Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, July 02, 1943, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Friday, July 2, 1943
Getti"q ^Bead_onj)em Axis Bums_ ^ ¡a fo n Qg(jef
Training Opens
" J Every Friday
A weekly new spaper published I ., an I for th s m ilitary personnel of Camp
Abbot, O regon, under supervision of tne i'> t Spec al Service branch. All editorial
m a tte r p ertain in g to Camp Abbot is a \aila : !o for general release and re p rin t in
oth er publications. All articles rep resent personal opinions and are not official
new s unless specifically credited to the W ar D epartm ent.
All editorial m atter should be directed to the “ Abbot E ngineer,” P ost H ead­
qu arters, Camp Abbot, Oregon.
Copies of this official post new snapor distributed free to cam personnel. Sub­
scription to the public, by m ail: 60 cents for three m o nth s; six months, $1; one
year, $1.50.
T he EN G IN E E R receives m aterial supplied by Cam p N ew spaper Service, W ar
D ep’t., 205 E. 42nd St., N. Y. C. Credited m aterial m ay not be republished w ithout
perm ission from Camp N ew spaper Service.
1st. Lieut. P. H. O’Brien...........................Director of Special Service
1st. Lieut. Wayne It. Leitzell 12th Group, Special Sc vice Officer
2nd Lt. S. D. Hopkins...........11th Group, Special . vice Officer
Cpl. Morrie C. Guss......................................................................... Editor
T/4 George S. Fly...............................................................Ass’t. Editor
Cpl. Pauline Cohn .....................................................Activities Editor
T/5 Richard Shearin..................................Features & Photography
Sgt. Hoy L. Rider..._...........................................................Sports Editor
Pfc. Bob H ahn....................................................................Photographer
Cpl. Harlan L. Weeks...................... .......Hq. ERTC Correspondent
Aux. Henrietta K irkpatrick...............................................Circulation
Photography and art work by Publications, Engineer Re­
placement Training Center, Camp Abbot, Oregon.
Abbot learn the rudiments of modern soldiering through per­
sonalized and unique training aids. Here’s u typical scene on the
post Preliminary Rifle Instruction course where Pvt. Sidney
Baker of the 51st Bn. is receiving helpful tips from Pvt. Harold
Beresford on the Marine sighting devise. (ENGINEER Photo by llahn.)
Trainees Progress in ERTC Work
All day, from the early morning, the streets of quiet old
Philadelphia were filled with a throng of people. Earnestly Members of the 53rd Engr. ! ranges. An exceptionally high
Bn., newest of three such percentage of men qualified.
they talked in little groups, hut ever their eyes swept back Tng.
units activated at Camp Abbot, Other subjects embraced in the
to the door of the State House. There the Continental are
winding up their first week ! schedule included demolitions,
Congress was meeting. It was July 4, 1776.
with a trip through engineer reconnaissance, rig-
The waiting people knew that debate on Mr. Jefferson’s the gas chamber,
epi­ i ging, guard duty and night prob-
resolution was coming to a head. It was a declaration of sode in the ERTC's a tearful
chapter on | lems in patrolling. Training tests
complete independence, no less! Some were not prepared to defense against chemical attack. ; were given to check on the unit’s
in the week, trainees ! progress.
go so far. Many had doubts. The very foundations of the of Earlier
the unit underwent orienta­ I Defense against mechanized
world they knew seemed slipping away.
tion and were introduced to the attack and grenade practice
It was hot. The hours passed. The sun swept through obstacle
were among the more interest-
the zenith. At about two in the afternoon the door opened, bivouacs. course, marches and ! ing
subjects covered by the 52nd
and a voice was heard to cry excitedly, “It has passed.”
Meanwhile, the 51st Bn. be­ Bn. during the week,
The old bellman, waiting dejectedly in the belfry, caught came the first training unit to fire on the Camp Abbot rifle
a signal from a boy sentinel shouting “Ring! Ring!” He
threw the iron clapper of the bell against its side. Its
metallic voice was the song of a new world to be. It spoke Grenade Science
aloud the words prophetically graven round its rim :
Historians reveal this background on how the Declara­ (Picture on front page)
tion of Independence was adopted 167 years ago next The
grenade course offered to
Camp Abbot trainees is the first
give a soldier a chance to
Dedicated to July 4, 1943
The eyes of billions look hopefully to America . . . the to throw
live “pineapple” as part Tho our lands have been in­
land of the free and of opportunity for the common man. of his a training.
This nation’s progress toward the better life is the inspira­ Men of the 52nd Bn. recently
tion of mankind everywhere.
spent half day periods on the And our people been degraded.
We owe it to our children and theirs to continue to dem­ grenade courts where they dem­ We will fight with all our
firing live rifle gren­
on t rate the achievements of true government of the people, onstrated
ades at the hull of an old tank.
For what we know is right.
by the people, for the people.
Each man must know how to As we carry the torch for Lib­
The solid rock on which our forefathers built is the make
eoktails, sticky
Divine precept of the equality of man. On that rock our bombs, Molotov
and receive instructions
foundation is universal education, freedom of speech, and on th e “Bazooka” — (rocket Tho the despot has defiled us,
The objective is that each And us, his actions have reviled
Freedom in America has been growing for more than ' trainee
able to recognize,
five generations. With each succeeding generation the sight or be
the various types We will work and we will pray,
growing light in men’s minds has revealed new freedoms of hand and anti-tank
grenades. To hasten a new day,
our forefathers never dreamed of.
Hand grenades are playing a Carrying the torch for Lib­
We must cherish these ideals of American Democracy! most important part in this war
Dances Galore
For Gl's in Store
Three dances will highlight
Camp Abbot's recreation pro­
gram this week-end and next
week, the Special Service Office
Scheduled are a dance at the
USO in Bend Saturday night: a
dance for men from Hqs. Co.,
ERTC, and SCU 1073 at the All-
Purpose Rec Hall here Tuesday
night, and a dance for married
men and their wives at the
Bend USO Friday night. Camp
Abbot's dance orchestra, direct­
ed by S Sgt. Jack Hayes will
play for both Tuesday and Fri­
day night affairs.
The All-Purpose building had
its largest crowd Tuesday night
when a dance was held for mem­
bers of the 51st and 52nd Engr.
Tng. Bn. Special representatives
were appointed tn battalions to
Introduce trainees to feminine
in numerous ways and a proper­
trained soldier can stop a tank
ASF Training Conference very effectively by himself, ac­
cording to Maj. LeCompte Jos-
Attended by Officers
New techniques in training lin, chief, Weapons Branch.
fighting Yanks were discussed
at the recent Army Service
Forces conference at Ft. Belvoir,
Va., according to two high-rank­
ing Camp Abbot officers who at- I
tended the four-day meeting. |
Representing the ERTC, Col.
A. H. Bond, 12th Gp. command­ (Continued From Page One)
ing officer and Lt. Col. Clarence
strength and courage high
J. Douglas, director, Training With
W e’ re in there to do or die
So we say when there’ s a road to clear—
Division, participated in num­ Just
leave it to the Engineer.
erous demonstrations, including Meanwhile,
ballots by the box­
simulated ‘‘street fighting,” and ful occupied the
attention of the
toured training sites especially Special Service branch
created for the many represen­ mine the three most to popular
tatives of arm s and branches in , songs requested for playing by
attendance. Brig. Gen. W. L. the famous W aring musical or­
Weible, ASF Director of Train­ ganization. If you haven’t cast
ing, was conference chairman. your ballot, scissor out the “tune
tally” on the bottom of this page
and mail it to the Special Service
The speaker was enumerating the arils
of the day. We shall get rid of them all branch, Bldg. 202.
Lyrics Ready
— bolshevism, socialism. communism, an­
An old gentleman In the front row spoke
louder than he meant to. " I wish." he said
wistfully, “ he’d throw in rheumatism.”
The Abbot ENGINEER can be sent to the home front for
13 weeks ar a cost of 50 cents, or 26 weeks for $1. If vou wish
the ENGINEER sent home, fill out this blank, enclose money
" n<!
1 via Mossags Center or U. S. malls to: Abbot
ENGINEER, Public Relations Office, Camp Abbot, Oregon.
Send to .............................. ..............................................................
Address .......... ...... ............ ..........
L+. Klabanoff Is
Theater Officer
Qualified enlisted men and o:
fieers below the rank of eaptai
are encouraged to apply fo
Aviation cadet (air crew) trail
ing, Camp Abbot Headquarter
has announced. The War Deparl
ment recently advised that hi
urgent need for aviation cadet
Enlisted men may obtain ap
plication forms from Lt. Johr
A. Maxson, personnel procure
ment officer. Blanks togethei
with a birth certificate and three
letters of recommendation musl
he submitted to the applicant’s
immediate commanding office!
who will forward them, if ap
proved, to the Personnel Branch.
From Camp Abbot, applications
are sent to the Portland Army
Air Base for consideration.
The only educational require­
ment necessary is that the appli.
cant be able to pass a mental
screening test given by Aviation
Cadet Boards. Candidates are
not required to complete basic
training in other branches of the
army before applying for avia­
tion cadet training.
Officers must apply on AAF
Form W-5252 in duplicate to
Post Headquarters. If approved,
applications will be forwarded
to the Aviation Cadet Section,
Army Air Force Hqs. in Wash­
ington, D. C.
Theater Opening
(Continued from Page One)
open half an. hour before show
Abbot personnel are l JL.I to
purchase a movie coupon- hook,
valued at $1.50 for only 81.20,
thereby saving 30 cents on 10
admissions. The coupon books
are on sale at the boxoffice.
Prior to opening, officials of
the U. S. Army Motion Picture
Service completely inspected and
approved the theater.
Other enlisted personnel as­
signed to the Abbotheater in­
clude Cpl. F. W. Fadum, chief
projectionist: Cpl. Joe Ramirez,
assistant: Cpl. Carlton W. Jos­
eph, ticket taker; Pvt. Leslie J.
Martin, janitor, and Pfc. T. W.
Crews, usher.
Friday July 2, 19*,
Sunday, July 4, 1943
Millions of souls,
Friday, July 2)
In the dark like moles,
Jewish Services will be held
But we'd gladly give our all. Friday,
July 2 at 19tMi in Chapel
Wearing iron chains,
on Group Avenue.
Hope at times seems vain. | No. 208 SUNDAY,
Yet we wait for Freedom's 0800 — Episcopal
conducted by Rev. G. R. V. Bol­
of the Trinity Epis­
If the nations free will aid us, ster, rector
Church of Bend, in Chapel
To destroy those who enslave copal
No. 208.
We will aid as best we can.
0900 — Catholic Services at
To restore the Rights of Man: Chapel
208 with Confession at
And all carry the Torch of 0830 (side
door) providing the
priest from Bend can he pres­
ent. Please watch DIB and bulle­
By Cpl. Roving
John Cadre
tin boards.
D -Sl
and 1930 at cliapcl No.
on Group Avenue.
Pending installation of tele­
phones in their respective offic­
es, Camp Abbot’s three Chap­ Special
Services will lie held
lains may be reached at nearby for the 58nd Tng. Bn. at 1830 in
telephones by phoning 243 for Chapel No. 1255.
Post Chaplain William H. And­
rew; No. 127 for Assistant Post General
Services will be held
Chaplain Vernon C. Cooley, and at 1000 in the Conference Room
No. 104 for Chaplain David I. behind the X-Rav Laboratory,
Segerstrom at Station Hospital. Bldg. T-119.
Camp Abbot’s theater officer
is a veteran of 17 years in the Request for "Victory Tunes" Program
He is Lt. B. Klabanoff, form­ Fred Waring's Radio Show Honors CAMP ABBOT
In order to obtain a representative musical program with
er assistant adjutant, who as­
• * * £ » * "■ that are favorites of everyone at Camp Abbot.
sumed his new duties last Satur­
R vote for the “ Hit Songs” is neeeasary. Please list
day, in conjunction with the role
three «ongs that yaa’d like te bear on the July 29
as Special Service property of­
He arrived in Abbot on March
25 from Arlington. Calif., Re­
ception Center.where he was life
insurance, war bonds and assist­
ant records officer.
His office is located in the 3.
Special Service branch, Post
(M oil or Bring Votes to Special Service O ffice)
Hqs. Annex, Bldg.-202.