Friday, June 25, 1943 A BBO T ENG IN EER Page Four F ifty -Th ird Battalion to Be Activated Next Monday Uncle Sam’s newest recruits began infiltering tin* 53nl Engr. Tug. Bn. this weekend as (a m p Aliliot's tliird training unit await­ ed activation with first phases of training scheduled fo r Monday, •lune '¡X. "W e have a marvelous group of officers and cadre,” said Ma­ jo r C. A. Looney, 53rd Bn. com­ manding officer. "Everything will be in readiness by Monday.” Like their buddies in the 51st anti 52nd, trainees assigned to this new battalion are from scat­ tered areas of the United States. M ajority o f the boys with brand- new fatigues expressed apprecia­ tion of the camp’s ideal location and facilities. The battalion will occupy its row o f "theater of operation” type of barracks fronting 53rd Street which will be filled up as fast as the balance o f men ar­ rive. Lt. T. K. Weisman, battalion adjutant, reported that these traine« s are arriving in camp at the most ideal time climatical­ ly, as well as for basic training, since July, August and Septem­ ber are considered the "ideal months” in Oregon. O fficers in charge o f the com panics consist o f (a p t. I). O. Elliott, “ A " ; ( apt. H. A. Kidbe. “ B"; (a p t. J. F. O’Grady, Jr., “ ( ” , and ( apt. C. \V. Weil, "O ". Commissary Chief Keeps G.I.'s Happy T o keep foods seasonable to the taste, good health and appe- titute o f all Camp Abbot person­ nel is the job o f th^ Quarter­ master sales commissary, un­ der the direction o f Capt. Emil I. Mosheim. Balanced menus, vitamin con­ tent and the obtainment of best products available to keep A'b-1 hot men marching “ on their .stomachs” makes Capt. Mo- sheim’s detail one o f the most important on the post. The commissary has increased its personnel since moving from Bend and now employs seven enlisted men, three W A A C s and five civilians. It is located in the Supply and Service Building. Hospital Dietician Arrives fo r Duty To plan menus, diets and su­ pervise all meal planning for Camp Abbot’s Station Hospital is a pretty big job for the slight, young shoulders o f Lt. Janet E. Charters, who assumed her du­ ties as dietician. Lt. Charters received her de­ gree in home economics at Ohio University. On graduation, she returned to her alma mater as dietician in Residence Hall. She spent a year internship at Henry Ford hospital at Detroit. A mem­ ber of the American Dietetics Association, she is a native of Williamsfield, Ohio. A t Station Hospital, she will have charge of menu-planning and food output fo r all officers, patients and personnel of the hospital mess halls. Trainees Like Beautiful Post Chapel to r Services M Sgt. Likens; Open Tonight fo Camp Abbot's new and beau­ Post chapel, located in a Likes 'Em, Too Abbot Gl's Take tiful peaceful setting surrounded by By ( pi. Harlan L. Weeks (E R T C M essage C en ter) A seven letterman on the gridiron and basketball courts o f Kentucky is the athletic background of the sergeant ma­ jo r o f the week, M/Sgt. Lloyd W. I.ikens o f Enlisted Men's Personnel Branch. Likens has the largest group o f enlisted men working under him o f any section or branch in the post with more than 60 re­ porting daily. The branch ser­ geant m ajor enlisted in the arm y on September 17, 1940 from his home in BowlingGreen, Ky., where he was an engineer for a utility concern. However, Senior hostesses of the USO in Bend and their husbands saw so­ cial life from the soldier’s angle last night when Camp Abbot soldiers “ took over” the USO, served refreshments and staged an entertainment program to show their appreciation for the hospitality shown them by the city's residents. Refreshments were prepared by camp cooks, and soldiers op­ erated the USO's snackbar. A r ­ rangements were in charge of Cpl. Ralph Bloch,ERTC Enlisted Personnel. "The hostesses thoroughly en­ joyed the affair,” said charming Ann McLoughlin, USO associate director. MORE ABOUT Exchanges Alaskan Highway O fficially Named Constructed by A rm y Engin­ eers, the controversial word "Alcan” was officially discarded recently and the famous 1630- mile road from White HorSe, Yukon Territory to Fairbank, Alaska, will be known hence­ forth as the “ Alaska M ilitary highway.” Brig. Gen. James A. O'Con­ nor, according to press dispatch­ es, said the road was rechristen­ ed because the name “ Alcan” never was accepted by the press of the U. S., Canada or Alaska. A number o f trucks used in construction of the highway are currently undergoing repairs in Camp Abbot by E RTC mechan­ ics. Over USO for Fun (Continued from Page Three) M/Sgt. Likens he now claims Raton. Texas as his home. He won four athletic awards in the Bowling Green high school and three more at Bowling Green College of Com­ merce. Lloyd took his training at Fort Bragg, with the 1.5th Engineer Battalion. On April 26, 1941 Sgt- Likens came to Fort Leonard Wood as personnel clerk with the rating o f corporal. His climb to his present rating of master ser­ geant was done within eighteen months after he was at Fort Wood. In August, 1941 he made sergeant, November o f the same year, staff sergeant. He received his technical sergeant's rating in April o f 1942, ami master in N ov­ ember o f 1942. A t Fort Wood he was attached to Company A, 28th Engrs. and became first sergeant o f Com­ pany B o f the same battalion. He went into Personnel EM in November, 1941 and left and then returned in April, 1942 after serving his “ hitch” as first sergeant. In November, 1942, Likens was named sergeant ma­ jor and held that position until his transfer to the Camp Abbot cadre. The personable young ser­ geant m ajor said that his main duties consisted o f seeing that the trainees and their problems confronting them were handled as quickly as possible to make them feel more at home es­ pecially in relation to their folks back home. He might be termed “ god­ father" fo the trainees, since in finishing (he interview, Sgt. Likens stated "I am the most available o f availables for train­ ees.” He, with Mrs. Likens, resides in Bond. are set up in the recreation halls, while toilet articles and other items are handled only by the Exchanges. Exchange No. 1, located in building 755, open from 1500 to 2200 daily is the only place to purchase bus tickets. Other exchanges are in build­ ings 2756, a “ rec” hall; 1026, a ‘Tee” hall: the officers exchange in building 215; another in build­ ing 1257; No. 6 at 1251. No. 7 is located in the Station Hospital, while N<>. 8 is located in building 1452. A ll o f the exchanges are open from 1800 to 2200 daily with file exception of the Station Hospital which opens at 1300 and closes at 2000 and building 1257 which opens as dix-s No. 1 at 1500. The O fficers’ exchange is not open on Sunday but the ■ others are for (he convenience of soldiers. Three civilian b a r b e r s are ' busy at the No. 1 exchange, building 755 from 1100 until 2100 and are now planning to move to larger quarters and to be assist­ ed by “ G.I.” barbers. giant pine trees, w ill he occu­ pied by worshipping soldiers for the first time tonight, it was an­ nounced by Maj. \\ illiam H. An­ drew, post chaplain. The chapel is in Bldg. IilX, on Group Ave.. jusi o ff Center St. Servicemen o f Jewish faith will conduct services at 1900 un­ der the direction o f 1st. Lt. B. Klabanoff, and assisted by Sgt. Morris Staysky, Med. Det. SCU 1973. On Sunday, June 27, six re­ ligious services are scheduled, Chaplain Andrew said. At 0830, Catholic soldiers will gather for prayer, and at 0900 there will be a Mass ritual. Protestant services w ill be con­ ducted at 1000 and at 1930. Two special services are also sched­ uled for the conveniene of re- ccruits undergoing training in the EngineerReplacement Train­ ing Center Services for men of the 52nd Bn. w ill be conducted in Chapel Bldg. 754 at 1830, while soldiers o f the 53rd Bn. w ill as­ semble in Chapel Bldg. 1255 at the same hour. Chaplain Andrew announces that any sgldier interested in joining the chapel choir should attend rehearsal next Wednes­ day at 1930 in Post Chapel. Assisting the post chaplain in providing religious guidance for the personnel here are Lt. Ver­ non C. Cooley, assistant post chaplain, and Lt. David Seger- strom, who has been assigned as Station Hospital chaplain. Bend's Theaters Slate Reel Fun ^ Bend’s two downtown cinem®|' centers— Capitol and Tow er— o ffer pleasant film fare during the forthcoming week fo r the convenience and recreation of mi l i tary personnel. Popular Camp Awaits Branch Bank prices prevail fo r G l’s. A1 the Capitol: “ Amazing Facility Opening July 1 Mrs. Holliday," short, and news, N ext Thursday, July 1, has June 27 to 29; “ Desperadoes” in been set as the opening o f a Technicolor, sports reel, Bob limited banking facility fo r the Benchley comedy and news, convenience of Abbot personnel •lune 30 to July 3. in Post Hqs. Annex, Bldg. 202, it At the Tow er: “ Good Morning, was announced by Mr. J. B. Cus- Judge,” "Sarong Girl,” news, ick, assistant manager, Bend •lune 27-28; “ The Ape 31 an,” branch, First National Bank of Trainee Jig on Tuesday; “ Texas to Bataan," news, June Portland, who will manage the 29-30; “ She Has What It Takes,” Vocalists Invited to Join Friday Night Dance O ff camp branch. A dance for trainees and cadre "Tarzan Triumphs,” news, July Camp Choir Organization A feature o f the bank w ill be o f the 51st and 52nd Engineer 1-3. Camp Abbot w ill have an ex­ facilities to cash personal Training Battalions will lx* held cellent mixed choir if atten­ checks, as well as accept de­ at the All-Purpose Recreation Good Conduct Medals t o ^ dance figures fo r recent rehear­ posits. making loans and sale of Hall, Center street and Group sals are any indication. Lt. John W ar Bonds and stamps. avenue, Tuesday night, the Post Be Awarded Abbotmen w * li Stenmark, choir leader, said In order to cash a personal Good conduct medals w ill be Special Service O ffice announc­ this week. Some 25 soldiers and check, a soldier must sign his ed. .Music will be provided by fhe awarded Abbot enlisted men who members of the W A A C section name, rank, ASN, and counter­ on or after Aug. 27, 194Q. shall Camp Ahlxtt dance orchestra. are attending rehearsals in the signed by any officer. Banking The regular Friday night have completed three years of new Post chapel held each Wed­ hours will lx* 1000 to 1500 week­ dance open to all men on fhe active service, or a fter Dec. 7, nesday at 1930. Vocalists inter­ days and until noon on Satur-. Post will not lx* held this week. 1941, completed one year o f con­ ested in joining the chorus are day. There will be four tellers' tinuous active m ilitary service invited to attend. Organ occom- cages, a modern vault installed CADRE STUDY TASK PLANS while the United States is at paniment is provided by S Sgt. in the camp bank and three civil­ To familiarize cadre of each war, according to a new A R Frank A. Milder. ians w ill be employed. battalion with task plans, in­ just received at post headquar­ formal discussions w ill be held ters. The medal is awarded only to at least four nights weekly un­ der supervision o f group com­ those enlisted men who have manders, a recent E RTC train- demonstrated fidelity, through ing memorandum stated._______ faithful and exact performance (Editor's Note: More about another o f duty, efficiency, through cap­ sergeant major of the Camp Abbot or­ * Being a weekly calendar o f e\ents listing activities In Camp ganization next week. The«e interviews acity to produce desired results, are printed with the thought of acquaint­ and Bend for Camp Abbot personnel. and whose behavior has been ing the enlisted men with the “ key” such as to deserve emulation. sergeant majors on the post.) FRIDAY Recommendations w ill be sub­ BEND USD: Quiz and Game Night; refreshments. mitted to headquarters by the B A S E B A L L P R A C T IC E : Post Hqs.. 1S00. enlisted man’s immediate com­ SATURDAY officer and w ill be re­ E L K S CLUB: Dance, Enlisted Men and Waacs; Hostesses in at­ One generation shall praise manding ferred to the post commanding tendance. thy works to another. officer lo r approval or disappro­ BLDG. NO. 211: O fficers’ dance. Informal, in O fficers' Mess, 2100 JEW ISH SERVICES Psalm 145:4 val. to 2400. Jewish Services will lx- held In this short sentence God SUNDAY sums up this program or plan of A T T E N D CHURCH Three chapels on post or churches in Bend. Friday, June 25, at 1900. Old Pals Stage Reunion C A TH O LIC SERVICES religious education. Each in its B A S E B A L L G AM E: Camp Diamond. Baseball game between Catholic Services will lx- held turn, the older generations are A t 51st Trainee Dance tw o Abbot teams. 1400. Tw o G. I. jitterbugs from Mis­ S U N D A Y D IN N E R : Register at USO for Home Hospitality: fam i­ at 0830, Sunday June 27. Confes­ to make known to the younger sion will lie heard before Mass God's wonderful works. The souri had a joyful. Jubliant jit­ ly dinner. i. WOO. B EN D USO Hunkers Club. 1015 1100: Musical Gems (classical mighty works in nature, in earth, terbug jubilee o f joviality and PR O T E S T A N T SERVICES recordings!, 1500; Buffet Lunch. 1500-1700: Snacks, 1900- in sky and sea, revealed in beau­ jocularity when M ary Christie, Protestant Services will he ty and power, in light and life, D. R. O., W A A C Det. SCU 1973 2200; Party Night-Games, refreshments, community sing- held on Sunday, June 27 at 1000 are ail from His Creator hand. was spotted in the crowd at the ing. MONI! VY and 1930. Each generation must make Trainees Dance Tuesday night P IL O T B UTTE IN N A R M Y W IVE S USO Club Meeting, 200. S P E C IA L SERVICES known to the next God’s good­ by Pvt. A1 Smith o f 51st Bn. B E N D U S O "D o is you Please Night" Open Mouse Special Services for 52nd Bn. ness and mercy. His redeeming Au.x. Christie and Pvt. Smith E RTC B A R R A C K S 919 String Ensemble Practice. 1830. ERTC in Chapel 754 at 1830. love in Christ. His saving, active are old friends from St. Louis B A S E B A L L P R A C T IC E . Post Hqs 1S00. Special Services for 53rd Bn. grace in the work of the Holy and had a jaunty evening re­ ERTC in Chapel 1255 at 1830. Spirit. viewing events ’ and form er A L L PU R PO SE B LD G .: Cadre and trainees dance. 51st and 52nd \\ O h l r i l ) . June 30. 1930 Through long centuries God's dances attended together in Bn USO Hostesses and Waacs. Choir rehearsal In Post Chapel plan of education has been in op­ their home town. B A S E B A L L P R A C T IC E Post Hqs 1800. (Bldg. 208). eration. Many generations have \\ EIINKSI! \Y functioned poorly, hut none has PASSES FOR C IV IL IA N S S T A T IO N KBND: "Camp Abbot on Parade,” Studio in Pilot Rutte ILL SER\ K ES WILL BE ever failed c o m p l e t e l y . The Inn. 1945-2000. Civilians employed at Camp HELD IN TH E POST C H A P E L great. God-given tradition goes Abbot desiring passes may se­ B A S F R A L L P R .U T T C F Post Hqs 1800 on. Our generation is much occu­ cure same at a new lo c a tio n - CH O IR PR A C TIC E : Post Chapel. 1930 "W hat's the difference be­ pied in home, in church school, in building 337. Previously passes B E N I) USO: Bingo Party Telephone call home to winner. 2000. tween a girl and a horse?” colleges, trying to make this were obtainable in building 327. THt RSI! \Y " I don't know.” plan effective in the life o f the A ll civilians must have proper B A S E B A L L P R A C T IC E P o s t Hqs 1800 "Gosh. I'll bet you have some next generation. The earth shall credentials, camp authorities an­ BEND USO Learn to Dance" Class IStiO B E N D B O W LIN G A L L E Y S Waac Tournament Night. 1930. swell dates." . be full of the knowledge of God. nounced. Abbot n’ Around CAM P ABBO T C H U R C H R ITE S n BSD The Chaplain’s COLUMN