Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, July 02, 1943, Image 1

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Four-Stor Solute!
A Movie Coupon Book
for $1.20—value $1.50
lie n , r e r s h i n u s a id : “ S e n d
m e m en « h o c a n S H O O T
an d S A L l ’T E .”
Invest Savings in War
Voi. 1
No. 7
ABBOT Eight Schools
F A C E ! Open to Make
Gl Specialists
Mrs. Ethel Fabian m ight easily
be prosecuted for im personating
an officer the other day when
one of the frequent Oregon rain
storm s blew up. She had to run
out o f the office for som ething
or other and picked up the first
rain coat she cam e to, which hap­
pened to belong to one of the o f­
ficers w orking in the O fficers’
Personnel section. She tossed it
about her shoulders and left the
office only to discover, after she
W as outside, that som e bars glit­
tered at her from the shoulder
straps. She hurriedly ducked for
shelter and there removed them
and then proceeded on her er­
ON THE U P A N D UP—To the
Friday, July 2, 1943
Pitchin1 For Uncle Sam's Team
One-Fourth of All Basics
Here Eligible to Obtain
Specialized Instruction
R E: B A T E S - -1st Lt. Jack
Bates, 12th Gp. mess officer, re­
cently in a staff conference
“bull session,” turned out a set
of notes worth framing if beauty
is wanted. Lt. Bates is one of
those first class doodlers and his
“notes” were in the form of a
series of crytographs including
a Jap with all the implements
for hari kari, a Rube Goldberg
type gun, besides a lot of fancy
figures, whirligigs and the like.
Send Laundry in
w e Barracks Bag
F irst Camp Abbot W aac for
w hom the w edding bells toll­
ed w as A fc. Frances L ouise
Barnes, clerk in Ordnance
W arehouse, w hose m arriage
to Donald E ugene Behrens o f
the U. S. N aval R eserve on
dime 19 w as announced by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Barnes of Seattle, W ash. The
cerem ony took place at First
N orw egian Lutheran Church
at Seattle.
E ight Specialists’ schools have
started classes this w eek with
225 Camp Abbot trainees from
the 51st Bn. enrolled. Every tw o
w eeks, thereafter. 225 more
from each battalion w ill enter
the schools, w ith a m axim um of
four battalions or 900 students.
F ollow ers of the grow th o f
Camp Abbot's recreational pro­
gram had occasion to rejoice
this w eek w ith the arrival o f a
service club director, a cafeteria
hostess hih I a librarian.
Director of the Service Club
is Mrs. Helen Strong Smith,
former receptionist for a large
industrial concern in Denver.
Mrs. Smith will be assisted by a
social, or junior, hostess who
will be named later. The service
club, under construction on
Group Avenue near the Post
Chapel, is scheduled to be com­
pleted August 1.
One-fourth of all trainees at
Camp Abbot will be given the
opportunity to attend Specialist
schools upon completion of their
first five weeks basic training.
Applicants are selected by the
classification office, based on
past experience, qualifications
and general aptitude.
After seven and eight weeks
of specialists’ training and pre­
paration for specific jobs in
(Continued on Page 2)
Salutes Improve
A fte r 24-Hour Gig
Abbotmen and W aacs w ere
salu tin g more sm artly and en­
thusiastically today follow ing a
24-hour camp-wide “g ig ” the day
after payday.
Post authorities expressed
H A N D FU L OF T. N. T.—Hurlers o f this "G. I. Pineapple”
satisfaction at the noticeable
w ill l»e plentiful at Uamp Abbot now that the Engineer R eplace­
improvement m rendering of
ment Training Center has opened its new grenade courts and
included the use of live grenades in its training plan. The 52nd
“highballs” by enlisted men and
Battalion became the first training unit to use this type of w ea­
officers. Especially pleased were
pon here when it fired live grenades at an obsolete tank last
they regarding saluting officers
Friday and Saturday. Grenade training is in charge of Maj. Le-
in various types of GI vehicles
on which red metal plates, at­ Compte Joslin, chief o f the W eapons Branch.
tached to the front bumper, sig­
nified that a commissioned man
was a passenger.
Despite confinement w h e n ABBOTheater Has Lanterns on Hand
every one in camp felt "flush”
the Abbot spirit wasn’t depres­ Capacity Crowds
When Lights Fall
sed in the inability of men to go
Camp Abbot will burn the
to town. Entertainment on the After Premiere
“midnight oil” should any tem­
post, highlighted by the theater
Evidenced by attendance dur­ porary power failure occur.
and outdoor recreation, proved
ing the past four nights, Camp Officers in charge of Head­
Since the activation o f the Abbot's Theater No. 1 is well on quarters and other key instal­
ERTC, officials have consistent­ its w ay of becom ing a "Yank lations have been directed to
obtain lanterns from Supply
ly stressed the im portance of Haven.”
Services as an Emergency
proper m ilitary saluting be­
Featuring the latest first-run and
tw een officers and enlisted men. films, entertaining short sub­ measure.
jects and news reels, the Abbot
theater is attracting capacity
crowds, the Special Service of­
fice reports.
Less Than 40 Days Remaining on Offer Without
Physical Examination to All Abbot Personnel
L ess than 40 days remain for
Camp Abbot soldiers to take ad
vantage of the opportunity to
buy National Service L ife Insur-
a n te w ithout the n ecessity o f a
physical exam ination, camp GI
insurance officers warned today,
C afeteria hostess is
Helen M. Souhrada. a tail, at­
tractive brunet w ho undoubtedly
w ill be remembered by gour­
m ets form erly stationed at F ort
Leonard Wood, Mo., as the cafe­
teria h ostess at Service Club No.
1. M iss Souhrada arrived W ed­
nesday, inspected her domain,
adjoining tin- Alt Purpose Rec­
reation Hall anil said: “It’s
driving, cooking, carpenter and
saw m ill work, dem olition and
clerks school.
Concerted Drive Begins to
Achieve G l Insurance Goal
the troops here.
A recent War Dep’t. directive
indicates the desire of Army au
thorities to have every member
of the armed forces take out a
maximum amount of $10,000 in­
The offer, open to all service-
Col. Frank S. Besson, post
men, including those classified comm ander, likew ise, desires to
as limited service, (officers and have all m em bers of this instal
enlisted men), eliminates all red lation fu lly insured,
tape in connection with NSLI.ex- 1 An especially intensive drive
pires on Aug. 9. After that date, has been underway for the past
a thorough physical examina- several weeks in all units on the
tion will again be a requirement post, with insurance officers
for soldiers applying for increas- staging special events to fully
es in their policies.
acquaint soldiers with the nu*
A survey o f Abbot insurance merous, exclusive benefits,
sales front lune 19 to 27 indi-
A verage GI policy costs about
cates a camp-wide appreciation 25 cents a day. At lk years of
o f the low est prem ium cost pro- age the premium is $6.50 month-
tection offered. On -tune 19. the ly; at 25, $6.70 m onthly; at age
average Abbot policy amounted 50, S7.I0 monthly. Benefits paid
to $7.791, representing 87.2 per to soldiers’ beneficiaries range
cent of the personnel,
from $39.70 to $68 every month
E ight days later, due to spe- : from 20 years to life,
rial cam paigns to acquaint per-i IF 4 0 1 H A 4EN'T BOt GHT
sonnel with the m any benefits, — BI 4' NOW! IF YOU’VE
the average policy soared to BOUGHT 'O 'lK — IN* R E 4SE
$9,114.18 for 92.034 per cent of j IT TO $10,000!
Heads of Three
Units Are Here ;
Service Club Director,
Cafeteria Hostess and
Librarian Now on Duty
hospital for a “soda” at Camp
Abbot, won’t mean a dose of
bicarb from now on at the Sta­
are sent to the school
tion Hospital. A soda fountain is for Soldiers
which they are l>est fitted.
one of the new features of the Training
is given in the various
Exchange opened this week.
branches of motor maintenance,
the Waac m ove Sunday, one o f
*’ \ trainees, having accepted
, challenge to m ake up a bed,
tnrew him self down on the
low er bunk saying, "Yipee! I’m
going to w rite hom e and say I
slept in a W aac's bed!”
Prom ptly
Sm artly
Pride fu lly
Sm ilingly
Last Monday night’s premiere,
replete w ith ligh ts, cameras,
m usic and action, outdazzled the
m ost dazzling first nightings of
H ollywood. Honor of purchas­
ing the first ticket went to Col.
Frank S. Besson, post com m and­
er, w ho paid 15 cents to Pvt. Sid­
ney Resnick, portly, sm iling
cashier, while flash bull>s cut
the already bright light o f the
evening sun.
Lyrics Ready
For Waring
Show March
Punchy lyrics of “The Song of
the Abbot Engineer” to he fea­
tured on the Fred W aring coast-
to-coast "Victory Tunes” radio
show- -Inly 29 w hen he dedicates
his quarter hour program to the
ERTC, w ere com pleted late
Inside the ERTC hep cats were Thursday evening by S /S g t.
"heppier’ ’than ever and tapped •lack Hayes, our ow n peerless e x ­
out tingling melodies in beat ponent of the .3 B's.
with S Sgt. Jack Hayes’ camp
dance band. Shortly after 1830,
Col. Besson presented a welcom­
ing address, later introducing
Lt. P. H. O'Brien. Special Service
officer, who outlined the pur-
pose of the SSO in presenting
the Abboth«r»ater as a “morale
builder.” Lt. B. Klabanoff, genial
theater offlcer, bearnetl as the
crowds swairmed in the cinema.
T Sgt. Thui man S. Justus, dy-
namie, dimirtutive ass;istant man-
ager, saw the full!illment of
more than six weekcs’ of hard
Two shows will be held night-
Miss Caroline Paddock’s ap­
pearance at Camp Abbot was
her second. The librarian, form­
er assistant in the Portland Cen­
tral library, reported here two
weeks ago and left soon after to
attend a two weeks’ special-
training course at the Ninth Ser­
vice Command library, Fort
Douglas, Utah. She will he in
charge of the Post’s main library
and sub-libraries in the 11th anil
12th Engineer Training Groups.
An assistant librarian will bo ap­
pointed soon.
The guest house, scheduled to
open soon, will be in charge of
Mrs. Smith.
Project Engineer
Awaits New Post
The officer responsible for the
const ruct ion o f ( am p Abbot,
Maj. Merle E. Wilson, assistan t
area engineer, today prepared to
leave for a new assignm ent at
Ft. Belvolr.
Reporting here last Nov. 10,
Maj. Wilson’s duties as project
engineer embraced creating the
nation's newest ERTC out of
lava rock, jack pine, 60-inch piles
of snow and the worst Oregon
weather in 35 years.
He recalled that infirm ary T-
1256 w as th e first Army building
on the (Mist; the second w as an­
other infirm ary, T-752.
A former resident of Los An­
geles, where he was an assistant
county engineer, ho entered thn
army in April, 1941 as a first
His duties at Ft. Belvolr will
be in the Engr. Officers’ Replace-
menf Pool.___________________
W A A C s ’ Entry
To Army on Deck
A copy of the words and music
A bill transferring W AA( s
was transmitted by airmail to into the 4.1 .S. awaited I lilt's
the Waring organization in New signature, the Hurrail of Public
York as soon as the ink dried on Relations in W ashington ail-
a new manuscript sheet. Those vised tin* ENG INEER shortly
who heard it as a straight piano before going to press.
selection termed it "sensational,”
With the transfer, WAAUs
"teeming with real Engineer will I h - r e n a m e d W omen's
aims,” and “good enough for the \ m ty ( orps, established for
‘Hit Parade’.”
the duration anil six m onths
The lyrics:
“ W e ’ re E n g in e e r*
F o r v a lo r we h a te no p e er«:
W h e n other« f a il in ih< tig ht
W e re in th ere w ith a ll n o r m iy h f.
W it h h attle* r a g in g that i* lh« hardeat
teat to hear
W h e n gun « a re b la 2 in g w t’re there to do
o u r »hare.
So ro m e vou E n g in e e r« a n d fig h t !
V«»u H n g in e e r« lig h t , fi g ht and V ic t o r y ••
o u r«.
(Continued on Page
As a result, ( amp Vbhot’s
44 4 \< s anil tln-ir sisters every
where, will have equal rights
anil iienefit* with Gl person
nel. including sam e nomi-nela
, ture of rank, franking privil
eges. Gl insurance and allot
I mentis.