Fifty-First Men Learn Uses of Engineer Tools Page Three ABBOT ENGINEER Friday, June 25, 1943 Engineer Tools Interest Rookies Short Shirt Story ; Uncle Som Freezes Gl Fancy Creases The scene—any barracks, any place, in any army camp in the V. S. A . The participants— A couple of soldiers dressing for that week­ end pass. Camera—lights—action! “Remember when we use to have our shirts creased, I h ». v , that was tile time." “Yeah, but what happened?” “Oh, some manpower short­ age so they cut out our creases." “Curtain.” On recent edict from Wash­ ington creases in G. I. shirts arc out for the duration. The rule is in force at Camp Abbot, too. Capt. Owen Hammer Directs Training to Equip Men tor Tasks Camp Exchanges Receive Goods; 8 Units Set Up Offer Variety Items for Troops Needs; Hours Locations, Designated Business is good! Abbot trainees of the 51st Bn. That is the only way to do- this week became acquainted scrilie the activities of the eight with the engineer 1 < h > 1 ehest. exchanges at Camp Abbot, ac­ The tools and equipment train­ cording to figures released by ing in the third, fourth and fifth Mr. II. B. Potter, civilian man­ week prepares ERTC trainees ager, Friday. Based on tentative for work in general construc­ figures the eight exchanges did tion and fixed bridge training, a SI9,(MHI business the first three digging of foxholes and proper weeks this month which isn’t ex­ use of hand and power tools. actly hay. (E N G IN E E R 1‘ holu by .labri. - A peep at the tool chest dis­ HANDY KIT FOB COMBAT TRAINING — Gathered around The one sour chord in the en­ closes carpenter tools which in­ the compact, expertly-designed Engineer tool chest are an offi­ tire setup from the soldier stand­ During civvy days window clude the hand saw, hammer, cer and enlisted men of the 51st Bn. T/5 Charles K. Kessler, washing was just a part of point is the unhappy note that plane, chisel, compass, saws, left; Cpl. Ralph E. Ingersoll, I.t. P. B. Ribbeck, in charge of in­ Spring housecleaning, but with beer may be rationed in order auger and brace. With these the struction, and T/5 Carl L. Gosselin. These tools play an impor­ inspection a calendar event, it’s to make the golden brew go trainee builds such articles as tant role in the education of Army combat Engineers. now regular weekly G.I. detail. around. work (aides, saw horses and foot However, at the present time, It has been noted at Camp Ab­ locker stands from working bot that window screens are l»c- a continual new stock of goods drawings. are rolling in regularly with ing removed for the purpose of There are pioneer wood tools some of the newer items includ­ washing outside windows. That such as axes and adzes, crosscut this practice will be discontinued ing razors and blades, pocket saws, machetes, brush hooks, Appointment of Brig.Gen. Dan­ at once is not u “hint” hut an knives, combs and yes, WAACs* Advanced R. O. T. C. students, peavies. During training with cold cream. pioneer wood tools th,e engineers members of engineering units at iel Noce, commanding general order, as it causes damage to the At the present there are 32 tar pa|>er, screen and easing. of the Amphibian Command at build bridge timbers which are various universities and colleges soldiers doing pari time work in The following instructions, later used in fixed bridge train­ throughout states in the Ninth Camp Edwards, Mass., and for­ from camp authorities, have the various exchanges or ware­ ing, equipment racks and other mer executive officer at Fort been issued for the sliding type house and 20 civilian full time Service Command, and who articles to improve training fa­ employees. Under the present set were inducted in the Army as Leonard Wood, Mo., to a new as­ window: cilities. signment in North Africa was up there are eight outlets with privates at the beginning of the Remove either the lower or "Articles built h.v trainees are announced by the W ar Depart­ upper guide and lift the sash out. two more scheduled and also a Spring school term, are arriving utilized as the work progresses ment this week. Associated Press setup for each battalion as it and the course is plauius! so the at Camp Abbot as part of the dispatches said the assignment When replacing the window ex­ fills up. regular trainee quota. The first ercise care that the guide is soldier may visualize the ulti­ was a new cause for Axis “ jit­ Capt. Del B. McClure heads mate aim of the work under con­ group has been assigned to the ters” and described the general securely nailed in place. up the Exchange setup at Abbot 51st Engr. Tng. Bn. For the tilting type window struction,” said Capt. Owen S. C. These former junior and sen­ as an expert in amphibian and such as found in barracks, the and is assisted by Lt. Charles Hammer, Engineer Training Of­ ior college students will be debarkation tactics. sash may be removed by raising Keithahn, who recently came ficer, «hose name befits liis Many of Camp Abbot’s cadre it over the top of the frame . . . here from the Presidio of San given the same 12-week training assignment. served under Gen. Noce when, as Francisco* Trainees are taught the proper as regularly inducted trainees. a colonel he was executive of­ after the window is open to its At the present time canteens, At the conclusion those consider­ normal position. hà-1 of pioneer earth tools, in- ficer under Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant To insure satisfactory results, that is places to purchase ar­ Hfuding picks, railroad picks, ed most proficient will be sent III at Ford Leonard Wood in ticles to eat, drink and smoke direct to Officer Candidate mattocks, post hole augers and Schools; others less proficient 1942. With tl)e general on his equip a detail with a carload of rags, tub of hot water, bag of shovels. Use of these tools with new assignment are a number of (Continued on Page 4) either hand leading prevents fa­ but considered capable material officers and men transferred soap chips and a hefty noncom tigue. They also receive instruc­ for specialists, will be ordered from Fort Wood to Camp Ed­ to prod the dogfaces to set a tion in proper manner of digging to Arm y Specialist Training wards when he left the Missouri "shining” example of their en- Schools in this command area. ; deavors. foxholes. ________________________ Those who do not qualify for station. Additional instruction in use of power tools includes cross-cut either of the first two groups Two W A A C Officers Here chain saw, circle saw, nail driv­ will continue as enlisted men in For Administration Study the Corps of Engineers. ers and augers. Later in the Arrival of a group from the Two new W AAC Third O ffi­ course specialist training utilizes cers were in Camp Abbot this ■ THE MIGHTY BESSON ROD State College at Corval­ blacksmith tools, tinsmith sets Oregon By Cpl. John Ahrahamson week for a month’s training in I lis is expected soon, furloughs (Roving Cadre, D-51) and sign painting equipment. Camp Abbot soldiers like to company administration and op- I being granted last week at ter- The training area in the 56th ! mination of the school term. attach “wings” to (heir letters. ! eration. When at roll-call they are and 57th Bns. will la* cleared of They will report to Camp Abbot missing, Airmail stamps are the most They are Emily Caldwell from undergrowth, small trees anil i upon expiration of their respec­ , popular type sold at the camp Camp Shelby, Miss., and Jane And the sergeant they are the area prepared for close-order tive leaves. hissing, post o f f i c e , according to Lt. Carter, Ft. Des Moines, Iowa, i drill. Also the area at 57th and Joseph S. Siekler, postal officer. The former is a native.of Atlan­ That’s the time to prod, Center will I k * cleared of brush • Three-centers and penny and a ta, Ga., while the latter was With your BESSON ROD. and frees that create a fire haz­ i half varieties follow closely be- sworn in on her 21st birthday ard. This is part of regular When from police-call, they are , hind the leader. in Dallas, Texas. |>'[aining and not a “fatigue de- hiding, R ii.” And the sick-book they are IT’S DE LAVALY CIVVY CHOW RULES It is planned in the tools and riding, Abbotmen dreaming of one of Wonder if the exploration of The lunch box gained new equipment training to clear mother’s home-cooked meals, or nearby lava caves will tempt ; That’s the time to prod. prominence at Camp Abbot this many-of the training areas too a date with the chick on Main Abbotmen to coin a new phrase j With your BESSON ROD. thickly wooded for efficient St., will be happy over the new week following the closing of to replace “ pitchin’ woo?” Al- i the civilian mess in Building T- training. furlough ruling released by HQ 230 on Headquarters avenuq ready we’ve heard a couple of When they duck the side- straddle hop. NSC allowing furloughs not to last Saturday. Civilians living or! G I’s talking about "cutting a And on their bellies refuse to exceed five days to personnel the post were instructed to board little lava rock!” With so many flop, prior to departure for a Port of at their nearest company mess good looking chicks around here Embarkation or a Replacement we think it’s a “ lavaly” sugges­ That’s the time to prod. or to bring lunches. Depot subject to oversea ship­ With your BESSON ROD. tion. - ment, except where urgent mili­ A case of mistaken identity tary necessity prohibits. Mess Sarge: “ We have thous­ “ You can be mastoid of cere­ Non-coms mustn’t rant or ravo recently caused the death of an The bulletin applies to enlisted ands of things to eat.” Nor do the things they some­ monies.” apparently well-meaning porcu­ men regardless of length of ser­ times crave; Rookie: “ Yeah, w h a t are "A mestoid is a pain in the pine acting as self-appointed vice who have had no furlough they?” All they do is wave this stick, ear.” guard at a post-property dump since ordered to active duty and And pray that the response is Mess Sarge: “ Beans.” on the Deschutes river near the those who have had no furlough quick. main encampment. in the past six months. If the trainee doesn’t jump. The porcupine, awake to the As graduates of this replace­ He may wind up with a lump. need of adequate protection for ment training center are subject Colonel thinks it is a Magic such garrison caches, had oc­ to oversea shipment, each soldier Wand, cupied a strategic position and will be eligible for furlough upon But mine will wind up in the was ready to let fly at intruders, completion of the prescribed pond. when Pfcs. William Hodges and training and prior to such ship­ Sam Kemp, SCU 1973 military ment. Men will be canvassed by To non-coms, its a nemesis. police guarding the area, discov­ their organization commanders For when we find a moments’ ered the animal, mistook him for to determine furlough possibili­ bliss, ties. a cougar and fired. We receive a prod, Enlisted men leaving on fur­ To prove their story, Hodges From that BESSON ROD. cut o ff the animal’s foot and loughs will return to Camp Ab­ brought it to headquarters. “We bot upon expiration of visit. Men When ourselves we are didn’t want to get stuck with the approved for training in O fficer concealing, ■» Candidate Schools or ASTP are rest of the animal,” they said. And a puff or two are stealing, not eligible for furlough, under Then we get a prod the new provisions. From that BESSON ROD. Motor Transport Launches When from barracks we slip away, Freight Service to Bend BAGS SEEK OWNERS Freight a n d transportation Next day our C. O. makes us Thirteen unclaimed pieces of service for official business be­ baggage may be unlucky for as pay. When he starts to prod. tween Bend and Camp Abbot many people if not called for at has been instituted by the Motor Warehouse .307. Barracks bags With that BESSON ROD. Transportation Branch. Trucks or express held at the L. C. L. We must hold It like a saber, leave camp for Bend from build­ warehouse bear the following Tho really It’s no great labor. ing 320 each morning at 0900. To names: T Sgt. W. D. Higginbo­ For we love to prod, place service requests phone 511 tham; T Sgt. Peter S. Radsik; before 0830. Trucks depart from T Sgt. Carl J. Ranta. S Sgt. Jos. With our BESSON ROD. Bend to arrive at building 320 A. Jones; S Sgt. Jos. R. Kessler; Sgt. J. F. Hanback, Cpl. Francis Friday night, I went out by 1200 and 1400. Afternoon requests must be J. Tighe, Pvts, Marion L. Ahrens, dancing, transmitted to the dispatcher by E. G. Anderson, Robert Boli- Then I tried to go romancing, 1330 daily. Trucks will depart baugh, Donald D. Woodworth, But I got a prod, from Bend to arrive at building Robert Zimmer. R. V. Simmer- From that BESSON ROD. man and R. A. Newton. 320 by 1700. G.I. Panes Washed By Numbers ROTC Students to Gen. Noce Causes Axis "Jitters" Train At Abbot FOR BETTER O R Attach 'Wings' to Letters Home New Furlough Regulations Set "Cougar" Found To Be a Porcupine VERSE