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About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1910)
VALLEY —- ■ ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 24, 1910. VOL. XXIII PAVING ORDINANCE NOT REFER RABLE RECORD. SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER FRUIT ASSOCIATION MEETING ===->^. - -..... -.. -■= MANUAL TRAINING IN KLAMATH NO. 18. LOOIKNG INTO SENATORSHIP K. P. DISTRICT CONVENTION — _ COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL The Ashland Fruit and Produce As- • List of Books and Supplies for the J. J. Chambers <X this city and own Large Delegations from Ashland and | sociation met Saturday with repre Preparing to Develop a Practical er of the Buck Lake ranch, is being Grades. Medford to Go to Klamath Circuit Court Decides That Paving sentatives of the Rogue River Valley ■ System on a Considerable Scale. Falls. j spoken of as a candidate for thj ra- Proceeds Without Delay. ! publican nomination for state sen- The public schools of this city will ' Fruit Association and discussed the ' I matter of taking over the local field Chronicle, August 17.] I atorfrom Jackson county. Mr. Cam- A great deal cf interest is being In the Circuit Court of the State open September 5. The superintendent will be in his in the general merger of all assoc ia-1 The rooms in the high school bers is seriously considering the mat- aroused in the Southern Oregon of Oregon, for Jackson County. City of Ashland, et al., plaintiffs, office during the forenoons of the tions in the valley. The forest fires i biulding which are to be occupied by ter of filing his petition for the pri District Convention Knights cf Py- vs. M. F. Eggleston, et al., defend four days preceding the opening of seemed to have preoccupied the at- the manual training department dur- mary nomination. He was formerly a | thias which is to convene in Klam* ------ of « *i the ---------- 1„ — -» — — .... people and nothing was < ing the ------ next school yeear are being member of the city council at Butte. : ath Falls on Sept. 7. school for the purpose of classifying tention ants. definitely aaccomplished. The meet- equipped for the work and Principal Mont., and also gained some dis new pupils. Please come at that The Klamath Falls Knights are This cause comes on for a hear ing upon the demurrer to the com time. Do not wait until the busy ing adjourned to next Saturday at 8 Faughht hopes to have arrangements tinction by beating Senator Wm. A. figuring on a large deelgation lrom p. m., when action will be taken. I completed so that the work in the Clarke in a law suit. Ashland, Grants Pass and Medford. plaint and motion by the defendant opening day. The local association will likely new department can start off the Following is a list of text books: About 50 Knigh.s and Ladies are to dissolve restraining order issued Chart Class—Slate and pencil, lead propose the leasing of the local as I first day of school. Mr. Hawley, the SMUT EXPLOSION DESTROYS ■ going from Medford. by the County Court herein. for manual training teacher, is expecte- ' , sociation’s business and plant THRESHER The grounds of the demurrer are: , pencil and tablet. one year. j ed to arrive about August 25, and SAM ROBISON'S First Grade — Wheeler ’ s primer, lead 1. That the complaint does not The Ashland association boosted will oversee the installation of the KLAMATH TOUR What is said to have been the state facts sufficient to constitute a pencil and tablet, writing and draw the coming district fair, to be held »work benches and tools. ing books, No. 1. first explosion of smut to ever occur cause of suit The new course will undoubtedly in Southern Oregon was the cause Klamath Falls Chronicle, Aug. 17.] Second Grade—Wheeler's Second at Grants Pass, and the president was 2. That the complaint does not One of the Southern Oregon pio state facts sufficient to constitute a Reader, pencil and tablet, elementary authorized to employ a man to collect increase the efficiency of the county of the burning of the thresher own- ground of equitable relief or relief arithmetic, writing and drawing books the fruit exhibit, his services to tye high school to a very great extent. ed by William Tresham and sons, neers, who came across the plains to The The values of such a course are ma of Sams Valley, while working paid by the friut association. in Rogue River valley in 1S53, together by injunction. < No. 2. asked Ashland Commercial Club was ny, but the value that makes the Third Grade — Wheeler ’ s Third Read wheat on the farm of Hallie Ander with his son-in-law’ and their fam 3. That a court of equity has no ex- first appeal to pupils and patrons son near Phoenix, August 15. Only ilies, is camped in the eastern out jurisdiction of the subject matter or er, pencil and tablet, elementary arith to contribute $200 toward the work a few bushels of the w'heat had been skirts of the city. alike is the fact that the S. M. Robinson, metic, Modern Lessons in English, pense of the exhibit. of the person of the defendants. Jone is intensely practical, threshed when smoke was noticed is then a boy 15 years of age, came 4. That this court has no juris elementary geography, writing and PAY course outlined as follows: TIMBER OWNERS SHOULD suing from the separator, which was overland with his parents, brothers diction of the defendants or the sub drawing books No. 3. COST First year—Mechanical drawing, stopped and an examination made. and sister, passing through the Klam Fourth Grade—Cyr’s Fourth Read ject matter of the suit. furniture designing, tracing and blue There was no sign of fire, so it ath country on the old Klamath road The grounds of the motion to dis er, elementary ‘arithmetic, Modern Le: will be one good result of ‘ ‘ There printing; woodwork, exercises in han was thought that some matches must fording Lost river on the old stone sons in English, elementary geogra solve are: 1. That the injunction is an inter phy, spelling book and writing spell all these forest fires, and that is that dling tools, keeping them sharp and have gone through with the bundles ford, the latter part of August of that ference of the political rights of the er, Krohn’s Graded Lessons in Hy they have demonstrated that a few I in working order, furniture construc to have caused the smoke. The ma year. They landed in the Rogue rivet chine was started again and in a few country during the first outbreak of giene, writing and drawing books No. men, Widely distributed, cannot pre tion and primary cabinet work. defendants. Second year—Me hanical drawing minutes a distinct explosion lifted the Indians of that valley, locating vent forest fires in a dry season,” 2. That the complaint herein does 4. not state facts sufficient to consti Fifth Grade—Cyr’s Fifth Reader, el said Edgar Hafer, manager of the and designing, wood turning, mould the separator abotu a foot off ’ the south of the present town of Talent tute a cause of suit, or a ground for ementary history, practical arithmetic Iowa Lumber and Box company, yes- ing, pattern making and cabinet con ground and it at once burst into on Wagner creek, about one mile struction. flames. The engine was run in and south of the present town of Talent the interposition of a court of equity. elementary geography, speller and terday. Continuing, he said: 4*1 The government has made a start In the thifd and fourth years the the separator abotu a foot off : the taking up a donation claim there upon 3. That this court has no juris writing speller, Krohn s Graded Les diction of the subejct matter o fthis sons in Hygiene, advanced book,, wri toward a sane policy in this respect drawing will continue and iron work the stacks. Nearly everything that a part of which Mr. Robinson has ever could be detached was taken from 1 since made his home. suit or o fthe defendants. ting and drawing book No. 5., Modern by sending troops out to quell the will be taken up. fires. I have advocated that right Such a course as this is of great the burning separator, including the Mr. Robinson came over the Ash The grounds of the demurrer and Lessons in English. motion are practically the same. Sixth Grade—Cyr’s Fifth Reader, alone. By keeping soldiers stationed practical value to the boy who has cylinder, belts, elevator and weigher. land wagon road, which follows in In regard to the first ground of elementary history, practical arithme at convenient points, so that they can to stop school at the end of his high The machine would have finished a part the same road traveled by the demurrer, I am of the opinion that tic, English grammar, advanced geog be rushed to a fire in the shortest school course and make his own liv very successful run in a few days early emigrants, for the first time the complaint does not state facts raphy, speller and writing speller, ad possible time to assist the rangers, ing; to the one who would go on to had it not been for the accident. The since as a boy he went over it nearly sufficient to constittue a cause of vanced book in physiology and hygi government and private, is the solu college and pursue ah engineering elder Tresham went to Portland Tues 57 years ago. course, or even to one who might day to purchase a new separator, In common with many of those suit against the signers of the peti ene, writing and drawing books No. tion of the forest fire problem. “ I would go farther than that. I never become a mechanic cr engi- Since the accident the machine has early pioneers, Mr. Robinson finds it tion. And that the case of Long 6. vs. City of Portland is decisive of Seventh Grade—Cyr’s Fifth Read believe that the expense incurred in neer, but who would occasionally have been asked to do about tend days hard to realize the import of the this phase of the case. er, practical arithmetic, advanced ge fighting the fire should be borne a screen door to hang or a lock to work near Jacksonville, with what is vast changes this country has under unfinished near Phoenix will make gone since he passed through here If the action of the council in or ography, English grammar, Doub s U. by the people on whose land the fire mend. But this practical value of manual about two weeks work. In the four- so many years ago. It is also a revela dering the streets paved under the 5. History, speller and spelling is and by those benefitted, and that it authority granted in the last clause blanks, writing and drawing bocks No should be assessed pro rata against training is not the main reason for its teen days that it had worked 19,000 tion to him to learn cf the wondrous them.’ ’ adoption into the courses of study of bushels had been pounded out. The fertility of a country at that time of Par. 2, Sec. 1 of Art. 7 of the Ci 7. the country. It is found that the best run made was 487 bushels Mr. Hafer has made a study of the in classed as a worthless desert, but now ty Charter and Art. 15 of the Char Eighth Grade—Practical arithmetic, student who is taking such a sys subject and knows as much as any two and a half hours, The prices forging ahead as or.e of Oregon’s mos ter is municipal legislation, then the advanced geography, U. S. history, action of the County Court in or English grammar, speller, writing No. other man in Oregon on the subject tematic course as is here outlined is charged are seven and nine ce nts a prosperous sections and destined soon of foire3t fires In selecting the luX i waiving h mental development qui e bushel, The new separater will be to be the most desirable and health dering thv road between Jickscnville 7, drawing Nu. 8. * and Medford macadamized, is “leg High school text books announced in which his company has invested as valuable as that derived from a insured, which was not the case with ful sections of the Pacific he has always chosen them with ref- course in mathematics, and that such the one which was burned. northwest.' islation.” In the first case the ci at opening. erence to the possibility of forest a course makes his mind stronger Rogue River valley, at one time the ty's action is as much city “business” W. F. CAMERON, NEW CRATER LAKE ROAD fire destroying the timber upon the for the work in other courses. He granary of southern Oregon, has un as the action of the county court in Supt. City Schools. land. It is an established fact that also receives excellent training is ac derwent great changes since Mr. Rob the latter case is county business a training that makes for Engineer B. F. Heidel of the of inson located there, and where once and not ‘‘legislation.’’ There seems NESMITH COUNTY BOOMERS forest fires work most rapidly up hill curacy, and for that reason, principally, the efficiency in any line of work he may fice of public roads, U. S. department was to be seen little else than fields to me a very clear distinction be TOUR STATE IN AUTOS lands owned by the Iowa Lumber and pursue. The manual training course of agriculture has completed the sur of waving grain is now but a continu tween the action o fthe city au Box company are mostly level. will be optional and will not be re vey and estimates of that portion of ous apple and pear orchard, and land thorities in providing general rules Cottage Grove, August 20.—Automo Another fact in this connection is the Crater Lake highway to be built ' values have risen from $5 and $25 per quired of all students. of civil conduct within its borders and biles filled with prominent citizens by the forestry bureau in the Crater acre to $125 and $1000. In fact as Mr. their act in improving its streets or- and bearing banners le.ft this city that most of the company’s land can be put to agricultural uses when it CUTTING A BEE TREE National Forest and for that portion Robinson says, “land is getting too putting in cross walks at the ex at daybreak yesterday morning in of the read eliminating the Flounce valuable to live on.’’ pense of the city at large. And the the interest of Nhsmith county. Ev is denuded of the timber and the Last Sunday Nate Otterbein, who Rock hill. The commission will soon “Conditions have indeed changed mere fact that the city council re ery part of the state will be visited company already has offers for the cords its action by means of an or before November, and thousands of land for friut growing purposes when has a homestead in Poe valley, in call for contracts fcr the biulding Where once the Klamath settler made Mr. his annual or semi annual pilgrimage the Lost River valley, cut down a bee of this section of the road. dinance rather than a resolution is pieces of literature will be di tribut- the timber is cut off. Heidel made his report to the com to purchase his flour, fruit, .vege tree on his place and secured from it immaterial. ed in every town, of consequence in » mission Saturday morning. JACKSONVILLE a swarm of bees and more than a tub tables and other supplies, they are I am therefore of the opinion that Oregon, setting forth reasons why The road will be 23 feet from the now looking towards Klaamth county full of honey, says the Herald. Ordinance 429 is not subejct to Nesmith county should be created by The tree had been marked face of the cut to the edge of the ! for many of the supplies we formerly referendum. the qualified electors at the Novem Post, August 20.] E. H. Helms left Thursday morning years before,but had not been both fill, including the gutter on the up 1 bought of them, and the time is not I do not however think the com ber election. ered until last Sunday. The tree was per side, or a width of 19 feet for the far distant when the Rogue River val- plaint states any cause of suit against This campaign is along education for an outing at Klamath Falls. a large juniper, and was cut off road bed. The estimated cost of I ley w'ill be depending on Klamathh the signers of the petition. The only al iines, the purpose being to inform The Rogue River Valley Industrial about two feet from the ground. this 2.7 miles, will be $24,000, in I county for many of the products she allegation against them is that they the voters of the state concerning Fair will be held at Grants Pass Oct. After it fell Nate and Tom Richard cluding clearing, grubbing, grading formerly supplied us.” have signed a petition and that they the propositions that they may cast 5-7, 1910. son, who was with him, split the tree and surfacing. assert that it will postpone action by their ballots intelligently. Mr. Heidel stated that the grad open and the two parts of the tree MARRIED the city until an election is held; and The proposed county of Nesmith Miss Frances McWilliams of Ash lay filled with honey. The filled a ing should be done during the win DAILY-FINLEY—On Aug. 17, 1910, the only relief asked against them embraces 1940 square miles, taken by Henry Dox, Clyde Daily and is that they be restrained from bring from the south boundary of Lane land is visiting the family of J. W. tub, a milk pan and a dishpan full ter months, owing to the character of of the honey, and still left nearly half the soil, mostly pumice, which must ing any suit, etc. There is no alle and the north boundary of Douglas Opp. Mamie E. Finley. of it in the tree for the bees to be handled while wet to make a per COLE-CLEMENS—On Aug. 17, 1910, gation that if not restrained they counties. It will have an assessed manent roadbed. A surface dressing Fred J. Fick has returned from the store for winter. by Henry Dox, J. P., A. J. Cole and will interfere with the proceedings valuation of 15,309,575, leaving Lane of decomposed serpentine rock, of Applegate W'here he has been con A hive had been prepared and the Caroline Clemens. of the city. The mere fact that a $18,000,000 and Douglas $27,000,000. structing a new dwelling for Ralph i swarm was placed in it, and now from 4 to 8 inches, specially rolled. I.UCEY-GREGORY—On Aug. 20, voter signs a petition ought not to Two and a quarter milts of road Jennings, a prominent farmer of ; Nate says that he is going to start an 1910, by Judge J. A. Neil, John subject him to suit and costs and I ajiiary, so that he will have some- bed will be graded in the National Gordon Lucey and Lura Belle Greg a restraining order would be an in when one undertakes to hold up the that region. | thing to keep him without having to Forest reserve, between Union creek fringement of his constitutional rights action of a city by means of an ille ory. gal referendum he is not exercising and Whit key creek, and several rock | PITTS-HUCKILL—On Aug. 20, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Howey and , work when he gets old. to petition. by Judge Neil, Geo. E. Pitts and A bunch of the bees settled on ■ cuts made, thus greatly improving If there were any allegations in his political rights but endeavoring to ■ little daughter of Hoquaim, Wash., exercise political rights which he arrived Monday and are visiting Mrs. Tom Richardson’s neck, and nowT he ! and straightening out the highway. ! Almeda Huckill. the complaint that any of the sign ers were taking further action in the does not possess; and the jurisdic Howey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. has to wear his shirt with the collar 1 This will be a separate contract and OKELLY-TRYER—At Grants Pass, let by the government. Monday evening, August 15, 1910, matter and a restraining order was ne tion of the court in restraining the W. Bagshaw. loosened. The commission authorized Geo. L. Fred O’Kelly and Miss Eda E. Try- cessary to prevent them from doing recorder from proceeding fur.her Eric Anderson, of the Blue Ledge FORESTER er, Rev. Frederich Brooke offici something that would work injury to with an illegal election is clear. It BUCK LOOKS FOR Davis to prepare for publication, a complete financial statement, after ating. the city or the plaintiffs the .case is the same jurisdiction that the court mine, was in town Saturday. He CRATER FIREBUG which bids will be asked for the con LOUDEN-DORN—At the court housa exercised in restraining the coun'.f reports that considerable work i would be different. in Jacksonville, Oregon, Monday, On the second ground of demurrer court from declaring the result of a being done on the different claims Washington, Aug. 22.—The forest- struction of the highway. A committee was appointed to have void election in Jackson county, in August 15, 1910, by Judge J. R. in the district. the same reasoning will apply. If 1 try officials today telegraphed As i the route selected approved by the the case of Hall vs. Dunn, commonly Neil, Wm. A. Louden and Addie L, the facts set out in the complaint, sistant Forester Buck at Medford, ■ county court as a county road. It is FEELING OF THE Dorn. that the recorder will if not res known as the Medford Liquor Case. I Or., to use every effort to find and The demurrer will therefore be POLITICAL PULSE. arrest the men suspected of having nearly the same as that selected by M c C lintock - frankenberg — a trained proceed to call an election, Hon. H. Von der Hellen of *Wellen. started the forest fires in southeast ' the county surveyor. Medford, Oregon, Monday, August etc., to the irreparable injury of the overruled, as the complaint states a — 15, 1910, by Rev. C. Henry Hoxie, plaintiffs, are true, then an order res-. cause of suit against the recorder; and William Von der Hellen of Eagle ern Oregon. and the restraining order will be Point visited Ashland Monday. The Manager E. A. Sherwin of the lo D. H. McClintock and Pearl Frank training him would be proper. The service has appealed to the enberg. The third and fourth grounds of de-1 modified to restrain the recorder from former represented Jackson county war department for more troops to cal telephone exchange, has instruc murrer undoubtedly refer to the same proceeding further, but dissolved as in the legislature four years ago and aid the rangers in fighting the flames. tions to prepare copy for a new di DIED proposition as the first ground of the to the signers of the referendum peti is being prominently mentioned as an Buck has wired the forest service rectory of telephones, which is to be available candidate for the office of that 25 scouts are investigating the issued by the company at some date CHRISTENSON—At Ayers Spur, in motion, and it is an interference with tion . I have filed orders in accordance state senator. His visit in Ashltu i reports of incendarisin and that five ; in the early future, in combination the vicinity of Ashland. Ore., Aug. the political rights of the defend Monday was to gather an expression , companies of regulars are expected with the other exchanges in Jackson 17, 1910, John H., infant sou of ants If the Ordinance was one to with this opinion. ' of opinion of the people of this sec there today from American Lake. and Josephine counties. F. M. CALKINS, Judge. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Christenson, which the right of referendum appli tion of the valley. It is quite like These troops will be rushed to the aged 4 months and 17 days. ed there might be merit in this con The person with a sharp tongue ly that Mr. Von der Hellen will file fire zone. How the machine politicians of The remains were forwarded to the. tention. But there is a difference be California will have it in for the di former family home at Blair, Neb., tween one’s political rights and what never cuts much of a swath as a in the republican pirmary and make the race. rect primary. Sure enough. he claims are his political rights, and popular idol. for interment. Common sense is uncommon. —