Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, June 25, 1943, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Friday, June 25, 1943
a b b o t e n g in e e r
Page Six
' P e ll" o f My
E ffic ie n t, S m a rt
W A A C y Days Is
Top Sorg e Reorganìaition
A b b o t' M essm ogidon' Cooks
Up B o fflln g Menu fo r E M 's
Hundreds o f dogfaces at Camp
Abbot have coined an apt title
Selection of officers and en­
(P u b li c Relation!* O f f i c e )
C o n ju r e r
for x/5 Johnnie F. Roll—“ niess-
listed personnel to supervise op­
WA AC 1st. Sgt. Eleanor I,. Peil
eration of tlie recently reorgan­
ih i darn good egg; » hen you get
True, he’s a cook and a good
ized SCU, ERTC Hq. Co. and
one, but bis forte is sleight-of-
t > know her— and admits it. If
SCU training branch was com­
hand tricks. It is not uncommon
t>, ■ WAACs in Camp Alilnit had
pleted this week with Maj. M. -I.
to see a mob around him when
any exportations of having a
Caudra filling the position of
he performs his baffling acts of
“ top surge” who runs her com-
Hqs. Commandant. His office is
p-my like a gills’ Ixtarding
located in T-1023.
“ I ’ve messed around with
Capt. Ab Jolly, former camp
s. tiool, it didn’t take them long
magic since I was 10 years old,”
to find out they had better
provost marshal is the com­
the husky, personable Hqs. Co.
eli tnge their ideas, as thry have
manding officer of SCU, while
SCU first cook said. “ It’s the
Lt. Fred B. Hohenhorst is CO of
a op-kirk of real G.I. ipialities. ■ S ir
most fascinating pastime in the
the ERTC Hqs. group. Other
S.>,t. Pell, a striking brunette,
company officers are Lt. H. B.
has a vivid personality and stiffi-
Today, the 29-year-old former
Stafford and Lt. W. L. Murray.
ren t force to really handle the
Fort Dodge, Iowa soldier, in the
Diminutive, well-liked lst./Sgt.
j«b .
service 16 months, is doing a dual
Omar K. Squibb has been select­
She joined the WAACs in De­
job here.
ed “ top sarge,” and a veteran
cember, 1942, having enrolled in
First, like other Army mess
soldier, lst./Sgt. Fred E. Millikin
h *c native New York City. She
chiefs, lie sees that the men have
is the personnel sergeant major.
w is sent to Daytona Beach, Fla.
ample to eat of the proper nu­
Sgt. William I). Thetford has
lor basic training after which
tritive foods, served in clean and
been designated acting first ser­
she was appointed to cadre in
inviting environment.
geant of the MP section.
tl • the new Cantonment Area at
Secondly, he pinch hits in pro­
With the incorporation of
D rytona Beach. She was pro-
viding entertainment for his
DEML. QM, Finance, Ordnance,
ni ited to platoon sergeant and
buddies. Feats of magic is a
MP, Signal Corps and Cooks and
then i-t Sip. in March 1943
Bakers sections into one organi­ “ PRESTO— IT ’S GONE — Says natural method o f entertainment.
Prior to coming to Camp Abbot
Possessing a bag of tricks in
she was 1st Sgt. in the 16th Co. II M il) WORKER—Here’s t amp zation, the Hqs. Co. will operate T/5 Johnnie Koll as his deft
5ln Regt. at Daytona Beach, Fla. Abbot’s highest ranking W AAC more efficiently. Orderly and fingers manipulate a battling excess of 100 feats, his deft,
sleight-of-hand trick. Read in­ elongated fingers literally pull
Before joini.'.g the WAACs, iioneom. 1st./Sgt. Eleanor I,. supply room is in Bldg. T-i022.
Sgt. Condororo Pitale is the teresting story of this Abbot- rabbits from the thin air. (P. S i
Sgt. Pell was engaged as a free Pell, attending to duties of a
... ........ they aren’t served on the menu,
lance advertising writer in New smoothly functioned organiza­ supply sergeant, and Cpl.George man in accompanying column.
(ENGINEER — hot« - by ----
Hahn.) either! He recalls, in moments o f
C. Lange and Pfc. Louis Kotick
Y irk City. She is married to tion.
(ENGINEER Photo hv Hahn.I are company clerks, while Pfc.
nostalgia, his former association
Burt Pell, now connected with
with the “ Great Leonard,” world
Robert Rosenthal is file clerk.
the U. S. Navy Public Relations
famous prestigidator.
In Maj. Cuadia's office is Sgt.
Department in New York.
Army Savings Account
His current GI specialties in­
Clifford -I. Martin, battalion drill
Sgt. Pell is the daughter of Yields Gl's 4 Per Cent
clude the abracadbra sealed en­
sergeant; Cpl. Francis P. Weav­
TVJ>. and Mrs. M. Leopold of
Although relatively few mem­ er, company clerk and Pvt.
velope disappearing note trick,
Brooklyn, N. V. Mother Leopold
vanishing bottle baffler, routines
says Kleanor's a “ horn 1st sgt.” bers of the armed forces station­ George I). Knudson, messenger.
ed in the United States take ad­
with silk handkerchiefs and palm­
The MP section recently mov- i
i v - she was always trying to I m i s s
Organization of a group of ing coins.
h e younger brother who is now vantage of the opportunity, an ed from their former barracks in
army wives to prepare surgical
Everyone in the outfit heartily
attending Ceorgia Tech, study­ increasing number of enlisted SCU area to the stockade.
dressings ior the Station Hos­ agrees that iiis chow is just as
ing engineering. He is proud of men serving overseas are de­
positing surplus funds with the
pital at Camp Abbot has been pleasant as his magical demon­
It - sis and is quite interested in Finance Department of the
announced. Meetings are held at strations, which some nimhlewit-
her new post at ERTC and the
the Bend courthouse Monday ted guy remarked aren't kept in
engineering aetivities now in Army Service Forces, W ar De­
• I. . . I ! . * _______
partment. Tlie deposits are re­
and Thursday mornings. Chair­ * ’Koll
progress at Camp Ahlmt.
man of the group is Mrs. Frank
In Civilian life-. Sgt. Poll was payable when a soldier is dis­
quite active in I'SO work, hav­
son, post commander.
ing been coordinator in USO rec­ per cent per annum.
Mrs. L. H. Hall, acting chair­
Soldiers stationed at Camp
What's JIT? No, it isn't slang
reation activities in Brooklyn,
man until the return of Mrs.
Abbot desiring to deposit sav­ for a nickel!
1st. I t- Del B. McClure, Inf.
n or Fort Hamilton.
ings may do so by giving money
That question was asked fre­ Besson from the East this week­
Sgt. Pell likes her busy life
end, has requested wives of all
2nd Lt. Benjamin klabanoff, AGD.
here. Asked if she had to adjust to his company commander or [ quently by both soldiers and ci­ men stationed at Camp Abbot to
her demeanor on getting her the personnel adjutant and is vilians at Camp Abbot during attend meetings and aid in the
T / 8«*- (■rH ‘ n A. Nadeau, Medical Det,
tluoe stripes, three lookers and given a deposit book. A de- \ the past few weeks. At last, the preparation of dressings. Mrs.
positor must open his account
s (Set. Robert E. Johnson, Medical Det.
lo-enge to that of the tough ser­ with at least $9.00 and may make cryptic abbreviation is solved.
JIT means Job I n s t r u c t o r Hall is the w’ife of Colonel Hall,
geant, she said, “ Well, some-
S*'t. Donald M. Bull. Hq. Co., ERTC.
post executive officer.
subsequent deposits of that
what,” but “ I’ve found in most much or more. To insure against Training, a program set up by
Those attending meetings held
Training Within Industry of the
Set. Thurman S. Justus, Hq. Co*
Instances if hasn't really been
loss, duplicates are kept by the War Manpower Commission. recently include Mrs. Hall, Mrs. ERTC.
n essary with the W AACs as Office of the Chief of Finance.
A. H. Bond, Mrs. Merrill A. Pim­ Cpl. Bernard Stoller.
Hq. Co., ERTC.
have adopted the military Only in case of extreme hard­ Camp civilian employees were entel, Mrs. Frank G. Crandall,
introduced to JIT last Monday
aPitude like good soldiers.”
Cpl. Roy Rider, Hq. Co., SCU.
ship may any of this money be when two groups of 12 each be­ Mrs. W. C. Rogers, Mrs. J.
However, Sgt. Pell must have
withdrawn prior to discharge gan the ten hour course. Group 1 C. Burgeson, Mrs. H. B. Staf­ T /5 Michael A. Barkcy, Ifq. Co., ERTC.
g'vitcn a little sturdier from her from the army.
T 5 Frederick Kogan. Hq. Co.. ERTC.
is scheduled to meet from 0900 ford, Mrs. Howard Pulver, Mrs.
Pvt. Lov II. Ross. Hq. Co., ERTC.
n< ny experience as on her first
Pvt. Arthur Hrinkeroff, Hq. Co., ERTC.
to 1100, Monday through Friday, John H. Hayes, Mrs. John E.
fnrlouCh home, when grasping a
T /5TH
IV n sten'llied glass for the first Adequate Street Lighting with Group II meeting from Mrs. M. P. Cooper, Mrs. E. B.
P%t. Morris Schneider. Hq. Co., ERTC.
1100 to 1600 the same days.
of the Engineer
t! le in sev :*n months, slie found Assured Via New Lamps
In four weeks time, 96 civilian Merrill, Mrs. L. P. Staman, Mrs.
it eracked in her hands—pell
Area Engineer employes are employees will have completed J. L. Ostrander, Mrs. Everett Replacement Training Center
in -II!
installing a new-type overhang­ JIT, and will be applying it in Miller, Mrs. H. W. Elgin, Mrs. dance and military bands wof
ing outdoors lamps to provide the training of several hundred M. C. Wilson, Mrs. J. R. Meeks, promoted recentlv. They are.3
TO T/4
l>fl> YOt LOSE \ i.'INC,?
Mrs. R. A. MacKnight, Mrs. L.
adequate street lighting through­
T /5 Harry Bray, saxophone.
civilians they will supervise at O. Yancey and Mrs. W. T. Pas-
A gold wedding ring; was re­ out Camp Abbot.
T /5 Claire L. Coburn, trombone.
T/5 Jack E. Smith, trumpet.
cently found In Exchange No. 5
Powered at 300-watts, the new Camp Abbot. Plans call for coe.
TO T/5
(Bldg. 1297 land may be claim­ lights already have been attach­ every civilian employee to be
Pfc. Jers Castiaux. saxophone.
Pfc. Robert Rigelman. drums.
ed by any person giving an dC- ed to poles fronting Center given JIT eventually.
Pfc. Agho G. Tierman. Jr., piano.
That everyone may strike a SOUND OFF IN THE NIGHT
o r a t e description of the band. 1 S tre e t and Group avenue, and
A corporal of the guard was
The Exchange is open from 1900 work will continue until other harder blow in prosecution of
the war is the intent of this pro- changing his sentry when the LIB R A R Y CHIEF COMING
to 2200 nightlv.
areas are illuminated.
I gram.
following challenge was called:
Mr. X. Smith, chief, library
The imbuing of both military ; “Halt! Who’s there?”
branch, Special Service branch,
and civilian personnel with the
“ Corporal of the guard and re­ Ninth Service Command, Fort
program has been authorized by lief,” came the reply.
Douglas, Utah is expected to ar­
Col. Frank S. Besson, post com­
“ Oh— thank you,” said the rive in Camp Abbot July 9 to in­
mander, with Lt. Col. Clarence sentry in a subdued tone.
spect library facilities.
J. Douglas, director of the Train­
ing Division, supervising the ap­
plication to the military, and
Major R. D. Turrill, Director of
Personnel, supervising the appli­
cations to civilians.
Mr. John G. Jones, formerly
commercial manager of radio
station KBND, Bend, recently at­
tended a JIT institute and was
certified as trainer for the civil­
ian courses by the War Man­
power Commission. T r a i n i n g
will he conducted in Bldg. 1154.
room 1.
By Cpl. Pauline Colin
No. 1 Non-Com
Officers' Wives
Aid in Essential
Red Cross Work
Civilian Workers
In Camp Obtain
Benefits From J IT
Wednesday Night Choir
Practi ce Attracts Crowd
Wednesday evening choir prac­
tice Is attracting many Abbot
soldiers and WAACs as voices
are blending for a well-balanced
At present approximately 25
members are in the choir group.
More singers will be welcomed
at regular choir practice each
Wednesday at 1930.
I f you sang in the choir at
homo you should join with your
Chapel here on the Post . . . if
you weren’t active in church ac­
tivities at home, Abbot's a good
place to start.
M PJ 1
" lu f bon.y—C I m*jns Good Intantioni1 '
Why shouldn’t our coffee look
muddy? It was just ground this
i morning.
. and «vary inch a gantlamani, ^