Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, December 17, 1903, Image 3

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A shland , O b ., Thursday, Dec. 17, 1903.
For Delinquent Taxes for the Year 1902
N orthern
n Ji of following: beg at a point
by virtue of a warrant issued out of the 89.55
feet s and 20 feet west of the n
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Sleeping Cars
Sleeping Cars
Through tickets to J tpan and China, via
Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Scott J B—
wJi of sw% sec 13. twp38. sr 4 w
For information, time cards, map and
tickets, oall on or write
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
O regon
S hortline
amd union P acific
3 Trains to the East Daly.
Through Pullman standard and tour­
ist sleeping-cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; tonrist sleeping-car
daily to Kansas City; Through Pullman
tourist sleeping-cars (personally con­
ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City,
reclining chair care (seats free) to the
East daily.
T imz S chsdules .
A bbivi
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. 4:30 p. in
Worth,Omaha, Kan­
sas City, St Louis,
9:50am. Chicago and East.
Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. 10;30a.m.
Worth, Omaha, Kan­
8:15 p. m
sas City, St Louis,
Via Hun­ Chicago and East.
St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewis­ 7 :35 a. m.
Fast Mail ton, Hpokane, Min­
neapolis, St. Paul.
6:00 p m
Duluth, Milwaukee.
Spo kane Chicago and East.
Portland to Chicago 70 Hours
Ocean and River Schedule from
All sailing dates sub­
4:30 p m
ject to change.
For San Francisco —
Sail every 5days
8p. m
C olumbia R ivzb
4 p. m
S tzambbs
Ex Sun-
Ex. 8un.
Uy. 8 p.
x>, Satur­
day 10 p. To Astoria and Way-
Bacon, Geo H—
swJiof seJi of swJ4. sec 11, twp
39. s r 1 e, 10 acres
Baldwin, Wallace—
R R addition, lots 19 and 20, b)k
Bryant, Delphia—
Beg se corner of land des in Bk of
deeds vol 8 p 614. sd cor being on w
line ot d I c no 40 thence 22 rods 10
ft 8 in w 33 3-5 rds n 22 rds 10 ft 8 in
e 33 8 5 rds to beg. Sec 8-39 1 e. 5
Helman’s addition lots 1, blk
Bush, A—
Summit addition, lots 9 and 10,
block 10,
Butler. John H—
lot (? addition) No 2, block 6,
Caldwell, A C—
nwJ4 of swJ4 sec 16, two 36, s r 4
w. also beginning at a point on n
line of Boulevard 10.73 chains and
6,91 chains n of the se corner of d 1
c No 45; thence 56 degs 15 min w,
12 10 chains, n 7 18 chains, s 60 degs
e 1.10 chains, a 60degs30 min, e 3 41
chains, s 60 degs 30 min, s 3 80
chains, s 53 degs, e 3.60 chains, s
7.60 chains to beginning, sec 15. twp
39. s r 1 e, containing in all 47 acres
Camps, Hattie
Camps’ Photograph Gallery on
Main street 40 ft front,
Clute, Frank-
Beg 12 rods w of the ne corner of
the ne% of nw% of sec 5, 39, 1 e, as
described book of deeds, vol 40, page
442 in sec 8, ? twp 39. s r 1 e, con-
tainmg 5 acres
Downing. J L—
Beg at a point bearing s 65 degs
min . e ________
and 1146 feet from nw cor­
ner of d 1 c No 40 39 1 e, thence s 13
degs and 30 min, with variations of
19 degs 35 min e 209 feet, thence e
4'5 feet, n 207 feet, w 417 feet to be­
ginning (2 acres) Also beginnig at
point 2 87 chains w of the sw cor of
d 1 c No 40-39 1 e. w 5 28 chains, s
5 68 chains, e 5.28 chains, n 5.68
chains to beg (3 a)
Eddy, A F—
Pelton, Holsey and Neil addition
lot at intersection of Oak and Ne­
vada streets, 577.5x30 feet.
Eddy. Martin—
1 acre off of ne end of 0 8 Price
land, Sec 14-39- le
Gibson. John R,
swJi of swJJ of sw% sec 7-39-1 e,
cont 10 acres,
Goin, G R—
nJi of sw*4 of se!i and se% of ne
Ji st seJi of sec 16, twp 39, s r 1 e,
cont 30 acres
Hamelton. Est—
nwJi of neJi and 13J4 a in ne
corner of neJi of nw% sec 22, twp
38, s r 2 e, cont 53J£ acres,
Harding, Anthony—
sJ4 of swJi, nwJi of sw% and sw
Ji of nw Ji sec 4, twp 38, s r 1 e. con
XÏP“Tickets via this route on sale at 8 160 acres,
P. depot.
Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or Harding,
s w diagonal Ji of ne Ji of swJi
sec 4-38-1 e, 20 acres
Go East Through Portland
Helms, A D—
house and 1 acre on Oak street
bought of Walter O'Dononghue
....Utters choice of Three Gateways.....
Kansas City,
St. Joseph or
To Chicago and Points East.
e corner of lot 4 sec 5 39-1 e; thence
w 139 feet; s 156 feet; e 139 feet; n
156 feet to beginning
Oldem, H P—
Prachts addition lot 54
Phillips, Lena—
Summit add lots 20 and 21 block 48
Potter. Mrs Laura A—
Chitwood tract, house and s J4 of
lot 4 block 20
Prince. L Lewis—
From R R lots 3 and 4 block 8
Reeser. H F—
n w 1-4 of s w 1-4 sec 16-39 1 e, 40
Russell, Mrs L J—
12 acres off of following from El­
mer Patrick: eJi of ne *4 of sw 1-4
and nw 1-4 of se 1-4 se 1-4 sec 8-39-le
Slitinkin, Geo—
Undiv Ji interest in e Ji of sw 14
of ne 1-4 (less 4 acres sold) sec 16,
twp 39, s r 1 e, cont six acres
Snider, E A—
undiv Ji interest in tract beg at
the ne comer of lot 3, block 29,
thence n 61 degs, w Ji foot, s 10 dees
w 105 feet, s 64 degs, e 43Ji feet to
west line of Water street, n 23Ji
degs, e 100.5 feet to beginning
8tone, H E—
Beg at a point 30 links n and 45
links e of the s w corner of nw 1-4
of n w 1-4 sec 5. n 54 degs, w parallel
to sec line 14.80 chains to s line of
Edding street, etc, sec 5-39-1 e, 8.16
Stone. H E No2—
sJi of se 1-4 of nw 1-4; also beg
at the sw cor of the ne 1-4 of sec 8,
thence n 40 rods, e 4 rods, s 40 rods
w 4 rods to beginning, sec 8, twp 39
s r 1 e cont 21 acres
11 32 Sutton. Frank—
nw Ji of sec 28, twp39, s r4 e,
cont 160 acres
Taylor, Mrs Robt,
house and lot 2, block 8
the County of Jackson, on the 7th day
of November ,1903, commanding me to
advertise and sell the property of the
Delinquent Taxpayers for and in the
said Countv, for the past year 1902 as ex
tended in the “Delinquent Column” on
the l'ax-Rolls of Jackson County, 8tate
of Oregon, for the said year, or eo much
of said property of said Delinquent Tax­
payers ae will eatiefv the taxes charged
against said Taxpayers for the said year,
together with all penalties, interests and
all the costs for the collection ol the
The following is a correct transcript
of the Delinquent Property as shown in
the Delinquent Column and delinquent
for the 1902 tax and assessed to the par­
ties or persons whose names appear op­
posite each decription and ae the same
are recorded on the Tax-Rolla for the
1903 tax, and I will on
At the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon
of said day, at the front door of the
Court Houee, in the town of Jackson­
ville, Oregon, in obedience to said war­
rant, expose for sale and sell at Pubilc
Auction, to the person or persons, who
offer to pay all the taxes, accruing penal­
ties and costs thereon, and take a Tax-
Certificate (same being redeemable
within three years from the date of sale)
at the lowest rate ot interest, for cash in
band on the day ot the sale, the follow­
ing described real property, ae set forth
in eaid Delinquent Tax-list, to-wit:-
Hughs, Dr—
e)i ot ne Ji of ne Ji of seJi tec 16-
3’J-l e, 5 acres
Hull, Emma F—
Coolidge addition, bouse and lot
3 and 4 block 35
Johnson. Helen E—
Beg 20 chains e of the Ji section
corner, between sec 5 anil 8, s 33
min. e 7.50 chains, w 16 25 chains, n
35 min, w 7.50 chains, e 16 25chains
(12 19 acres) sec 8-39-le
Koshland, Frank—
Beg at Ji section corner between
sections 14 and 22; thence s 20
chains, e 6.50 chains, n 62% degs, e
4 51 chains, n 53Ji degs, e 2.37 ch’ns
thence n 4 Ji degs, e 4.10 chains, n
73J$ degs, e 1 61 chains, n 65 degs, e
1-12 chains, 55 degs e 266 chains,
thence 36 min, e 1 72 chains, n 9
degs. e 3 91 chains, n 55)4 degs, e
4.41 chains to O AC R R, thence n
31 degs, w 13 18 chains, thence n 29
degs w 2 77 chains, n 11 degs. w
3 60 chains, thence w 3 50 chains to
nw corner of lot 4, sd twp, thence s
20 chs. n 20 chains to beginning sec
23-38-1 e. cont 53 acres
Landers. Mrs Ella—
R R addition lots 21,22 and 23,
block “U”
Lerov. A D—
R K addition tots 4,5 and 6, b'ock
Through Standard and Tourist sleep­
ing cars daily between San Francisco
and Chicago via Los Angeles and El
Through Tourist Sleeper each Tues­
day from Portland to Chicago via Salt
Lake and Colorado Springe.
Through Standard Sleeping Cars daily
between Ogden and Chicago.
Eowest rates in effect always available
via “Kock II nd System ”
Reduced s OUND TRIP RATES iu
effect on J ilv 12. 13,15 and 16 and Au­ l ong, Mrs I H—
gust JH, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days return
Coolidge addition, house and lot
Be sure to see that your ticket reads Lull, R L—
via the
e Ji of the following: Lot 6. block
35, Codidge addition, also begin­
ning at the sw corner lot 6. thence
s ‘0 feet e 150 feet to the west line of
The be9t and most reasonable Dining Matn street, n 2*i degs 12 min w to
the se corner sd lot 6. thence w,
Car Service.
124 tcet to beginning (except part
For Rates, Folders, Etc., write to oi sold
to Emil Pei!)
cull on
Miller, W W—
Highland Park addition, house
General Agent,
Trav. Pass. Agt. and lot No 48 and w J$ of lot No 49
250 Alder St., Portland. Or.
Millsap, A J—
R R addition, lots 28 and 29. block
Montreal and Oregon Gold Mine—
nw>4 of sec 7. twp 31, s r 1 e and
Mosher, W B —
Helu:au’s addition, lot
Murry, Miss S—
e’4 of »» J4 and sw 1-4 of ne 14
and uw 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 32. twp 38, s
D esigns
r 2 e. containing 160 acres
Thrush, Mrs Nathan-
Beg at the corner common to sec
8-9-16 and 17. twp 39-1 e, thence n
105 feet, e 8.94 feel, s 105 feet, w 8 91
to beginning:also beginning at
2 65 feet,
above point n 105 feet, w 208 feet, s
along w bank of Ash. creek, 105
chains, e 181 feet to beginning
6 83
Vandekar, A—
Beg at a point 45 links w of nw
corner of d I c no 53 38-1 e thence w
4.95 chains, s 5,50 chains, e 4.95
chains, c 5.50 chains to beginning,
6 78 containing 2,72 acres twp 38, s r l'e
Walker, F E & Elizabeth-
Beg at a point 4 25 chains s and
2 64 8 25 chains w of the ne corner of the
nw 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 5-39-1 e, s Ji
e 5.80 chains, n 3.22 chains, n
50 deg,
Ji deg. w 3 80 chains, e 3.22 chains
to beginning (1.87 a)
Wallace, E H —
R R addition lot 22, block "L”
Watson. Mrs Ella—
Hargadine tract house and lot 8
West. Dr J W—
Beg at a point 20 chains n' and
4.22 chains w of the corner common
15 05 to sec 8-9-16 and 17,twp 39-1 e,
thence s 5 degs 36 min, e 2 60 chains,
thence 23 degs 30 min, e 4.48 chains,
thence s 67 degrees, w 11 25 chains,
29 05 n 27.40 chains, e 35.75 chains to be­
ginning, sec 8, twp 39, s r 1
e, also R R addition house and lot
32, block •■M"
i Williams. S H—
I Beg 2.85 chains w of the nw cor-
33 6 > ner u
d A 1 c.
v. no 40
-AV 39-1 V.
e. thence
HJCine w, 0.57I
chains, s 12 54 chains n 33Ji chains
e, 15.40 chains to beg, (5 62 a)
Woodruff. L A—
R R addition lots 16 and 17, block
Young. E D—
Mining ditch on E L Hammond
property. Bee 26-34-4 w
16 98
4 13
C opyrights A c .
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention Is probably patentable. ConimunlCA-
tlons strictly oonfldentlal HAN0800X on Patents
sent free. Oldeet agency for eeevring patents.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
sysciei aetics, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest c*.r-
enlatlon of any snontiac journal. Terms. S3 a
rear: four months, SL Sold by all newsdealers.
& Co '361Broadway.
Branch Offlce. 6S F SU Washington. D. C.
Mver. E D—
K R addition lots 7 and 8, block C
McNutt, W I—
beg at a point 11.15 chains n of the
s w corner il I c no 40-39 1 e n 13*1
feet s i 2 <'e--rees e 8 50 chains «22
degree- e 123 feet n 7 degrees w 7 33
chains (I NJ acre)
Xoh e. H E—
k w 1-4 of n e 1-4 secdun S. twp 40,
ar. east, 49 acres
2 64
2 65
5 95
4 24
3 30
9 16
8 48
Holmes, Bros—
mill property sec2, twp 36, s r 1 w
cont 35 acres and warehouse on R
R R of way at Central Point
119 20
Smith, W F—
eJi of ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 8 and
8 46
wov loti 8ec8 twp 35 a r 1 w cont82
6 60
West, 8 A & G H—
nw 1-4, wJi of ne 1-4 and n Ji of sw
1-4 (less 32 a)sec8twp 35srl e cont
3 08 283 acres
Wetzel. J D—
bw 1-4 of sec 36, twp 36, s r 1 e
cont 160 acres
7 00
Flounce Rock.
9.95 Willits W W—
nX of se 1-4, ne 1-4 of se 1-4 and se
1-4 of ne 1 4 sec 20, twp 32, s r 2 e.
2 12 cont 160 acres
Wilcox, E—
ejiof i nw ‘ 14 ‘ and nji of sw 1-4 sec
18 01
8-31-3 e. 160 a
Acres F H—
se 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 36. twp 36, s r 4
w. cont 40 acres
Beckner. W E & True. J B—
from the R R 1901 sw 1-4 of Be 1-4
sec 29 36-3 w.
14 31
Dailev, W P—
nw 1-4 of ne 14 sec 13 and eJ4 of
sw 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 12, twp 37 8 r 4 w
60 acres
Robinson. P R—
i X of nw 1-4 and nw 1 4 of nw 1-4
sec 3 and ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 4, twp
37, s r 4 w, 160 acres
4 24
4 60
2 89
6 85
3 18.
1 83
Big Butte.
3 42
6 35
2 26
9 04
Caine. W A—
Lot no 7, block 10
Cowing, A C—
— <
Dekum addition lots t-2-3 block 5
and part of lot 1 block 16
Downing, T J—
Beg at the nw corner of d 1 c no 36
32 rods, s 30 rods, n 32 rods, w 30
rods to beginning, sec 32 and n J4 of
ne 1-4 and lots 4-5 and 6. sec 32. twp
36 s r 2 w. cont 106 acres
Dunn, R R—
undiv Ji interest with Miner in
lot 7 sec 27 and se 1-4 of se 1-4 and
e Ji of ne 1-4 sec 34, twp 36 s r 3 w.
cont 77 a
Gallagher, W F—
Dekum addition lot 12, block 15
Lame, J H—
Orchard Home Association tract
lot 30 block 3 and Orchard Home
Association tract lots 14 and 16,
block 4 (outside)
Landis, Geo A—
Beg on s line of county road be­
tween sections 16 and 21 bears n 77
degs 18 mins, w 402 chains, s 58
links from said point, s 12 degs. w
10.73 chains, s 77 degs 18 min. e 1.87
chains to post, n 12 degs 42 min. e
10 73 chains to s line of countv road
thence along s line 1 87 chains to
beg. (2 a) sec 21-36-3w. and lots 1-11
and 12. block 9
Edeall, John B—
lots 3 4 and 5 block 14
Hammer, Noah—
lots 1 2 7 and 8 block 1
Jairgi, J A—
se 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 32. sw 1 4 of sw
1-4 sec 33-33-2w. e Ji of ne 1-4 sec 5
and w Ji of nw 1 4 sec 4, iwp 35, s r
2 w; cont 180 acres
Teel, H J-
lots 3 6 and 7
Stearnes. 8 8—
lot 2 block 3
Austin, A E—
Cottage Home addition lots 7-
8-9 and 10 block 1
Bradbury, N B—
mill and residence, nX of lot
3 and all of lots 4-5 and 6 blk 9
Crouch, B F—
house and frac, of lots 1-2 and
3 block 61
Davis and Virgin—
flour mill and lots 1 to 14 blk
13 in Central Point
Dodge, W P—
s 2-5 of wj of lot 3 block 1 and
of e% of lot 3 block 1
Donneley, J E—
lot 3 block 40
Drain, C D—
125 feet off of the e side C
street adjoining E D Elwood on
the south
Drew, Judson—
5a out of nw corner J GHodges
property adj Medford on e eide
twp 37, s r 2 w and Cottage
Home addition lot 13 block 1
Gorsline, O E—
mill and lot 2 11 and 12 block
33 and house and lots 13 and 14
block 18
Greenland, Mrs Gertie—
beg 11.53 chains s of nw cor­
ner of ej^ of nej£ sec 8, thence s
8.94 chains e 5.59 chains n 8.94
chains w 5.59 chains to beg 5
acres: sec 37-2 w; Ish addition
block 5 (1J^ a)
8 49 Hooker, A H—
house and lot 2 block 59
Hoover,U M—
house and lot 3 block 28
2 80 Isaacs, Geo W—
aw} of swj^ nJ of sw} and a}
of nw} see 1 bw } of aeJi nwj^ of
e} of w} sec 12 and nj£ of
2 26 neJi
nwj^ sec 13, twp 36,1 e 520 a
Johnson, J 0 Est—
beg at the e corner of ee cor of
3 71 sec 19 thence N 12.07 chains, w
22.55 chains 8 29 degrees w 12.81
chains to a point which is n 21
decrees w 1.27 links from the ne
6 35 corner of e line of d 1 c no 42
thence e on s line of w} of se}
sec 19.27 chains (lees lb acres
sold Richardson) sec 19-37-1 w
cont 14 acres
4 00 Jones, J 0—
4 00
17 46
3 54
1 00
31 48
4 76
10 62
15 8’.
14 45
4 25
96 72
2 65
7 08
17 19
18 28
Elmore, Effie-
Lot 3 and 4, block 25.
Holmes. Wm M—
tract of 2 acres of d 1 c no 43
Eagle Point in twp 36. s r 1 w; tra-'t
of 5 acres as described in book of
deeds vol 75, page 49 sec 3 twp 37
s r 2 w: also beg 80 rods w of the n
e corner of d 1 c no 55, tec 26-38-2 w
w 20 chains, s 20 chains e 20 chains
n 20 chains to beginning sec 34 twp
39. s r 2 w (40 a); house and block
64: bouse and lots 13 and 14 block 6
bouse and lot 14 block 5; and lot 12
Jacobs. John W—
Cooksey addition sec 10, twp 37, s
r 2 w 1 acre
Karney and Sims—
J4 interest in hotel and lots 10-11-
12 and 30 block 14
Mee, Mary—
Constant addition lot 9
Nichols, Mrs Jennie-
house and Jot 1 block 24
Ward!ow. Mrs A F—
sw 14 of se 1-4 of nw 1 4 sec 14
twp 39 s r 1 e cont 10 acres
Wayment. 8 J—
lot 8 block 50
Crain, John H—
n e 1-4 sec 20, twp 37 s r 1 e cont
3 82 ICO acres
Haberly, John B—
s e Ja sec 26 twp 34 s r 4 w.
containing 160 acres
9 90
McConnville, Hugh Est—
e % of n e % of s w
sec 4
twp 35 s r 3 w. cont 20 acres
1 40
Owens, Thoa—
seJ4 of nwt£ and nej£ of swj^
sec 10 twp 35 s r 4 w, cont 80 a
Roberts, C E—
sw} of ee 1-4 and ne 1-4 of se}
sec 21 twp 33 s r 4 w cont 80 a
Schumcker, Luther—
s w } sw } of n w 1-4, sec 15
twp 33 a r 4 w. 120 acres
Williams, J C—
s e 1-4 of n w 1-4, s w 1-4 of n
e 1-4 and tract in n e 1-4 of s w
14 (8 a) sec 11 twp 35 a r 4 w.
containing 88 acres
Burch, J—
s w 1-4 of e e 1-4 section 24 twp
38 e r 2 w. containing 40 acres
Burch, Jas A—
Gov lot no 1 sec 1 and tract of
d 1 c no 37 sec twp 38 s r 2 w.
containing 83 acres
Cole, Mrs May—
of s w 1-4 and s
of e e
1-4 sec 28 twp 33, s r 2 w. con­
taining 160 acres
King, R T—
beg 6.85 chains vr of n e cor of
d 1 c No 59 w 18.75 chains s 31 80
chains e 18.75 chains n 31.80 chs
to beginning sec 35 twp 37 s r 2
w. containing 20 acres
Lorentz, A H & M A—
n J^ of s e 1-4 sec 21 tw p 38 s r
2 w. containing 80 a
Minier, M E Est—
tracts of d 1 ce nos 44 and 95
as described book of deeds vol
32 p 46 and 47 sec 4 twp 38 s r 2
w. containing 47 acres
Pheister, C M—
beg 80 degrees 30 min e 11.14
chains from the intersection of
the n line of R R R of way with
w line of d 1 c no 76 w of e line
of Hall’s tract 18.96 chs to s line
of county road leading from
Jacksonville to Medford e 88 de­
grees on line of said road 5.36
chs to corner s 18.50 chs to n line
of said right of way 89 degrees
30 minutes w 5.30 chains to be­
10 62 ginning sec 26 two 37 s r 2 w.
cont 10 acres
Miller, Henry—
Cottage Home addition lots
3 38 Benson.S L—
11-12-14 and 15 block 1
nw 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 11, twp 38, s r
4 w. 39 acres
6 35 Montague, E J—
36 80 Bybee J W—
lote 1-2 and 3 block 49
e of sw% and wJ4 of se 14 sec
Morrow, G H •
18 and 640 acres as deeded by Beek­
house and lot 9 and 10 block 3
4 25 ! man & Reams book of deeds twp
37, s r 2 w, containing 800 acres
104 31 Orton, Sherman—
Park addition lote 6-7 and 8
Christian L F—
block 1
wJi of nw 1-4 sec 6, twp 38. 8 r
2 w, cont 85 acres
9 02
Palm, C W—
Donaldson-Selby, M J—
Ji interest with I L Hamilton
12 68
in Riley Myers land 1} acre twp
scribed property, 14 having been
37 8 r 1 w
: paid : a Ji of n
n Ji of s Ji sec 27,
and n >4 of sw 1 4, ne 1-4 and se 1-4
Parker, Mrs L R—
6 07 sec 28 and ne 1 4 sec 33, twp 38, s r
beg at the se corner of lot 2
2 w. cont 880 acres in all
43 40 block 2 Mingns sub div thence n
on e line of said lot to within 30
Hammond. A B—
feet of the ne corner of said lot
two mining ditches from Star
Gulch and piping plant and fix­
thence w parallel with n line of
2 80 said lot 3 chains 13 links s paral-
el with e line of said lot to s line
Hensley. J J—
thereof thenoe etolbeg cont 2a
27 42
Beg at the sw corner of J N T
lesa 100 feet off n end sold, twp
Miller, d I c no. thence n 136 feet, w
37, a r 2 w
258 feet thence 160 leet to beginning
sec 30, twp 37 s r 2 w, containing 4
2 40 Puhi, August—
Constant addition to Central
1 45 Hume, R D—
Point, lots 5 and 6
nw 1-4 of nw 1-4 sec 31, twp 33,
Richards, G T—
and ne 1-4 of nw 1-4 sec 31, twp 31, s
11 32
Orchard Home Assoc tract lots
1 12 r 1 e. cont 80 acres
2 and 3 block 3, 2.8 acres
Lemon, John—
s 1-2 of block 15
4 50 Solies, D B—
n e 1-4 of n e 1-4 6ec 22 twp
Miller, Daniel Est—
38 a r 2 w. cont 40 acres
se 1-4 of sw 1-4 sec 24, twp 38, s
r 2 w. 40 acres
2 26 Sturdevant, C A—
8 acres off of e end E P Ben-
North, J—
mining claim in nw 1-4 tec 22-38
netta, sec 13 twp 37 a r 2 w
3w 50 acres
3 10
Rice, Horace—
Overbeck, Fred—
lot 1 and 2 block 32
% interest with Susie Neil in se
A D—
1-4 of sw 1-4 sec 24, twp 37, 8 r 3 w.
Cottage addition lota 3 and 4
14 acres, also Pool and Klippie ad­
25 15 dition 1-6 interest with Susie Neil in
block 3
lots I and 3, block 68
.71 Shirley, M A—
se} of se} sec 35-32-2 e and lota
7 02 Pape. Henry, Est—
• se 1 4 of se 1-4 sec 36, twp 37, » r /
3 and 4 sec 1 and lot 1 sec 2-33-2
no 3w. 40 acres
2 10 e (160 a) also Ish addition lots 1
2 and 3
13 67 Schultz, Adolf—
lot 11 off of A H Meagley, Little
Stiner and Norman—
Homestead tract in sec 28, twp 37.
lot 3 block 18
36 s r 2 w. 5 acres
9 39
Sturges, W J—
Solomon, L—
etore and shop building on se
2 18
beg corner of sections 14 and 15
thence n 65 rods, w 160 rods, s 65
corner of 7th street and county
rods, e 160 rods sec 15, twp 35, s r 2
road; also lot 2 and nJ of lot 3
w. 75 acres, and house and lot 3
block 19
2 95 b'ock
33 42
Taylor, Mrs Phoebe—•
1 08 Thompson, D B—
Park addition lots 13 14 15
ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 se 1-4 of nw 1-4
and 16 block 1
sec 12-35-2 w. 80 acres
6 48
Thompson, Bessie—
let 10 block 52
e 1-2 of sw 1-4 and se 1-4 of nw 1-4
Vial, Mrs Clara—
sec 2-35-2 w. and e 1-2 of sw 1-4, nw
6 41 1-4 of sw 1 4 sec 33 and nw 1-4 of
house and lot 1 block 40
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Overland
Is the most famous of Transcon­
tinental trains via Omaha. Be­
tween Omaha and Chicago it runs
via the........ .........
3 20
6 37
7 44
2 57
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Double daily service Portland to
Chicago via this route, All meals
served in dining cars.
18 40
5 65
134 Third St., Portland
17 04
2 80
21 27
Leaves.Chicago Mondays 11 A. M. ¡Ar. Boston Tuesdays 5:20 P. M.
I<eaves Chicago Thursdays 11 A. M.
Ar. Boston Fridays 5:20 P M.
Leaves Kansas City Fridays 9:20 P. M.
Ar. St, Paul and Minneapo­
lis Saturday 7:20 P, M,
For particulars consult your agent^or address
G.S.Crane j8t. Louie, Mo. Ross C.CIine,u>s Andales0'
Rock Point
Sams Valley
se 1-4 of nw 1-4, s)^ of ne 1-4
and ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 sec 34, twp
11 37 35, s r 2 w
1-4 of se 1-4 sec 20, twp 35, s r 2
w, containing 80 acres
32 56
Lewis, W T—
of nw 1-4 and nj¿ of sw 1-4
sec 28, twp 35, e r 2 w, contain­
14 00 ing 160 acres
9 61 Meade, E F—
Cottage addition lot 5 block 1
Bears the Signature of
4 42
Pooh Bah
2 63
Reeves, W K Est—
two houses and lots in Ash­
land, no 11 and 12, block 6
65 65
8wansem, Samuel—
w } of ne 1-4, se 1-4 of nw 1-4
and nw 1.4 of eg 1-4 eec 11, twp
35, s r 2 w, cont 160 acres
6 37
5 83
Hall, Fannie—
lots 8 9 10 and sw 1-4 of ne
1-4 section 23, township 39, s r 1
w, containing 95 acres
Wilson, J M—
e } of sw 1-4 sec 22, twp 39, e
r 2 w, cont 80 acres
1 32
3 21
2 40
6 60
5 10
3 70
5 95
3 55
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo,
Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Fa­
mous Rocky Mountaid Scenery by Daylight
7 78
3 FastTrains Daily Between Ogden and Denver^
5 66
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and
Tourist Sleeping cars and Superb Dining
Car Service
3 55
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Ageat.
124 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR
For rates, folders and other
information address
12 02
6 05
3 55
[Concluded on Third page.]
Western Stage Co Don’t Fail to Call and Get Prices
Daily by Daylight between
Klamath Falls
and Pokegama
Connecting with Klamath
Lake R. R. for all points on
S. P. R. R.
Passenger, Express and
Fast Freight Line
Office; Mammoth Stables, largest and
most centrally located.
Travelers bonveyed to all points at rea­
sonable rates,
Best care given to stock. Phone 101.
26 00
26 55
4 62 Shortest Route, Best Time and Accom­
40 52
Barnum, Mrs S A—
se 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 23, twp
6 37 39, s r 2 w, cont 40 acres
Crump, J Est—
s w 1-4 of nw 1-4, wj£ of ne 1-4
se 1-4 of ne 1-4 and ne 1-4 ee 1-4
2 65 sec 19, twp 38, s r 2 w, contain­
ing 200 acres
Central Point.
Gains Heirs, Claude, Maud and
Tract of d I c No 56. sec 2, twp 37.
s r 2 w, cont 32 acres
Cole. G B—
E J4 of uov lot No 14, sec 14, twp
36, s r 2 w and also Gov lot No 3
same sec, twp and range coni in all
30 acres; also lot 10 block 6.
Colier, J —
Gov lot 2 sec 6. twp 37, s r 2 w
cont 8 acres.
2 83
2 12 Callahan, Mrs B E—
Mayberry, Mr—
2J^ acres bought of Day and
The Kind You Have Always Bought
3 55
Denison, Mrs Mollie—
8wof8wj¿eec4 twp 35 s r 3
w. cont 40 acres
Lipman, David—
lot 12 block 36
Mathie, Frank—
nw} sec 33, twp 36, e r 1 w 160
3 15
2 12
Columbia Gold Mining Co—
ne 1-4 of eo 1-4 eec 32, towp 36,
e r 3 w, cont 40 a
Hoover. Barbra—
w 1-2 of ee 1-4, ee 1-4 of nw 1-4
3 44 sec 33, township 36, s r 3 w,
containing 120 acres
Waybright, G H—
Mining ditch on the left band
forx of SardiDe creek known ae
the Sulphur Hydraulic Co, pipe
and fixtures,
5 30
house and lot 5 block 44
3 54
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa­
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-go<Ml” are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment,
beg at a point from which the
a corner of block 4 bears n 35de­
grees 30 minutes w 60 feet
thence 35 degrees 30 minutes e 50
feet thence n 64 degrees 30 min.
e 32 feet 7 in thence n 19 degrees
10 minutes w along line 51 feet 8
in thence a 54 degrees 30 min w
147 feet to beginning
Kerchenval, Nellie—
beg at a point on the w line of
ae} ait 4.85chaina n of aw corner
thereof n 9.75 chains to sw line
of J street e 35 degrees 30 min e
8.10 chs thence 45 de rees 30
minutes w 5.39 chs to beg (2J^a)
4 60 Lyon, Cora E—
2 25
Pleasant Creek.
Henderson, F M—
nw)4 of sw} sec 19, twp 38, s r
3 e cont 40 acres
8 96
Hooker. Mrs Jane—
house and lot 5 and 6 block 58
Foots Creek.
Brown, J L—
w Ji of sw 1-4 sec 22. ne 1-4 of se
1-4 and se 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 21 twp
34 s r 1 e. 160 acres
Clark. G H—
sw 1-4 of nw 14 and n Ji of nw 14
of sw 1 4 sec 16 twp 35, s r 3 e. cont
60 acres
15 93 Evans. Mrs M E—
all of sec 36, twp 33, s rie, cont
640 acres
Higinbotham. L M—
w Ji of ne 1-4 sec 4, two 35, s r 1 e
cont 80 acres
11 32 Lindsey. W L—
sw 1-4 of se 1-4 and se 1-4 of sw 1-4
sec 36-35 3 e. 80 acres
McCanley, A—
wJi of sw 1-4, ne 1-4 of sw 1-4, sw
1-4 of nw 1-4 and se 1-4 of se 1 4 sec
36, twp 35, s r 3 e. cont 200 acres
I McKee. W H—
sJi of nw 1-4 and n Ji of sw 1-4
see 11, twp 34-1 e
for Infants and Children
Bolle, Mary—
e Ji of nw 1-4 and n 1-2 of ne 1-4
sec 4, t*p 34. s r 2 w. and interest
In water ditch.
Gardner, Mrs Laura—
nw 1-4 ef sec 21. se 1-4 of s-w 1-4
sec 16, twp 33, s r 2 w; sw 1-4 of ne
1-4, eec 21 twp 33 s r 2 w. cont 240
Eagle Point
Savage, G L—
gov lot 6 in n w
of I w J»
sec 16 twp 36 « r 2 w
s w ?4 of n e
sec 36 twp 36,
s r 3 w, cont 40 acres
Werth, Henry—
20 acres in s wj^ of s w J£ sec
26, twp 36, s r 2 w
1 80 Wilshire. W A-
sw 1-4 of sw 1 4 sec 12, twp 40. s r
4 e 40 acres
1.32 Benton. M P—
s Ji of ne 1 4 sec 16, twp 35, s r 1 w
80 acres
Daley. John heirs—
com 115-Ji feet ne corner T Came­
ron d 1 c no 45-36-1 w and s 38 de­
grees e 232 feet n 52 Ji degrees 66 feet
4.13 to alley, thence n 38 degrees w 177
feet w 106Ji feet to beginning; also
beg 222 feet e of d 1 c or of said lot,
thence s 81Ji degrees 432 feet to
county road embracing a strip of
land 16 feet wide on e side line en­
tire length (11-4 acre)
4 95
Edwards, Jacob—
sw 1-4 of se 1-4, s«J-4 of sw 1-4 sec
27. nw 1-4 of ne 1-4 and ne 1-4 of nw
1-4 sec 34 twp 36 s r 1 e cont 190 a
O J—
45 11
se 1-4 of sec 34, twp 35 s r 1 e cont
160 acres
Wait, Frank—
Galloway’s addition house and
lots 7 and 8 block 5
Weaver, Clarence E—
n e 1-4 of n w 1-4, n w 1-4 of n
e 1-4 and s % of n e 1-4 eec 14
twp 34 s r 1 e cont 160 acres
Lake Creek
Watson. C L Est—
ne 1-4 of ne 14 of nw 1-4 sec 14 39-
1 e 10 acres
Allen, J M—
nJ4 of se 1-4 sec 11, twp 35 s r 1 e
coni 80 acres
Bradley. J A—
e% of ne 1-4. ne 1-4 of se 1-4
9 05 sec 22 and sw 1-4 of nw 1-4 sec 23,
twp 34, s r 1 e. cont 160 acres
Bresk, F—
ne 1 4 of nw 1-4 sec 36, twp 35 s r
3e. containing 40 acres
P atents
13 11
Boggs. H L —
ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 16 and sw 1-4
of se 1 4 sec 9twp38sr3e cont 80 a
Corthell, E—
that portion of the wJ4 of ne 1-4
of sw 1-4 lying n of Boulevard as
deeded by E K and Edith Dunning
to E Corthell sec 14 twp 39 s r 1 e 12
Fallen, Robt—
sw 1-4 of nw 1-4 sec 16, twp 38 s r
3 e cont 40 acres
Gay. Nellie—
nJ4 of ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 of nw 1-4
sec 14-39-1 e
Jones, Harriette—
nJ4 of ne 1-4 of se 1-4 of se 1-4 sec
20, twp 39, s r 1 e containing 10
Lynch, Mrs 8 Est—
J4 interest with Reason Wimer
and C K Klura in ne 1 4 sec 10, twp
38, s r 2 e, cont 80 acres
Stephenson. Geo W—
Part of d 1 c no 45 sec 10-39-1 e
cont 7.9 acres also J4 a on Boule­
vard as deeded to Corthell by John
Walker sec 10 twp 39 s r 1 e (8
Holden. 8erreno—
From the U 8 Oct 10,1901, Gov lot
1, sec 17-39-1 e 40 acres
9 20! Mabon. John I<—
nw 1-4 of sec 22, twp 39, s r 1 e.
160 acres
1 35 Medijind, Max—
se 1-4 of nw 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 16-40-
1 w. 10 acres
Walker, Milo A—
se 1-4 of nw 1-4 sec 13, twp 40, s r
2 e, 41 acres
sw 1-4 sec 34, twp 34, s r 2 e cont
280 acres
commencing 39 rods w of the se
corner of sw 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 30,
thence n 32 rods, w 25 rods, s 32
rods to section line, thence e 25
rods to beginning sec 3O-37-2w. 5
W. R. MARPLE, Proprietor.
Klamath Falls, Or.
A Direçt Ljnç
to Chicago and all points east; Lovieville, Memphis, Mew Or­
leans, and all points eoutb.
See that your ticket reads via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL
R. R.
Thoroughly modern trains connect>with"'all transconti­
nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha.
If your friends are coming west let us know and we will quote di­
rect the specially low rates now in effect from all eastern pointa.
Any information as to^rates," routes, etc., cheerfully given.' on appli­
cation to
T, F. & P. A
Com’l Agent.
8 50
142 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
2 39
5 83