ìUi-a-iìW LOCAL MEDICINE FAKIRS AT REBUILDING TRACK WAR What Came Out at The Dalles Between Over Siskiyou Mountain—5 Gangs 163 AND 76 D. K. MILLS, P resident . f . H. carter , V ice - president . E. V. CARTER, C ashier . C. H. THOMAS, A ssistant C ashie *. at Students at the Normal School—Athletic Cb« Jacket Dep’t ! E E Gore, sr., has returned from an Work. Two Wonderful Healers. Wark Opens Lp and Foot Ball Ambi­ extended visit in the east. The street fakirs and quack doctors are For some time important improve ­ tion Is Strong. Miss Bessie Johnson of Medford always in evidence at fairs and carni­ ments of the roadbed and track on the visited Ashland mis week. vals where many people congregate. mouatain section of the South­ The Southern Oregon State Normal Elder E Badger goes to Santa Rosa to­ Prosperity brings about a peculiar stage Siskiyou ern Pacific Ashland and Horn­ School is the scene of activity these days 1 morrow to conduct a revival. ( of moral and financial corruption. Men brook have between been in progress and are so and new students are arriving daily. At ESTABLISHED 1884. is new, complete, and for neatness, style, Miss Emma Reed, the teacher, is in , live by their wits and consider that they extensive that when completed there the present time the enrollment is 163 Portland studying stenography. 1 show wonderful abilities in robbing the will be practically a new track, well bal­ with 76 in the training department. fit and durability, there is none better. Mrs. AVm. Nelson went to Oakland, i people. The only way to prevent an in­ lasted, with many curves straightened The regents made no mistake in placing You will do well to call and inspect these Cal., yesterday to visit her two daugh- < crease of this sort of robbery is through and grades adjusted between the points the present faculty in charge, as they goods at your earliest opportunity. The ters. - i proper municipal legislation. The fol­ named. In this work the track is raised are about as well balanced a selection for lowing story taken from The Dalles, Ore­ nine inches, the bed widened and im­ their respective and collective work that last few days has brought the remainder Mrs. D. I. AValdroop came over from gon, is an illustration of the proved, and 80-lb. steel rails replace the could be secured. President Mulkey is Etna, Cal., yesterday to visit Medford j trend Chronicle, of fakirism and its results when 65-lb rails. A large force of men are en­ a manager of excellent tact and skill and of the sweflest line of Children's Jackets friends. , disputes get into the ranks: gaged in this work. The steam shovel is doing his best to make it the first nor­ and Long Coats ever carried in southern Mrs. H.G. A’an A’actor and babe came There was fun to burn in showtown employing twenty men is located at mal school in the state this season, with i BOARD OF DIRECTORS : over yesterday from Dunsmuir to visit , last night, and people wbo visited the Hornbrook. every pro6pect- of succeeding. “Rooms” I Oregon. Bring the girls in before it is relatives. < Quakers were given a double dose of has been the cry of the year, “ can we ' At the gravel pit near Coleatin there is D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT­ too late. Of course all want a neat, nobby Miss Kittie Wells returned Saturday , medicine, the genuine article and a dose a crew of 60 Greeks in charge of Henry get rooms,” is the usual query in most GEORGE W. DUNN, from a vacation spent at Odessa, near that i had fermented. The latter was giv­ Hedgepath who have been at work there of the letters. President Mulkey is not set of Furs or a pretty Collarette, and we LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. waiting for private capital to see the Klamath lake. i en by “Brother Frank,” who, it appears, two weeks. have them both in all colors, styles and had trouble with the aggregation Mrs. Anna Campbell, nee Donegan, re- had ■ Section Foreman Cuney has 75 white necessity for building new houses near turned to Stockton Sunday from a visit i the night before, and with his wife had men at Bailey Hill. At Zuleka and Hilt the normal but has been keeping a car­ foreign and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold been discharged. . He spent yesterday Spurs there are two Japanese gangs of 60 penter busy converting the vacant places at Jacksonville. into rooms. The dormitories liave had in hunting up flaws in the character and and 40 men respectively under Foreman Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy visited her , dealings of his brethren, and last night Counts rooms added, the attic has been cleaned and Fowler. brother, Judge Neil, and family at Jack- . posted himself on an adjoining lot and and the basement contains a lot of Gus Low with 40 men is engaged in re­ up new rooms for girls. The improvements sonville Sunday. , proceeded to denounce them with all placing the old rails with new. the dormitories will bring in an ex­ Fifty car loads of ballast are drawn up and No danger of consumption if you use ’ the fervor of a sore head. So far as Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. tra revenue of $1000 for the season. must be warm and comfortable and realiz­ Foley’9 Honey and Tar to cure that stub- ’ most of his assertions were concerned the mountain side daily. The exit of the baseball season means the thinking portion of the community bom cough. — T. K. Bolton ing this fact, we are carrying those ever Construction work on the Klamath the entiauce upon the stage of public at­ bad no issue; it matters little to them J. Harry Pinkston went to Dnnsmuir whether traveling people of that kind Lake railroad is making fair progress tention of the gallant knights of the grid­ famous Hart, Schaftner & Marx and yesterday where he will be employed in , are humbugs, frauds, or what not; 'they and the line is gradually being pushed iron and it only requires a glance at the Crouse & Brandgee "square shoulder” campus between 3:30 and 5:30 p in. to the yard making up trains. have no dealings with them, but patron­ up to the Cascade plateau. The cars are give the eye a forerunner of what to ex­ Box Overcoats—also a good line of Boys’ now running on fifteen miles of track ize the business men of the city, those E. C. AV ells and wife have returned pect as the season marches on and train­ home to Gold Hill from an extended whose interests are here and who help completed out from Lairds and there are ing develops. Coats. Don’t forget that our clothing is and large stock consists of most every­ two miles of grado finished for the track to build up the town. trip to Boston and old England. The following can be seen and among the very best that can be purchased and However, it seems to worry the “doc­ laying force. thing you might dream of, and on ac­ Mrs. S, L, Gurnea and ’her mother tors” somewhat, for they dismissed the The workmen employed now in build­ them are names from whom this season’s from the mills------ — lieroes of the pigskin will arise and put Mrs. Ward, were up from Medford this , crowd, disbanded last night and left on. ing this road number 100 white men and count of paying spot cash and getting reputations that will win fame and I week visiting Ashland relatives. the early morning train, leaving, the 65 Chinese. In addition, there are 140 up our discounts, enables us to sell for the A, D. Naylor and Nathan Tuttle re­ magician and his wife and the comedian Greeks employed. The line is approach­ honors to live for generations to conite, | for be it remembered that this is the year lowest possible prices. : : turned yesterday from a timber cruising i and his wife here. The latter left this ing the timber and may reach Pokegama 1902 and it is written in the stars that ■ 4? tour of the Klamath basin section. i afternoon. A number who patronized before the winter season. Ashland State Normal School is prepared ' and drank bottle after bottle of Satisfaction Guaranteed........ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Patrick went to them ' to tie into everything in the north and DEATH OF MRS. D. Q’TOOLE. the “ healing balms ” are also said to Jacksonville yesterday where Elmer feel somewhat cheap; but let other simi­ skin their rivals to a football finish. Mrs. O’Toole, wife of Section Foreman Among the boys trying out we notice: will copy the records for a few days. lar aggregations come along and it will Darby O’Toole, was fomnd dead in her Robt. Hammond, Chalmers Strange, AV. AV. Cardwell returned to Roseburg be the same thing over again. bed at the family home at Phoenix last Waldo McIntire, Martin Bowers, Claud Saturday evening from Cape Nome where Among the other things he said was evening. She was alive as the Hoover, Chas. Mulkey, Ray Sayle, he was looking alter his mining interests. that “Brother John” had no license to Thursday family seated themselves at the evening David Mathew, Jack Meliza, Chet Easter, practice ipedicine, but was traveling on I. C. Kent, formerly of this county, meal and when they when to her bed­ James Moore, Geo. Pellet, J. D. Baugh­ BELGIAN MINERS QUIT. but now of Central Point, Or., was in his brother’s license. This is thought to side after supper she was dead from man, John Tyler, Geo. Marksbury, Will Monas. Belgium,. Oct. 13.—The min­ town today. About three months ago he have frightened them. heart failure. Mr. O’Toole and the Stevens, Herbert Eastman, Ernest AArright The following is also taken from his children accompained the remains to Mr. Golden. “HERRMANN, THE GREAT”* sustained a severe fracture of the thigh ers of three pits in the Grand Hornu Portland where the funeral took place and is still compelled to walk on crutches, denunciations: Victor A’allely, a hot number from colliery have gone on Btrike. The The herbs they get from Woodward & Sunday, the services being conducted by Portland, and Clint Chisholm, a hard movement threatens to spread through his leg having been partially paralyzed Fixes An Engagement Here Nov. 4. by being too tightly bandaged during the Clarke, at Portland, $7 per gross and sell Father Brady and the interment was in man to handle from Ashland, will enter the whole district, Au increase of A siilaxp , O k ., Thursday, Oct., 16, 1902 The engagement of “Hermann the early period of recovery.—Roseburg Re­ them to the people for $1 a package. the Catholic cemetery. Mrs. O’Toole the normal next Monday, while Fred These herbs are composed of bitter was an excellent wife and mother and Robley, not a novice in athletics, is also wages is demanded by the miners on Great” at the opera house on Tuesday, view. the ground that the price of coal has aloes and licorice root, some chopped Nov. 4tb, will be a notable one for all a highly respected and esteemed lady. expected that day. Soother of Pain is a good thing. hay and old leaves. risen in consequence of the strikes in lovers of the mysterious and occult, She was 45 years of age. Prof. Cliarles A. Redmond, one of the T« Invite the President—An effort Herrmann long ago came to the conclu­ Friends, give it a trial. The "oil of life” they make them­ Faculty, is manager of the football team the United States and France. will be made by the leaders of the sion that liis audiences desired some­ Mrs. Sarah A. Daniel is here from selves. When they get to town they buy and is already established as a darling in SUTTON—RODGERS. Grand Army of the Republic, acting in thing new on each of his succeeding vis­ Tillamook to spend the winter with her a five-gallon can of gasoline and one the minds of the boys as well as in the ITALIAN USES PISTOL. harmony with prominent Californians, its and that no matter how mysterious a daughter, Mrs. J. A. McCune, who is gross of bottles. They pour the gasoline Edward O. A. Sutton, the Fourth hearts of the gentler people. A coach, yes New York, Oct. 14.—With no appar­ Fine business block on Main into the bottles, and add a little wood trick or illusion may be, that once seen convalescing from an illness with ma­ etreet variety store merchant and news a real, live, genuine coach, in the person ent motive, Evangelo Derigo, a shoe­ to induct President Roosevelt to time alcohol, some camphor, red pepper and street his visit to the Pacific Coast so as to it must be shelved for something else, laria fover. Mrs. McCune’s sister, Mrs. turpentine to take away the gasoline agent, and Miss Riena Rodgers, the love­ of AVill 11. Scott, of Milwaukee, the State maker, 13 years of age, has shot and some new trick must be substituted or F. M. Lamb, who also visited her, re ­ ly and amiable daughter of L. AV. Rod ­ University ’ s famous quarterback, arrived be in San Francisco during the Grand his popularity would begin to wane. smell, and a little root to color it. This gers, were united in marriage Monday Friday to give the team the benefit of instantly killed Alphonso Salgrone and Acreage property on Boule« Army of the Republic encampment Convinced of the soundness of his reas­ turned home to Eugene yesterday. they eell for 50 cents a bottle. vard. evening at the M. E. church at six professional knowledge and thorough fatally wounded Carmelo Salgrone, a Miss Ella Center of Roseburg, who has next fall. The encampment probably oning, that the public demand was for The catarrhal salts thecomedain mixed o'clock. The church was beautifully training. Those who see his work can brother of the dead man, and Joseph will be held late In September or early noveltv, Herrmann has been indefatig­ been visiting relatives at Tolman Springs himself under the direction af the doctor decorated for the occasion and the in­ readily appreciate the confidence that Dirute at Rockville Center, L. I. Der­ House and lot on Iowa St. went to Montague yesterday to apd were composed of equal parte of R. teresting couple stood under a large was manifested by the nows that he was in October. It Is the president’s in able in his pursuit of the same. Of an hotel, visit an aunt there. S. V. P. salts, Arm and Hammer brand floral bell pendant from the ceiling just to come upon thoso that knew him be­ igo and a number of other men have inventive turn of mind he has been able tention to go to California in April or been living in the rear of the shop. Many other fine properties in Hot waterbottles and fountain syringes of soda and borax, ground together and over the pulpit. There were present fore, He "makes good” all previous re­ Apparently there has been no trouble May. but he may be induced to change to convey liis impressions to his assist­ run through a sieve. This they sold for City and Country, every one a at McNair Bros. ants and from them evolve some start ­ some 30 invited relatives and friends ports. his plans in view of the fact that dur­ between any of the men. 50 cents a package. ling and sensational phenomena. Mr. in whose presence Rev. J. T. Abbett Bargain. The first game will likely be brought Mrs. J. H. Pratt left yesterday for a ing encampment week he would not Herrmann has in his employ probably The boarders were sitting about the Their specially prepared soap was performed the oeremony, after Miss with the sticky slingers of Butte only be able to see all San Francis­ the most famous builders of magical par­ two months visit with relatives at Santa nothing more than ordinary castile soap Myra Abbett at the pipe organ had about Creek, who are not without good repu­ front of the shop when Derigo sud­ Ana, Cal., the family of Mr. Pratt's cans, but thousands of veterans from aphernalia in the world. Many of the cut up into small bars. sounded the wedding njarch. After the tation and especial fame for producing denly came out brandishing a pistol. Law, Loans and Real Estate brother. She will al9O visit AJrs. J. Their salve was the ordinary carbo- ceremony the wedded pair and friends splendid material from a small village as He shouted something in Italian, all parts of the coast, as well as east­ most famous tricks of magicians have Chisholm at Santa Monica before return ­ lated salve that can be bought in any were driven to the residence of Mr. and far as numbers of population are figured. which the men say they did not under­ been built by them, and their ability to ing. ern visitors. drug store. create and build, is couqtM by Herr­ Mrs. L. W. Rodgers on Oak street where Heretofore four families, Robinett’s, Found Father After Death—Dis­ mann as bis most valuable asset. For Those who came to their office for a sumptuous wedding dinner was in­ Mooinaw’8, Brown’s, and Yonder Hel- stand, and, walking up to where Sal­ W. L Flack, who has been visiting patches told Friday of the death in his present engagement in this oity, it is his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Griffith, at treatments the doctors put through a dulged in. The many admirers of the len’s, could each produce a quorum of grone was sitting, placed the pistol I — office :----- Marysville of George F. Smith, an old announced an entirely new programme Odessa, Pelican bay, started for home special course and gave them a tonic of charming couple wish them a happy and players and the crop is not know n to have against his body and fired. The specially prepared herbs. This decoction fell from his chair dead and the others yesterday accompanied by Mrs. G. of magic will be presented, and that ev ­ prosperous wedded life. MAIN St,, on Bridge. Ashland, Oregon miner, who was searching for his lost decreased to any appreciable extent this mixed by the comedian. The last season. Only a few days ago a bid was strted to escape. Derigo, in a frenzy son. The city authorities buried him, ery trick and illusion on the long pro­ See McNair Bros display of rubber was »HERRMANN, Hit GREAT. ” batch was made last Monday at which received frotn our long horned friends, of rage, fired four shots at the men and the matter would have been for­ gramme, with the exception of two, will goods. time he bought $1 worth of sugar from be absolutely new. Among the larger "Hermann the Great,” a most popi lU- and quite likely they are already pawing who were running. Carmelo Salgrone gotten had nofithe much-sought-for son and Rev. F. G. Strange, pastor of tho Pres­ Brown’s grocery Btore, half filled 29 16- more showy tricks to be presented the dirt and opening their nostrils for a and Dirute fell, Both were shot in tha turned up here. While reading the are: “The Hindoo Mango Tree”, “The byterian church at Marshfield, started ounce bottles with it, poured in some lar entertainer of magic and magic phe­ fight as soon as the re-encounter time chest, and the physicians say tbey nomena, will appear at Ojtera nouse on' newspapers at Brown's valley, in the Enchanted Cabinet,” the aerial mystery for home yesterday after shaking hands' water and let it dissolve until it got Tuesday, arrives. Besides these Prof. AVashburn will die. Nov. 4, foothills, he stumbled upon the ac­ “The Princess Mahoineda,” “The Hand with old Ashland friends for a few days. clear, then added one-half drachm phos, Hermann’s work is different from all and other lovers of the game are working Derigo tried to shoot Frank Mls- The Finest Made. count of his father's death, and has­ of Balsamo,” “La Fete des Fleurs,” He attended the Presbyterian synod at acid, two drachms of hydrases aim ape­ other magicians in that he is original, up a lively interest at Jacksonville for Grants Pass. halt dmchiu of mix vomica, For the tened to town for fuller particulars. “The Tambourine of Sevi'le,” “The and always presents something new to football fun from that quarter. But it siano. but hie pistol missed fire, He Confectionery, Fireman C. E. Shippy passed the me­ privilege of taking these special courses puzzle, mystify and entertain his audi­ is with the AVillamelte valley folks that reloaded his weagon and ran through He at once ordered the remains disin­ Santos Dumont,” “The Chinese AVashee the people pay from $50 to §150. AVashee ” and the sensation of Pokin ences. His great specialty is sleight of the normal will do business with for the streets of Rockville Center, shout­ terred, and will ship them to Jolon, entitled “Voyage Instantaneous.” The chanical examination successfully before Fruit, Their 1. 1161 r plan picill of bdnilig taking tapeworms viim were nvic . Traveling Engineer E. F- Ingles and as n«nd, and in this feature of the enter­ | blood this season. They will go to them ing defiance and waving his pistol. He Lie old family home, Monterey county, the musical Gooliuans will furnish popular soon as he passes the examination on the ordinary methods used by giving.« tainment he has received the highest in earnest and the pretentions of the went to Baldwins, L. I., a short dis­ Nuts, man was an selections on various instruments run­ rules before Chief Train Dispatcher G. dose of male fern and casoara- This for reburi»!. The ~~ praise from all the great critics of all the Webfooters will be laid low. The Uni­ tance away, where he wa3 arrested. Soda, : '“ *5re T! time quite ning from Grand Opera to Ragtime. ‘¡L m M VA' C. Morris, he will be promoted to the method generally removes most of the leading newspapers and periodicals, al versity of Oregon and Monmouth will be tapeworm but leaves the head, so that over the world. • ipttdiafes t^e sui- wealth.' position of engineer, . 1 our especial meat and Ashland will - Cigars, Etc. ST. LOUI8 PERJURER T* --------- ---------------------- 4 the worm grows again. In order, to >iuka ' ' father to« ‘tia ittej the fiSw field game A He has entertained and delighted most simply eat them up. Play*4tîiv>tte, HAS BEEN CAPTURED. Dr. J. H, McGee, osteopath, AVilliams make the heads they take a small piece all the crowned heads of Europe and the t an r>y ’ ’ st' The girls—and by the way, they, too, regula» revivip 1 of the (£and Olympian block, phone 336. »IL^OVt of the “G” stringof banjo, chew it up Orient. ,'iite eii4ÿ/ÿ games. S are not a bit behind the inarch ol pro­ H 1 S'- St. Louis, Oct. 14.—Julius Lehmann, and brown it in a flame and drop it in a .■ --*1—•■- ■- E. C. Hughes arrived this week from For his engagement in this city, many gress in this year’s forward stride of the Clinton, Mo., in the interest of Simons & bottle and it cannot be told from the real new and novel experiments in legerde­ normal—are a pleasing article to look convicted of perjury and wanted under Is A Boy—H ^*iA>w ad.nltte«i by Fru'i*,- ■ ‘>acts^lo Bq Enf«rctd—»The torney AV. M. Cjffnum that his m/s- CaMfov,'iia Cured Fruit Association In- Simons, the Clinton bankers who are in­ head. main and sensational illusions are furn­ upon. AV bile not as ambitious as the an indictmen for briber)’, who has There is no such man as Dr. Josiah ished. tarions client, the alleged child of, :enoung brick preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Morn­ ^hfa farmer. He studied medicine at ing made on sidewalks and paving rr.BMs C ash , at ■^nason, is able to be around after a severe the University of Michigan, served in ing theme, “ The Fire Must Eyer Burn: ” ' Repairs of all kinds for hack tops, car­ of malaria. The disease affected evening, Public School Day will be ob­ He civil war as army surgeon, and In blocks in several sections of the city, reasonable rate* riage trimmings, robe« blankets etc., at attack his eyes and he was barely able to see served with short addresses or messages 1S63 was elected professor In the Mich­ and the police have been asked to stop Andrews’ harness shop Main street Ash­ for a week. —Redding Searchlight. rOm Ashland public sohool teachers. igan Agricultural college, which posi­ the demolition. Three arrests, so far, land. Pastor’s theme ‘‘Some Foes and Friends tion he held ever since. He was the have been made. Sewing machines pi all Ipn^s, nw or Torbert Sanford and Fred R. Neil re­ of the Public School.” Sunday school founder of the present system of far­ second hand and at lowest prices. Ma ­ turned yesterday from two aqd a half at.10a. m., Endeavor Society at 6:30 p. DEATH OF OLD VETERAN. months indulging the aboriginal instinct chines to rent. J. P. Dodge, opera block mers' institutes, and he was mainly m. Good rock men: $2 and $2. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 14.—Major John of c*^>ing the forest, stream and moun­ instrumental in compelling dealers in At the Baptist church — Sunday school tain >n the Dead Indian-Pelican Bay fevtiUwa to place a label on each F. O’Brien, a well known business ACKER’S at 9:45 a. in., public worship at 11. package given analysis of 'contents. He man and Confederate veteran. Is dead, 25 per day; good board at $3. country. Youqg People’s Meeting, led by Fredie ; aged 62. While a lieutenant of engi­ H. W. Andrews, the harness man, car­ Maass, at 6:30 p. m. Public worship : wrqte many books on agricultural neers in the Confederate army, sta­ 25 per week. Apply to Fish ries in stock carriage trimmings, robes, chemistry and climatology. >at 7;30 p. m. The usual arrange- ! blankets, repairs of all kinds, liack tops, cure Dyspepsia and all disorders ftrl8in8'jments for singing, It is expected that tioned at Charleston, S. C., he designed Lake Ditch Company, near etc. and constructed the battery from from Indixestion. Endorsed by physic- ] Rev. Robert Leslie Leslie, D. D., of Grants Pass which the first shot of the great civil Brownsboro, Jackson county, AVanted—Good girl for dining room, ians everywhere. Sold by all druggists. will speak at both services in exchange No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial pack* with the pastor. war was fired. Apply at Hotel A’endome- continues at the Ashland Mercantile Co, s store. free by writing to W. H. H ooker During the bombardment of Fort Oregon. D. E. Morris, con- Mrs. J. M. Chappel, Vai Haskins and ages Rev. Robert Leslie, D. D., of Grants C o , Buffalo, N. Y. Sumpter Lieutenant O’Brien was in | struction superintendent Misses Ina Matney and Eva Attebury Our large stock is being rapidly depleted and . Pass, is expected to preach at the Bell­ came over from Quartz A’alley, Siskiyou command of Fort Pinckney and for view school house at 3 p. m. you will do Avell to call at once and get your county, yesterday on a visit. 4-4-1 » ♦ 1 »4-h ■»<■<■ ■!' »' » *»* his gallantry in this action was pro­ Services next Lord’s day at the Christ- moted to a captaincy. He also saw Misses Delia and Della McNair, who winter’s supply of groceries, feed, flour, meat, ■ ian church will be as follows: At 9:45 have been visiting their brothers in service in the Virginia campaign. ; Bible school; at 11, worship and u*eac’h\ lard and canned goods. : : : Alaska, arrived today to visit J. Syd. , ing; 6:30 p. m., Youpg Bepple’e Meeting McNair and family before returning to • aid at 7:^0 evangelists service. Prayer BLLODHOUNDS AND POSSE the family home in A’ersailles, Ma • meeting Thursday evening at 7 ¡90, A LOOKING FOR A TRAMP. Odf Large Chinaware Stock is Going at a Rapid Rate Nats, , thrdial invitation to all, J, M. Hunter, If your carriage or hack tops needs re­ ► J48*° r - pairs' call on Andrews the harness man. Confectionery, Ole Quote You a Few Price» and everything Ottumwa, Iowa, Oct. 14.—A sheriff’s Full stock robes, blankets, etc. ► At the regular meeting of the AV. C. ; posse with bloodhounds is searching Cigars, else 1» Cut in Proportion «««««« : T,: U. on next Tuesday to be held at the Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson leave to­ for a tramp who assaulted Gertie Kll- Tobacco, day for AVabasha.’ Mirm^ being called ? Because we get our supplies [ AL E. church at 3 o’clock p. m., M». llon, 8 years old, near Melrose. There ■jnnie Scott will read the report of the We have received a carload Canned Goods. ................................. lb® f°r 51-00 l Broken Grain Rice.............. ............ 4c lb by a telegram informing them that their j from the most reliable ► f J Sate is a strong possibility that he will be Convention held recently at Rose- Wur.............. ... ...per sack, 80c Boneless Chicken Tamales........... 10c can son was afflicted with a blood tumor at wholesale houses, lynched if caught, as there is great t Oregon. oí the famous Bridge, Beach excitement and many threats. the base of the brain and would have to Delicious Milk-Shake. (made from old wheat) An interesting time is anticipated and: „ . l . Knapp A Street’s Baked Beans.. .8c can be operated on. Thereby Insuring Safe tLr friends of the Union should not fail C*O. StOVCS, direct IlOni the 10 lb» Card...... .. best eastern, 11.25 Johnny McCall fi up from Redding to.contribute by their presence to tho Good#. AFTER Best eastern sugar cured hams..... 16c lb ! 7 bars Toilet Soap ............................. 25c visiting relatives and old friends. He is 4 factory at St. Louis, and are EDITOR SURRENDERS HIS GREAT GUN PLAY. Main St., over the Bridge. Best eastern breakfast bacon......... 16c lb . 9 bars laundry soap ........................... 25c employed in Geo. Sechrist’s store and is t Because our figures are as ; ’ inspiration of the hour, and also by their , an vice to the effectiveness of the plans, prepared to meet the de­ becoming quite a Reddingite. He is Heavy bacon ................................... 14c lb nt w being made for our winter,s work. + low as safe flood» will * I “ Force ” 2 packages .............................. 25c Butte, Mont., Oct. 14.—J. W. Kelly, just recovering from a spell of sickness Picnic hams....................................... 11c lb Mrs, H. Al. Hansen, sec., Ashland W. mands of the trade of this I permit, 2 in that city. city editor of the Butte "Inter-Moun­ C; T. U. Best table rice ................................. 6jc lb 3-lb package washing powder............. 20c section for cooking and heat- tain,” who shot Dr. A. H. Cayley in AVoman cook wanted. Apply at the ^chuckle's cofiue............................ 12Jc lb Fruit AV ax...................................... 5c bar Broadway flats here Saturday 4- Because we make a spe- + /on are sure to get, something artistic Blue Front restaurant immediately. The Old-Reliable Bhctomitb, and ' the All the standard brands of baking i ing stoves of the latest night, surrendered to the local police 1 if > ju have photos made at Camps ’ stu ­ * cialty of pleasing cus~ j ( New and second hand goods, bought, i Lamp Chimneys ................. 5c, 8c and 10c Haa Purchased............... .. powder..................................... .(«■ 32c lb dio. • ___ most deoireable patterns. A at noon. He will plead self-defense. sold, exchanged or handled on commis­ tomers. Give us a sion. Ashland Trading Co.. 4th st., near W. 0. lohnten*» fine line of steel ranges and Ta^privic Â’i°dïï | Chance to Please You. I depot. We still have a good stock of Chinaware air tight heaters. We are but the police are unable to learn the mien you Think of <« AV. W. A’an Arsdale, having sold out t truth, as they have been refused ad- to select from at prices unheard of in And la now prepared to serve his interests at McCloud, has gone to J bound to please you. : Drugs, Think of Us. ' I ■ i mission to the hospital. his old customers and the pub­ San Francisco with his family to make Ashland.. : : : : : : that place his home. Yon Bought lic generally at the old stand toria .. The A’ allky R ecord has in stock the I The Kind You Have BougM M ain S t ., O pp . O pera Mouas B lock mining blanks required to meet the new X Druggists and Stationers Beam the General Blacksmithing of ail kind» mining location law passed at the recent t »4»»*» a 11» 1 1» 11»!>»♦ giariiware, Stoves, Tools, Etc. legislature. Honetboolng a Specialty. BANK OF ASHLAND. Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, : $15,000 a Cbe Gentlemen A General Banking Business Transacted. the ^ new Second-Hand Dealer direct Best Goods At The Lowest Prices s. B. Stoner, Telephone]’364 Bargains in Real Estate Geo. W. Trefrea ICE CREAM C. E. LANE. a C losing O ut Wanted SALE DYSPEPSIA TABLETS STOVES IT IS SAFE Stoves stoves For you to buy your Qrugsof us FRUIT «et W. H. TATE E. 0. SHERMAN f t uj . Jlsbland mercantile Co. t m. p » i « y a eo< Have Always Provost Bros