Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, June 04, 1943, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Friday, June 4, 1943
Page Four
by Sansone
Detroit Tigers'
Ex-Batboy Now
Abbot Officer
Early in the “ Thundering
Thirties” Detroit baseball fans
predicted a brilliant future for a
husky, blond kid who used to be
the Detroit Tigers’ batboy,
known to nearly every one in
the Motor city as “Whitey” W il­
Well, today, at 22, he’s a seri­
ous, hard-working Army Engi­
neer officer, assigned to C-52,
whose dogtags ltear the imprint
“ L t Albert P. Willis, Jr.”
Growing interest of Camp Ab­
“Baseball is a great sport,” he
bot anglers in fly fishing and
said, during a breather in a prac­
easting prompted members o f
tice session of the post varsity
the ENGINEER staff to pick up
team. “ I always wanted to be
a few tips on what to use for
a pitcher—but I’m now pitching
bait from piscatorial experts in
Bend this week. Information
in a different kind o f game.”
Like thousands of other base­
collected In interviews proved
what many o f Camp Abbot’s
ball-minded Yanks in the Corps
followers of the sport may have'
o f Engineers, Lt. Willis believes
discovered for themselves—that
that the “Engineers are up first
planning the menu for a fish
in the batting order. W e’re lead-
Said a veteran pitcher,
frequently is a thankless task;
o ff men.”
that finding the currently popu­
He is glad he wears the gold
"B ull” Penn,
lar submarine hangout depends
'castle and his training in his
a great deal on luck and that
dad’s construction business in
"W e ’re headin’ for victory,
fish apparently do not like to he
Detroit has stood him in good
caught by people.
stead. He was drafted about 16
The Deschutes River is exclu­
months ago, underwent basic
sive. Its only tenants are trout
training at Camp Polk, La., and
and a bony hut edible specimen
For Bonds to back
graduated from Ft. Belvoir last
known as the River White fish.
Bass were regarded as outcasts
Carrying on the tradition of
when the stream was stocked
the Willises, “ Whitey” loves the
I ’M
pledging one dollar in
Camp Abbot’s school for cooks
because trout and bass just don’t
army and Camp Abbot. His un- and bakers will open July 5, it
get along.
I cle, Walter, won a Purple Heart was announced today by Capt.
Experts concede that trout, if
on Guadalcanal where he went Richard W. Fry, assistant com-
they're in the mood, will bite al­
to serve to avenge the death of mandant, SCU - 1929, C a m p
most anything that doesn't bite
“Whitey’«” cousin, Walter, Jr., White, Ore., who arrived last
them first. The problem is catch­
who was killed in Pearl Harbor. Saturday
_ to assist in organiza-
ing them in the mood. The buck-
Lt. Willis is one of the keymen tion o f the specialized training
tail coachman and the caddis fly,
of the camp’s baseball team, as- unit.
the latter an ersatz version of
sisting in laying out the diamond
Lectures and demonstrations
the live fly found in this region,
and training o f members.
will be conducted in a classroom
are favorites of local trout.
“ Abbot will have a swell in Bldg. T-230. Students assign
Other tidbits include salmon
ed to the C & B will also obtain
1 team,” he says.
eggs or grubs, but some trout
first hand experience in their in­
have been known to go for a Will-
dividual organization kitchens.
kie button. A member of the
Named temporary assistant
ERTC band reported catching a
The All - Purpose Recreation
commandant of t h e school is
17-inch German brown on a vita Hall, Camp Abbot’s sports and
1/Lt. William L. Murray, QM
min pill. Salmon eggs are less recreation center, located at
det. SCU 1973. T/Sgt. Rudolph
expensive and even more effec­ Group Ave. and Center St., will
Petaja will be senior instructor
l*e opened to soldiers next week,
and S/Sgt. William A. Frost, his
Flies are more effective in the Post Special Service Office
warm weather when trout are announced. Opening of the struc­
Capt. Fry was impressed with
feeding on “ bug hatches” on the ture, used heretofore only on
The field north of the obstacle Camp Abbot, its facilities and
surface of the water. When cold special occasions, awaits the ap­ course on Fourth avenue has ideal location in which to train
weather has destroyed
the plication of several coats o f var­ been chosen as the site o f Camp Army combat engineers.
“ hatches” it is advisable to fish nish to the floor.
Abbot's baseball diamond, Cpl.
Sports will head the list of Roy L. Rider, athletic director
activities scheduled. Basketball for the Special Service Office,
and volleyball equipment will be announced this week. Levelling
ready for use when the building
The Bond Elks' baseball squad opens. Tentative plans also call operations are under way and
the field will be ready for use
will tangle with a team from
for the installation o f parallel
Klamath Falls at the Elks’ ball bars, vaulting horses, rings, sometime next week.
Installation of equipment will
park in Bend next Sunday at
1500, according to Lt. Wayne heavy and light boxing bags, require several weeks, Cpl. Rider
weights, Indian clubs, a collap­ said. Plans provide for construc­
Bailey, club manager.
Veteran o f 13 years in the
lie also announced that Klam­ sible boxing ring and shuffle- tion of a regulation back stop, a Army Nurses Corps, 1/Lt. Fran­
ath Falls will have a team in the board courts within the next few sliding pit and two "bull pens.” ces Ewing, SCU 1973, has as­
Arrangements also are being
Central Oregon League which months.
A competent instructor will considered for seating specta­ sumed the duties as chief nurse
will have two entries from
o f Camp Abbot’s Station Hospi-
Camp Abbot.
tal. Four nurses assigned to the
and conduct courses in boxing,
institution also have arrived.
wrestling, fencing, tumbling and
Lt. Ewing was form erly sta-
general physical conditioning.
at Lettermen General
Bowling is the first recrea­
The hall will be made avail­
Hospital, San Francisco.
tional activitiy to attract the at­ able to members o f the WAAC
previous posts included duty at
tention of WAACs stationed at Section here under a schedule
Walter E. Reed hospital, Wash­
Camp Abbot. First of a series of now Iteing planned by the Spe­
ington, D. C „ and Fort Riley,
tenpin matches is scheduled for cial Service Office.
A number of Camp Abbot of- Kan. She won her silver bars a
Thursday, June 10 on the Bend
A dance will be held in the
j fieers and enlisted men have year ago,
building each Friday night.
'joined the Bend Golf Club and
Nurses on duty here are all sec-
promise to provide hectic com- ond lieutenants: Gabriella Lau-
rence, Oakland, Calif.; Margaret
petition to local shotmakers.
At the same time Mr. Bill Lind- P. Sayre, Chatham, N. J.; Mar-
gren, club professional and man­ garetta Weeks, Dunkirk, N. Y.;
ager, is anxious for as many and E l i z a b e t h R. Sertovich,
* Iteing a weekly calendar of events listing activities in Camp
soldier-golfers to enroll for sev­ Grand Rapids, Mich. Additional
ami Bend for Camp Abbot p e r s o n n e l . _________________
eral tourneys slated in the near nurses are expected to arrive
future. WAACs and Army Nurs­ shortly.
es are. likewise, urged to sign
ALL PURPOSE BLDG.: Enlisted Men’s Dance, 2000-2300. Cor.
up. There is no entry fee. Sgt. Wackers Tangle With EM;
Group Ave. and Center St. USO Junior hostesses in attendance. I W
a lte r
T-Tnnkc MP
MP branch,
M. Hooks,
c _
k i ' i r ' i
BEND USO: “ Have-your-fortune-told” Hour, 2000.
The score of the first official
fessional in lining up entries for
BEND USO: "Learn to Dance” Class. 1530. Juke Box Dance, 2030.
“soldier meets W AAC” softhall
the G.I. linksfest.
BLDG. NO. 211: Officers’ dance, informal, in Officers’ Mess,
2100 to 2400.
! Among the outstanding golf­ game at Camp Abbot, for obvi
ers from the post who have join­ ous reasons, must remain a mill-
ed the club are Capt. T. B. Ful­ tary secret
ATTEND CHURCH: Three chapels on post or churches in Bend.
Last week’s game between the
kerson. QM property and sup­
plies officer; 1 Lt. William T. WAACs and ERTC Hqs. EM Per-
BEND USO: Dunker's Club. 1015-1100: Musical Gems (classical
recordings*, 1500: Buffet Luneh, 1500-1700; Snack Bar, 1900-
Pascoe III. W. O. Richard H. sonnel was w e l l attended by
2200: Party Night-Games, refreshments, singing 2000.
Lee, Hq. ERTC personnel sec­ Abbot's C.O., WAACs, soldiers,
BEND ELKS' BALL PARK: Baseball game between Elks and
tion, Sgt. Hooks, and Sgt. J. E. and a sprinkling of officers in
Klamath Falls, 1500.
the audience.
Schaefer, o f the MP.’s.
As expected, the soldiers had
Tentative plans for the soldier
REND USO: Open Hous "Do as you please" evening.
tournament call for a qualifying the o d d s on their side. The
round on a future Sunday and Wackers introduced some new
championship matches the fol­ innovations and techniques, fur­
nishing the gathered crowd sev­
lowing week.
BEND USO: Dance, with ERTC Band. 2000.
eral good laughs.
STATION KBND: "Camp Abbot on Parade." Studio iit Pilot
Round trip bus tickets to Bend
Butte Inn. WAAC Program. 1945-2000.
The 11th Engr. Tng. Gp. roc.
will be available at the Post Ex­
change during regular hours. A hall. Bldg. 756, corner Hqs. and
BEND USO: Song fest, 2000
book of 12 tickets can be pur­ Group Ave., has been declared
WAAC BOWLING TOURNAMENT: Bend Bowling Alleys. 1930.
chased for $3.00, good on all “ o ff limits” to all EM except
BEND USO: Bingo Party—Telephone call home to winner, 2000. j busses to Bend.
those o f the 51st.
Here's Lowdown
On Bait for
Fish Near Camp
C-B School Set
To Open July 5
Building Will
Be Open Soon
Slie Chosen
For Abbot
Ball Diamond
Lt. Ewing Here
As Chief Nurse
Plans Announced
For Soldier Golf
Meet at Bend Club
Abbot n’ Around
S c o re — A M ilitary S e c r e t
Lt. Hansen Lists
Mailing Rules
To Insure Arrival
Every soldier feels like a sad
saek w hen liis name isn’t sound­
ed o ff at dally “ Mail Call.”
Maybe lnF
the renso.
n Is
,s *mP™Per
ad^ essm g by senders of letters
and packages. To prevent unhap-
piness from stalking in, here’s a
suggestion to all Abbotmen by
2/Lt. H. L. Hansen, newly desig­
nated camp postal officer, who
replaced Capt. J. C. Burgeson,
assigned as camp reclamation
and salvage officer.
“ Letters intended for soldiers
here should contain rank, full
name. Army Serial Number, Or­
ganization, Barracks number
and Camp Abbot, Oregon,” Lt,
Hansen emphasized.
“ Too many letters and parcels
are undelivered for lack of suf­
ficient address data,” the postal
officer added.
He also urged soldiers to write
legibly, preferably in ink, and
suggested that senders abide by
these simple rules.
Abbot Talent on
USO Broadcast
Featuring the toe - t a p p i n g
rhythm of Camp Abbot’s band,
enhanced by a bevy of talented
WAACs stationed here, the first
remote control radio show from
the USO in Bend last night was
termed a "success” by the thous­
ands who tuned in.
The entire program
w as dedi­
cated to the WAACs in assisting
a recruiting drive currently in
' —
‘ One of the
progress in
largest crowds ever to witness a
station KBND broadcast filled
the spacious USO clubhouse
from 1945 to 2000. Lt. P. H.
O’Brien, director o f the camp
Special Service office; Miss Ann
McLoughlin, associate USO dl-
rector and W AAC recruiting of-
ficer from Portland, Ore., were
in charge of the program.
Camp Theater Screens
ERTC Training Films
Camp Abbot’s modern army
owned and operated theater did
a capacity business last week but
feature films were devoid o f
RF IV S P n S P t i n n a l m a m n o o c t a r e ,9
any “sensational marquee stars.”
Instead, they were highly-edu-
cational and authentic training
pictures, screened by 16-mil. pro­
jectors and shown to all ERTC
recruits in camp,
Equipment for showing regu-
lar Hollywood film fare is on the
way and should arrive very
shortly, said Cpl. Thurman S.
Justus, theater manager,
Engineers were this week put-
ting finishing touches on heat-
ing and ventilating systems in
the G. I. cinema and arrange-
ments were completed to open a
theater office.
First members of the W AAC
Det. SCU 1973 granted furloughs
since their arrival here two
weeks ago are PFC. Glendoris
Baron, to Chicago, and Pvt.
Helen Curlee, to Fort Worth,