( Tbe Samc'Old Story. J. A. Kelley relatcean experience simi­ lar to that which has happened in almost everv neighborhood in the United Slates ?nd has b»n told and re-told by thou­ The People's sands of others. He says: “last sum­ mer I had an attack of dysentery and A shland , Or.., Thursday, July 3, 19C2 purchased a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I took according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies.” Mr. Kelley is a well-known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by i all druggists. nitfl JÍ EL Out the Wet SAWYER’S Eictlllor Brand i Th« best waterpreef ««reenn in ths world. Mada from the beet m»’erial« and warranted waterproof. Made to stand the roughest work and weather. Leek for the trade mark. If your dealer does not bare them, write for catalogue to I. Y. Bdtisg and Fickisg Co., 4?U.. Sen Fmciuo. or II. M. HAW YER dr SON, Sole Mfrs. East Cambridge, Maa«. ORTHERN JPACIFTC X* Tt/V.li W AV XT • 1ST s Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Cars Dining Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL______ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH________ FARGO________ TO GRAND FORKS . CROOKSTON___ WINNIPEG HELENA »nd BUTTE___ THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA * NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST an 1 SOUTH Through tickets to Jtpan sn, Satur­ day 10 p. To Astoria and Way- m. Landing«. Go East Through Portland fVTickets via this route on sale at | 8. P. depot. A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or, Trolley Car on Fire. New York, June 24.—While run­ ning at a high rate of speed a Myrtle avenue trolley car in Brooklyn took fire, burning the metorman and five passengers, one probably fatally. Oth­ er passengers were badly injured, jumping to escape the flames, which swept the full length of the car, being carried by the wind. EDITORIAL Tells of Creeks That Will Produce Vast Sums. There is something humorous in the Í Seattle, June 24.—J. P. Parkinso» laborious effort to show that the vote for ; editor of the Nome News, who spent Governor Geer doesn’t mean anything at' the past winter in Nome and is here all. The law was procured Lv the pres-,! cn a flying trip, said yesterday: "The past winter at - Nome was a ent dynasty with the-expectation that if' long one, but not particularly severe. it failed of its purpose to enthrone itself There was cnly one storm of unusual it would use the law to defeat, if possible, severity between January 1 and 10. any candidate but its own for United That blizzard enveloped the entire peninsula. Many mushers were States senator. It was a fine scheme for caught out and were badly frozen. that contingency, but now the invention Business during the winter was quiet. has turned to plague the inventor. It is T-ene was little money in circulation The dust is generally shipped out in quite true, as said that “the law was not the fall and there is little left made for a condition of this kind.” Strange to say, however, thirty-five sa­ The law cannot and was never sup­ loons took out government licenses, costing |1500 each and generally lost posed to have any legal binding force. I money during the winter. None ol It is addressed solely to the moral sense them. I think, made any money. The of the legislature. It was argued that that faro banks lost fully $50,000 during the closed season and that practically body would not disregard the choice of was all that kept the camp. In the the people expressed at the polls, and mercantile busier s there was so proof was drawn from the electoral sys- i much competition that staple and canned goods were aimost as cheap tern of choosing the president, where' as in Seattle cr San Francisco. the vote of the presidential elector rests "Socially Nome was extremely gay. solely upon a moral and not a legal basis. As soon as navigation closed all busi­ ness cares were thrown' to the winds As it turns out the authors of the law and then followed a series of enter­ never meant themselves to be bound by it. i tainments that were both novel and It is claimed now that the law provid­ pleasing. All of the societies gave ing for nomination by petition was balls an hops and with amateur the­ atricals, parties, etc., they enjoyed meant only to provide for independent ! themselves immensely. nominations, and that Mr. Geer has no "A number of mining suits were stan< ig as a republican candidate. But I trieu during the winter and the court worked hard. In every case original the | lublican convention had the op- locators were given the full benefit of portunity to make a regular nomination. the law, something unknown during It did not do so because none of the ue previous regime. "The mining conditions are excel­ candidates ventured to submit their lent. There is more work going on claims to the people. They had a surer than ever before. Numorous dumps thing, they thought, with the legisla­ were being taken out or had been ture. And if it be conceded that Mr. taken out when I left. The returns are usually pleasing and exceed even Geer lias standing only as an independ­ the expectations of the owners. They ent candidate, it was an independent were getting ready for extensive work republican candidate, and he got all the this summer, and the output will be much larger than last year. republican votes. “It's a bad time to swap horses when you are crossing a stream.” covery and it did me more good than anything I could get,’’ writes Mrs. Julia A. Wilcox, of Cygnet, Wood Co., Ohio, Box 25. " 1 doctored with three different doctors for weak heart, but they did me no good. I was so tired aud discouraged if I had had my choice to live or die I would have prefered to die. My husband heard of ‘ Golden Medical Discovery’ and he bought me a bottle. I took that aud the first half seemed to help me. I took six bottles before I stopped. Iam per­ fectly well aud am cooking for boarders (I have six), aud am taking in washing besides. I will truly say I thiuk your medicine will do all it is recommended to do, aud more. It has been a God-send to me. I will be willing to answer any letters of inquiry that any one wishes me to. If you think this will be the means of helping any j>o suffering woman to obtain relief you may it ana make any honest use of it you wish to.” * Was Bedfast, '•I had been sick for more than a year with kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. Lucy llayter, of Jacksboro. Jack Co.. Texas. «Several different doctors treated me, but none did me any good. One doctor said I never could be cured,” that I had Bright’s Disease. I suffered nearly death at times; had spells the doctor called spasms. Was bedfast most of the time for six months. My mother begged me to try Dr. Pierce’s Goldeu Medical Discovery. With but little hope I wrote to Dr. Fierce and he said he could cure me. I begau to take his ‘Goldeu Medical Discovery’ and although I had given up to die, I began U j improve fiotn the start, and by fhe time I had taken twenty-two bottles I was entirely cured. I thank God ter the ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ I weigh more than ever before in my life, and believe I am entirely well.” Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing 100S pages, and over 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray expense cf mailing on tv. Send 2t oue-cent stamps for the book in paper cover, or 31 cents for the book in cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. C anadian P acific JVew Fast Service by the Imperial Limited 4 DAYS 4 Across the Continent. The time is arranged to pass the greatest soenic features of the line dnring daylight. Pamphlets furnished free on application E. J. COYLE, F. R. JOHNSON, ▲sat. Gen. Paas. Agt.. F. & P. A., Vaaeeuyar, B. 0, Perttandf Ora NOME EDITOR BOOMS CAMP, THE GEER SDtATCRiAL VOTE. I It may be that the vote is a farce. But it is a farce of their own getting up “Is there nobody,” we are asked, “among the republicans of Oregon, who wants Mr. Fulton?” Doubtless there are, but he did not give them an oppor­ tunity to say so. In the meantime, people will watch the comedy. Its humorous side will tend to relieve the tedium of the long, sunny summer days.—Portland Journal1 OREGON’S VICTORIES. Summer complaint is unusually preva­ lent among children this season. A well developed case in the writer’s family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy—one of the best patent medi­ cines manufactured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. Tltis is not intended as a free puff for the company, who do not advertise with us, but to benefit little suffers who may not be within easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bottle of this medicine in tbe house, especially in the summer-time.—Lancing. Iowa, Jour­ nal. For sale by all druggists. Buffalo, means a great deal for Oregon. It was no accident. It was a matter of merit. This state would not have re­ ceived the awards it did in the face of a big competition unless it had the goods to present the world. The probability is that in extent our exhibit was smaller than that of many other states, but we It is unquestionably a fact that we have the soil and climate for raising the best fiuiti and vegetables in the world. There is no perfection in the world, nor Family cares and duties do not weigh is there in Oregon, but we can give the down the well woman, and the children world more good points than most of the are never in her way. But when the states. This is not a matter of bragga­ womanly health fails, and there is a con­ stant struggle with weakness and pain, docio so common when it is desired to household duties are a burden almost boom a state, but a fact demonstrated past bearing, and children are a cease­ less annoyance aud worry. by the presentation of the ocular proof. Weak women are made strong an/1 With its great advantages this state in sick women are made well by the use o\ Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It the coming few years should make a establishes regularity, dries disagreeable progress that shall be pronounced in its drains, heals inflammation and ulcera­ character. Will the people of Oregon be tion and cures female weakness. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. equal to the occasion and push ahead in Pierce by letteryyTC. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. the matter in which it deserves. Address Dr. R. \ . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. It took a long time to get the Indian war pension bill, but the people of Ore­ gon generally will rejoice in the final victory of the veterans. Goy. Geer thinks the reasons for an extra session outweigh those against it. "I had been ailing some time, troubled with female weakness.’’«•rites Mrs. W::i. H. Johnson, of Avondale. Chester Co.. Pa. "Every month I would have to lie on ray back. I tried many different medicines and nothing gave me relief until I began Dr. Pierce's medicines, using two bottles of ‘ Favorite Prescription ' aud two of - ‘Goiden Medical Discovery.’ These medicines have cured me. When I began your treatment I was not able to do ven- much, but now I do the work for my family of nine, and feel better to-day than I have for a year. I thank you, doctor, from the bottom of my lieart, for well do I know that you are the oue'who cured me.” " Favorite Prescription ” has the testi­ mony of thousands of women to its com­ plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved sub­ stitute in its place. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the best laxative for family use. Woodburn What Two Cents Will Do E. HOOVER, June 28th and July 1st, 2nd, 3d and J^th the Burlington icill sell tickets to all points East and return at greatly reduced rates Bears th« Signatare of —Plan an itinerary for you, —Advise you what side trips to take, —What to see. Call at office or write for full particulars. R. W. FOSTER, Ticket Agent Burlington Route, 100 Third St Cor. Stark, Portland, Or « V hi Coi'iieetil».? ate d: Luxutiou- roeches, e ectric 1 VI • s, i- < am Ita, ut a temi tqiixltil b no ot Lei ime See tildi jour t ekel reads via •• i be Milwaukee” wiieu g<>iug to aux p int ill the United S'ates or Canada, All In Use For Over 30 Years ticket agents tell t belli. For rates, pamphlet» or Ollier iu for- marión, address J. W C asey , H. 8 R owe , Trav. i a-e Agent. General Agent l’ORTL iND, OREGON. EAST THRO SAN FRANCISCO ARE YOU GOI G EAST ? Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via If yon are in no special hurry, let us suggest that you go East via San Francisco. It costs no more than by one of the “direct” lines. The ride through the Willam­ ette Valley is interesting, Mt. Shasta is beautiful,San Francisco is the most fascinating of American cities, Salt Lake is a good place to spend a day. Then there’s the trip through Colo­ rado—nothing like it on earth, At Denver you take the Burlington and go east cm a finely equipped train, re­ ceiving the best of service. A. C. SHELDON, General Agent, Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. Northwestern Line! ---- THE---- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOU« and OMAHA RAILWAY« Tiiia is tbs LINE GREAT SHORT Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Pointn East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME ” Have given this road a national reputa­ tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled tiains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line, All agents have tickets. W. C. S avage , »V. H. M ead , Trav. F & P. A. General Agent 243 Washington St , Portland, Or. But if you are going eaet write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offered by the Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars via the Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don’t fail to write us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable information and assistance. had the quality that could not be beaten. Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, de­ nounced the Panama bill as the monu­ mental fraud of the age. He was right, and Mark Hanna lead the hosts in the interest of the railroads. This country is being bossed in tbe interest of the trusts.—Albany Democrat. L