Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1902)
; Our Annual JULY SALE ! ! ! Ladies’ Shirt Waists C-.»mprising a Good Assortment of Size« and Styles 1 *£» iv Jy O PERSONAL AND LOCAL Silks, io cloS- , at 3- e per ya^d .ill Foulard Silks at one-half original price. Satin and Taffeta Ritbons, 25 per cent reduction. Try Hill’s soft drinks. titer it-». irV>ii.- CRAZY CHINAMAN. FOR NOTORIETY ALONE. An interesting wedding took place on Klamath river on 4th of July, at the Attewpte to Clean Out Swveyinj; Party Mordered Guard’s Brother’s Opinion of John Mullen went to Coles yesterday. J. N. Tucker of Klamathon was here Monday. Edw. Schoff of Klamath Falls was here this week. Don’t forget V-.mpel. N->rr s Di- k” ■> X July « ile. - e ’ll. H ’ ia / i 74, GROOM 72. t ie- . ol e- residence of Wm. Lowe, it being the and is Killed Near Pass. marriage of Miss Mary Johnson, aged 74, The Chinese cook with the surveying and N. Durkee of Klamathon, aged 72, Rev. J. Ü. Simmons officiating. The party mapping out the proposed Grants bride is a pioneer maiden lady of Hen Pass-Crescent City R. R., became insane lev, sister of the late Perry Johnson, yesterday and one of the men started to inform the sheriff. pioneer, capitalist and bachelor Tfip hr’dt* and groom came to Ashland I night the Chinaman secured an •f. ,f-. . «HUS ’.ran to .«pend their ax a»i«l came near braining the entire pTty but was halted by a fatal bullet .0 ey o >or. from the revolver of Surveyor Johnson. D. R. MILLS, P resident . F. H. CARTER, V ice -P resident . E. V. CARTER, C arrier . C. H. THOMAS, A ssistant Centra BANK OF ASHLAND Chas. P. Ferrell, the Reno policeman, who attended the funeral of his brother, Guard Frank B. Ferrell, killed at the penitentiary by Harry Tracy, and who was one of the possee chasing Tracy and Merrill for four weeks, was on Tuesday’s train returning home to Nevada. He thinks Tracy i9 a thoroughly desperate man who has become a lunatic on the subject before him and is not aiming to make good his escape and call the inci dent closed, but is giving the continuous performance for the excitement and no toriety there is in it. He tells many in cidents of the chase that confirms this theory. ESTABLISHED 1884 Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, : $15,000 al b:skij<>n MoncLy. f KL l BIRG PURCHASES A STORE HOOSIERS ANO MISSOURIANS. John Hilt and wife have been paying W. A. Freeberghas purchased the N. a visit to Ashland friends. The natives of Missouri are invited to Y, Racket Store from S. H. Holt and call at McNair Bros, for the purpose of Fred Barneburg wa.s up from Medford Mrs. Donia Soule and aleo a half interest I-arge Assortment of Wash Dress Goods; also One-Half Price. 12}c Percales now BOARD OF DIRECTORS : from Mra. Soule in the millinery busi preparing for States Day. If there are Tuesday on a business trip. I any “ I ’ m from Missouri; you ’ ll have to 10c. Complete Line of Ladies’ Neckwear AT COST ness. Mrs. Soule will remain and con HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. 8. BUT E. J. Eastman, the Ukiah. Cal., drug duct the millinery business assisted by show me,” Victor Low of Ohio will di gist, arrived Sunday on a visit. In Order to Make Room for Our Immense Fall Line Miss Freeberg Mr. Freeberg is from rect them to the Missourians. Medford. LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. Mra. E. C. Palmer and children have Humboldt comity, Cal., and is the father All Hoosiers are hereby cordially in offer you our W'ool Dress Goods at these Cut Prices: H. B. Taylor, a brother of S. R. Tay of A. W. Freeberg, manager of the Ash vited to come to the Chautauqua grove been visiting in Douglas county. at 10 o’clock a. in., Saturday, July 12, lor of Jacksonville, who has been visit 40c per yard 50c Goods at E. B. Shaw and Edwin Shaw and wife land Meat Co. Mr. Freeberg and family- Torcían and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold. here are charmed with Ashland and are with well filled basket; knife, fork, cup ing here for three weeks, left for 44 (4 came over from Yreka last evening. 50c his home at Princeton, Ind. This 60c to stay. and spoon to accompany each basket. 44 « Mrs. John Sltgle came up from Cen It is hoped that all Hoosiers will join in was the first meeting of the brothers A General Banking 60c 75<- Transacted. FAST HORSES. tral Point yesterday to visit relatives. this plan for a picnic dinner and a gen for over 40 years. 4. fi< 70c 90c eral good time. Judge W. 8. Crowell returned Monday Roadmaster M. H. Burkhalter’s Laura Clif. Fuson has finished his visit to the * I a Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. After luncheon, all will repair to the from his eastern trip. He was presented 75c $1 00 folks and l$ft for San Francisco Monday. Marie and J. A. Strobeck’s Nora Me. were tabemae'e where the following program with a beautiful Elk’s chain by the Cos 1C u taken to the Yreka track Saturday by $1 00 $1.25 J. P. May has resigned his position Frank W. Smith for preparatory work at wi l be carried out: hocton lodge of Elks, during his visit to i» a with the S. P. and has gone to ‘lissouia, the Song, “On the Banks of the Wabash,” his old home in Ohio. $1.15 * $1.50 fall races. Laura Marie held the Mon. world’s record in the two-year-old class Elmer Patriek, director. Miss Prudence Angle left Sunday foi 75 pairs Lad it? riñe Shoes f rnierly $3 50, $3.00 and $2.50, These $1.90 shoes from Vaupel, Nor for Reading, one of Rilev’s poems, Nellie three flirt ings in 1900 and recently a a month ’s vacation at Baker City. Ewan. ris & Drake’s are bargain« of rare occur full sister a year old sold for $21,000 in to close out. at $1.90 per pair. “ Eminent Hoosiers, ” Robert A. Hop F. K. Deuel left Thursday for New- rence. Chicago. Strobeck’s Nora Me. is one of Furniture A. so a line of Men’s Shoes at $1 50 per pair. kins. York to purchase goods for the Ashland Mra. S. K. Willit arrived yesterday the famous Lewis P. colts, well known in IOWA BALLY and Medford stores. Stoves M i ’ s S iii'. <>!>e of a kind remaining, reduced two and three from Roseburg to visit Mrs. Frank southern Oregon; Lewis having been brought to Oregon by C. C. McClendon All native Iowans are requested to L. C. Kain, the harness maker of Dickey. dollars. Sewing Machines after starting the eastern world. register at Bank of Ashland and capture Jacksonville, is packing his stock of W. H. Pickens was in the valley over banner. A lar^e stock <>f M• n>’ extra Pants to close out at cost. goods and will go to Vancouver, Wash , Instruments the Fourth from the Prather ranch near SAYS ’TAINT SO. ‘■Oregon” program. The native Ore to locate. Montague. , Kindly remember that we have a Complete Assortment in all Medford Inquirer, July 8: The report gonians will render the following pro Max Muller & Co. have sold their In fact, almost anything you want. Chas. Chilcotte, the car inspector, was published in the newspapers that J. gram ’Satnrday afternoon at the Chau the above lines, both in sizes and styles. stock of groceries, crockery and confec up from Sacramento the past week on a Manning, the postmaster at Leeds had tauqua building: tionery to Tlios. Kinney. PHONE NO. 364. ry ry a. visit to friends. “BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES” been arrested for unlawfully having deer Music. MYER BUILDI N G, A8HLAND, OR. frl . OlOtlCf hides in his possession seems to be un Miss Lucinda Reames of Berkeley, Recitation, “How the Snow Came to Isaac Sivera, who has been visiting his Cal., arrived on the 3rd for a visit with folks on Evans creek returned to Mc true. Mr. Manning was in town Satur Oregon,” Mattie Wells. day and Sunday and states the report of Jackson county relatives. Address. Cloud Tuesday. his arrest was untrue. He further slated Recitation, “The Beautiful Willam Goldie Clemmons returned to Glen TUG FOUNDERS. Gentlemen, now is your chance to pur he had the number of hides as stated b> ette,” Lillian Patterson. dale Monday after a visit with her aunt, chase a fitting, well made suit from the report in his possession, but they Music. HELMS -MYERS ROW. Mrs. Woodford. Superior Caught in Tide Rip in Van Vaupel, Norris A Drake. were hides tliat were in his possession A basket dinner will be given at the couver Narrows. prior to the law going into effect. F. R. Neil was a passenger on Thurs Oregon headquarters on the Chautauqua Mrs. Baldwin and daughter Cora, re Vancouver. B. C., July «.—The steam gsoqpds. All native sons and daughters day’s train for Portland. He will re An Ugly Affair at Medford. turned yesterday from a visit with W. T. SMITH—BOWKER, tug Superior foundered in the tide rip A shland , O k ., Thursday, July 10, 1902 (¡^cordially invited to come and bring turn this week with his family. Coburn’s family at Grants Pass. Medford Enquirer, July 8: Last even at the entrance to the first narrows «^■filled baskets. We promise you a The Sisters of St. Mary ’ s Academy At the home of the bride ’ s pa ents Kobt. Stites, James Boat, J. O. Tryer ing H. B. Myers, the jeweler who has djKbtful time. C ommittee . last night. Captaiu William March left Friday for Portland to spend their KEI.'GIOLS ITEM-. figured in several sensational scrapes dur and J. O. Gibson of Williams were regia Monday, July 7th at 8 p. m., Burl vacation. ant and crew of eight men were res Smith and^Iiss Emma Bowker were tered at Ashland House Monday. ing the past year went on a drunk, visit Rev. Father D. Faber of Jacksonville, cued only with the greatest difficulty united in matrimony, Rev. G. W. Nel will celebrate mass at Holy Rosary Cath ing the saloon of A. M. Helms on From Central Point. Miss Nellie Franzen came up from of the Congregational church offici by a launch from H. M. S. Sheerwater, olic Church next Sunday morning at 10 ' street; he engaged in a quarrel with Grants Pass yesterday to pay Ashland son, Died by the Gas Route. ating, The. hou-e was tastefully deco Miss Lottie Pankey of Central Point, 'the proprietor but finally was ejected o’clock All cordially invited. friends a visit during Chautauqua. San Francisco, July a.—A guest of anchored a mile away. The Superior rated for the event. There were about sister of Albert Pankey of Ashland, was was towing a boom of logs from therefrom. This proceeding making A. J. Stevens has leased the o d Mess thirty relatives and intimate friends of -carried on the national holiday to Thus. the Windsor betel noticed a heavy Sechelt. The boom was caught in the Fine business block on Main The Epworth League meeting _ an‘l a” him verv angry he repaired to his simp the services except. Sunday school at 9:3n anq a,.,h(.j himself with two iron bars enger planing mill and will hereafter the contracting parties present. The Cincade oi Eagle Point. The ceremony odor of gas in the hall cf the hole' raging tide just under Brockton Point street groom is the youngest son of Chief of Po performed by Rev. W, T. Van Scoy. yesterday morning and notified the a : :n at the M E church are om'iotted ;l<Hmt 14 inches long—used for making conduct business at the new stand. and the steamer started at right Acreage property on Boule and Mrs. G. W. Smith and the bride oi) account of the Chautauqua exercises. and measuring rings—which weigh W. C. Purdin and family of San Diego lice There will be an ioe cream social given manager, who broke open the dour ol angles to cut across into calm water. is the the oldest daughter of Mr. and J. T. Abbott, pastor. ' about’ t wo or uvo and a half pounds are in the valley to seek a o alien. No vard. the young people of the Epworth a room in which a guest named A She had moved only a few feet when Mrs W. F. Bowker. At the cqncluston by apiece, an<l again returned to the saloon lice his ad. in this issue of the Record. League Friday evening, Julv 18, at the Miller was thcught to be asleep. Th« the boom line pulled her back and House and lot on Iowa St. • if the cerpmoqy -and congratulations a The many friends of E J. Flynn, with a thirst for vengeance upon its pro Mrs. Dr. K. F. Purdy an<J daughter of •lelicious wedding supper was served. G. A. R. hall, for the benefit of the man was found lying on the floor only her stern was drawn under water. She traveling freight agent of the Missouri prietor. After abusing Helms he assault League. partially dressed and quite dead, witl was pulled along at a twelve-knot Pacific, at present under treatment at ed him with one of the bars and in the Houston, Texas, are visiting her «[other, The young people wilt reside in Ash and. Many other fine properties in Frank Amy and wife, H. Corum and the gas streaming from the burner. Dr. Coe’s sanitarium at Mount Tabor, melee following Helms took the bar away Mrs. H- B. Carter, find other relatives. speed by the runaway boom and rap CARLOCK—TYRELL. From letters found in the clothing idly filled. wife and Mra. Ida Tschudy will return in will be pleased to hear that there are from him and knocked him down with City and Country, every one a W. W. Hazen, the Klamath Falls liv great hopes for his eventual recovery, it by a lick upon the back of the head eryman, brought in yesterday the Van At the Congregational parsonage of a few days from their outing at the Dead of the dead man it was learned tha' In three minutes only her bow was Bargain. says the Portland Journal It is thought Myers was then again put out of the sa couver, Wash., party of land locators. he was A. Miller, who had come wesi out of water and it was from there this city, on Sunday, July 6th, at 1 Indian soda springs. at the present rate of progress he will be loon; after being out a short time he re M iss Winnie McConnell carne over o’clock'» quiet but. impressive wedding jMrs. Hanby and her sister, Miss Ella from Auraria, Ga., some time ago t( that her crew was taken. In another well again within the next three months. turned the third time andagain assaulted Law, Loans and Beal Estate from Yreka last evening to attend Chau occurred, when Gilbert Robb Carlock Slone, spent last Saturday and Sunday engage in mining enterprises. five minutes she disappeared and the The rest and treatment he is receiving is Helms behind the bar with the second of Talent and Miss Erla Tyrrell of San with their parents, Mr. and Mra. Stone most beneficial. boom was carried half a dozen miles . iron rod and a pocket knife. Here they tauqua, the guest of Miss Mollie Songer. Jose, Cal., were united in wedlock, Rev. <4.Talent. Pure Ashland watesice delivered every fought for some time like tigers before MissDocia Willits has finished a term G. W. Nelson, pastor of the Congrega J Rev. Lockhart, pastor of the M. E. morning. One cent per pound or 75c up the inlet before another tug caught J. G. Nowels, a brakeman on the parties could get hold and part them, of school at Wimer and returned home tional church, officiating. up with it. The steamer will be a conducted the funeral of Post per hundred. Phono 23, Factory on total loss. 8. P. R. R , was thrown, Friday, under and when parted they were both covered to Ashland yesterday to attend Chautau The bride was attired in a very pretty church, ----- offick : ------ Granite street, at the old planing mill. master Rowe of Sams Valley one day the wheels of a car by the breaking of with bl<>o<l. Luckily Helms escaped qua. white organdie dress. F. P. Roper of last week. a itqard thereon while climbing up to with a few slight cuts and bruises, while Mayor Williams commences his may SANTA FE BUYS ANOTHER ROAD. MAIN St,, on Bridge, Ashland, Oregon Mrs. Clarence E Lane went to Cole’s Phoenix, acted as best man and Mra. set the brakes, and had both his legs Myers was taken home supposed to be Deila Roper as bridesmaid. Mr. and’ J. 8. Sims. Joim Kearney, John W. oralty term at Portland with work yesterday to pay a visit to her sister-in- horribly -crushed and mangled below seriously injured but this morning was Mrs. Weatherby of Phoenix, a brother- Jacobs and H. H. Rippey of Central blocked out that might well make a the kneea. He was taken to Portland I able to come down town with nothing law, Mra. Wilmer Hilt, and take a va in-law and sister of thp bride were ■Point went to Coles Tuesday to do some younger man hesitate—the mayor is California Eastern, on the Desert, Is where the necessary amputations were much worse than a swoolen face to show cation. Its Latest Acquisition. buildjpg for the Sugar Pine Lumber Go. near the eighty mark. He would sup among those in'attendance. made He is married and his home is 1 for the fight. So far there have been no San Francisco, July 8.—The Santa Martin, Earle, Anderson, Doyle, Col- Prof. Carlock is the genial and suc Th<> headers will commence heading press the wp,rat features of the social atpolxir*. lie did not survive the op arrests made and people are wondering vig, Sharkey and Bland—Grants Pass cessful principal of the Talent schools. pvfr, As s^an in Portland’s “north end,” Fe people have bought the California eration ¡.nd passed away at the Portland ' if Myers, like Tracy, has terrorized the fans—witnessed the defeat of Eugene in The bride is the danghteiAf Rev. and the first of next week. The wheat cr.qn aleo stop gambling and regulate saloons. Eastern railroad from General R. W. is very heavy and a good y ielcl assured, hospital Sunday. community. After the first round the Ashland Monday. Mrs. A. J. Tyrrell, now born deceased. has found that rheumatism Woodbury of New York and R. S, to Wash Dishes iparshal was called but as usual L B. Williams and Mrs, Funk were in is Science She was born and reared in Humboldt Ackers Blood Elixir positively Cures depyty Miss Amy Wilson of Ashland and caused by uric acid in the blood This Seibert of Los Angeles. The consider did pothing, as there was nobody pres Jacksonville last Tuesday. Mrs. Funk Chr-'nic Blo<>d Poisoning and all Scrofu ent to force him tq dq his duty. A war Miss Susie Cook of Medford left yes county. Cal. For five yeara jffie lived , went to file on a homestead land claim. poison should be excreted by the kid ation Is not stated. The road has forty- and Help in Kitchen lous affection«. At all times a matchless rant has been swqrn out this afternoon terday to spepd a vacatiqn at Dunsmuir Dunsnjuir with her unde, ‘Bev- R- S'. Tyrrell,nt neys. Foley’s Kidney Cure always five miles of track and runs from Goff, Femdale, Cai. She spent one year in Dr. Cole of this place has gone to makes them ■v-sleni t'liiic and purifier Money re for Myers’ arrest but he has left town and Shasta Springs. —T. K. Bolton. a station on the Santa Fe, thirty mileq the conservatcry of music at San Jose Klamath county for a few days to look a\ fum led if yon are not satisfied. 50c. and ami hi- whereabouts are at present un west of Needles, north’via Manvel an<j Apply at—- Wise A To«er uncement and is a successful music teacher, uh land near ’ Merrill. ros., Druggists $100 McNair BORN, known. ries, pro- young couple trill live at Vanderbilt to Ivanpah. It run« through in this issue, Patrick and family have re visions, fruits, ca 41. Read present wfrere they have a good mining section and has a fair « HOTEL VENDOME Gov Savage and his .inilit ifv staff of ma three week’s visit to Cres- GARVEY—Near Yreka, July 6, 1902, to local business. It is believed that E. _ u^Buiivd by their l-ulh-r -To Aid Normal Students. ” what ¿they •have to minced, housekeeping. Mr. and Mra. J. Garvey, a son. wl-'-e on vestenLiy’s train eh route home H. Harriman will build his Oregon Ashland, Oregon. Mrs. C. W Parks left Sunday evening via California from the launching of the ripp, head man In the marble EMS—At Ashland mine, July 8, 1902, to Short Line to a connection with the Tin* Faculty of the Southern Oregon for Ashland en roqte tq Ft. Klamath for Mr. and Mrs. J. Ems, a son. exas. are al- bwtUeship Nebraska at Seattle. in Ashland, was in the Point <tate Normal School are pow at work a visit with Mr. and Mra. F. P, Crone* Santa Fe’s new line at Ivanpah and . -------- - --- - getting up their prospectus for the com- miller.—Roseburg Revierw. from there on by the way of Goff, Bar nii'.i». ng year and it being web known that result wins your friendship. A mi E. Phipps, attorney of Medford, H 8. Emery, the contractor. stow and San Bernardino, use the San for Chronic Constipation, Sick He <>ver the country there are talented as own Monday attending justice tism Female Complaints, Liver. Kidney ta Fe line into Los Angeles by means | >ui.g people who desire an education, Miss Alice Applegate, principal of the Troubles, roc. or box containing j til CONNER—At the Willamette hotel, of a traffic arrangement. In this way i it » ho, on account of financial circum Klamith Falls public school, arrived in tity ,.w 25c ____ at _ your __ druggists. By mail tjc ar S^lem., Or., Jfrly 3., 1902, Miss Alice Harriman can get a cutoff betwoon 1 N«ts, number of Central Point yqung One box win convince tiw most stances cannot always attain their de Ash'and Tuesday to attend Chautauqua Ì stamps. G^rtrqde Conner, aged 22 years, 3 Waterhouse Co. 830 Howard St.< ttended the celebrado, n at Grants sires in this direction, would it not be and visit friends and relatives. ’ 0. M. Agents Salt Lake and Los Angeles that will Confectionery, wanted In every town. Libera. months and 5 (Jays, for the interest of the Normal School, be entirely satisfactory and avoid the Stamp photos 36 for 25 cents at Camps ’ . Sold by H. 8. E vans *. Cigars, Deceased was the youngest daughter construction of a large amount of new and of the city of Ashland, to holdout k Galloway came up from Graqts of Landlord John Conner and sister of inducements to this clas of deserving Tuesday’s Salem Statesman: J. A. Tobacco, ^’Tuesday to look after business herb- Dan and Walter Conner. She resided and expensive road. The extension of people so that they might be enabled to Kramer, Miss Emma Kramer and Mra. < Canned Goods. 1 ' dral Point, July 9, 1909, at Hotel Oregon in this city several the Oregon Short Line across south Minnie Beerv departed last nlghf for ? secure an education. years during which time she made many eastern Nevada ia progressing rapidly. Are there not families in the city who Ashland to spend the summer. Delicious Milk Shake. friends. The remains were taken to could taken young man or young woman Talent. received a nice line of glass-ware ! Lived a Century. California for burial. during the school term and let them at Just Gnrnea’s. i Mr. Camermon, who spent some time Fresno, July 8.—Edward Bonnett, work for their board, another family The Finest Made. here a year ago and returned to his home who was 100 years old on the Fourth Main St., over the Bridge. MAllIUEB. Miss Cora Johnson is clerking in the j might be so situated that they would in Misapuri, arrived here Tuesday with of July, died here last night. He had have a room where one <w two young postoffice in place of Miss Maud Patter- ; Confectionery, a car load of household effects apd men or young women could either do son who has retired after a successful | been a resident of Fresno for many CARLOCK — TYRRELL-In Ashland, in^ implements vyht) tha intention ' light housekeeping or use for rooming and appreciated service of four years. < J.P. S avlx July 6, 1902, G, R. Carlock and Miss years and had looked forward with G. W. DODGE ■ >f buying a ftirm ’ and making Oregon his purposes at a light charge. Others much anticipation to his -one hun Erla Tyrrell, by Rev. G. W. Nelson. Garden and spray hose all prices. W. ■ Nuts, home. The other members of the fam board a student or two at a very dredth anniversary. He wa3 confined A MAN IS WHAT HE FEEDS ON. might ily expect to join him in a short time. Soda; reasonable rate on account of having N. Grubb & Co. to his bed on that day, however, and The better his food the tetter is them for company in the house. Leland Fpulk of Gazelle came over Mrs. M. E. McCall and daughter Lvdia, ACKER’S Cigars, Etc. breathed bis last Monday night, Hla Within a few days each family will be Tuesday to receive a band of sheep pur and the former’s nieces, Jjrs. Van Vac- the man that eats it. A man that wish mind was perfectly clear to the day this county and to be delivered tor and Jessie Anderson, were vis es t<> be healthy will buy his foods where called upon with a view' to ascertaining chasedin of his death, if they cannot assist in this way and at Mike Hanley’s ranch on Butte Creek. iting relatives here Sunday, he knows he will get them pure and high thus help deserving young people in the ASHLAND, OREGON. Soother of Pain is a good thing. Thomas Inman, who is emp’oved at cure Dyspepsia and all disorders arising grade, and our reputation for reliability laudable effort of securing an education, Physician Falls Sixty Feet. Friends, give it a trial. Poke^ama( returned home for a few from Indigestion. Endorsed by physic I Jn this line is unquestioned. Our canned as well as make the coming year the days visit with his family. ians everywhere. 8old by all dr«Vgi8tg Ban Jose, July 8.—Dr. F. F. Brown FREIGHT AND i Lost — Reward — A pair of gold riuqmed banner year for attendance at our State goods are the best made; our cereals, No cure, no pay. 25 ce^fs. Trial pack ridge met with a serious accident in Normal ¡School. eye glasses in Ashland recently. The Houses are in great demand here, aues BAGGAGE TRANSFER free by writing to W. H. H qoxkr ipust), etc., from the choicest kernels, i Let every one think this over and in finder will please leave them at H, 8. a very peculiar mannor, He left hie HEAD of Good Cattle none being vacant. We hear inquiries Co, Buffalo., if. Y, gnd our fancy and staple goods are dividually see what they can do to further Evans’ stqre g«d reoeive a reward of $1. office in the Spring building for a mo Wood For Sale. For Sale. A Good Stock every day for a house. ment, closing the door behind him. the object herein set forth’ without a peer, Wall paper 5c and up. Paint, oils, Miss Annie Jeffrey has sold het place. ’ The spring lock caught and he discov Farm fn* rent. glass, etc , at H. S. Evans*. Here to Mary D.qrh^iiq ' ¿¡nd njovea to | ce Delivered Daily in Season Grants Pss, July 8.—The Golden Drift ered that his key was on the inside. Medidrd, ‘ ^Ira. Ti. McCarthy and daughter Anna, Mining Company is pushing the work The Reliable Grocers. L. M. RHQUES, He entered an adjoining office and on its dam acr.». X„gUe River> lhree came up from Grant« Pass yesterdav to tried to step from an open window —Pn Anderson creek July 4,1902, Klamath Falls, Oregon. to Born Mr. and Mra. Nicho'as Brophy, a son. miles above this city, with an energy of remain during the fruit season. Qpal into his own room, three feet away, purpose that promises an early com White and Maud Williams caihe with but missed his footing and fell sixty Ashland F C. Marrisis building a new house on pletion of the big work in bond. The them. «a feet to the street, lie will probably his lot near his present residence tuun is now buitt out more than one- STEAM Klondike Fizz, the new drink See recover. Rqiph McChiruber, grandson third of the distance across tho river. Sherman, is quite ill with fever. Twenty Wood Choppers, There is no doubt now in the minds of Hill, the soft drink man. Che— LAUNDRY Ex Supervisor J. M. Tyler and Su Tried to Cut His Wife’s Throat. those who have the work in charge that Talent, Ore., July 9, 1902. Sacramento, July 8.—Shortly after Wing Restaurant two( arpenters, one Engineer, I they wjll have the dam completed before pervisor Geo. Grow qf Emigrant creek, F. HEBERLIE pie arrival qt the fall rains. The pampa? were at the county seat the first of the Prop’r. 2 o’clock Monday morning William «* AMt ’ -oN. week discussing road matters with the MRS. A. GABBUSH, Prop. ny hag decided to utilize their power not Hill, who resides at Oak Park, re one Machine Drill Man, WATER Street. J. Lacy and D. N. Davis were down alone far their giants in the Dry Diggings oounty judge. turned home under the Influence of New Wing Block, corner A and from the mountain Monday, going to and for irrigation purposes, but also for NEAR MAIN Unique wall paper, up-to-date esigns liquor and attempted to murder his 4lh Sts., just around the corner Ashland. furnishing power for he numerous from 8 cents up at Stock’s. wife by cutting her throat. The wo Orders by mail or from the Depot. quartz mines that dot the surrounding Geo. W. Grow and J. M Tyler went Gus Godfrey, who accompanied the re man escaped from his clutches and express receive hills. ...Best 25 Cent Hlea! to Jacksonville Monday on business. attention mains of his father to Ashland and at G old H ill , O re on locked herself in a room. Hill then cut prompt T erms C ash , at tended the funeral and visited his sister, W. H. Grow came over from Horn his own throat from ear to ear. He Along the Line. Prompt Service. reasonable rates The following are the offiicera of the Mra. Fred M. Carter, returned home to brook to spend the 4th with relatives. was taken to the county hospital Everything the market affords. No Federal Labor council. MOWING THE LAWN Portland Tuesday. Chinese cooking. Lunches put up. where he later died. Property to Exchange George Cole, president; J. M. Fowlkes, Isaac Moore was in from his place Ladies dress hats just received at Gur- Passenger trains stop 30 minutes. last week to attend the funeral of his son. is not hard work if you have the right vice-president; Edward Ferguson, sec re or good improved or Give the restaurant a trial and be Husband Kills an Intruder. tary; L ’Smith, treasurer; executive nea’s 4th sreet dry goods store. Ves Grow has been staying with Al kind of a mower. Now this kind is just umm rovni Southern ore- convinced, committee, J. H. Will, Colonel White, Connellsville, Pa., July 8.—Durin? Dr. Sechrist in farmer years a parctic- Hopkins the past two weeks. what D. B. P rovost is offering to his pa '■ g’>n ranch—T«-u acie’ of W. J, Word; committee on constitution ing physician at Phoenix, has returned the night an unknown man entered th< trons. Easy running, of exceeding dur phon'v C lit'.iiiia (■ uit laud, val Mr. Stanley the fruit peddler went 4th Street and hy-laws, D, H. Hawkins, O. E. to Ran Francisco after a residence in ue |20ba. t tiue San Di«-gociiy over the mountain Monday. ability, perfectly adjusted bearings and house of Lud Pritts, a mountaineer llv Angle and L. 8, Larson, The next Modoc county, and was married upon property. |l5ui). Also, 509 acres ing near Rockwood. Pa., and proceed Beel Baker in Jackson County meeting will be held at the city hall his arrival in that city. F. L. Wright was here Monday- going i self-sharpening knives, carefully hard <4 to the apartments of Pritts’ youaj ei tine uniu,proved land at $10 Monday night. over the mountain. ened and tempered. per acre. Lime, plaster Paris and Portland ce wife, evidently supposing her to b* Frtsb Bread, Pies, Cdku» Any [art or all for property of Geo. Howard returned to the logging alo&e. Her screams aroused her bus Sewing machines of all kinds, new or ment by the car load at H. S. Evans’. Pastry M all Kinds equal value Adores» camp. band, who was la another room, cat second hand and at lowest prices. Ma Rev. J. L. Paine, who came here a hastily grasping his Winchester, 114 The 4th passed quietly here. ... .Delivered to all parta ol city W. O. PURDIN » chines to rent. J. P. Dodge, opera block. few months ago from Fayette, Iowa, to look at the country and visit his cousin, shot the Intruder dead. A Benoit holds the premium given by J Al K’ONVILLX, OatGOX. Judge John J. Daly, who committed Phone 374.~~—n*- the S. P. Co. for the best kept road on Mra. J. L Batchelor, returned to Ash suicide by taking morphine in a lodg land again the past week looking up in Revolution in Nicaragua. twenty-four sections, says the Roseburg ing house at Pueblo, Cal., was at one vestments for capital. Panama, July 8.—Government ad Review. C. Richard, Prop. time grand master Workman of the do Is a feature of our Pie- vices received here from Nicaragua You are sure to get something artistic main of Oregon, Washington and British Joaquin Miller, the iamotis poet and scription Department up are to the effect that a revolutionary author, was in Yreka Monday and gave if you have photos made at Camps’ stu Columbia and took an active interest in on which we pride our dio expedition of over 1,000 men has land us a call. He attended the 4th of July Oregon politics. selves. We do not slight ASK ANYBODY ed near Bluefields, Nicaragua, and hat celebration at Weaverville and came Misses Lucinda Reames and Mary 01- such prescriptions simply Get vour harness oil, hoof ointment here on a visit to old friends, and also to been joined by a large number of Con well and Ed. Olwell, Ira Anderson, Chas. because the medicines are . The Old-Reliable Blackamitb, WHO DRIVES and gall cure of S. K. Adams, Main secure a good picture of Mt. Shasta by h Ramsey, Claud Miles and Fay Anderson servatives. The landing of the expe to be given to domestic Has Purchased......................... street. He also sells harness and does CONTRACTOR photographer from the city.- Yreka were among the crowd witnessing the I animals. Drugs and chem dltlon is said to be the beginning of a harness repairing. Tele Journal. if It is not a fact that Eugene-Ashland game Monday. icals of doubtful quality strong movement against tbs govern W. 0. Johnion't Shop '■ ■ ■ AND we turn out the best are not Spray pumps that simply can’t be beat. phone ment of President Zelaya. Such s ho ; FQR BfiWFOllT. Soother of Pain For all pain. Pre and most stylish look Call and see them. E. Pell. BUILDER movement would be of much ben«fil pared and sold bv Wilmer M. Poley & And is now prepared to eerra ing rig« in town. “ good enough ** Main to Colombia, it Is believed, tn thgi Oregon’s Favorite Seaside ltcsort. Stewart, Carpenter, Alexander & Land Co., druggists, Ashland. We have good his old customers and the pub AT OUR STORE. of Minneapolis, Minn., is the firm that country's difficulties with its revolu horses and new vehi- “Recognizing the advantage of New 51 lic generally at the old ataad Otto Reide. the Gold Hili tinner, was $ has purchased a controlling interest in tlonists, as it would prevent half port as a summer resort over other sea This is why you should bring Cl*f. X the in Ashland Tuesday ' lookihg over the &cott and Van Arsdaie Lumber Co. Transient stock reaching the Colombian Liberals ox M ain S t .. O pp . O pera H»u»r B lock side resorts in the Northwest, and fo in your prescriptions for Con OR. EQ-OUT including its McCloud railroad, store«, town. Mr. Biede thinks of moving his properly fed and well make it possible for all who desire to do. dition Powders, Liniments, the Isthmus from Nicaragua. our family to Ashland on account of <Ten*rid Blacksmithing of all .kind« land«, etc., for the sum of $3,750,000. cared for in our large Poultry Medicines, etc. so to sper.çl their vacation by the ocean school and home facilities. Horse« hoeing a Specialty. The new people take charge the first of livery stable. waves, the Southern Pacific company, in Plan», Specifications PVBLldBEK'S NOTICE. August. Connection with the Corvallis & Eastern Moki Tea positively Cures Sick Head Subscribers who fail to receive the railroad, will p.ace on sale, effective Jana and Estimates on All Kinds Thos. W. Carter of Ash boro, N. C., ache, Indigestion and Constipation. A k _ V ___________ allky R foobd regularly, will confer a delightful herb drink. Removes all 15th, round trip tickets from ali points had kidney trouble and one bottle of of Carpenter Work. great favor by reporting the same to eruptions of the skin, producing a per in Oregon on the Southern Pacific to Ashland, Ore. Prescription Druggists Foley’s Kidney Cure effected a perfect this office immediately. Newport, good for return until October Ht Fair Prices» curej and lie says there is no remedy fect complexion or money refunded. Opposite Bridge, cenur of town. and StatioJiers, 25c and Wc. • Write to us for freesam 10th, at specially reduced rates. For full that will compqre with it.—T. K. Bqlton. Wall paper of the very latest designs yard Ornes — At old Hicks lumber pia w. H. Hooxxx & Co.. Buffalo. N information please inquire of your local VALLEY RECORD at Stock’s. opposite Ashland Steam Laundry. agent.” tip Bty flni w Y» DraffwU. Business New and Second-Hand Musical VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. Bargains in Real Estate Geo. W. Treffen WANTED... Nevergripe ss FRUIT ICE CREAM W. H. TATE Fruit, DYSPEPSIA TABLETS C. E. LA.NB, g» WISE & TOZEK. WANTED Dr. C. R Ray, Ashland Bakery F Veterinary ® Medicines J. H. DUTTON, E. C. SHERMAN ASHLAND. II W. It. POLEY ca Fox & Good, r JOB PRINTING ? * ■ 'I B