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About Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1943)
Friday, June 4, 1943 Male Call Milton A B ^ T ENGINEER Caniff, Creator of Terry and the Pirates M assive Lava R ive r Tunnels In V ic in ity o f C a m p S ite By P H IL BROGAN Page Three Moral: Have Right Eye Open When You Squeeze BUILDING VERSES A b b o t Landscap e A w a its D e ft G. /. B e a u ty T re a tm e n t way No. 97 between Bend and Plans for a long-range lieautl- bids the defacing of all frees by , Camp Abbot. Others include 1 ¡cation program to retain Na blazing, driving of nails, carving, Ages ago when mountains Skeleton cave, the Arnold leu. ture's unequalcd pattern at or miililiation of any sort that overlooking the site now occu- eaves, Horse cave and the Bed may result in injury to the tree. Camp Abbot, was disclosed to The walks will lie widened to " C. Q . for the Blues" pied by picturesque Camp Ah- mond caves, w ill suckle milk that’s sour. bot battled and blew off their The bore of Skeleton cave, 12 L Children day by Col. Frank S. Besson, pass around the trees in line. ava Hutte w ill eiupt almost any hour. heads in volcanic rage, nature miles south of Bend, is suffic- The Deschutes w ill surely overflow . camp commandant. This plan All other natural vegetation, ditl a bit of engineering in the iently large to permit two loco Even the »rrass w ill cease to grow . when put into effect will control the attractive pine and spruce plagues and others w ill certainly be upper Deschutes country of Ore- motives to operate side by side These all exterior const ruction and be timber, and all native shrubbery gon that could hardly ire dupli- providing locomotives could For the dastardly trick they have played landscaping within tlie camp's will be carefully preserved, ex on m e; cated by an EKTC shovel battal- be squeezed into the local cave- M aking building area. cept that they may be removed me cancel my date with you *on' j in that forms the opening of this And assume the duty o f Battalion C. Q. Main objective is to preserve i to afford full width of walks, Tic. Gordon Mackenzie, Easing the anger of the battl- huge tunnel, all possible natural surround roads, and parking areas. Co. Clk. B-54. ing peaks, whose cannonading Walls of the lava caves of the | ings. The exception is trees of Individual battalions will join Shook the earth, nature provided 1 Deschutes country are solid less than four inch diameter in with Col. Besson's suggestion vast lava conduits to carry away j rock. In most places, sand, orig- "O de +o a Jive Session" which may prove to be an incon in creating attractive atmos some of the overflow of lava in of which remains a mystery, The people swarmed into the hall venience as well as a hazard. All phere In the vicinity of all bar from ancient Mt. Newberry and covers the bottom of the vast And danced to make the rafters fall dead branches will ;Uso be re racks, mess halls, recreation They whirled around by twos and twos Other volcanoes and fissures. caverns. Ice is found summer Much damage being belt by G. 1. shoes moved. regardless of height. buildings and other organization The result was massive lava and winter in some of the caves, In tills order, Col. Besson for- al units. They danced until twenty-three hundred river tunnels—great bores in the Geologists say the caves were And when it ended, we all wondered earth in which Bend’s more than formed when the lava mass in How fast the days would fly. before 10,000 people could take refuge which they exist was still mol- Next Friday would come around once more. in a bombing. One of these ten in the interior. Down slope, j A. F. C. Pauline Tobias, strange tunnels is only a few the lava drained out of pre-exist- j W AAC Del. SCU 1973. miles from Camp Abbot. ing ravines, creating the tun- These tunnels, at least two of nels. The W AAC mail orderly didn’t them more than a mile long, are Abbotmen may find it inter- ring once or twice . . . but 60 among t h e strangest geologic esting to visit some of these eov- Abbotmen desiring bona fide times one day last week for Aux. features of the Deschutes basin, erns, especially on hot days legal assistance are reminded to Ruth Strawn. One of the conduits. Lava River when chill breezes bUnv out of The former Los Angeles coun visit the post Judge Advocate tunnel, is a state park, on high- the dark earth. New York has its Fifth Ave. and not l i s t e n to the torrid ty elementary playground direc . . . San Francisco has its Mar breezes of ‘‘guardhouse law tor received notes from 60 stu dents who learned of her trans der Maj. Turrill’s guidance is ket St. . . . Washington, D. C. yers.” 1st Lieut. Stanberry Foster is fer to Camp Abbot and devol»<| MORE ABOUT the Civilian Personnel of which has its Pennsylvania Ave. . . . the camp's legal assistance of the greater portion of their ic- and Camp Abbot has its Center Mr. E. L. Cramblitt is chief. ficer and iiis office is available creation period one afternoon to St. writing the letters, There are four sub-sections, Extending through the heart to all military personnel and “ I was thrilled beyond wonts with respective heads, super of the Army’s newest ERTC, their families lor free consulta tion on all personal legal mat receiving so many letters from Center St. is approximately two vising the 726 civilians eligible (Continued from Page One) my former students,” Aux. ters. for employment on the post. miles long and is the principal The post judge advocate will Strawn said. She is assigned to road connecting Highway 97 in YVAACs, Maj. Turrill’s branch Units are personnel placement, without cost, in addition to con the post Special Service office. functions smoothly in high gear. classification, employe relations, to camp. Completion of the road sultations. prepare wills, powers one day last week shortened the Maj: Turrill’s assistant is safety and training, and payroll. distance from Bend by about a of attorney, and other necessary Mr. John G. Jones, former com legal documents. Best time to Capt. Charles H. Moore, who mercial manager of the Bend mile. visit Lt. Foster is during the heads the Military Personnel radio station, was recently nam According to Capt. G. E. Zel- branch. Prior to his assignment ed associate instructor of em hart, CE., post engineer, plans afternoon in post headquarters, at Abbot he directed the EM ploye relations training. He is are under consideration for fu and between 1900 to 2100 Tues days and Thursdays. Cpl. W il personnel at Ft. Belvoir, Fla. assisted by Pie. R. Paul Fries, ture construction of an individu liam Harvey, a lawyer for more The duties of the Corps ol The enlisted section is super Hqs. Co. SCU 1973, who, prior al arch spanning the main en Military Police and the intur vised by Capt. William S. Rob to entering the service was per trance gate of Center St. Area than 20 years, assists Lt. Foster. workings of this branch of tie The legal assistance officer erts Jr., who has had consider sonnel director of a large indus Engineers, it is reported, a r e armed forces was the subject of able experience in personnel trial concern on the West Coast. considering s e v e r a l designs does not undertake the repre a discussion over Radio Station sentation of military personnel work. In this unit there are six Major Turrill graduated from utilizing rustic wood. Indigenous KBND, Bend, last Thursday Sub-sections: Personnel, directed Business and Administartion to this locale, as the principal before civil or military courts. night between Capt. Ab. Jolly, Lt. Foster, prior to his entry by Capt. D. S. Triplett and three school of Michigan State college decorative scheme. irto active service, was assistant Camp Abbot provost marshal assistants; Assignment, Lt. M. A. in 1933, and commissioned as In and Lt. P. H. O'Brien, special Capt. Zelhart also said that Larson: Classilication, Lt. J. R. fantry officer on June 17 of that camp construction schedules are attorney general of the state of service officer. Washington, in charge of tax Meeks, aided by an assistant; year. For four and a half years “The' corps Is concerned with Consultation and Testing, Lt. D. he was assigned in CCC work at being completed by contractors, litigation and has been a mem all crimes and offenses commit D. Fowler, in charge, working Camp Custer, Mich., and during in many instances, days ahead ber of that state’s Bar for ten ted by any person subject 1o years. closely closely with Maj. Arnold next year and a half wras produc* of original deadline. military law within the area un Eisendorfer, a nationally-recog tion manager for a large steel der control of the organization Rationed Smoke Breaks nized neuropsychiatrist of New corporation. On Jan. 4. 1941 he to which they are attached or as York and Special Personnel answered the call to active duty. Red Cross Plans Room For ERTC Trainees signed,” Capt. Jolly said. Procurement, Lt. John Maxson He was a member of the first For G . I. Convalescents “ Smoke breaks” are going to Capt. Jolly also explained the and an assistant. The American Red Cross will be “rationed” due to the vulnera graduating class of the Adjutant Problems aren't merely con General’s School. War College, have a recreational building bility of timber in this area to important duties of the corps in the zone of operations such as, fined to yardblrds; officers also aWshington, D. C.; while at Ft. located in the Camp Abbot hos have their woes. When they do, Belvoir, he served on the staff pital area for the use of conval fire, a recent E R T C training the recent North African cam paign when more than 200,01 b it's a cinch they’ll confer with of Brig. Gen. L. W. Miller; later escent patients, with facilities memorandum stated. Smoking during the day in the axis prisoners were taken ; im 1 Capt. E. G. Brisach, in charge of ordered to attend the Command for enlisted personnel wishing training areas, outside the camp turned over to the military po the Offices’ Personnel section. and General School, Ft. Leaven to rest, read or write. area, is prohibited, except under lice pending transfer to intern, Chaplain (M aj.) William A. worth, Kan., successfully com Motion picture equipment has nient camps. Andrew, chief, and Caplain Ver pleting the Services of Supply been ordered and current movies the following conditions: When messing in the field hi non A. Cooley, his assistant, and staff course and subsequently will be shown twice weekly in I know which side my breed Chaplain David I. Segerstrom assigned to Camp Abbot as Di the recreation building which the bivouac areas under su|ier is “ toasted on.” vision of unit commanders, and form the camp corterie of “sky rector of Personnel. has a seating capacity of 200. in certain designated area. "Not toasted. Buttered.’’ pilots." The latter has recently Besides 18 officers, there are There will be no charge for ‘"Toasted. Who's got butter?” Under no circumstances will assigned for dutv in the post 133 enlisted men—116 from theatre offerings for the pa hospital. In the* near future, ERTC and 17 from SCU—work tients. A recreation staff has smoking lie allowed during any night training. three additional chaplains will ing in Maj. Turrill’s office. been requested by Col. Frank G. serve personnel at Abbot and Crandall, Jr., post surgeon, con Lady in restaurant: “ Why S/Sgt. each of the three principal de sisting of a recreational director don't you shoo your flies?" S«t. T r u n k J P e te rn e f, 12«h G p . ) I 4 q . nominations— Protestants, Cath Four Abbotmen Spotted and two social workers who will T / l D e n n y J . l i e llu r c i , C i« . Chef: “ Well, you see, it's hot olic and Jew—will have repre S g t. assist the patients with any In Bulletin Interviews Cpl. H a r r y O . V e t t e r , R-,17. sentatives. problems, letter writing and aids ' today so I thought I would just < pi. Jacob W. W hite, f ! let them run around barefooted." Eventually, offices of the Pvt. George Griffin, medical to recovery and comfort. T/5 N o r m a n If. Y o « t, D -5 7 . American Red Cross will be lo branch SCU 1973; Pis. Alex C. T/S R tl—e ll U lh .n.» JiU ..n ff«|. f n f « I f ; Plans also call for a lounge T / i Robert W . Johnson, ffq . i s. E R I C cated in ERTC headquarters, Dailey, QM SCU 1973: T 5 Fred room with overstuffed furni Maj. Avery Is First T 4 said Maj. Turrill. Mr. French J. ture, library’ and reading room ENGINEER Subscriber E r v in J , S e ito n . O M Mee. fJ C U 1973. Tpl. Dunning is the field director, as erick Fitzer,. C. 53, and Pvt and every possible help for Cpl. I r v i n O . . H la n f f r , Q M Ore. S C U Honor of being the first sub Ariel A. Briley, 51st E T Btn., Camp Abbot personnel, accord 19 73. sisted by Mr. Harold French. scriber to the Abbot ENG I r pi. Lt. P. H. O'Brien is chief of won front-page interviews in the ing to Mr. Frank J. Dunning, NEER, official post newspa Pfr. F a rk e s L . S a t r f , 12th C p . I lq v . the Special Service branch, Bulletin, Bend's daily news Field Director. Pfe. M a r t in l>. F r ie d m a n , M e d . J i t , per, goes to Maj. William T. ' Si V 1973. whose scope of activity includes paper. Avery, Hqs. 55th Engr. Tng. • Pel. I J n y d llv d o - m , 1 2 th G p . H q a . The new feature. “Who Goes operation of theatres. Service Pfr. M a r n e f ( . h n , l l q < o H C U 1 9 7 » . Clubs, Guest Houses, libraries, There?” will appear daily in The I First G. I.: “ Back in civilian Bn., who requested the week Pvt. f lo r in M M. K « e te . l l q . C o. K R T C . ly be mailed for the next three R o b e rt J . h e t t . M q . ( o . E R T C . Pet. life 1 was an artist,” Bulletin — so if their reporter ! athletics and recreation, special months to Mrs. J. J. Floyd of T 5 Second: “ I was, too.” snags you—cooperate and you’ll events, and publication of the Pet. J a r k S ie g e l, M f . claim a clipping from the malls j Third: ”1 see—a pair of draw Webb, Ala., and Mr. Ira Moore weekly Abbot ENGINEER. Pvt. l a u n h r i a n e . B -5 7. Pvt. b c a r j a M .. B a r g e , B -5 7 . ers.” , , of Heiberger, Ala. Another important section un soon after. (C ity Editor. B m d Bulletin) Center St. to Have Entrance Gate Post Legal Officer Aux. Sfrawn Hits Ready to H e lp P.O. W A A C p o t A b b o t Personnel Maj.Turrill C a m p Police Take S o w on W e e k ly Radio Sho w BARS and STRIPES