The R. P. CAMPBELL REAL ESTATEAGENCY OREGON STATE NEWS We Sell The Earth [RICHARD SMITH— ' Has reopened hie blacksmith eh»p on First street, between B an l C, and is prepared to do GIVE HIM A CALL r Three Good Buys New Potato Pest Is Found. Albany—A new kind of potato bug has appeared on some farms about seven miles north of Albany and has proven very destructive in the few patches it has attacked. The bug is black in color and has the ap­ pearance of an ant, but flies well. It attains the size of about half an inch in length and is very hardy and multiplies rapidly. The bugs bite oft the blossoms on the potato vines and then attack the plant, killing it quickly. Hollow double air space State Fair Plans Progressing. C. W. EVANS AUTO ROUTE ACROSS STATE 25 cts. See Oregonian, February 15 & 18-09 SECURITY REDUCTION - Fire proof. Frost proof Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Siskiyou Counties 25 cts. - PHONE 84 S. A. POTTER & SON Will advance soon to $1.00. PORTLANL OIL & GAS ASHLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 43 MILL STREET Positions Always Ready When You Are, Or Sooner or write to - AWAY Horse Thieves in Wallowa. Salem—On September 13 will open Oregon’s annual state fair, which has come to be recognized as the greatest affair of the kind west of the Missouri river. Because the A-Y-P. Exposition will still be open, tourists will get special rates to Ore­ gon’s show and a part of Oregon’s 6uperb exhibit at the Seattle fair will be placed on exhibition at Sa lem. - THROW La Grande—About $1000 worth Ashland, Ore. ’ of horses have been stolen from one Up-to-Date in Everything ranch near Lostine within a month, according to District Attorney Ivan­ Superior course in Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Penman­ hoe. At Enterprise the grand jury ship, English and General Business. Expert teachers. found true indictments against Ar­ thur Hulse and Wm. B. Hunter on charges of horsestealing. Hulse Splend'd location in Swedenborg r> o ir. Individual instrtic’ion Excellent pleaded guilty and will serve one equipment. En er Sept 6th. Write tod y P. Ritner, B. 111., Près. year in the penitentiary. Hunter’s case will come up next term of court. The confession of Hulse disclosed Ashland Enjoys An Efficient Free Delivery System. the fact that in Wallowa county there is a well organized band of Sheriff W. B. Barnes, County Clerk' Mrs. A. Hinman accompanied by horsethieves. C. R. DeLap and son, C. H. DeLap, o’ I her children left for their home in Klamath Falls, visited Ashland the fi Forest Grove a few days ago, after Fined for Swearing, He Gives Coin. of the week enroute to the Seattle a pleasant visit with relatives and Eugene—John B. Coleman, a lo­ friends in Ashland exposition. cal capitalist, who was arrested and fined $5 in police court recently for For building business blocks, retain­ swearing at an automobile which D. T. Jackson is visiting friends E. J. Farlow, wife, son and daugh­ ing walls and all kinds of buildings ter, Miss Elda, will spend some time: and old acquaintances in this city. came near running Into him on the street, has given another brick in Santa Cruz this summer. They Mr. Jackson resided here many years but now makes his home in Polk block, valued at $15,000, to the Eu­ leave for the south shortly gene Bible University, in addition to — MANUFACTURERS for — a block valued at $25,000, given a year ago. The gift is in memory of his wife, who during her life was a Plant on B street, opposite Sherman’s blacksmith shop Phone 287 devout member of the Christian Church. Worth Investigating - YOU MIRACLE CONCRETE BLOCKS General Blacksmithing, Horsesho ing, Automobile and Mining Machinery Forging. VULCAN COPPER MONEY in trying to repair your automobile your­ self could better be spent here. We can do the repairing much better than you, much quicker and at a less cost than you would spend tinkering your car. Skilled work is cheapest and our auto repairing is certainly skillful. Interesting Happenings From All Parts of the State. PHONE 561 We have discovered A NEW COUNTRY within an easy day’s drive from Ashland. Prices are very low. Land is the very best. Good schools, churches, creameries, telephones, rural delivery of mails, sawmills, mines and one of the best stock and dairying countries in Oregon. (’Jim ate the same as Ashland. Country stores. The land well watered. Fine roads. Twenty miles from R. R. The country is well de- veloped and land values will soar. Come in and talk it over with us. THE $1.00 Guaranteed Stock. For information and chares call on STOCK BROKER Corner .Main & Water Sts. Monarch Ranges Are constructed of Mal­ leable Iron and Steel The steel plates are rivet­ ed, boiler tight, thus pre­ venting any air seams or cracks to open. No stove-puttv used in Monarchs. Polished tops need no blacking. Duplex draft works won­ ders in saving fuel. After a vis i with her sister, Mrs. The family of W. R. Yockey and George Gillette, Miss Anpa Colvig has A.. M. Beave , consisting of a party returned/ to her horn. in Grants of rfive, met h an accident on Pass.';- . : trail 1 while the Mrs Fred L.. .Houston after a mais beca: / disturbed a-? f the horses a visit with Ashland friends, has re­ ing of Yockey lgot off the horse sh turned to her home in Klamath Falls. Mrs. A. F. Giddings is entertain­ riding aid on landing on the ground ing’her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Donnel­ her horse accidentally stepped on her hand, fracturing ... ly, of Oakland, Cal. fingers. Mrs. Susie Allen has had as a guest for some weeks past Mrs. Ida Taylor, of Wisconsin. Mrs. Taylor left for her home this week after spending some time traveling on the Pacific coast. Dragon brushes at Carlquist Bros, new jewelry store for $1.25. 383 J. Main street. Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s ox fords still going at clearance prices Beebe & Kinney. New Method of Transportation From Shaniko to Klamath. Bend—The recent inauguration of automobile stage linesy connecting SJtàniko an-^^Bend hgSj PIOVVI SO suaressful tljHpJ. H. X\*mandy,,tiw> proprietor the presdnt line via Madras, announces that ’he has pur­ chased a new machine for a supple­ mentary service beyond Bend. The new car will have its head­ quarters at Bend and from here will make quick connections with Sisters and the trans-Cascade stage lines and especially will facilitate trans­ portation southward to Rosland and in the Klamath direction. This means that hereafter passen­ gers coming from Shaniko, bound for the towns beyond Bend, will not be obliged to abandon the automo­ biles here, but can continue by this quick method. The New Cash Store For Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Fruit and Produce, Flour and Feed Houck Block, Plaza Corner Phene No. 1291 DeBOLT & TEAGUE / 1 R. P. Neil Geo. W. Loosley F. R. Neil g Wholesale & Retail Btitcheesg NEIL-LOOSLEY Co. All Kinds of fresh, Cooked, and Smoked Meats always on band. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Fish, aDd Egg» bonght and sold. We Operate 3 Markets—Depot Courteous Cutters Prompt Delivery South Main Street and Near Depot Telephone <'onnections - Fish Thursdays Farmers Angry at Increased Rates. Pendleton—Graingrowers of Uma­ tilla county are up In arms over the increased storage charges recently announced by the warehouse com­ panies. An indignation meeting was held here Saturday, and if its de­ cision is any criterion, the amount of wheat stored in the warehouses this season will be much less than usual. The farmers declare they will stack their wheat in the fields and sell it from there. Temporary platforms See the Monarch before will also probably be built at differ­ ent points along the railroads. buying a Range At this meeting it was also decid­ ed that steps be immediately taken toward securing co-operative ware­ directions and the general activty of Extra Copies for Sale. houses to handle next year's crop. For sale only by business and public improvenent. They were the guests of the Hotel Honorary Degree for Pastor. Special Illustrated Indus­ Oregon. Corvallis—The third honorary de­ trial Edition of Valley Re­ Chas. Moore, who took -ifie*Hount gree conferred in 40 years by Philo­ math College was given Rev. J. R. cord for sale at this office. Ashland trip Saturday evening re­ N. Bell, the well-known divine of PHONE 905 Single copies, 10c; three turned via the old Hardscabble Corvallis, Friday. Twenty years ago copies 25c. trail Sunday. He was view«; the Dr. Bell attended a meeting of game prospects for another tri) and teachers in the old college building. THE DISTRICT FAIR. Since that time he has been active saw a bunch of gro Visitors to Southern Oregon the in his efforts to advance educational summit, pheasants quail a BUSINESS COLLEGE first part of October should bear in bear signs. as well as religious work in Oregon. WASHINGTON AND TENTH STS mind the First District -Agricultur­ PORTLAND. OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG al Society’s Fair which will be held Rural Carriers Meet. Call on Carlquist Bros, Plact* Tvu in a Good Position in Ashland and for which prepara­ Corvallis —Officers of the Oregon store for a nice line of tions are already under way. The State Association of Rural Letter East Main. state appropriates $1200 for premi­ Carriers w’ere elected here Saturday PREPAID RAILROAD ORDERS “Something which is of consider­ ums and the fair will be made a night. Upon invitation of the Port­ At Carlquist Bios. able in^rest to the public generally great success. land Commercial Club the next an­ store a 42-piece dinner set and which is perhaps not generaally nual convention will be held in Port­ known is the system of prepaid or­ ported and hand painted land in June, 1910. Ex-Mayor Lane, Mrs. Lane and ders now in effect between stations 383 E. Main st. of the Southern Pacific company and Miss Harriet Lane, of Portland, in Packing Companies Row. all points in the United States. By company with Mrs. Wm. Colvig and A limited supply of berry crates at a means of this system tickets may be Mrs. Clarence Reames, paid Ashland Astoria—A suit has been filed in bargain. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. purchased at Ashland from any place the circuit court by the Columbia in the United States and mailed or j a visit the first of the week and like i River Packers Association against telegraphed direct to the party wish­ all others went away with nothing WHAT A PLEASED CUSTOMER SAYS ing to come here. Sleeper accom-1 but praises for beautiful Ashland and Tormenting flies have reduced milk an the Tallant-Grant Packing Company restrain them from anchoring a modations and small amounts in cash I the wonderful invigorating atmos flesh to such an extent that my pock- in connection with these tickets may “t has suffered as well as my animals. ow in front of the Nicholas Kere­ also be forwarded at the same time. phere, pure, cold, mountain water flo 1 have resolved to buy Shoo-Fly from ns siciag ground. 3-24-tf | ing bountifously from fountains in all ’eiL 7-14-4 Ashland Cleaning Works- Repairing Neatly Done All Work Guaranteed Work Called For and Delivered 383 E. Main - Phone 1075 Biegel & Fleet E WM. W. WILSON General Blacksmithing Horseshoeing and Repair Shop ALL WORK GUARANTEED Shop on First Avenue, corner of C street. In rear of the opera house. SQ