SHOT OVER WATER RIGHT MOTHERHOOD The first requisite of a goal mother is good health^and the ex­ perience of maternity should not be approached without careful physical preparation, as a woman who is in good physical condition transmits to her children the blessings of a good «institution. Preparation for healthy mater­ nity is accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from native roots and Jterbs, more successfully than by any other medicine because it gives tone and strength to the entire feminine organism, curing displacements, ul­ ceration and inflammation, and the result is less suffering and more children healthy at birth. than thirty years VICTIM IS DRIVEN THIRTY MILES LN A WAGON TO REACH INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR MEDICAL AID. RETURNS HOME AND FINDS NOTE OF FAREWELL. W. B. Devereaux Is Critically Ill in Los Angeles From Loss of Blood and Lack of Proper Attention For more I Lydia E. Pinkham’sVegetable Compound has been the standby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth. NotewhatMrs JamesChester,of427 W. 35th St, New York says in this letter:—Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-“I wish every expectant mother knew about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned of its great value at this trying period of a woman’s life urged rae to try it and I did so. and I cannot say enough in regard to the good it did me. I recovered quickly and am in the best of health now.” Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful remedy for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa­ tions, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation, Ulcera­ tions and Organic Diseases of Women and is invaluable in preparing for Childbirth and during the Change of Life. Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free. VALLEY RECORD NOTICE Of Intention to Construct Sewer on Alida Street and Sth Street With Ne- cessary Laterals on Blaine Street, on “C” and “B” Streets and on Alley Be- tween Alida Street and Morton Street. To all persons interested in the own­ ership of any parcel of land within the following described boundary, to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 19, Miner’s Addition, thence north along tbe west side line of alley to southerly side line of Fast Mam street; thence north across East Main Street, and along tbe ea»t bouudaiy line of K. R. Addition to railroad track of the bouthern Pacific Co.; t fence westward along said track to a point fixed by the intersection of tbe projected center line of 7th street with said railroad track; thence south along tbe center line of 7tb street to a point 155 feet south of the intersection of center line of “A” street with tbe center line of 7th Street; thence east along center line of alley 160 feet to cen­ ter line of alley; thence south along center line of alley in B'k. “G”, R. R. rd* the north side line of “B” »ne>t; ihemesouth 15 degrees 47 min­ utes V\e«t to the southerly side line of “C” street; thence southerly along the hoe t etween lots 6 and 7 to the south boundary d houi'dar» lire oi Sewer D«s- ti i N- 8 i> > etoer me ot alley ; thence > i , i h a io i g i e> ier In e of alley io inter— eecllr n »1 b the pxjrcted south bOUnd- arj In • of lot 31, Miner’s Addition; i • i re ea-t a nog tiie south boundary nt. oi ea d lot 31 to the west side line of Alida Street; tin ure by right hue <1i>g rally acr se Ali> a Street to the in- '»t.rt-'ioi nine rout boundary line ot i> i 19 »nh ti • rast side lii.e of Alida Street; tiuore east «long tbe south b utnia \ r featd lot 19 >o tbe place of tiegn. ing, in be known as Sewer Dis­ trict No 11: You are hereby »ummoned and re- , quire e expenses incident thereto and the c< st of construction of such sewer ia to be hereafter assessed, in case of tbe con •truction thereof, ae special benefits against the real estate within said Sew­ er District b-refitted thereby. By order ul the common council. M. F. E ggleston , A shland , Oregon, Wed., Sept. 4, 1907 Making Them Tell. Reticence is one of the most striking characteristics of railroad employees. They are trained to It They are never expected to know anything about a wreck. The new commission which Governor Hughes has given to New York state proposes to have things changed. It wants to know about ev­ ery wreck that occurs, and it wants the information promptly. In New York city corporations will be compel­ led to report every accident resulting In death or serious injury to any per­ son, any collision resulting In serious damage to cars, any derailment of a passenger train, whether in the sub­ way or on the elevated or suburban lines. The railroad companies con- cerned also are directed to report any serious interference with or stoppage of traffic. The reports must be made by tele­ phone immediately after-any such ac­ cident between the hours of 8 In the morning and 11 at night. Any acci­ dent occurring after 11 o’clock must be reported at 8 o’clock the next morn­ ing. All telephone reports must be followed within three days by written statements to the commission. This written statement paust contain the fol­ lowing information: (a) The name o» the corporation owning the road. / (b) The name of the corporation leasing or operating the road. , (c) The date and hour of the accident. (d) The precise location of the accident. (e) The number and description of the car Involved in the accident. (f) The names and places of residence of employees in any way connected with the occurrence. (g) The names and addresses of passen­ gers or other persons killed or Injured. (h) The names and residences of em­ ployees killed or injured and the extent of the Injury. (1) The circumstances attending and the supposed cause of the accident, with the names and residences of all witnesses who saw the accident or can give any facts in reference to the same. This is fast becoming an age of pub­ licity. It is a good thing. Every news­ paper man knows how difficult it is to get information from a railroad cor­ poration if It is anything that the com­ pany believes will be to its detriment The public Is entitled to the facts, and any law or any agency of the law that akls in bringing out the facts looks good to the average man. PlumlM-rsWiu in Goldfield. Goldfield. Nev., Aug. 26.—•Ap­ proximately 350 members of tha building erafts of Goldfield will re­ turn to work today. The strike of 'he plumbers resulted in stopping building on a dozen large structures. Work will be resumed at once. City Recorder. The plumbers win their demand F. H C aktkr . for $9 for an eight-hour day, but Mavor of Ashland. they, with all other building crafts, agree to give ninety days’ notice In We’ve got rhe town on the run on Dutchess Trousers. 10c a button $1.00 a ease of a threatened strike or of a de­ rip Vaupel, Beebe A Kinney. mand for an Increase In wages. This will place the builders and contractors in a position for figuring A Positive on jobs without danger of an unex­ CURE pected labor tte-up. Ely’s Cream Balm is quickly absorbed Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes heals and protects the diseased mem­ brane. It cures Ca­ tarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Re­ stores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 eta., at Drug, gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 eta. by maiL Y FEVER Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. SLAB WOOD 1000 Tiers at Retail A. L. Wimer and Vance Wolga- mott have purchased 1000 tiers of slab wuo take orders soon, deliv­ ery to begin October let. Addie«« t h-m at Talenty Oregon Sallownesx Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark *kjn becomes fascinating when delicately «oft, underspreaa with the radiant glow which indi­ cates a healthy, active skin. Robert- ine keeps the skin relined in quality, kee ps pores free from clogging waste and stimulate* the tiny capillaries to contribute the color which charms in blonde and brunette alike. Robert- ine is certain protection against tan, sunburn and freckle* if applied be­ fore exposure to sun or Wind- Spreads like an imperceptible sheen of gauze over skin surface, forming! shield stimulating and preserving a. delicate, lustrousbeauty. Alt TOD J T rROBERTINE The $2.50 round trip ticket from Port­ land to Clatsop Beach pointe, good going Saturday and returning Monday, offers a three day’s outing at slight cost. Two and one-half days on the beach. Tickets via the A. & C. R. at City Ticket office Portland comer Third & Morrison Sts and at Union Depot. If It’s Neuralgia and those sharp, shooting, agonizing pains drive you almost crazy, take Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills, and get relief. They drive out the pain by their soothing effect upon the nerves. When taken as di­ rected they are harmless, and leave no bad after-ef­ fects. That’s the reason they are so popular with all who use them. Your druggist can tell you what others in your locality think of them. “I do positively think that Dr. Mlles’ Anti-Pain Pills are the best medicine ever put upon the market. I find them so restful and soothing, and without any bad after-effects. I have suffered with neuralgia so that my system would just ache and quiver, and L cannot take opiates; but I can These tablets, and they always relieve me. No one that suffers with neuralgia need fear to take them as I know they will not form a habit for if there was any opiate in them I could not take them. Just one in the morn­ ing when I feel baa. and I can do my work all day.” MRS. W. H. BURKETT, Macon, Ga. Dr. Mlles’ Anti-Pain Pill« ar* cold by you rd ru fl gist, who will guarantee that the flr»t package will benefit if It fall«, he will return your money. 25 doses, 26 cent*. Nover aota In bulk. Miles Medical Co, t DESERTED BY HIS WIFE Tnd Los Angeles, Aug. 26.—As the re­ sult of a dispute over the water rights on a claim owned by the Ivan- pah Consolidated Mining Company in the Clark mining district near Ivan- pah, Nev., Saturday, B. M. Lawrence, an old-time prospector and mine owner, shot and severely wounded W. Busher Devereaux, the mining engineer of the Ivanpah company. Devereaux, who is the scion of a prominent New York family, was htfrrled to Ripton, a distance of al­ most thirty miles. In a wagon, and there took a train for Los Angeles. He arrived here last night, weak from loss of blood and dangerously ill from lact of medical attention. The nearest surgeon to the Ivan­ pah mines is in searchlight, Nev., more than forty miles away. Threfc shots from Lawrence’s pistol took ef­ fect, one bullet severing the muscles in his right leg just at the thigh, and the two others in either shoulder. He will recover. Ever since the Ivanpah company staked out claims Lawrence has laid claim to two wells which are situated in a canyon about a mile and a half from the shaft recently sunk. The Ivanpah company denied this claim and argument after argument en­ sued. Saturday morning Lawrence went to the Jvanpah mine and demanded the deeds for the two wells on the cladms. He also asked that the monuments of the Ivanpah company claim be removed and the water rights be turned over to him. Dever­ eaux refused point uiank and this angered Lawrence, who began shoot­ ing. Lawrence was captured. Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 26.—“Ta ta! I’m weary. Don’t try to find me, for it will be love’s labor’s lost,” read William F. Peacock, internal revenue collector, when he returned to this city after an official trip. The note, thpugh unsigned, was written by his wife and was left for him in his dismantled home. Before going on Saturday Mrs. Peacock invited all the neighbors In and told them that she intended to “Help your- leave Sacramento, aelves,” she said gayly, waving her hand about the room, “Take what you want." So when the husband returned he faced a domestic vacuum, His wife gone, and all that was left of $2,000 worth of furniture and household goods was what none of his neigh­ bors wanted. There was not a car­ pet left on the floor. The stove was gone; the furniture and linen, bed clothing and silver—In short, every­ thing but a wire screen or two, a few broken dishes and some empty bot­ tles of medicine, ne hurried to thw savings bank; but his wife had been there first. All that was left of a $700 savings account, to their joint credit, was a memory. She had taken all the money, too. About the omy thing precloua in the eyes of her husband which Mrs. Peacock did not take with her in her flight was their daughter Grace, a pretty girl 12 years old. The de­ serted father finds comfort in that fact. The child had been sent to Mr. Peacock’s mother in Marysville. Both Peacock and his wife are well known In this city and throughout the valley. Seventeen Cars Run Over Man. Sacramento, Aug. 26—A wrenched back and a few cuts on his head were the only injuries suffered yesterday by Brakeman R. A. McLinlock, after sixteen freight cars had passed above his body as he lay between the rails. McLinlock attempted to board the train, but missed his hold on the bars of a boxcar ladder and was thrown between the rails. The con­ ductor of the train saw McLinlock fall and signaled the engineer to stop. The train was going at a rate of about eight miles an hour. Before It could be brought to a standstill the rest of the cars had passed over the brakeman’s body­ MvLlnlock'a escape from death was duo to hla presence of mind in lying still and hugging the-ties while the cars passed above him. He was taken on the train to Colfax for treatment. Hla home is in Rocklin. Secretary Root Is Improving. New York, Aug. 26.—“I will have Ellhu Root back to work, the strong­ est man in President Roosevelt’s Cabinet, in two weeks more, declared Billy Muldoon at his famous White Plains health resort today. “They are trying to make him run a large part of the American Govern­ ment from here, but I’m doing my best to keep his business activities down to two hours a day and I can see him Improve every minute. “And I want to say this much ¿bout Secretary Root. He Is one of the cleverest boxers I ever met. He Is as active on his feet as a lot of our professional pugilists, and even with a heavy fellow like myself he can give a wonderfully good account of himself when he getB the gloves on." Big Sum Stolen'From Hetty Green. New York, Aug. 26.—Expert ac­ “As to the Secretary’s condition, countants were busy all of yesterday there appears to be very little wrong In the offices of the Chemical Na­ with him. He was just plugging the work too hard, and any man who for­ tional Bank and it was reported that gets that all work and no play makes a large defalcation had been discov­ Jack a dull boy is likely to wake up ered in the big institution which has some day and find himself full of been known. for years at Hetty mental and physical kinks, 's aat’a Green’s bank. The reports as to the extent of the all it is with Mr. Root." embezzlement vary from $10,000 to Oregon Hailstorm Devastates Farms. $200,000, but no authoritative state- Pendleton, Ore., Aug. 26.—The ment could be obtained, Such offi- hardest hailstorm that ever occurred cers as remained in the city refused in Oregon came yesterday. The absolutely to discuss the matter. eloudburst visited two different sec­ Hindus Arrive at Napa. tions of Umatilla county almost sim­ Napa, Cal., Aug. 26.—Elbhteen ultaneously, causing thousands of dollars damage. Hundreds of acres Hindus of the Sika caste arrived in of wheat and alfalfa were ruined. Napa Saturday from Calcutta. They Bridges, farm machinery, outhouses were In charge of A. D. Swami, a and some livestock suffered. The Hindu priest, and will work on the hailstorm struck the wheat belt valley electric road here. One hun­ about fifteen miles east of Pendle­ dred and six arrived from India last ton, swept northward a distance of week, of whom twenty were sent to more than ten miles, covering a sec­ Chico and fourteen to Roseville to do railroad section work. tion three-quarters of a mile wide. Hail fell to the depth of from three to four inches. The other cloud* burst visited the head of West Birch creek, several miles south of Pilot Rocks and washed away several bridges. Tornado Sweeps Wisconsin Town. Eau Claire, Wis., Aug» 26.—A tor­ nado struck the town of Brunswick Saturday. Several houses and wind­ mills were blown down. At the Moses farm the roof of the house was blown off and the kitchen car- tied a mile and a half.. A large pio- ture in another farmhouse was oar- rled a long distance and blown into the sitting room of the Moses farm. Reports say that Fall Creek waa struck by the tornado and six per­ sons Injured. In Pleasant Valley and Clear Creek a Methodist church and many farm buildings were de­ stroyed. Grain stacks were carried high tn the air and sheaves ot wheat in the fields were scattered for miles. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy One of the Beat on the Market. For many ) ears'Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and has an enormous sale. It is intended especial­ ly for aente throat and long disease» such as, colds and croup, and can always be depended upon. It ie pleasant and safe to take and is nn doubted! v the best in the market for the purposes for which it is intended. Hold by McNair Bros. Hawaiian Girls for State Fair. 1 hr Pacific C ast will be favor’ed thi» fall by a visit from ten native Hawaiian girls, who will be sent by one of tbe Honotuln papers, the Bulletin. This Journal has b^en conducting a contest ta decide tbe personnel of tbe company Tbe young ladies will be chaperoned by Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherred, well known to Oregonians. The girls will sail on the steamship Aorangi on August 21 for tbe United 8tatea. One of the points of interest to be visited will be the Greater Oregon State Fair (Sept 16 21) at Salem. The young ladies will probably attend the fair on Tuesday. Sept. 17, and they will no doubt be an attraction themselves that day. It is probable that the young ladiee will sing and entertain fair visitor« in tbe Andi torium, either in the afternoon or even­ ing. A NEW Timber Land Act June 3, 1878 Timber Land Act, Jnne 3,1878. notiok : for publication . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State« Land Office, Koeeburg, Ore­ United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore. gon. July 19, 1907. July 20 1907. WHERE NO PRIEST IS AVAIL» Notice is hereby given that incompli nee Notice is hereby given tbatin compliance with tbe provisions of the act ot Congress with 1 tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress ABLE SIMPLE MUTUAL UEO- >f June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the of < June 3,1878, entitled “An Act for tbe LARATION IS HELD VALID. ■«ale of timber lands in the t-tates of CaU- i Sale of Timber Lands in tbe States of Cal­ tornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washii gton ifornia, i Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory.” as extended to all the Public ‘ Territory,” as extended to all the public Land States bv act of August 4. 1892. ¡and 1 States by act of August 4. 1892, Nora Montgt-mery Brown, of Medford, Wilson Bo» man. of Medford county of Other Sweeping Changes in the ■ounty of Jackson. State of Oregon, filed Jackson. State of Oregon, filed in thia Catholic Code to Be Made By in this office on April 15.1907, her sworn office on April 30 1907. bis »worn sta'e- statement No. 8344, for tbe purchase of meut No 8363. for the purchase of the t>W Pop«* Pius X. tbe E % of E U, of 8ectiou No 12. in X, of Section No 1C. m Township No 41 Township No. 40 South, Range No. 3 South, »ange No. 1 East, and will otter Rast, ana will offer proof to sbow that tbe proof to sbow that ibe land soug I ia more' land sought is more valuable for its timber valuable for its timber or »tone tban for Rome, Aug. 26.—Within a few >r stone than for agricultural purposes, and agricultural purposes, and to establish bis days an extraordinary sensational 10 establish her claim to said land before claim to said land befoie A 8. Bn ton U. and revolutionary law interesting all \ 8. Biiton, Ü. 8. Commisaisner, at his 8. Cooimiskionrr. at bis office, it Medford, ffice. in Medlord Oregon, on Tuesday, Oregon, on Saturday, the 19tb day ot Catholic clergymen and laymen in the 15th day of October, 1907. October, 1907. the United States and affecting di­ She names as witnesses: James J He ’ a rues as witneeeea: John Thomp­ Whitcomb, of Medford. Oregon: Henry g. son, of Medford, Oregon; James W Mil­ rectly all Catholics in America, will Palmer ee, of Ashland, Oregon; Clayton ler, of Medford. Oregon; George W be promulgated by the Vatican au­ E. Burton, of A ah «and, Oregon; Wtnuot Thompson, of Medford. Oregon; George E. G Brown, of Medford, Oregon. Young, of Medford. Oregon thorities. Any and *11 versons claiming adversely Any «nd «11 persons claiming adversely Until now the church law has been the above-desenbed lands are requested to the above-described lands are requested to To Save Redwood Grove. file tbeir claims in this office on or before tile their claims in this office on or before that American Catholics can contract Guerneville, Aug. 26.—Permanent said 15th day of October, 1907. said 19th day of October. 1907. marriage validly, although illicitly, BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. organization of a club for the pur­ by going before a justice or even be­ ■ " ~T' ~ ~ ' - ----- pose of saving from the woodsmen’s Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878. fore a Protestant minister, when duly Timber Land Act June 3,1878. ax the magnificent Armstrong grove licensed by the civil authorities, but I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. of redwoods has been effected at under the new law all these marrl- United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., United States Land Office, Guerneville. It is likely that the ages will be regarded as null and J my 19.1907. Roseburg, Oregon, July 20. 1907. grove will be sold for the purpose of void among Catholics. Notice is hereby given that in compliance the lumber the trees will furnish, Notice ia hereby given tbatin compliance with tbe pro- isiona of the act of Congress The new law, which is contained while the people of Guerneville and with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for tbe of Ji ne 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cal­ in_ a decree of the congregation of the entire county and section of the sale of timber lai ds in the States of Cali­ ifornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington the council drafted by the special State are desirous or having the fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory^ as extended to ah the Public request of His Holiness, Pope PLus Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land State.' by act of August 4, 1892, trees preserved. ftand States bv act M August 4. 1892, Richard Beedie, of As hand, oountv of X, ordains that from next Easter no A committee has been named to Jessie L. Grubb, of Ashland, county of Jackson, State of Oregon, filed in this marriages among Catholics shall be Jackson. State of Oregou, tiled in this take the matter In hand. The grove office i.n April 23, 1907, her sworn state­ office on April 23. 1907. his sworn state­ valid unless they are contracted be­ ment NO 8351 for ibe purchase of tbe NW was the property of the late Colonel ment No 83'3, for the purchase of the BE *4, of Section No 32. in Township No 40 fore a duly authorized priest in the bW M. and lots 6 and 7. of Section No. South. Range No. 1 E-at, and will otter Armstrong and at one time he was M 18, in Township No. 40 South. Range No. proof to sbow that the land sought is more presence of two witnesses. willing to make the trees a gift to 4 Fast, and will offer proof to sbow that vauable for its timber or stone t ban for There will be only two exceptions the State, but the offer was not ac- the land sought is more valuable for its agricultural purposes, ai.d to establi h b>s to this law, which is to be universal «iniber or stone than for agricultuial pur claim to said land before A. 8. Bliton, U. oepted. poses, and to establish her claim to said S Commissioner, at his office, at Medford, for all countries of the globe. land before A 8 Bitton, U. 8. Commission­ Oregon, on Wednesday, the 16th day of The first is that when there is im­ Frank Sander has gone to Tillamook er, at his office, in Medford, Oregon, on October, 1907. minent danger of death and no duly on a visit before resuming hie studies at Thursday, the 17th day of October. 1907. He names as witnesses: John M. Brooks, bhe names as witnesses: Charlee feeb­ ot Ashland Oregon; George W. Milam, of authorized priest 1& obtainable, then Mt. Angel College. ler Grubb, of Ashland, Oregon; Clayton E Ashland. Oregon; Joseph 8. Brooks of Burton, of Ashland, Oregon; James J. Aibland, Oregon; Albert L. Cusick, of any obtainable priest can perform Whitcomb, of Medford, Oregon; OseeV. Medford Oregon. the ceremony in the presence of two The Farmer’s Wife Feebler. offiAshland. Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely witnesses. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above described lands are requested to Ts very careful about her churn. She the above-described lands are requested to file tneir claims in this office on or before The second is decidedly revolu­ scalds it thoroughly after using, and gives tile tbeir c aims in this office on or oefore said 16th day of October. 1907. it a sun bath to sweeten it. She knows said 17th dav of O tober, 1907. tionary. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. BKNJAM1N L. EDDY. Register. It is that when there is no priest that if her churn is sour it will taint the butter that is made in it. The stomach is Timber Land Act. June 3, 1878. obtainable in the district a man and athurn. In the stomach and digestive Timber Land Act, June 3,1878. a woman may contract a marriage and nutritive tracts are performed pro­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. that will be valid merely by an­ cesses which are almost exactly like the United States Lend Office. Roseburg, Ore., United States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore. nouncing their consent or intentions churning of butter. Is it not apparent July 19lb, 1907. then that if this stomach-churn is foul it July 18, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance In the presence of two witnesses. makes foul all which is put into it? ’ 1 with tbe provision*« of the act of Congress This latter is the most important The evil of a foul stomach is not alone Notice is hereby given that in compliance of June 3. 1878. entitled “Au act for ibe change made in the marriage laws the bad taste in the mouth and the foul with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress »ale of timber lands in tbe States of Cal­ of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Act tor tbe of the church during the past three I breath caused by it, but the corruption of Sale of Timber Lands in the States of Cali­ ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington I the pure current of blood and the dissem­ fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory.” as extended to all tbe Public centuries. ination of disease throughout the body. Territory ” as extended to all public «and I and Blates by act of August 4. 1892, Josie Ebing«r, of Brainard, county of It introduces a radical overturn­ Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery states by act of August 4, 1892. Crow Wing, btate of Minnesota, filed in ing of legislation In every country of makes the sour and foul stomach sweet. Charles Feebler Grubb of Asb and, countv this office on April 23. 19 7, her »«urn It does for the stomach what the washing' Jackson, btate ot Oregon, fi ed in this statement No. 8350, for tbe t u>cbase of tbe the world and is regarded as ths and sun bath do for the churn—absolutely of office on April 5.1907 bis swoin statement N K % SW K. N W % BE 8 % bK M- of very first indication of sweeping removes every tainting or corrupting ele­ No 8339, fur the purchase of the NW % of Section No 6, in Township No 40 8"U*b. -ectiun No. 22, in Township No 39 bouth, ment. In this way it cures blotches, changes that are to be Introduced Ranee No. 2 East, and will offer proof to Kange No. 3 East, and will otter proof to In the code of Pius X which has pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sbow that tbe land s ught is more valuable sbow that tbe laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultur­ sores, or open eating ulcers and all engaged the labors of the most humors or diseases a rising from bad blood. for its timber or stone than tor agricultural al purposes, and to ebtablisb her claim to purposes, and establish his claim to »aid said land before A. h . Bliton, U. 8. Com­ learned body of ecclesiastical author­ If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste In lanu beiore A 8 Bliton, U b Commis­ missioner, at bis office, in Medford. Ote- I ities in the Catholic church for tha your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath,' sioner, at btB office, in Medford. Oregon, gon. on Wednesday, tbe 16tb day of Octo­ Monday, tbe 14:b day of October, 1907. ber. 1907. past four years, and which eventually are weak and easily tired, feel depressed on He names a« witn-sse-: James W. and despondent, have frequent headaches,* bbe names as witnesses: William K. will cover the entire field of church dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress in stom­ Whitcomb, of M«d’ord, Oregon; Clayton Yockey, of Ashland, Oregen, Henry C. legislation. ach, constipated or irregular bowels, souT| K Burton, of Ashland. Oregon: Jessie L. Sparr, Jr., of Forest, Oregon; Elizabeth of Ashland, Oregon; Osa V. Feeb­ Yockey, of Ashland. Oreeon, Da» id or bitter risings after eating and poor Grubb, ler, of Ashland. Ore on. Ebinger. of Brainard, Minnesota. appetite, these symptoms, or any consfdsr-i Any and all persona claiming adversely Any and all persons claiming adversely able number of them, indicate that you are' tbe above described lands are rt quested te Reports that a member of the Gould suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy' file tbeir claims in this office on or before tbe above-desenbed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before family is prospecting in Arizona for liver with the usual accompanying indi­ said 14th day of October, 1907. said 16th day of October. 191*7 gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. more wealth will cause Boni Castel­ derangements. lano to prick up his ears with regretful Timber Land Act, June3.1878, Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878 Interest NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The czar probably considers that the recent abdication of the Korean em­ peror has established a very danger­ will be readily Droven to your satisfaction ous and objectionable precedent. if you will bui mall a postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., for a That woman of sixty who knocked free copy of his booklet of extracts from standard medical authorities, giving out a stalwart highwayman also land­ tbe the names of all the ingredients entering ed heavily on the solar plexus of th6 into his world-famed medicines and show­ ing what the most eminent medical men Oslerlan age limit theory. of the age say of them. FOR SALE CHEAP! I Rare Bargain in Land, if Bought This Month. In the City of Ashland, Or., thirteen desirable residence lots, fronting on Main and Dewey streets and not far from the East school; near the F. M. church : containing an orchard of thirty bearing fruit trees, apple, pear, plum, cherry, etc., and 5000 strawberry plants and a small house. All well fenced. Fruit trees pruned and sprayed. Railroad Must Obey the Law. Lincoln; Neb., Aug. 2«.—The Ne­ braska State Railroad Commission has ordered the Great Northern to cease discrimination against Omaha In favor of Minneapolis in refusing cars for loading grain deetlnad for the Omaha market CROUP. For Only $1,500, Cash Down ! Is a violent inflammation of the mucous membrane of tbe wind pipe, which sometimes extends to tbe larynx and bronchial tubes ; and is one of the most dangerous diseases of children. It almost always comes on in the night Give frequent small doses of Ballard’s Horehound Syrup and apply Ballard’s 8nr>w Liniment externally to the throat 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by McNair Bros. L.ERS AS TRUST BUSTERS. \ _______ Will Invest >10,000 to Ruy Coal and Wood to I-'ight Fuel Monopoly. Grass Valley, Cal., Aug. 26.—The Grass Valley miners’ union has be­ come a trust buster. It is ready to invest its entire treasury fund of $10,000 in the purchase of wood and coal and ship It here in train loads to be sold at actual cost to members. Widows of members will be supplied free. The union numbers over 600 mem­ bers. Action was taken Saturday night. A committee of three was ap­ pointed to Investigate the fuel situa­ tion and report this evening at 6 o’clock. This action is taken because of the exorbitant prices asked by local dealers in most cases for wood and the uncertainty of getting it The dealers have combined, set their price, and it’s a case of leave it or take It. The miners base their complaint on the score that prices have gone up and up, while wages have re­ mained the same. Every consumer is highly pleased with the steps taken. . MARRIAGE LAW P Inquire of Luman N. Judd, 21 Dewey St., —or— McWilliams & Powell, Main Street W. R. TUCKER Proprietor United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore. July 19, 1907. Notice is hereby given tbatin compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of JuneB, 1878, entitled "An Ac* for tbe Sale of Timber Lands in the States of Cali­ fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory " as extended to all tbe Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, William H Smith, of Mowrer. county of McLean, State of North Dakota, tiled in this office on April 22, 1907 his sworn statement No. 8349, for the pun hate of tbe 8 % NE M. and E £ t*E J4. of Section No. 30. in Township No 40 South. Range No. 4 Fast, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- floses, and to establish his claim to said and before A. s Bliton. U. S Commis­ sioner. at bis offio»es. and to establish bis claim 10 said land before A. 8. Bliton, U. 8 Commissioner, at bis office, in Medford. Oregon on Tuesday, the 15th day of October. 1907. He names as witnesses: Albert L. Cusick, of Medford, Oregon; Samuel B Stoner, of Ashland, Oregon; John Brooks, of Ashland, Oregon; William Brooks, of Ashland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file tbeir claims in this office on or before said 15th day of ctober, 1 m 07. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. United States Land Office. Roseburg, Or*. July 19, 1907. Notice is hereby given tbst in compliance with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in tbe States of Cali­ fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Wa»hingtcn Territory,” as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892. Owen D. Nagle, of Medford, county of Jackson, State of Oreeon. filed in this office on April 20, 1907, his sworn state­ ment No. 8348, for tbe purchase of tbe NE )4. of Section No 28, in Township No. 40 South. Range No 1 East, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land betore a. 8. Bliton, U. 8. Commissioner, at bis office, in Medford, Oregou, on Wednesday, tbe 16tb day of October. 1907. He names as witnesses: Albert L Cnsick, of Medford. Oregon: John Brooks, of Ashland, Oregon; Joseph Brooks, of Ashland, Oregon; Samuel B. Stoner, of Ashland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office ou or before said 16tb dav of October, 1907. BEKJ AMIN L. EDDY, Register. F«K AflERTS—H »rPtlTtim! “THE OLD WORLD Phone 591 AND ITS WAYS’’ BY William Jennings Bryan THE BESTOF RIGS, SINGLE ORDO HIE With orWithout Drivers All Hours of Day or Night Special Attention to Commercial Men and Camping Parties CV* Now R badv fob 8 olicitobs . 576 Imperial Octavo Ptge». Over 200 Su­ perb Engraving» from photograph» taken by Mr. Bryan. Recounts bis trip around the' world and bis visits to all nations. Tbe greatest book of travel ever written. Tbe people a>e waiting for it. Tbe agent's barvest. OUT­ FIT FREE—Send fifty cents to cover mailing and handling. The Thompson Publishing Co., 8T. LOUIS, MO. if i ' ) « J An Ounce of Prevention. >■ worth a pound of cure. There are many poor sufferers, Consumptives who are boneless of getting well—who, if ibev bad taken care of themselves, would now be well. A cough is the foundation of Consumption. Ballard’s H rebound Syrup wiH cure that cougt. Mrs. 8—. Great Faile, Montana writes:. “I have need Ballard’s Horehound 'yrup in my family for years—my chil dren never suffer with coughs.” Sold by McNair Bros. ASHLAND United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore , July 20, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June3, 1878. entitled“An act for tbe sate of timber lands in tbe States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri­ tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, John Thompson Of Medford, county of Jackson, State of Oregon, tiled in this office on April 30. 1907, his sworn state­ ment No. 8380, for tbe purchase of tbe SR >4. ot Section No 10, in Township No. 41 South, Kange No 1 East, and will offer proof to sbow that tbe l*Dd sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estabiuh bis claim to said land before A. 8. Bliton. IT, 8 Commissioner, at his office, in Medford. Or-gon, on F riday, the 18th day of October, 1907 «* He names as witnesses: James W Mil­ ler, of Medford, Oregon; Wilson Bowman, of Medford, Oregon; George W. Tbomp son. of Medford, Oregon; George E. Young, of Medford. Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file tbeir claims in this office ou or before said 18th dav of October, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. f For an Eye Opener^ try the old fashioned TEA CUP PURE AND SWEET MELLOW AND RICfí B. S. Radcliff*. Agent Tbe Ashland House Bar All these goods speak ASHLAND C 4Í Truck Company i I. S. 8ilsby,G. R. and J. W. Wiley Proprietors Piano Moving • Specialty for themselves SPANISH IMPORTED PORT WINE The Only Family Liquor Store in Ashland Does a «eneral Dr»y, Trnck and Transfer harineas. Your pat- ronage reopectfnlly solicitad. ix- • - J«- Map of Jackson County The Capital Abstract Co. have jost is sued hom the press of Rand, McNally Co., of Cnicago a fine large map of Jack- son county—28x40 inches, nicely folded in good substantial pocket book cover. It sbffws all towns, roads, streams, etc. Sections and townships are an especial feature. Railroad lands are carefully designated right from the Southern Pacific land de­ partment and are up to date and ac­ curate. Tbs edition of this map is sufficiently large so that it is sold a ♦1.50 each. On sals at tbs offices of uste Allen, C. H. Gillette and W. M Poley. Office with CLARENCE LANE TELEPHONE «08 X NOTICE OF FINAL SET1LEMENI. Estate of Hana W. Haneen, deceased. Notice is hereby given that tbe under­ signed has filed in tbe County Court of buntv < of tbe State of Oregon for the County Jackson, her final account ss adminis- tratrix with the will annexed of tbe said estate and that the said court has set Monday, Sept. 23d, 1907, at tbe hour of 2:30 p. m. of said day at tbe court room of said court in Jacksonville, ae tbe time ami place for bearing objec­ tions to the said final account H arriet M. H ansen , Administratrix with th» will annexed of tbe Estate of Hans W. Hansen, de­ ceased. First publication August 14, 1907. Job printing at Record office.