Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, May 28, 1943, Image 1

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S .l. Jive Session—
Free Dance
All-Purpose Rec. Hall—
Plenty Pretty Girls
Follow Adventures of
"M ale Call”
and other C.N.S, Features
Every Week
In The ^ E N G IN E E R "
Voi. 1
No. 2
ABBOT Abbotmen to
F A C E ! March in Bend
T his Item is for posterity.
N a m es o f the first WAAC's
draw ing K.P. at Camp Abbot,
in H<|s. Co. SCC 1973 m ess hall
on May 24, when delieious
pork chops, fruit salad, cauli­
flow er, ice cold lemonade,
m ashed potatoes w ere served
are A uxiliaries A gnes Connen-
felt, Betty Rice, Lenore Turn-
quist, D aisy Saunders, Frances
S ch effler and Bernice Steph­
ens. The gals w ore attractive
green striped seersucker dress­
es, P.T. (physical training)
shoes and fatigue hats—each
and every item strictly G.I.
Memory Rites
Col. Besson Is Chief
Speaker; 200 ERTC Men,
Band Headline Parade
Soldiers from Camp Abbot
w ill m ake their first public ap-
pearanoe in Oregon on Sunday,
May 30, w hen approxim ately 200
m em bers o f the 11th and 12th
groups. Engineer Replacem ent
Training Center, participate in
the M emorial D ay parade in
Bend honoring A m erica’s war
and civilian dead.
Also participating will be the
E. R. T. C. m ilitary band which
Maybe it was a case of m is­ will be in the line of m arch and
tak en identity but a couple of take p a rt in the form al program ,
WAAC’s w ere slightly ja rred following the parade. Col. F ran k
w hen they heard a voice say, S. Besson, com m ander of Camp
"H ere, W ags!” T urning around, Abbot, will be the principal
in sm a rt m ilitary fashion, they speaker on the program which
w ere surprised to see Lt. G. F. is being sponsored by th e Am eri­
Crimson, finance officer, com­ can Legion and V eterans of
m and “W aggles,” his Boston bull Foreign W ars posts of Bend.
to play in vicinity of the office M ajor W illiam N. Andrew, post
ra th e r than near the street. The chaplain, will also speak as will
f l a lieutenant offered a quick apol- several Bend m inisters, and Ma-
luiei Cgy an(j the sm artly-trim m ed I jo r Joseph Arnold, com m ander
soldierettes m arched briskly of M adras a ir base.
All m ilitary units and fra te r­
down the road.
nal organizations in C entral Ore­
gon have been invited to partici­
pate in both the program and
parade. The civilian section of
the parade will be led by the
Bend high school drum and
bugle corps and the American
Legion A uxiliary chorus will
have a prom inent p a rt in the
program .
Happy days are cornin’ at
(Continued on P age 4)
Cam p Abbot! First official pay­
Extra! Pay Day
Is Next Monday
roll w ill be distributed Monday,
M ay 31 in individual organiza­
tions, according to Lt. G. F. Crfs-
m on, SCU 1973, finance officer.
A pproxim ately $250,000 have
been paid officers and enlisted
m en from May 12 to 30 in s u p
ptem entai payrolls. Monday's
■ nr, payroll, however, is the first
camp-wide event.
Lt. Crismon reported for duty
a t Camp Abbot on M arch 20,
la te r joined by two finance EM’s
on April 6 and four m ore on
A pril 30. On May 1 the office
„ " ^ j 't o v e d from Bend to cam p and
w ithin an hour, four supple­
m ental payrolls were completed.
At present there are seven sol
diers, four WAAC’s and tw o ci­
vilian secretaries on duty in this
office who are responsible for
th e various duties of the finance
Office, such as handling EM pay­
rolls, officers’ section, com put­
ing payrolls, officers’ pay, travel
and m ileage vouchers and filing.
T /S gt. Edw ard F. Brinkm an is
th e chief clerk; S/Sgt. John L.
Overm an, principal clerk, offi­
cers’ pay and mileage, and T /4
Bill Lingo, EM payroll.
Brickbats and
Bouquets, Please
This, the second issue o f the
Abbot ENGINEER, official
post w eekly newspaper, has
as its editorial policies (1) to
“sell” Camp Abbot to the rest
of the world, (2) medium for
dissem ination of new s to all
cam p personnel, and (3) to
provide an outlet for the G.
I.’s bitten by the journalistic
This is YOVR newspaper.
C onsistent, whole-hearted co­
operation is essential to insure
ram pwide coverage in stories,
photographs and cartoons.
If any Camp Abbot officer,
enlisted men. WAAC, have
ideas for stories— feature or
n e w s , cartoons, editorials,
humor or personality sketches
— kindlv sutimit them to the
ENG INEER. W e’ll see that
th ey ’re properly “built up" and
you’ll receive an ink-stained
Recruits From A ll U. S. Form
Initial Training Battalion
Col. Mathews of 51st, Terms New Men As
"Excellent"; ERTC Band Greets Arrivals
Greeted by tuneful selections from the ERTC band,
soldiers from all sections of the nation converged on Camp
Abbot this week as the 51st Engr. Tng. Bn. prepared to
launch the ERTC’s first training program since activation
of the camp a week ago.
Informally inspecting the newly-arrived recruits were
officers and cadre of the 51st, under command of Lt. Col.
Coke Mathews, who termed the “pioneers" as “excellent
Reception centers represented by G. I’s arriving this
week included Fort Lewis, Wash.; Jefferson Barracks, Mo.;
Fort MacArthur, Calif.; Presidio of Monterey, Calif.; Fort
Douglas, U tah: Fort Thomas. K y.; Fort Logan, Colo.; Camp
Beauregard, La.; Fort Dix, N. J.; and Fort Snelling, Minn.
The larger contingent, 96 men, traversed the entire
nation from Fort Dix, N. J., and the smallest from Jefferson
Barracks, which sent one man.
Trainees were assigned to each of the four companies
and underwent processing during the first few days here.
Equipment was also issued as the men prepared to begin
arduous 12-week training course.
WAACs Assigned Col. Beveridge
To 20 Camp Jobs Lauds Abbot
SSO Activities
Representing a fa'r.cross sec­
tion of America, Camp Abbot’s
WAAC detachm ent, 157 strong,
have taken over duties in 20
sections of the cam p organiza­
tion ran g in g from m otor tran s­
p o rt to assignm ents in the of­
fice of the provost m arshal.
The final group arrived Tues­
day m orning. Few detachm ents
have been organized from such
widely scattered group of tra in ­
ing centers. The first two groups
arriving came from adm inistra­
tive schools in Russellville, Ark.,
and Commerce, Texas. From
train in g centers at F o rt
Cam p Abbot’s first enlisted WAAC
Moines, la., F o rt Oglethorpe,
m en’s dance will be held F riday ! Des
Ruston, La., Cam p Polk,
in the all purpose building, Cor- j Ga.,
La., and Daytona Beach, Fla.,
ner Center St., and Group Ave., cam
e the m ajority of the auxil­
from 2000 to 2300. Admission is
FREE. WAAC’s will attend and | iaries.
dancing partn ers will also b e ! Members came from such
draw n from civilian employees, widely separated points as W or­
Bend Jun io r Hostesses and any cester, Mass., Blair, Neb., Ans-
guests th a t the men desire to , ley, La., San Francisco, and, of
course, Brooklyn.
bring to th e dance.
Music will be furnished by the ! P rio r to assignm ent to duty
Camp Abbot dance orchestra. some m em bers of the detach­
T ransportation will be furnished m ent w ere introduced to the
dancing partn ers from Bend for well known a r t of policing up
the dance.
(Continued on P age 3)
First EM Dance Is
Scheduled Tonight
Friday, May 28, 1943
T erm ing Camp Abbot's varie­
ty long range athletic and re­
creation program as the “m ost
am bitious I've inspected in a
number of m onths,” Lieut. Col.
W illiam M. Beveridge, chief,
Special Services Branch of the
N inth Service Command, Fort
D ouglas, I'tah, w as a recent v is­
itor to this—the A rm y’s new est
ERTC. Col. Beveridge, (hiring
his tw o days here conferred with
camp authorities and spent the
greater portion of his stay visit­
ing sites and looking over facil­
ities for the w elfare of enlisted
men at Camp Abbot.
The short, dapper appearing
(Continued on P age 3)
ERTC Formula
Announced by
Col. Douglas
Program Designed to 1
Equip Abbotmen for
Combat Engineer Duty
Patterned to equip recruits
w ith the rugged training o f
basic Arm y engineering and th e
com prehensive m ilitary educa­
tion essen tial to combat soldiers
is the ERTC form ula already in
operation at Camp Aidait.
The arduous program , w hich
trainees will follow during th e ir
12 weeks here, w as devised by
the W ar D epartm ent, Office of
the Chief of Engineers, and
adapted to fit cam p conditions
by Lt. Col. C. J. Douglas, Chief,
ERTC T raining Division.
Basically, the train in g pro­
gram is divided into five equally
im portant divisions: engineer,
m ilitary, pioneer, weapons an d
specialized training.
Supervisors o f the five com ­
ponent units are Maj. Burr E.
Adams, m ilitary; Maj. Paul L.
N ichols, pioneer; Maj. I.c Comp­
te Joslin, w eapons; Capt. Owen
S. C. Ham mer, engineer, and
C a p t... Sm iley
R ab orn ,. Jr.,
specialized training.
T rainees of the 51st, E ngr.
Tng. Bn. became the first to g et
a ta ste of the program this week,
as they launched upon the career
of soldiering in earnest, a f te r
a fte r several days of prelim in­
ary work.
D uring the first q u a rte r of the
train in g period m ore em phasis
will be placed on basic m ilita ry
requirem ents and techniques.
W hen th e men arc ready, a
course of weapons instruction
and essentials of pioneer w ork
is woven into th e ir daily pro­
gram . Tow ards the end, engin­
eering subjects and review of
the other phases of w ork will be*
(Continued on P age 4)
Barbers Charge
35c fo r G. I. Trim;
Civvy Sfyle 45c
Camp Abbot’s "F irst L ady”—
Mrs. F ran k S. Besson, wife of
th e post com m ander—is sched­
uled to arriv e from Portland,
Ore., S aturday, May 29. Col. and
T he price list in C am p A bbct’s
Mrs. Besson reside at the W ahee first of a chain of barber shops
Cottages in Bend.
"G. I. H aircut—35c' and “Rcg-
u lar H air C u t—45c.'
Delving into the snipping sit-
I uation we discovered th a t fo r an
; ex tra dim e the b arber e x e rts
g rea ter personalized attention to
one’s tonsorial needs. Two b a r­
bers a re on duty.
Mr. C arr, whose deft fingers
on the clippers and scissors sat-t
isfied thousands of officers an d
men at F o rt Leonard Wood, Mo.,
i is the chief b arb er of th e PX op­
erated shops whose first u n it
opened recently in E xchange
No. I, Bldg. 755 located a t the in­
tersection of T hird Avc., and C
S treet. H ours arc from 1000 to
2200 .
Mr. H. B. P o tter of S eattle
has- been nam ed civilian m anag
e r of exchanges. E xrhangc No.
1 is open from 1520 to 2200.
Old Glory Waves Triumphantly at Army's Newest ERTC
Think It Over!
E objects of ail mili­
T H tary
operations is suc­
S A U T E — In colorful retreat rerem onies recently, a huge new garrison flag w as hoisted to the fop of
a stately 102-foot Oregon pine flagpole on headquarters square at Camp Abbot. Here's a portion of
the troops w itnessing the dramatic event at which tim e ( ol. Frank S. Besson, post c o m m a n d e r, u a s
presented with a 33 by 20 flag, and im m ediately returned it to a color guard (or thr first hoisting.
'E ngineer Photo by Cnl. Ed Pitra, KKTC.)
cess in combat. Always
rem em ber that! No m at­
te r how hectic youi day
becomes, no m a tte r how
in tricate your problem s,
it is the troops in train ­
ing or combat who are
your prim ary considera­
C o n trib u t'd by
T Sgt. William V Hanson
Hq Co. ERTC.