Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, May 28, 1943, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    G. I. Sluggers
Take Form for
League Action
Nineteen Ex-Big Time
Stars Look Swell in
Pre-Season Contests
Friday, May 28, 1943
Page Four
- -
- -
It's O K A Y to Fish in Trout-
Filled Deschutes River
Camp Abbot baseball players
Col. Besson Rescinds "O ff Limits" Ban on
are getting in the groove for the
Flycasting in Stream Flowing Through Camp
opening of the Central Oregon
Fishing became the No. 1 sport
League on or about June 15th.
at Camp Abbot this week follow- E 1 6 V 6 FI t Ll G f* O U D
Practice games will be played
lag an announcement by Col.
a .
* o n I I ~ I
prior to the opening of the fast Frank S. Besson, Post and ERTC P l C K S A & R H e a Q S
league. Dates of games will be
commander, rescinding an “off
Appointment of company re-
announced later.
im its” ban on fishing in the sec- creation officers for the newly-
Practices will be held Monday tion of the stream within the activated 51st Engineer Train-
and Thursday in Bend at the
, .
mg Battalion and organization
| 0f an 11th E. T. Group Athletic
Elks baseball diamond at 1845. camp boundaries.
Trucks will transport players,
Soldiers fishing the section on antj Recreation Committee com-
leaving Camp Abbot at 1800 the camp reservation are not re- posed of non-commissioned of-
from Post Headquarters by the quired to purchase licenses, but j ficers were announced by Lt. S.
flag pole. Practice games will be they must obey seasonal Oregon j D. Hopkins, Group Special Ser-
played other days at the post on game laws.
vice Officer, this week,
’ C m my flip b s showing*"
diamonds that are now in pro- j For the benefit of anglers who ! Named by company command-
cess of being constructed under are not familiar with restric-' ers as recreation officers for the
the supervision of Cpl. Roy L. tions, here are a few of the most '■ battalion were Lt. Jam es M.
Rider, SSO athletic director, w ho, important “don’t :”
¡Murphy, for Co. A; Lt. Walter
Is whipping the Abbot diamond
Don’t fish later than an hour ! S. Rounds for Co. B; Lt. Fred-
cers into shape. Soldier-baseball after sunset or earlier than an j erick A. Thomas for Co. C; and
players wishing to try out for a hour before dawn.
| Lt. Joseph S. Norris for Co. D.
berth on the camp team m ay ' Don’t come back with a catch ' The athletic and recreation
j committee will be in charge of
show up at the frequent piac- smaller than six inehes.
| sports programs and recreation
Don’t use dynamite or nets.
tice contests.
Some of the outstanding con-' The season for fishing in the j activities for the Group and will
tenders for spots in the opening I Deschutes river will close Oct. j act in a liaison capacity between
Camp Abbot’s athletic pro­
31 and reopen April 15, but the ! trainees and other cadre and the
line-up are:
gram gained momentum this
season ends as early as Sept. 15 ' Special Service Office. Each of
Sgt. Alex Orloff,
week with the arrival at the
Cpl~George Conway Pfc. Joseph on s°nie of the lakes near the ; the 16 companies in
the G tour
Special Service Office of almost
Denton b
I will be represented by a non-
Training sessions in boxing $10,000 worth of equipment. In­
Pitchers: Lt. Albert Willis, S.
Flies< salmon eggs, small com whose rank is not higher and wrestling will be held at the
Sgt. Henry Manning, Sgt. Agusto spoons and worms are recom- than that of staff sergeant. All - Purpose recreation hall, cluded in the shipment were sup­
Zande C d I J Oelesbv
mended for this section of the Names of committeemen will be Group Ave. and Center St., at plies for baseball, softball, vol­
ball,, table tennis, basketball,
Outfielders:' U John E. Wain n .vetr- Sportmen who have fish-1 announced. Meetings will be 1900 daily, unless other activi­ ley
football, soccer, boxing and bad­
ties are scheduled in the hall,
wright, Sgt. William A. F itz-, ed _the_area P0‘nt 0Ut that sa,’;
of Lieut. Hopkins, chair­ Cpl. Roy L. Rider, athletic direc­ minton.
Patrick, Sgt. Clyde Redig, Cpl. mon eggs and worms often will tion
Diamond equipment
Nicholas Mcca,
Ficca cpl.
C d I rrancis
Francis W
the aren>t
of a trout
tor for the Special Service Of­
w. tempt
hen flies
Athletic equipment was issued fice, announced this week in i s ­ the list. Distributed to umiBfln
to the 51st Bn. this week on the suing a call for still more men the Center were 1,008 baseball,
First Basemen: Lt. J o s e p h
728 fielders’ gloves, 504 bats, 84
arrival of the unit’s first incre­ interested in the sports.
Morris, Cpl. Joseph Buday, Cpl.
first basemen’s mitts and all
ment of trainees.
Preliminary training consists other supplies used in the sport.
Henry F. Tagnetti.
of bag punching, calesthenics, in­ Gloves are for both right and
Second Basemen: Pvt. Herbert
structions in the fundamentals left-handed players.
Seid, Pvt. Leo Manuti.
of boxing and general physical
Third Baseman: Pvt. Arthur
Supplies also included 504
As the trucks approached
J . Shevrin.
softballs and softball bats, 112
Camp Abbot gates bringing
Short-stop: Cpl. Leo Pocheck. WAAC softball players, it seems
basketballs and footballs, 56
vice Office is considering sites vollcyballs, volley ball nets
soldier-softball players were al­
for the installation of rings in and soccer balls, 112 head
planning to challenge the
(Continued from Page One)
both the 11th and 12th Engineer guards, 56 boxing gloves and
Officers' Dance Will Be ready
feminine players. Before the
Training Groups and a more boxers’ training gloves, 14 strik­
Held Each Saturday Night gals had a chance to organize i accomplished.
centrally located ring suitable ing bags and seven boxers’ train­
The second dance sponsored 1 j e*f teara
SSO had receiv- j Much of the military training for the staging of championship
ing bags, 28 medicine balls, 48
by Camp Abbot Officers’ Mess
tvi^° challenges: first from js similar to that received by in­ bouts.
table tennis sets and 60 table
will be held Saturday at 1900 in t <-°-
52 nd Eng. Tng. Bn, and fantrymen, with rifle m.trks-
“The boxing program here tennis balls, 56 inflators, eight
the Pilot Butte Inn with music
other from Hq. 11th G. Det. manship, close order drill and shows great promise,” Cpl.
by the ERTC dance orchestra, j Officers of the two teams will behavior in the field especially Rider said. “Several men with double badminton sets and 48
directed by Sgt. Jack Hayes. | mef* an(* arrange games.
1 stressed.
interesting ring careers have
Formal dress is optional.
newly organized WAAC' Matter of fact, next Sunday, turned out for training as well
The Officers' dance is to be a team held its first practice game cadre of the 51st will “squeeze as a number of men with no pre­
weekly affair. Regular programs Tuesday night, with a large ; ’em off” on Abbot’s newly-built vious experience.”
All Abbot golf devotee»;'.ve
of entertainment will be present­ group of enthusiastic spectators, j 300-yard rifle range fronting
invited to attend an orgq^.a-
The WAAC line up:
| Echelon square ,to be in shape
tional meeting Sunday, May 30
ed by Camp Abbot enlisted tal­
Cpl. Tugwell, catcher, Auxil- f0r June 6 when trainees will
at 1300 on the fairways of the
Bend Country Club to chart
Dancing will start promptly iaries Totten, left field; Rice, experience the thrill of taking
plans for a future golf tourna­
at 2100 and continue to 2400. Ad­ right field; Fernandez, short a bead with their M-l pieces.
ment. Officers as well as enlist­
mission is 50 cents per person. stop; Jenkins, pitcher; Trout, j Here’s a partial list of sub- i
first base; Lundgren, second ; jects included in each of the five ; Eleven buses leave Bend for ed men are invited to attend, ac­
base; Heble, third base; Stevens, j divisions of training:
Camp Abbot daily, and others cording to Cpl. Walter Hooks,
Hospital Visiting
center field; Sellars, short stop.
M ILITARY: Discipline, cus- will be placed into operation as MP branch, SCU 1973, who is
needed, according to Mr. Harold fostering the hook and slice
Hours Announced
Steen, short stop; Afc Woodrow, sex hygiene, first aid, infantry Murphy, manager of the Pilot clambake.
Visiting hours for the Post left field. Auxiliaries, " Scheller,
drill, interior guard, physical Butte Transit Lines, franchise
Hospital were announced by first base; Stanfield, first right training and reconnaissance.
Capt John W. Summers, hospi­ and Shepard, second base.
Round t r i p ticket costs 50
Aviation Cadet J. C. Ketchem
tal adjutant. Visitors will be ad­
floating bridges, general con-1 cents, while 30 cents is charged of Montrose, Colo., believes the
mitted to the officers’ and wom­
struction, rigging, tools, equip­ for only one-way. A commuta­ WAAC’s have an “uplifting” in­
“Come, Mitzie, and kiss the ment and materials.
en’s wards from 1400 to 1600 and
tion book of 24 rides, good only fluence on the Army.
from 1900 until 2100. Men in the big sergeant.”
PIONEER: Defense against
“They made a little mistake in
enlisted ward may receive visi­
“Why, ma—I haven’t done mechanized attack, field fortifi- for 15 days, may be purchased
at the rate of 20 cents per ride. issuing clothes to us,” he wrote
tors from 1400 to 1600.
: cations and camouflage, demo-
Schedule of buses leaving his parents. "They sent us
I litions, obstacles and roads.
Bend is as follows: 0500, 0645, WAAC shirts.”
WEAPONS: Anti-tank and 0710,
The shirts are equipped with
1200, 1600,1730, 2130, 2200
hand grenades, technique of fire,
uplift contours in front,he wrote.
operation and use of the .30 and 2230 and 2400. It requires about
That’s all, brother!
50-cal. machine guns, carbines 45 minutes for the trip either
and .45-caJ. sub-machine guns, from camp to Bend or vice versa.
She used to be my flame until
+ Being » weekly calendar of events listing activities in Camp rifle marksmanship and anti-air­
and Bend for Camp Abbot personnel.
she went out with that squirt.
craft firing.
ASTP Board Named
Carpenters, mechanics, motor Appointment of nine officers to
ALL-PURPOSE BLDG: Enlisted Men’s Dance, 2000-2300. Cor.
operators, cooks and bakers, de­ determine general qualifications
Group Ave. and Center St.
molition specialists, illiterate of Camp Abbot enlisted men for
BEND USO: Palm Reading.
training and pipe fitters.
Army Specialized Training Pro­
PILOT BUTTE INN: Officer’s Dance, sponsored by Officers’
gram was announced today by
Mess,2100. Formal dress optional.
ABBOTMEN TO M A R C H 1st. Lt. Clifford V. Eckhardt,
BEND USO: Dance for enlisted men and WAACs.
(Continued From Page One)
CE, assistant adjutant.
Activities are scheduled to
Members of the board are Lt.
ATTEND CHURCH. Three chapels on post or churches in Bend.
start at 1400 on Memorial Day Col. Clarence J. Douglass. CE:
Inspect the camouflage material
afternoon, with the parade of Maj. John H. Hayes, QMC; frequently
and correct any
MEMORIAL DAY PARADE: Starts at 1400 in Bend.
those in the line of march heart­ Capt. Owen S. C. Hammer. CE: changes made by displacement
ed by the Camp Abbot band, fol­ Capt. Winsor D. Wilkinson, FA: or wilting._______
lowed by a color guard, the 1st. Lt. Harrison W. Elgin. FA;
massed colors of the units par­ 1st Lt. John A. Maxson, CE; 1st
BEND USO: Write home. rest, meet your friends.
ticipating and members of th« Lt. Del B. McClure, Inf.; 1st Lt.
two engineer training units.
James R. Meeks. CE. and 2nd
An additional feature to the Lt. Arthur E. Teeter, AGD.
BEND USO: Sewing materials, games, refreshments.
traditional Memorial Day pro­
\\ K D N E N D A Y
gram will be calling the roll of EXCHANGE OFFICE MOVED
STATION KRND: “Camp Abbot on Parade," Studio in Pilot
honor of those men from this
Camp Abbot Exchange office
Butte Inn. WAAC Program 1945-2000.
B'ast marks on the camouflage
immediate vicinity who gave lias been moved from Building from a gun will disclose a con­
their lives in the present con­ 230 on Fourth avenue to Build­ cealed position to the enemy
SOFTBALL GAME: WAAC vs. Hqs. 11th. 1S30.
flict and also those reported ing 308 on Warehouse avenue. Such damaged parts should be
BEND USO: Meet your friends, rest, refreshments.
missing in action and others Telephone for both office and repaired or replaced as necessary.
I SO BEND. Dancing, Reading. Writing Facilities.
known to be prisoners of war. warehouse is extension 508.
Mitt, Mat Shows
Promised With
Soldier Talent
W A A C Players
Answer Challenge
ERTC Formula
Eleven Buses From
Bend Serve Abbot
Abbot n’ Around
Plenty Sports
Equipment on
Deck in Camp