Friday, June 25, 1943 ABBOT ENGINEER Sports Ask M e Another A B B O T E N G IN E E R A Sports Quiz Saving Best Blows for the Axis MASS BOXING TRAIN S FIG H TING ENGINEERS—Jabbing piston-like punches at opponents in circle rings, this group of 51st Bn. trainees display their eagerness in physical education development— vital to combat Engineers. Officers and cadre- men watched over the spirited battle royal to see that no one w as hurt. Mass boxing develops individual combat technique. (E N G IN E E R Mass Slugfests Introduced by •Fighting 51st Individual Combat Is Stressed in Hectic Battle Royal Fistics Trainees in the Engineer Re­ placement Training Center here began taking it on the chin re- recntly with the introduction of “ mass” boxing to the recreation program. First unit to partici­ pate in group slugfests was the 51st Battalion commanded by I-t. Col. Coke Matthews. Using large circles in lieu of regular rings, two opposing squads donned 16-ounce gloves, Joined up in a ring and at a given iommand,starting slugging. Men '" w h o stepped out of the circle or were knocked down were elim­ inated. Rounds lasted three min­ utes, after which gloves were given to another group, and the program continued. Recreation officers said box­ ing will be included in the re­ creation schedule of each battal­ ion. A program of this type not only aids in physical condition­ ing but teaches the men self- defense and coordination as well as establishing esprit de corps, they said. A number of high ranking of­ ficers, including Col. Frank S. Besson, Post Commander, Col. L. H. Hall, executive officer, and Col. Robert M. Copeland, 11th Gp. commander, were on hand to witness the initial program. I P h o lo by T 1 Ed P it r a ) Tell The Engineer About Your Fish! Attention, Camp Abbot Engi­ neers! If you have made an unusual catch— he it a 12-pound trout, a girdle or the latter's occupant —tell the ABBOT ENGINEER alHiut it. Our phone is Exten­ sion 8. We don't know whether this is prompted by a touch of the sun or just plain damn foolish­ ness, hut we’ll even attempt to pacify doubters. Good photo­ graphs will he appreciated, used and returned to the donor in the same condition they ar­ rive here. A mess of fish also will be ac­ cepted with open arms! July 4 Baseball Game Slated With Bend Team A baseball game between Camp Abbot and the Bend Eiks will highlight Camp Abbot's observ­ ance of the Fourtii of July, the Special Service Office announced today. The contest is scheduled for 1500 on the Bend diamond. Camp Abbot suffered an 11 to 1 defeat at the hands of the Bend aggregation in a season-opener two weeks ago. Both teams arc e n t e r e d in Central Oregon League competition. Training schedules preclude Ihe possibility of any special cele­ bration of Independence Day on Ihe post, officers in charge of training said. Son of Olympic Champion Is N ow EM Pencil Pushers An Abbot Officer Hurl Challenge to Husky, good-natured, efficient Abbot Softballers Lt. H. Chester Kolehmainen, 12th Gp. Hqs. ass't adjutant, is reticent to speak about his fam­ ous father, the all-time Olympic champion runner, Hannes Kole­ hmainen, who resides in Finland. However, a hasty reference in the World Almanac reveals that the Camp Abbot officer’s father won the 1912 cross-country run, the 5,000 meters run, the 10,000 meters run, and at the 1920 Olympiad, triumphed in the gruelling marathon. " I hear frequently from my Dad,” Lt. Kolehmainen said. “ He operates a sporting goods store and is still active in athletic events." Lt. Kolehmainen, who was born in this country, graduated from Fort Belvoir, Va., last Dec­ ember, and after five months at Fort Leonard Wood, was trans­ ferred here. W A A C Pin Busters Roll High Games M cG arry Selected Bowling — America’s m o s t p o p u l a r indoor sport — has caught fancy with Camp Abbot's To Ball Club Post W AACS and the soldierettes show improvement after every practice session on the B e n d alleys. Aux. Florence Schroeder walk­ ed off with top honors in last Thursday night's competition, scoring 1-19 for a three-game average, which isn't bad for a novice. Aux. Sara Stoddard bowled 170-average for t w o games. The W AAC officers, Lts. Podzunas and Elwell, showed promise on the alleys, averaging 94 and 72, respectively, for three- games. The W AACKers perform every Thursday and invite com­ petition from other feminine pin busters. Other high scorers included Aux. Rose Schneller, Mary L. Conway, Dora Puckett, Aux. Ledener, Heble and Wheeler. Some sporting figures, like Johnny Vander Meer, who once pitched two consecutive no-hit ball games, seem predestined to accomplish the un-aecomplish- able. Such were the men who hold the records listed below. What were their names? This athletic brain-racker, released by Camp Newspaper Service, will appeal to sports-minded Abbot- men. 1.. In m o d e r n baseball, six pitchers have won 800 or more games. Who won the most? ( ) Walter Johnson. ( ) Cy Young. ( ) Christy Mathewson. ( ) Joe E. Brown. 2. Who holds t h e Olympic record for the 100-meter dash? ( ) Charles Paddock. ( ) Jesse Owens. ( ) Eddie Tolan. ( ) Ernie Lombardi. 3. Only one modern fighter lui-s held three world titles sim­ ultaneously. Who Is he? ( ) Gene Tunney. ( ) Henry Armstrong. ( ) Beau Jack. ( ) Tony Galento. 4. Four big league bull players have hit four home runs in one game. Who was the last to pull this stunt? ( ) Chuck Klein. ( ) Lou Gehrig. ( ) Babe Ruth, t ) Con­ nie Mack. 5. Only one race horse has succeeded in winning the top four rare.s for three-year-old thoroughbreds. What was his name? ( ) Whirlaway. ( ) Man O’ War. ( ) Sir Barton. ( ) The Black Stallion. The Pencil Pushers softball team of EM personnel are out to challenge Ihe world and es­ pecially the softlmll teams of Camp Abbot. Anyone earing to pick up their challenge Is cor­ dially urged to contact CpI. I.ou Ernst at extension 47. The team is composed of some of the top notch softballers of Abbot and is in shape for the coming season. Cpl. Ernst, man­ ager, said that they have been practicing during spare time every evening for the past couple of weeks and are ready for any challengers. Fage Seven Abbot Varsity Team Drubs Independent Outfit, 12to1 Kern, Zande, Tagnetti Okay as Regular Hurlers; Wainwright, Fitzpatrick and Ward Best Hitters; The Camp Abbot baseball team won its first game of the season Sunday when it gave an E R T C independent nine, composed largely of Hq. Co. personnel, a 12 to 1 drubbing oil the Camp Abbot diamond. Biggest inning for the Camp Abbot squad was the first wl ■ n it scored four runs. Indept n- dents, handicapped by a lack of practice and spiked shoes, w* ie held scare less until the eighth frame. Ryan, short stop, scoied the lone tally. According to a recent poll of Kern, leailoff liurler for Camp members of the armed forces Abbot, gave up three hits, the most popular sport is table /aude one aiul Tagnetti threo. tennis, and in line with that The contest was the second ior idea, table tennis is springing up Camp Abbot, the squad having in “rec” halls all over Camp Ab­ lost its opener to the Bend Eiks bot. in the Central Oregon League, The biggest reason for the lt to 1, at Bend the preceding popularity is the fact that it can Sunday. be easily played in a small space A trio of Ahbotmen who g i » o and consequently many trainees c«l the pastures accounted or and soldiers alike are enjoying the largest number of lids. themselves over a hot game of YV’uhtw right, let t fielder, and table tennis. Fitzputrick, center, and Waul, Among other sports offered or in right field each connected going to be offered at Abbot are with two hingles out of Fiat volley ball, basketball, badmin­ many times at hat. The fat .Vr ton, soccer and possibly tennis also slammed a long three-bug- and football. Golf can be played gcr. at the Bend country club by The varsity pitching staff soldiers, while softball and base­ turned in a commendable p< r- ball teams are mushrooming up lormance, displaying top foina like hotcakes all over the place. in moments when strikes count­ ed. For the Indies, Cpl. C. E. Tucker arid Cpl. Mike Bark-y proved most effective in (he hit­ ting dep’t, slamming three out of four wallops. Sgt. I.arry Ryan The All-Purpose ree hall was also hatted out a timely drives Despite Inclement weather, a the scene of several hectic "just for fun" basketball games sev­ fair sized crowd watched the eral nights last week when game on the camp diamond in cadremen, trainees and several the Obstacle Course area. officers displayed spirited com­ BOX SCORE IN D K P E N D l N T S — A H R II o A K petition a rarity during the Kyan. tm................. 1 1 1 2 1 tl season when baseball and soft- 1 ucker, 3b ................ 1 0 u 3 3 1 ball occupy the sports attention M ille r , o f ................... . 3 » 0 1 Regulation basketballs can bo H ark ey, If ................ 4 0 3 1 « 4 checked out from the Special M a lon e, l b .............. . 4 1 (I M 0 7 0 2 k la n d , c f 0 4 1 1 Service office by any non-com S H tric a llo ra n , p 1 0 0 0 1 0 desiring equipment for practice K e r r , c ......................... , . . 2 0 0 ♦> 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 • games. Players, however, if ob­ (•resch ke, p .............. tainable, arc urged to wear gym­ T o ta ls ....................... . .32 1 7 24 B 5 nasium shoes to prevent rough­ CAM P ABBOT— A H K II O A E ing the maple-lined floor. S h e rv in , 2b .............. 3 1 1 2 0 t> 1 t 1 1 3 1 A feature of the basketball Seid, 3b I ’ochek, ss ..................... i 1 1 1 2 0 setup at the A P is a set of metal­ O r lo ff. r f 2 0 o 1 1) 4 lic hoops —- free from former W a in w r ig h t, If 4 2 2 2 l) 0 cf ........ 2 1 2 0 0 0 cage dressings enabling hoop- P 1 iz it/.palrick, z i, c ........................... 1 0 1 13 1 1 sters to rifle the rim with un­ M aslam . lb 2 1 0 7 u !> K ern , p ......................... 1 0 1 It «1 u canny aim. Table TennisVoted Popular Sport By U.S. Servicemen Abbot Hoop Fans W orkout In Gym Diediker Brothers on Duty at Camp Abbot Heading the list of brothers in service at Camp Abbot is Maj. Paul L. Diediker, director of ad­ ministration, and Pvt. Donald M. Diediker, recent recruit in B-52. Donald was a senior R.O.T.C. student at Washington State Col­ lege w hen ho received his “ Greet­ ings” letter. Commenting on his younger brother’s presence here, Maj. Diediker said, “ It'll go him good. Camp Abbot is a rugged training center.” T h e team is com posed o f the fo llo w in g p la y e r s : le ft fie ld . T 5 D uane W a rm a n : H o w a rd H u ck m a n ; c e n te r fie ld , T '• sh ortstop , C pl. H ill C iu appon e; p itch er, T / » D on ald T u c k e r : third basem an, T /5 f.e o r g e D a n s; fir s t basem an. T .» (»e o rg e O a s e h e e r; s h o rtfie ld , M anager E r n s t; seccn dbasem an . C pl. F r td K e e g a n ; righ t fie ld . C p l. F ran k A le s ; catch er. P F C . (. « b e N o r c in i. O th ers on the stjuad who a re e lig ib le substitutes include C p l*. L lo y d Johnson. John F r ig a . C h a rle y Hew, H ill H a ck ett. M ich ael H ark ey and T .Vs M ic k e y S n eid er, Ed H ave* and Tom M a v ity . Z an de. p .................. \\ ard , r f ....................... F icea , c f ..................... K ile . 2b 'la g n etti, p < b ristia n o , If ............ T o ta ls ......................... II 0 II 1 U 0 1 o 1) b w « 4 0 0 0 4 1) 37 12 11 28 7 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 tl 2 tl « li 0 T h re e hare hilt*: W a rd . T w o base hit*»: H arkey. liases on balls, o f f Zan de. 5 ; o f f H a llo ra n , I. S tolen hasett: Shcvrigt. 2 ; S eid , 3 : F itz p a tric k . 1 ; W a rd . 1. D ouble p la y s : Seid, S h evrin and M aslam . D m - pires, W a n n e r and l h ristin o.. Hey diddle diddle The cat and the fiddle The bugler has left the pla­ toon The little boys laughed When they heard the news. And soundly slept until noejn. J trV «* "LEADING RCGKIE HURLER, O f 1Ç42 Answers to Veteran of 15 years of semi- pro hall playing. Pvt. Johnnie J. "Ask Me Another" Quiz McGarry, who gained fame for his sterling eatehing ability in 1. D en ton Tecu m seh i y ) Y o u n g , p itc h ­ New Vork leagues, has lieen ap g fo r B oston. St. Lou is and the C le v e ­ pointed non-playing manager of in lan d In d ia n s, w on S ll m a jo r leagu e t amp Abbot's varsity (sail club. gam es in 22 years. W a lt e r Johnson was second w ith 414. a ll won fo r W ash in gton . Native of Flushing, N. Y., 2. E ddie T o la n ran 100 m eters in 10.3 “ Mac" used to receive 'em for the in 1032 at l.o * A n g e le s , top m ark fo r O ly m p ic com p etition . Springfield and Cedarhurst, N. .3 H a m m e rin g H e n ry A r m s tr o n g once Y., semi-pro outfits, and also put held the fe a th e rw e ig h t, lig h tw e ig h t and in a couple of seasons behind the w e lte r w e ig h t c ro w n s a ll at once. 4. ( buck K lein , o f the P h ila d elp h ia home plate for the Jacksonville, P h illie s , was the last m an to hit fo u r hom e runs in a s in g le ga m e O th ers to (Fla.,i Tars. plish this fe a t w ere l/m C e h rig . He is a heavy-set soldier, at­ accom B obby L o w e and Ed D e U h a n ty . 5. In 1919. S ir B a rto n w on the K en - tached to Hqs. Co. ERTC and c k y D erb y, the P rea k n evs. the W h h ? r « well-liked by the gang perform­ ta M ile and the B elm ont M a k e s N o oth er ing on the diamond for Abbot horse has e v e r d u p licated th is fe a t. Engineers. “ Mac" will assist Sgt. Roy "What's wTong with »he guy Rider, athletic director, Special asking you if you can dance?" Service branch, in the manage­ “I was dancing with him when he asked me.” ment of the club. THE ST LOUIS CARDS' 2 1 - CAME WINNER OP *f2 (HE ALSO WOM 2 WtWLD S f R 'E S 6AVFÇ) IS NOW A LIEUTENANT IN THE U.S.ARMY AIR CORPS/ BUY WAR BONDS t NOW7 / rea tu ry D tp o r tm in ê