Normal School Entertain SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Our Stocks of Men’s, Young Men’s and Boys* Shoes are now complete Oxfords in Vici, Patent and Velour. Regular cut in all leathers. High cut in Tans and Blacks ment at Opera House. Tbe Euterpeau and Dramatic dubs of the Normal will give a recital Friday evening, April 26, iu tbe opera house. Tbe program will consist of musical numbers and the two act drama en titled “Mr. Bob.” PROGRAM. 1— Piano Duet, “Galop De Concert,” ................................ ..(Bartlett) ................... Mieses French and Minkler 2— Ladies’ Chorus, “Tbe Fishermen,” (Cabuasi) Misses Pelton, Maupin, Anderson, 8eeley, Mundy, Pohland, George, Mrs. Wickerebam. 3— Quartet, (“Christian, The Morn Breaks Sweetly O’er Thee,”.......... .............................. ................ (Shelley) Misses Pelton, gilsby; Messre. Neil, Nims. 4— Glee Club, “While I Have Yon,” (Parks) Messrs. Shelley, Nims, Herndon, Hevener, Wendall, Howell, Crocker, Loosley, Neil. SCKNE FROM DICK KN’s “CHRISTMAS CAROL » 1 LOCAL. □ Helman Baths open Sunday for Season. “Mr. Bob” at opera house Friday night. A Norfolk Suit for tbe boy. Vaupel, Beebe & Kinney. Mrs. H. F. Cole and eon of Hilts were visiting Ashland this week. Go to Reynold’s and Butler’s for something good to eat or to take home. John C. Ross leaves tbis week for Petaluma and other points in California. Remember the normal school enter tainment at opera house Friday evening. David Starr Jordan of Stanford Uni versity passed through Ashland Monday. Mre. A. 8. Cuthbert rf Hornbrook is visiting Mrs. Belta Shields in Ashland The Helman baths and Swimming Rink begins (he season Sunday, April 28tb. Printing Office Moved. Tbe Valley Record printing office moved last week from tbe Beach Block to the Mills-McCall rooms in the Ash land Improvement Co. block, being lo cated next door to the Ashland Com mercial Club’s quarters and over the store of Vaupel, Beebe & Kinney. Funeral of Paul Van Scoy Friday. Paul Van Scoy, railroad and express agent at Bewauwee, Nev., was operated on for appendicitis at Ogden, Utah, and died there Saturday rather suddenly, aged 26 years. D. B. Russell, his brother-in-law, went to Ogden and is bringing tbe remains to Medford where the funeral services will be held Friday interment in Medford. Jacksonville cemetery. Deceased was a popular and well- known young man of Ashland, the eon of Prof, and Mrs. W. T. Van Scov of the State Normal school. He leaves a wife, formerly Miss Brown, daughter of County Commissioner George Brown, and two children. D R. MILLS, P rbstdint F, H. CARTER V icb -P usidknt E. V. CARTER, C arhixr E. H. CONSER, A esisiaft < afhixb BANK OF ASHLAND. ESTABLISHED 1884. Capital, Fully Paid, $50,000 Surplus and undivided profits, $50,000 Resources over half a million dollars BOARD OF DIRCTORS: GEORGE W. DUNN, D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUTLER F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. ------- Jordan and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold.------- General Banking Business Transacted. *4 Will Jeecbke, watchmaker and jewel ry. Main and Granite streets. First- We can show you the Latest Lasts in merchandise man Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. class work guaranteed. ufactured by Nettleton, Florsheim, (Keith Walkover), Editor Lynn Purdin ot the Gold Hill Members American Bankers Association News was a business visitor iu Ashland and Douglas, and also in our famous Granite City Shoes, Saturday. Insured against Burglary in Fidelity and Casualty which are the best medium priced goods shown in the city Mrs. J. S. Parson was the guest of her Co. of New York. sister, Mrs. Geo. 8. Calhoun, at Grants Savings Bank Opens. E. Moore, B. Stancliff and Pass last week. The outfitting of the quarters of the George Martin. Mr. and Mre. E. K. Hall have return 5— Piano Trio, “Pensionáis—Frenden ed home from a pleasant stay of some Granite City Savings Bank was sufficient Waltzer”........................... (Kremer) length at Oakland. Cal. iv complete on Monday for the opening Misses Shoudy, Holmes, Eubanks Mrs. W. D. Wiibourn of Henlev, of that new banking institution ot Ash 6— Glee Club, “Peaceful Be Thy visited her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Van land for business and Cashier Geo. G. Vactor, the past week. Sleep”......................... (McGranahan) Eubanks reports that the distinction of 7— Piano Solo, “Witches’ Dance” Two horses for sale; cne 5 rears old being the first depositor fell to Mrs. Yes, we have a few new things at the £ C C (Paganini) aud one 9 years old; weight, 1000 to 1100 Laura Willey, who was leaving for Siski Marion Neil lbs. Inquire of Young & Dix. this week. Look over the list: Alber Bros.’ you county the same day. 8— “Kentucky Babe”........... (Geibel) Attorney AL^^rdin returned to Med The new bank will do a general bank Cream Rolled Oats, Rye Flour, Rye Meal, (Prices the lowest, quality Considered) Misses Rippey, Sherwood, Neil, Pel- ford Saturuw with Mre. Purdin who ing business, also. has been at Jlr. Burke’ s Sanitarium in Gluten Flour, Alber Bros.’ Corn Meal, Palace ton, Andereon. Mundy, Spencer, California. George; Mrs. Neil, Mre. Wickerehani “Spray Dope” lime and sulpher solut Oysters, Haas Bros.’ (Tanned Soan- Mr. and Mrs. A II. Pracht, who have ion 35c a gallon at the Ç C C. “MR. BOB”—CAST OF CHARACTeBS. been spending several months in Los ish Peanuts, and about twenty new customers Phillip Ray son...................... Bert SlanclifT Angeles, have returned to Ashland. NOBODY SPARED GUINEA PIG SERUM DIED, Robert Brown, clerk of Benson & Dr. A. C. Caldwell, the dentist moved Benson............................... Emil Brophy hie dental parlors yesterday into the Kidney Troubles Attack Ashland WHITNEY—At the family home in Jenkins, butler.................. Fred Peterson new quarters in tbe Beach block. Men and Women, Old and Young A hiila . ni >, O regon , Wed., April, 17 1907 PROFESSOR OF ROCKEFELLER 4 Ashland, April 18, 1907, Peter Brad Rebecca Luke, maiden lady......... S. M. Rhodes is op from Santa Cruz, ford Whitney, aged 57 years. Kidney ilis seize young and old. INSTITUTE HAS REMEDY' FOR ........... ............................... Lelia Spencer Cal., to do some development work on Mr. Whitney was stricken with par Come quickly with little warning Carload of spring wagons and buggies Katherine Rogers, her niece. .Nett Drew bis mines back of Jacksonville. SPINAL MENINGITIS. just received at Peil’s alysis several days before which was Cbidren suffer in their early years— Marian Bryant,¡Katherine’s friend Wm. West is over from Hornbrook to the cause of death. Can’t control tbe kidney secretions. ..................................... Emma Sherwood day. Mrs. West has been visiting her PROFESSIONAL CARDS Girls are languid, nerveus, suffer pain. Dr. Flexner Believes That Fresh Patty, Rebecca’s maid........ Grace Carter sister, Mre. J. S. Bailey, lor two weeks Tbe funeral which took place from Trinity Episcopal Church Saturday af Women worry, can’t do daily work. and will return with him. Admission 25, 35 and 50 cents. Gunnea Pigs’ Serum Can Destroy Men have lame and aching backs. Mre. Geo. W. Stephenson and daugh ternoon, was largely attended. Rev. M. JJR. 3. T. SONGER Tbe cure for man, woman or child. ter, Miss Emma, have returned from a J. Goodheart, the rector, conducting tbe All Germs Present. Farewell to Mrs. Quigley. stay of several months at Sacramento, services of that church. The interment Is to cure the cause—the kidneys. Physician and Surgeon. was in Ashland cemetery. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure sick kid St. Cecelia’s Guild entertained at the Calif. Mr. Whitney was one of tbe best Bring in your chairs. H. 8. Emery neys— New York, April 2 2.-/-Dr. E. home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Evans on repairs **] — ----- them. Mechanic and Helman known railroad men in Oregon. He Novelty Blocs, Opp. Hotel Oregon Cure all forms ol kidney suffering. Simon Flexner of the Rockefeller In Hargadine street Friday evening, in streets. He can make anything out of Office Phone 71 Residence Phone 636 came on the O. & C railroad during honor of Mrs. J. R. Quigley, the retiring ASHLAND — — — OREGON W’illiam Stansell, of 250 Cotteee St., stitute for Medical Research, w-ho wood. the tbe Villard regime and was one' of president of the Guild. The bouse was Salem, Ore., says: “For five or six years has been searching for a remedy for Mre. Sarah Scott arrived, in Ashland trusted and responsible officials of the kidney complaint and tackacbe bothered serebro-spinalmeningitis, “spotted tastefully decorated with frnit blossoms Saturday from Terra Haute, Iod., to M. BROWER, M. D. zfifR ZÍf^Z>fi\ Z^fCx Z^x Z^vT Z^\ Z^T me. It was never bad enough to lay me fever,” believes he Is near the goal. and dainty green. Social conversation spend a year with her daughter, Mre. general offices in Portland under the management of R. Kobler. When the up but there were few times when I did In tracing the vlrulance of the dis and cards formed the evening’s enter Robert H. DAw. Physician and Surgeon, A band of 550 stocx cattle that had 8. P. took charge of the road he was ap not feel it there and I suffered a lot from ease and to discover check he has an tainment, after which a delicious lunch been wintered in this valley passed pointed freight agent In Ashland and eon was served. The guest of honor ASHLAND — — — OREGON the persistent aching over and through innumerable number of mice, guinea threugh Ashland yesterday en route to until recently was employed on tbe was presented with a silver toilet set as the kidneys and from other symptoms of pigs, rabbits and monkeys A practi [Successors to R. P. Neil Hardware Co ] Ft. Klamath. construction work on the “Weed” road. office : a mark of appreciation by the ladies of kidney trouble. I was never able to find cal antoxiin will be brought out as a Geo. W. Barron and Fred iV . Herrin At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, He leaves a wife and large family of the Guild. Mrs. Quigley was one of the anything'.to give me any permanent bene resit of the research, it is hoped. have returned from a sight seeing trip children, who have the sincere sym Laurel and Main Streets. organizers of the Guild and has always Zmx in the much talked about Imperial Val fit until I procured Doan’s Kidney Pills Dr. Flexner believes that fresh Her genial ley. Mr. Barron invested in some lands pathy of the entire community in tbe at a drug store. The effects of tbis rem guinea pigs’ serum can destroy all been an active worker. death of a devoted husband and affec under the ditch. pR. A. C. CALDWELL, edy w ere so gratifying that I am glad to the germs present, with the import nature has won for her a large circle of PLUMBING A SPECIALTY tionate la1 her. Nut Butter at tbe C C C. let others know my satisfactoiy experi ant provision that the number shall admiring friends who are loath to see Dentist. her leave. Elmer E. Bagley of Woodstock, Ill., is SIMON—At Sterling City, Cal., April ence with your medicine.” I not be too great. The serum that 15, 1907, Mrs. Elizabeth Simon, aged Mr. Quigley has engaged in business the gnest of C. W. Nims and family for The most substantial Plumbing Goods on the For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. BEACH BLOCK may be used as an antitoxin Is near 76 years. a week or fo while looking after business in Tnrlock, Cal., where be has recently i Foster-Milburn Co , Buffalo, New York, the point of completion. Should an Deceased was tbe widow of the late market and first-class workmanship guaranteed matters on the coast. • • Oregon Ashland, Peter Simon and they were early pio sole agents for tbe United States. Re other epidemic occur, it is believed completed a new borne for bis family. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith and son member tbe name—Doane—and take no that the researches of Dr. j'lexner Mrs. Quigley and two children left Mon Everett have returned to Ashland from neers of Jackson county. She first re Standard Electrical Supplies and Electric Wiring sided at Sterling, near Jacksonville, and day to join her husband, taking with other. A. SHERWIN, Carey, Ohio. Mr. S. has sold his farm 6oon afterward near Eagle Point where will assist the medical profession in her the good wishes of her many friends there and the family will make Ashland tbe family engaged in farming. Phone No. 41 preventing the usual large percentage Neil Block, Main Street their home. Reliable Talent. of mortality. PUHL—At the family residence in Jack First Ladies in the Land. D. Hurley of Albany and A. Waugh sonville, April 22, 1907, Myrtle Puhi, The beginning of Dr. Flexner’s Wm. Spitzer and Mr. Maeon have Insurance, of Toledo have purchased the Plazi cor wife of William Puli), a native of Serial gatherings are very common ner saloon from S. J. Hav kins A Co opened up a real estate office. They work was after the cerebro-spinal Michigan, aged 27 years, 6 months and events in Ashland every week, but that OREGON purchased the barbet shop that stood meningitis epidemic during the wint ASHLAND, and will conduct tbe same. The city 16 days. The funeral took place Tues day afternoon. Servicos at the late MMCL near Dunlap’s Etore and moved it down er of 1904 and the spring of 1905. at tbe home of Mrs. A. H. Russell last council last night, on a good showing WOMEN IN AUTO UPSET, made, transferred the license to them. residence al 2:30 o’clock, Rev. Robert on Main Btreet just tbove the Kandy In the period of the epidemic there Friday afternoon was one of tbe rarer Is hereby given that the Plumbing F. R. BOWERSOX Ennis officiating. Trjy the Buckeye lunch room on the were about 4,000 cases. The deaths ones, being the aseemblying together of Kitchen. Business of Gallant & Perkins has de Nevada Senator and Party Meet With volved partnerebip thia 6tb day of March, 16 ladies who were pioneer settlers in bridge. an Accident Near Reno. Wm. Bruin and Mjes Garvin were numbered 3,4 29. The percentage of MARKIED. 1907, by mutual content. Physician and Surgeon The launch Buena Vista running on Ashland and vicinity being a part of tbe Reno, Nev., April 22.—Mrs. Well married last week, eo He weddiDg bell« deaths was 73.5. The themendous G. R. G allakt , upper Klamath lake, went up Wood people who succeeded tbe Indian as the M. P erkins . river as far as Geo. W. Looseley’s place, ROGERS—MARGREITER—At the resi ington Werrin, her mother, Mrs. Office—over Vaupel, Beebe & Kinney’s rang after all. Miss Bruin is one of the fatality caused scientists all over the world to take up the subject of find masters of this vnliey. Tbeee ladies within three miles of Ft. Klamath. Somers, both of Virginia City, and most popular young ladies in our vicini dence of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cofer, in store—Telephone 781. Residence— have lived here as neighbors and friends The Buena Vista is just a little too large Billings will get your marriage license Klamath Faile, April 17, 1907, Leslie Miss Ruth Smith of this city, were ty and.Mr. Bruin is a tfcan who holds ing a remedy. Boulevard and Union St.—Tel. 975. for you. from 45 to 55 years. Tbe entertainment for tbe river as it is at present, but there Rogers and Miss Anna Margreiter, The germ has the remarkable name seriously injured by the overturning tbe confidence of the entire community. are other boats under construction that formerly of Jacksonville. of Diplococcus lntracellu<aris. Every was delightfully pleasing. Among the will draw less water and make naviga of an automobile while returning Jim Brown hae put ou < dray between WRIGHT—HAWK—At Medford, April from Lawton’s Springs yesterday in experiment seemed to show that its features each guest found at her plate as tion a sure thing. Talent and Aehland miking two tripe Dr. H. M. Shaw 14th, 1907, W. G Wright of Grants company with Senator Fred Danberg a favor, a card hand painted by Mies life was short. It was also shown that per day. Editor J. F. Galbraith of tbe Oregon Pass and Miss Mabel Hawk of Med Mabel Russell bearing each guests the germ was to be found in the nose of Storey county and Leon Hall, su Observer became a duly constituted ford. Many strangers are coning to Talent and Physician and Surgeon e pharynx, and hence easi’y maiden name and a picture of a pioneer citizen of tbe United States on Tuesday. perintendent of the Comstock mine looking for locations. communicable. Itwas found later, log cabin. Tbe following named were Mr. Galbraith 'is a native of Canada, at Virginia, who were less seriously BORN Office in Shaw Building on Main Street; Miss Bea Works baa tak^n a position hiwever, that although the germ in present, Mrs. Walker being aged 80 and came to Oregon eome 5^ years ago, hurt. locating first at Silverton, Marion coun hours from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Mornings in the ice cream parlor h the Kaudy itself, without attention, might be of years and all over ¡three score: Mrs. ty. He has been a citizen of Grants WATSON—In Ashland, April 23, 1907, The party had been enjoying the and evenings at residence ou First Ave. Kitchen. ) to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Watson, a son drive along the banks of the Truckee short ...e, under certain conditions Elizabeth Myer Andereon, Mrs. Mary Pass over three years. Office Phone No. 451. its period of existence was not lim Ann Myer Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth Pat- Mre. Cornelius K. Vanderbuilt and RHODES—Near Talent, April 23, 1907, and was returning home when the Street Paving. to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rhodes, a son. lights of the machine failed to work. ited -j a few months. Cold is deadly tereon Thornton, Mrs. Mary Hoffman party of New York in their private car Vining, Mrs Chloe Cox Cole. Mrs. Ellen Wayfarer, were in tbe Ashland yards Suddenly one wheel jfent into a The city council last nijhi adoDted to it. Hendrix Wagner, Mrs. Elizabeth Mc Monday en route north. Traveling GEO- W. TREFREN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. ditch and the occupMts were pitched the street paving ordlnanceunanimousiy Colm Payne, Mrs. Ellen Million Gid Passenger Agent John Paul Jones met headlong against a culvert. Rough Riders to Meet in Prescott. dings, Mrs. Cecelia Wells Songer, Mrs. the party here. and directed the city recover to prepare I.\WYER AND NOTARY PUBLIC An automobile which was follow Los Angeles, April 22.—The an Lavina Doliarhide Mingus, Mrs. Martha specifications and adver/is« for bide. FOR SALE — Hand seeder and cultiva Examines Titles and Abstracts, registers Thousands have pronounced Hol listers ing close behind brought the injured tor for sale, $6 50; cost $15. Good as nual reunion of the Rough Riders of vyters, collect» taxes, secures marriage The council also urged tie early ship Walker Barron, Mrs. Sarah Million Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest heal new. Apply at Record office. No. to the home o< Mrs. Werrin at Reno, the Spanish-American war is to be licenses and hunting licenses, wriiee ment of the lead making^aebinery. Kentnor, Mrs. Marth Hill Gillette, Mrs ing power on earth. When medical 33. life and tire insurai ce and transacts a where it was found Mrs. Werrin had held in Prescott, A. T., on July 3d science fails, it succeeds. Makes you Haeeltine Hill Rnesell, Mrs. Mary Hill THE UP-TO-DATE OPTICIAN Whooping C'tajth. general office and conveyancic g business. well and keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea i WANTED—A good, steady horse for both legs broken, her face cut and next, according to a letter received Dunn, Mrs. Christina Kiddle Mathes. work on a small ranch. Weight about body bruised. Mrs. Somers had her Speciai atteneisn given to collection and or Tablets. L P. Orr. 1 have uted Cliambftlain’e Cough here today from Justice Sloan of the 12 cwt. Address R. M. C. care Valley Land Office and pension practice. Remedy in mv family in ^aeee of whoop lef leg broken, and Miss Smith had RELIGIOUS. The Norwich, Chenango county, Tele Record. ink» cough and want to 01 you that it is Territorial Supreme Court, who is Call and see me in Room Two, graph announces tbe rather sudden her left shoulder fractured and a secretary of the commission which is The Christian Cburoh ninth annual death of Erwin H. Hyde, at that place FOUND—On Main street, near Second, Pioneer Block Ashland. Oregon the best medicine I bavf ever used.— W. F. Gaston, Ga Thi/remedy is safe making preparations for the event. number of cuts and bruises. tip end of fur boa. Loser will please roll call Saturday and Sunday showed a on the 10th»inst. Deceased was a and sure. For sale by McNair Bros. call at Peter Barneburg’s on Mountain All of the ladies are prominent in The mveillng of the equestrian net increaee of 35 per cent in member brother of Mrs B. H. Hatch of Ashland Avenue. social circles. of Captain ship, and the $200 mortgage was burned. and tbe Norwich paper speaks highly Wm. Kahler, forme4y of Jackson statue in memory of him. The cause of death was an WANTED —To rent a 30 or 40 acre ranch county, but for several 'ears a resident “Buckey” O’Neill and other com The financial exhibit was most gratify with some water and some alfalfa on of the etale of Washington, has located rades of President Roosevelt, who ing, there hayiDg been raised in all de acute attack of Brights disease, following A Buster Brown Suit for tbe little Registered Under State Law a reunion and banquet of tbe fire de it, suitable to raise hoge. Apply 'to in Central Point fellows. Vaupel, Beebe & Kinney. lost their lives in the charge on San partments of the church a total of partment of which he was foreman. 31, care of Record office. Cureel ol Ithec^iatistn. Juan Hill, is to take place on the $2925.54, during the fiscal year just The funeral took place under tbeaus Mr. Wm Henrv of Cot(tanooga, Tenn, same day. John S. McGroarty of Los pices of the Knights Templar of Nor FOR SALE—Cumberland and Phenom NOTICE TO BRICK AND STONE CONTRACTORS. onal Raspberry and Mammoth black- closed. Of this amount tbe Bible School had rl eutnatitni in his lit arm. “The Angeles has been invited to compose raised $152 73; the Ladies Aid, $270.25; wich. berry plants for sale. Apply to G. L. That the brick-layers and stone ma- strenxtli seemed to bavd>one out of the to they tit? If they’re not EX Parslow. 20 Chestnut street. and read a poem for the occasion. muscles so that it wsb unless for work, eons have organized a B. and M. I. U. the C. W. B. M., $55.12; the C. E., ACTLY right, let ue make them so. ’ ESTAIL TRANSFERS. heeaye. “I applied Uhtnberlaine Pain It is still believed that President $36 41; and the church proper, $2411.02 EGGS FOR SETTING- White Plymouth in Medford and on tbe first day of May, When we tit you, we fit you AC- Bahn and wrapped the am iu flannel at Roosevelt will attend and deliver the CURATELT. Long experience, Christian Borgen, 160 acres, u Rocks, 15 eggs $1.50; Brown Leghorns, 1907, tbe eight hour law will go into Of these sums $2646.49 went for local every necessary scientific apparatus night, and to my relief I (kind that the 32, w. sec 22, J> 32. 15 eggs, $1; apply to L. 8. Goodyear, effect. Tbe jurisdiction of this union You want first-class work and the required knowledge en work, including two revival meeting, pain gradually left me and^he strength address. .tare to F M Stewart, lot 4, blk c F Dectar : 61 Church street. ChickenB for sale. includes Jackson, Josephine and Klam abling us to correctly use the same, ath counties. For further information , ’ s add, Medford; $130. returned. In three weeks\he rheurna- and the amount applied to the church 99, BeaUy i that will endure and work our own complete workshop, with t em bad disappeared and Us not since , lith to L B Kent, lot 18, blk R, F0R8ALE—Lot 100 by 200 feet, 10 min inquire of S F 8Ait debt, while $279.05 went for various Seven Years to Complete Canal. every facility—even to the grinding ute walk from Ashland poetoffice; R obt . M. H uggins , Medford, Ore. Jackson’s add, Medford; $175. returned.” If troubled^th rheuma that is put in right. Thf^uidig» of special lense»—are all at your price $150. Can be paid for by cutting Washington, April 22.—John F. missionary enterprises. Laura High to J C Ferguson, part lot tism try a few application'll Pain Balm. disposal here, assuring a service wood. Inquire at Ashland Marble right price is also an Rev. J. J. Evans, who has conducted 14, Haraadine tract, Ashland; $150. • e •- •- •- • -*■ You are certain to he pleaed with the Stevens, formerly chief engineer and not possible with others less fortu V V W “ • * X » “ • “ “ “ • » • 4 TUTU B 4 4 4 Works. ‘ nately equipped. Again—do your C E Miinehart et ux to M F Gillespy, relief which it affords. Fo sale bv Mc chairman of the Isthmian Canal services for tbe Christian ebureh the portant item. To get all ■lasses FIT. or nearly fit? past two weeks, aided not a little in the Nair Bros. Commission, talked with the Presi happy culmination of the plans for tbe 112 kercs, Ashland and lot 64, Pracht’s H0U8E-M0VING—Stone, brick and ce- add, Ashland ; $330. ment work of all kinds. Potter & th ese call on Tbe Ladies Aid Society of)he Congre dent about conditions on the isth raising of tbe debt. J W Robinson et al to 0 L Reames, Lindsey, PoBtoffice box 575, Ashland, gational church will serve ’ warm din mus. He said it will take between Ore. Is the Young Man Bate? Will be the mining land, Jackson creek district; $10. ner-supper Wednesday, J^ril 24th, C I Hutchison et al to W E Wheeler, TYPEWRITER—Chicago tyyewriter, front 5 to 7 o’clock, coneiejtg of roast six and seven years to complete the theme at the Presbyterian church next 800 acres, sec 10, tp 34, 3 e; $1. Sunday evening. Morning sermon, little used, for sale. Inquire at Valley meats, mashed potatoes, wfte bread, canal. G F King et ux to W E Wheeler, 1280 Main Street near Bridge, Record office. Boston brown bread, Bostn baked It is reported that Stevens has “Blivbted Blossoms” the last in series aces, tps 33, 34 sad 36, 3 e; $1. beans, salads, picklee, coffet tea, and been retained by the Pennsylvania of spring time sermons. Good music at G F King et ux to W E Wheeler, land PATENTS—Anyone having use for the all services. desert uith pies, cakes, fri^s. The in sec 36, ip 32, 2 e; $1. services of an attorney at Washington, railroad to value its physical prop choir of the church will rend* musical Methodist Episcopal Church: Sunday E Gertrude King to W E Wheeler, D. O., to secure patents for inventions, MAKES erty. It is said that the railroads in selections during the Eupper ad while school, 9:45; Regular services, 11:00; 480 acres, sec 30, tp 34, 3 e; $1. will do well to call or address tbe Rec you eat. Supper and entertainent, 25 tend to forestall action on this line Junior Epworth League, 3:30; Inter J T Nolan et nx to G F King, lot 1, ord office. cents. You are invited to cotk and to by the Government, believing that national League, 5:30; Epworth League, aod lanóin sec 6, tp 36, 3 e; $1. ■WRAPPING AND CARPET PAPERS— enjoy yourself. \ the roads in most cases could not be 6:30; Evening service, 7:30; Midweek Old newspapers for sale at Valley Rec prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30. H. J. AND INSURANCE duplicated for their capitalization. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas ord office. Suitable for wrapping pur Van Foesen, pastor. poees and for putting under carpets. County, m . Christian Church: Bible school at Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be Farm and City Property a Specialty Jealousy Causes Suicide. 9:45; Communion service and preaching is senior partner of the firm of F. J. RAMBOUILLET RAMS—We have a fine lot of rams, large heavy shearers New York, April 22.—Jealaps at 11; Junior at 3:30; preaching at 7:30. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city Easterling Block, Fourth St. of fine wool, raised on tbe range all over her sweetheart’s artistic admir Y. PS. C. E. at 6:30; Preaching at 7:30; btTo/xlo, Ohio, County and State afore the time, full blood and registered, for (Poley’a old stand) Regular services next Lord’s day in said xttd that Faid firm will pav the sum ation for Madame Calve, the famous the morning. At night tbe services will of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each sale at fair prices. J. 8. Herrin & Son, Send fur free ASHLAND : : : OREGON Ashland, Oregon. prima donna, is said to be the cause be under tbe direction of tbe Christian and every case of Catarrh that cannot booklet “How Womans Board of Missions. for the sensational suicide of Isabelle be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh FOR 8ALE OR TRADE—An Ideal Cash I Register, new and up-to-date. May Sponges 5c up Olympic Routtelot, a handsome French girl, First Baptist church, corner High and Cure Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in i , be seen and examined at the Record Church streets. Preaching at II a. ro. Concentrated Lye 10c who ended her life yesterday in the Flour is my presence, this 6th day of December, office. and 7:30 p. m. each Lord ’ s day; Sunday Chamois 15c up Borax 20c lb. apartments of the man she loved, school, 9:45 a. m.; B. Y. P. U. session, A. D. 1886. Wrought by HOU8ECLEANER —Mrs. M. M. Bowers Carbolic Acid 10c up (Seal) A. W. Gleason, during his absence. 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. THE BICYCLE MAN has moved to B street, between Sixth Notary Public. Extra Strong Ammonia Water 25c Scientific Has purchased Shively’s old stand and Seventh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern Bon Ami 10c Electric Silicon 15c New marble just arrived direct from ally and acta directly on tbe blood and Horsemen Attention. Methods.” And is prepared to do All Kinds of 8ALE OR TRADE. 181-acre farm in quarries at Ashland Marble Works, 93 mucous surfaces of the system. Send Chloride Lime 15 Rough on Rate 15 Webster Co., Mo., 75 acres in crop, ; Bicvcle Repairing and Reconstruction. The Belgian Stallion Senef will make N. Main street. One Catholic (cross) for testimonials free. ft Fumigating Candles 25c goes with trade. Will trade for farm price $125 One monnment, 5 feet high I >e season at Ashland and vicinity. F. J. Cheney AOo., Toledo, O. □ear Ashland, take Borne stock in deal, All Kinds of I 5 snt, all sizes and prices At W. R. Tucker’s Ashland Livery W. O W. monument, Sold by all Druggists, 75c. New Wheels for sale in their reason. sueb as team, cows, wagon. Address, from $2.50 up. Cali soon and leave or K,bie (Fox’s old stand) beginning Take Hall’s Family Pills for conetip- J. L. Wonderly, La Molne, Cal. The Portland Flouring Mills Co # Cast Side Pharmacy atat April 20. Previous to this lime ders for spring work; patronize home ation. Second-Hand Wheels for sale. James J. McNair, Druggist Uwill be found at Geo. W. Owens* trade and save yourself 20 per cent on Portland, Oregon. FOR 8ALE—Five pure bred Herford cost. A shland M arblk W orks . la^ three miles east of Ashland. This spring samples of saltings are bulls; two 2-year-olds, three yearlings, M Phone us your wants. Main 883 Faw Filing and Small Lathe Work. The Grange wants an agricultural here. Make your selection early. P., inquire of Geo. W. Owen, Ashland, beet collection of garden tools at President of the Agricultoral College. Lawn Mowers Ground. Lambert, Merchant Tailor. I phone Sub-998 »»♦♦♦♦»*♦♦« i< 11 I <"» <'♦♦♦»**♦ Tbat’s strange. Always a pleasure to show goods BEEBE VAUPEL, & KINNEY VALLEY RECORD. J. I?. Dodge & Sons House Furnishers & Undertakers U A A vk A BIEGEL & SCHEBLE General Hardware Store » ß If your eyes give you trouble consult ------- -—4- H. L. WHITED The latest methods and instruments PLUMBING PROVOST BROS. Munsell Optica! Co. Hardware T ¿aware Plumbing The Best Flour The Finest Bread Use Olympic AND GET BOTH E1STEKLM REAL ESTATE Stoves, Ranges, Etc H(H’SE(LEANI!tJ HELPS Agricultural Implements, Wire Fencing TOOLS Builders* Materials I i M. PERKINS » C. E. BUSH