
Softball showed signs of be­
coming Camp Abbot’s No. 1 sport
this week following an announce­
ment by Sgt. Roy L. Rider, ath­
letic director fo r the Special
Service Office, that 24 teams will
he organized here to compete in
a l\ S. Service Cam p tourna­
ment sponsored by the Amateur
Softball Association.
Following t h e tournament,
scheduled for July 26 to August
1, awards will be made to winn­
ing teams by a well-known soft-
drink concern.
Organizations which will be
represented are the four com-
^h p iies of the 51st, 52nd, 53rd and
^ E l h Engr. Tug. Bns.; Hq. ( <>.,
S C U 19*3; H«|. Co., E R T C ; the
M otor Co.; the Medical net., and
the 55th, 56th and 57th Bns., the
latter three of which will have
only one team because their ac­
tivation is not scheduled in time
fo r organization of company
teams. An officers’ contingent
also w ill compete.
Teams will be eliminated after
losing two games. Preliminary
games will be played during off-
duty hours in battalion areas,
and the final contest, scheduled
for August 1, on Camp Abbot
Page Three
Maybe there's a charm in the
third time. Anyway, the camp
varsity baseball stars oppose the
Bend Elks day after tomorrow
at 1330 on theBend diamond The
Elks will also tangle with Red­
mond Air Base in a second game
slated for 1530. Admission for
G. I.’s is -10 cents.
Providing the biggest thrill
during the Fourth of July cele­
bration in Bend was the baseball
game between Camp Abbot’s
^ ¡ n g Engineers and the Bend
It was the second time the
GI’s locked horns with the Ant­
lers—and lost. The latest score:
12 to 6. In their first clash the
tally was 11 to 1.
The camp aggregation looked
hotter than any firecracker
which was touched off before
the war. Since pyrotechnics are
out for the duration, the socks
of polished bats provided last
Sunday’s necessary sound dep’t.
noise. Right off the start,
Pochek, sensational shortstop,
slammed out a homer to pace a
hitting streak which, at the end
of the second canto, hoisted Ab­
bot in front of a 3 to 0 lead.
When the Elks came to bat in
the first of the third Zande,
Army pitcher, hit an airpocket
and his deliveries were clothed
with Maggie's drawers. In eight
consecutive hits, the Elks gar­
nered seven runs, forging to the
front and, while pushed during
the waning innings of the game,
maintained the lead.
Jimmy Farmer, winning twirl-
er, scattered out the eight hits
chalked up against him, while
Zande permitted 15 drives. Nehl,
cf: Bailey, 2b, and Douglass, rf.,
shined for the hometown nine.
Maslan, Abbot first sacker, led
the Engies with two timely hits.
Gin Pole Construction
interests Abbot Trainees
Playing with ten men in­
stead of six, a camp wide vol­
ley ball tournament is slated to
get under way next Monday on
battalion recreation fields.
Sponsored by' the post
Special Service Office, the tour­
ney will he a one-game elimin­
ation affair, with platoons pit­
ted against other units, to de­
termine battalion champs and
later, inter-battalion winners
will engage in a play-off to de­
termine Gp. leaders.
In official match play, six
positions are utilized — right
forward, center forward, left
forward, right hack, center
back and left hack. In this GI
tournament, the sextette will
be augmented by a “left net-
ter" and “right netter,” playing
in front o f the net, and “right
center,” and “left center," grac­
ing the middle area lx-tween
the forw ards and I lacks.
Teams engaged in the volley­
ball tourney are requested to
phone I heir results to the EN­
GINEER, Ext. 8 after each
A b b o t Bowlers A re
Invited to Form
Tearns for A ction
Bowling enthusiasts at Abbot
— and their number is legion—
are invited to form teams for
league play during the summer
months at the Bend Recreation
Alleys, 744 Bond St.
Spurred by the incessant re­
quests for competitive play, Mr.
Bob Dow sett, owner of the
alleys, has agreed to set aside
Thursday night of each week for
the next three months for match
action between military person­
nel teams.
The eight-alloys will dose
July 12 for two weeks during
which the sliek maplelanes will
lie thoroughly resurfaced, and
when reo|iened, will lx- available
for Abbot teams.
nn P|nInr.
For A b b o t Units
AH soldier-engineers must acquire the technique of rigging—
expedient methods of moving hulks loads. Shown above are
recruits of the second platoon. 0-51. constructing a gin pole,
which. when completed ts a standardized means for bunting and
iintoading heavy equipment, placing heavy bridge timbers and
other uses taught in the EKTC. (E N G IN E E R Photo by Hahn.I
<u»oba*«d by C»»r N#«sp*pa. Itmu
C a m p Volley Ball
Tourney Set W ith
Teams of 10-Men
In the meanwhile, GI pinbust-
ers interested in forming teams,
should contact Bob at the alleys
Using shears to lift the heavy ciples to form the necessary ex­ nightly, or by phoning Bend 532.
gin pole in operating position, pedients for lifting and moving Officers, Wacs, Army nurses, as
well as enlisted men can com­
51st Abbot ERTC recruits this heavy loads,
week spent many an ardous | Each Engineer soldier at Ab- prise teams.
hour on the training area learn- hot has in his possession at all
ing one of the fundamentals of times a training rope with which Q U
C « w ,
basic engineering principles— he practices in spare time tying m o » ' o c w j u i i i ' r " ' 73
the knots he has learned.
Abbotmen also are taught
Purpose of the course is to
QM repair shop seamstresses
teach trainees how to tie the other allied subjects including
common knots and hitches, tripod, high line and boom der­ today were doing a “piping”
make lashings, prepare anchor­ rick, and the particular applica­ swell job stitching appropriate
braid around rims of garrison
ages, and uses of block and tion of each.
Later in their training period, caps worn by Abbot EM’s.
Also included in the instruc­ the Castlemen get practical ap­
A recent camp memorandum
tion offered by competent in­ plication of what they have stipulated that G l ’s should have
structors and coached by veteran learned about rigging during piping representing their indi­
cadre are the techniques in us­ construction of fixed and float­ vidual units; red for ERTC,
ing a combination of these prin- ing bridges.
green for S C I'; eohalt blue with
No! This Isn't a G. I. Maypole Dance
by Sansone
golden orange fo r Chemical W a r ­
fare Service; silver grey with
golden yeilmv for I -¡nance; m a­
roon with white for Medical Dot;
yellow with green fo r M l*’s;
crimson with yellow for Ord­
nance; Hoff for QM. and orange
with white for Signal Corps.
—sandwiches cake n’ co ffee Everything’s free!
51st Makes 700%
In Rifle Sh o o tin g ;
Co. A Best Shots
Effectiveness o f rifle marks­
manship training in the EK TC
here was demonstrated reeently
when the 51st Bn., the first
Cam p Alilxit unit to fire fo r
record on the range, qualified
100 per cent of the men who
Co. A took top honors In the
battalion, qualifying 32 men as
experts, 75 as sharpshooters and
69 as marksmen. Figures were
for both record firing and first
supplemental firing. Only 64
men of the entire unit have not
fired. They will receive addition­
al instruction before firing for
Preliminary firing by the 52nd
Bn. indicates that unit also will
qualify 100 per cent and prob­
ably will give the 51st a close
race, Maj. LcComptc Joslin, sup­
ervisor of weapons training said.
The 52nd is scheduled to fire lor
record today and Saturday.
Members of the 51st Bn. this
week studied field fortifications,
camouflage, use of the bayonet,
road construction. Engineer ro-
connaisance and fixed bridge con­
struction. Training tests were
Individual security, scouting
and patrolling, rifle marksman­
ship, first aid and training tests
were on the 53rd Battalion sched­
ule. The 52nd covered rifle
marksmanship, tools and equip­
ment, marches and bivouacs, dr
fensc against air attack, demoli­
tion, field fortifications, camou­
flage and rigging.
Front & Center!
D-52 Is H o n o r e d
Col. I rank S. Besson, |X~t
commander, tossed a gaHaind
of G I “vvarehids" to D-52, com­
manded by Capt. Donald V.
Dickson, tor being an "alert
Retiiriiiiig from the target
range, and passing Old Glory
flying triumphantly on lino
camp flag pole shortly brio-«
1730, the company, instead <’f
“rushing by, halted and stood
at parade rest during the
sounding of retreat. The com­
pany then presented arms te r
the National Anthem, It w as
an inspiration.”
The commendation np|x-ai*«l
in a recent DIB, under Cel.
Besson's signature. That's gi f­
ting the A B B O T H A B IT !
Strawn N a m e d as
W a c G a m e s C le rk
Now that they’ve become hon­
est to-goodness G.I.’s, Camp Ab-
bol’s Wacs this week completed
plans lor an ambitious recrea­
tion program and named Pvt.
Ruth Strawn as recreation ck-ik.
Ruth has had considerable ex­
perience in athletics and organi­
zational work and has tabbed
the following diversions: bo-vl-
ing every Thursday night, swim­
ming several nights weekly, ten­
nis on the Bend high school
courts, basketball, volleyball and
softball. Over the weekends, pic­
nics and game sessions also are
Abbot n’ Around
* B e in g a weekly calendar of events listing activities in C am p)
and Bend for Camp Abbot personnel_________________
PILO T BUTTE IN N : Dance- Hülfet Supper for Army eoupl* s,
sponsored by Army Wives-USO Club; ERTC Band Music.
BEND USO: Quiz and Game Night.
BEND USO: Juke-Box Dance; "Saturday Nile Fun.”
BLDG. NO. 211: Officers’ dance, Informal, in Officers’ Mess, 2100
to 2400.
Because many organizations ABBOTheater: Matinee, 1100; Regular Shows. 1830, 2030.
on the post lack adequate sew­ ATTE ND CHURCH: Chapels on post or churches in II ml.
ing facilities, the QM repair shop BEND BALL PARK: Bend diamond. Baseball- game betw. < o
was selected to stitch on the
Camp Abbot and Bend Elks, 1330.
SUNDAY DINNER: Register at USO for Home Hospitality.
BEND USO: Dunkers Club, 10151100; Musical Gems ■ class!, el
recordings!, 1500; Buffet Lunch, 15001700; Snacks, 19trf}-
Seven Training Bags Arrive
2200; Party Night-Games, refreshments, community sing­
To Toughen Mitts of GIs
To develop punches, toughen
hands and bolster coordination. PILO T BUTTE IN N ARMY WIVES-USO Club Meeting, 2000.
Abbot trainees will slam-bang at BEND USO: “ Do as you Please Night ’ Open Hons.
75-pound heavy training bags, ERTC BARRACKS 919: String Ensemble Practice, 1830.
used by prize fighters to in­ BASEBALL PRACTICE: Post Hqs 1800.
crease their dynamite - laden
A L L PURPOSE BLDG.: Dance for trainees of 52nd and 53rd B is.
t ’SO hostesses and Wacs as dancing partners, 2030 2230.
Seven of these monstrous, can­
vas-covered bags arrived in BASEBALL PRACTICE: Post Hqs. 1801).
camp several days ago and will
be distributed to the 11th. 12th STATIO N KBND: "Camp Abbot on Parade,” Studio in Pilot Butte
Inn, 1945-2000.
and Hq. Co.s of ERTC and SCU.
First bag to be installed is in the CHOIR
PRACTICE: Post Chapel, 1930.
All-Purpose rec hall.
BEND USO: Bingo Party-Telephone call home to winner, 20(4).
A n d th#r*> » • « • t.I w ho '■anw to m » M i « «
H atffH hi the W a r Bond o ffic e to m ake hi*
p ir th a a t.
“ W h « t dcTM im inatwin?" «h e a«ked.
“ Presbyterian,” he replied
BEND USO: "Learn to Dance” Class 1800.
BEND BOWLING ALLEYS: War Tournament Night, 1930.
CHOIR PRACTICE; Post Hqs., 1800.