ç- Z* i F h n ru » m U VA1ÆEÏ RECORD. A RECORD ...ASHLAND Published Everv J K.lISEl; S ubscription R atios : One Year.......................................... $1 75 Six Months....................................... 1 00 Three Months ..... .................. 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. ------ ASHLAND, OREGON $1.75 Cannot be better spent than by subscrib­ ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it I ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1902. ■■■ ...... 11 PERSONA AND LOCAL NO MORE S. P. BARS. LABOR UNION MEETING. a Rafter Cba" At a meeting held last Saturday of the IJVIIÇI in a Bank!! Federated Trades Conncil—American Manager Kruttschnitt Wins Out and The Hill’s soft drinks are the best. Federation of Labor—adjournment was Telephone 61 Goods Delivered Tippling Saloon Must Go. had until next Saturday evening at city Wm M. Colvig wis here from Jackson­ Ten acre fruit tracts . I when organization will be perfected San Francisco Examiner.] ville Saturday. »— I nisi e<< transacted. Ail who de- Two acre tracts The time is coming when the mixtii re '■<> j-in should be on hand Ti.e Mrs. Sarah Harris is up from Oakland, drink will be as rare on a Southern Pa­ initiation fee will be the same at this Railroad lots Cal., on a visit. cific ferryboat as a day in June. Under meeting as to charter members For Ladies Miss Delia Reuter of Jacksonville is instructions from General Manager visiting Portland. MARINE RECRUITS FROM ASHLAND. Kruttschnitt, Manager Agler of th« Southern Pacific has formally notified Harry Langell of Medford has gone to B -r si J- A. Morton, U. S. N., recruit­ the lessees that on next Tuesday, J111 ing Leut California to locate. officer, secured the following boys Ge Te Billings» Full stock 1st, the Southern Pacific Company Wil Mrs. L. H. Dewey of Yreka is visiting assume the direction and control of all from Ashland: William J. Virgin, 'CHOOL BOOKS .4 AD SCHOOL SUPPLIES Apprentice, 3rd class; John E. ock, at J. E. Barretts’ home. the restaurants on the Oakland-S:n landsman for training; Alonzo Mills, fire­ Beal Estate and Insurance. Wm M. Colvig will deliver the Fourth Francisco boats, the ferryboat Solano :n man, Special Value Tablets 2nd class; Merle H Riley, appren ­ of July oration at Salem. Port Costa, the dining-room at the broad tice, 3rd class; Earl Clay Jackson, E. F. Loomis was up from Sacramento, gauge Oakland mole, and that at Sacra apprentice, 3rd class The boys left on mento, now in charge of Ben Steinman Saturday’s noon train for Goat Is and, in Cal., a few days the past week. «> «a Aíí The Late Popular Novels loiter on all the other dining stations Miss Gertrude Sutton is spending her along the Southern Pacific lines will Sau Francisco bay, where they will be vacation in Portland and Seattle. be taken charge of by the company, the employed on the training ship for six idea being to put them under the com­ months as well as receive a good coni Alex. Kane is home from Mt. Angel mon school education. The boys go pany’s dining car management. Utz $ Dunn Shoes for his summer vacation. With regard to the Oakland-San Fran­ with the best wishes of the community ó College LAWN MOWERS Mrs. J. E. Barrett visited Miss Dora cisco ferryboats, the company will not FOURTH Of JULY RATES. NEST Of 69 RATTLE SNAKES. Horn at Hornbrook this week. —-—and Sliarpen them----- Of Local interest abolish the present bars until such time ♦ ♦♦ Tor £adies Wm. Schock killed some 69 rattl?® Dr James Bradeu of Gold Hill visited as each vessel can be laid up for repairs. The Southern Pacific Company an­ All Our H ork Guaranteed At such a time the bar space on each snakes at his place on Cottonwood Gulclu From Dunsmuir News, June 27.] Soda Springs a few,days this week. nounce the sale of tickets at reduced will be made use of for new; and larger ->outh of Yreka, comprising all sizes; rates on account of the Fourth of July. O. R. Garner, one of the Southern Best Shoe made Misses Esther and Mary Silsby have dining-rooms, in which drinks will be You will save money gone to Portland, the former on a visit. sold by the small bottle or flask, the from little ones with a single rattle or Pacific’s car inspectors, a new arrival in These figures will be based nt one and by getting our prices. Full stock button up to one monster of 24 rattles. Dunsmuir, has located himself up on one-third fare for the round trip, making Victor Lowe and Geoge Ganiere rode same as on dining cars. He unhitched his horses and had some Florence avenue. four cents per mile round trip passage We have a Full Line of to Gold Hill Sunday on their bicycles. trouble getting them into the barn, on to and from stations in Oregon. Tickets Brakeman F. J. Reid returned Satur ­ fRllT ORGANIZATION account of their ecenting the reptiles. will be on tale July 3rd and 4th and wi 11 Frank 8. McWilliams is on the de­ Gents’ and Children’s Shoes in Variety After leaving the barn he heard the day from a visit to the headquarters of be good for return up and including the livery wagon of Fox & Gillette’s grocery. the Southern Pacific at ‘Frisco, as a mem­ 6th. Celebrations will be held at the Representative Otwell’s Views of Pro- horses prancing about and returning AT BOTTOM PRICES ber of the “grievance committee.” Mr. and Mrs. Frank Towne of Phoenix found they had pulled the manger down, most important points. Local agents posed Union. went to Colestin Monday for her health. containing a nest of snakes. After the Give us a call The Wendells, so well-known in this will fnrnish all details on application. slaughter of the snakes, a San Francisco community, who went to Ashland last W. E. C oman , and be convinced. Hon. H. S. Sanford arrived on Mon­ Medford Mail.] drummer gave him $15 for the rattles fall, found that little town too quiet for General Passenger Agent. PIONEER BLOCK. Plaza and Main Street, Ashland, Or. day noon’s train from his trip to New- John D. Olwell, one of the owners of Schock first killed 52, and go­ their energy and thrift, moved to Lake­ York. the famous Olwell orchard, four miles secured. bicycle ~ man . ing back a second time found 17 more. view, Oregon, a month ago, where the HARRY YEO,................................... Manager Mine)“ Falls Down a Shaft. north of Medford, and which by the way Geo. Klum and wife of Sodaville, Linn News has just discovered them. In Second Hand Store, Ashland, Or. Sacramento, June 24.—A special to I county, are visiting his brother, C. K. is one of the largest apple orchards on PROBATE COURT. the Pacific coast, ancl for that matter in “Rail Road” Redwine, brakeman out of the Bee from Auburn says: J. D. Gill, Klum. Estate-of Mary A Stewart; approval of Dunsmuir, sprained an ankle sometime the United States, was in this city Tues­ Mrs. Teters and daughter Addie went day. • Speaking of the proposed fruit­ final account and order discharging ex­ ago and has been laying off for several who was injured in a mine near Georgetown a few days ago, died at to Sisson Saturday on a visit to Mrs. J. A growers’ union, which is being talked of ecutor. days. He wants to be getting around this place on Saturday. He fell down Smith. Gold Hill Items HOT FIGHT FOR FORTINE Estate of Minerva Phillips; order ap­ about the Fourth. by the fruit men of this yalley, Mr. Ol­ a shaft a distance of fourteen feet and Rex F. Deter and wife of Montague well stated to a representative of The pointing Silas J. Day, Frank R Neil and There are numbers of new men coming ran an Iron tamping rod through tho John S Orth ap'praisers. Mail that he thought that in the matter The Friddy Heirs and the Invoking of A have been visiting Ashland and Medford From the News of June 28.] Guardianship of Lena and Lita Sisley; into the railroad shops here to work. base of his head and pressing upon i of marketing fruit a union would be of relatives. Oris Crawford was called to Jackson­ Business continues to increase. Tombstone in Central Point Cemetery. the brain. The doctors say it was a little assistance to the growers who have order to sell real estate. ville Tuesday. Mr. Crawford has been C. E. Ellis, who pitched for Ashland from ten to forty or more carloads of Louie Fuller, one of the machinists j phenomenal case for a man to live so •’entral Point. Or.—If a tombstone of last season, is pitching for Healdsburg, selected by Joseph Rader sheriff elect to Major Carter is in from Walter King ’ s here, went to the city a week ago repre­ long with such a wound. fruit to ship, but to those having small serve as deputy. Mr. Rader shows his Vermont marble, which stands in the Cal., this year. quantities, and who are compelled to mine on Hungary creek after machinery, senting the local union to wait on Mr. quiet little cemetery here, had the power good judgement by this selection and He will return Sunday. Mr. Car­ Kruttschnitt and Mr. Small of the South­ Mrs. W. H. Simmons and Mrs. H. A. sell to local buyers, a union would be an etc. Both Held for Trial. shows a so that he understands the busi­ to speak, it could settle a legal contro­ ter has located a good claim in the im­ ern Pacific in regard to having the sal­ advantage to them. Especially so would Euncb Counter Frenna of Medford took Saturday ’ s train ness in hand as requiring a competent versy now being waged in the courts of for San Francisco. mediate vicinity and reports everything aries of the men raised. He will return Seattle, Wash., June 23.—Paul and a union be to peach and berry growers, Missouri, involving the title to 52 acres accountant in the sheriff’s office One Coffee and Cake Nellie Underwood, the accused mur­ who usually have Bmall quantities to as promising of good results. The during the week. who has education sufficient to correctly of property in the best residence district Mrs. Chas W Martyn and son Wal­ market, and whose fruit is of a perish­ stamp mill has arrived at Coles from derers of their infant child, were ar ­ H J. Small, recently at Sacramento, calculate each tax payers taxes and no of Kansas City, valued at $1,009,000. lace, are visiting relatives and friends in able nature and has to be rushed to a San Francisco and will be taken out at Tne monument is a modest one, with and ; about Portland. guessing. once. The water ditch has been com­ has been promoted to be General Super­ I raigned in the justice's court Satur­ market. To such persons a union would but the simple inscription cut upon its intendent of Motive Power for the South­ day and bound over for trial without Mrs. Geo. McDonald on returning from face recording the fact that Mrs. James J. Percy Wells and Geo. Carter were enable them to secure better prices, pleted and the King mine will in a very ern Pacific Railway, with headquarters a preliminary hearing. short time be in shape to do business. the Bouden mine Sunday evening where Priddy died April 10, 1892, with a state- seen promenading with fair ones at Med­ through pooling their crop and reaching ' at San Fransisco. Mr. Small will assume Best meals in town she had been delivering supplies to her ment of her age. The storm center of ford Sunday evening a distant market, but to the apple grow­ The property is developing even better his position July 1. Under the direc­ NEW ROCK ISLAND WALL MAPS. than at first reported and is a mine. husband who is manager at the mine, this legal battle is the mutilated right­ ers, at least those who have large quan ­ tion of Mr. Small the three following Circuit Judge H. L. Benson arrived tities, a union would not be of much ad­ 25 Cents met with a slight accident while coining hand figure in the inscription, stating The S. P. R. R. Co. are preparing to very important offices have been filled A new wall map of the United States Friday from Klamath Falls en route to down Blackwell hill. The team became the age of M rs. Priddy, at the time of visit his family at Salem. vantage, for their crop is not perishable send out forest rangers to protect their with superintendents of motive power has just been issued by the Rock Island frightened aud started to run, throwing her death. If ehe died at the age of 60 at once, but can be held for months un­ timber lands from forest fires They who will take charge of their respective passenger department. These maps are Mrs McDonald from the rig and bruis­ years her Oregon heirs become entitled Miss Gurnea teaches piano, guitar, til it is convenient to ship. consider their timber valuable enough to positions Julv 1: T W. Heintzelman at complete in every detail and have been ing her slightly. The buggy tongue and to a fortune; if she was 66 years old at madolin and banjo. Studio over Gur- In other ways Mr. Ol well thought a warrant special attention in this respect. Sacramento; W. McKenzie, in charge of revised up to date. They are three and doubletree were broken, otherwise no the time of her death the Kansas Cityans nea’s new store near depot. union would be of considerable benefit This was part of the recent mission of ferries, &c, Oakland; P. Sheedy, Los one half by four feet, printed in black Tresb Bread and Pastry damage was sustained. and yellow on heavy pa^er, being bound will remain in undisturbed possession of Angeles. Miss Ada Thomas graduated as a to all the fruit men of the valley. The Land Agent W. H. Mills to Oregon. Eike Your mother makes suitably to hang on the wall. They are Dr James Braden was in town from their property and the clain ants will be trained nurse from Good Samaritan hos­ present laws for the suppression of fruit A. J. Stewart ha9 sold eighteen acres pests he considered inadequate, and it i very attractive map and especially use ­ defeated. pital at Portland this week real estate transfers . his mine on Blackwell Tuesday and in­ would require a united effort by all the of the old Mingus tract near Medford for ful for reference. The Rock Island has M rs. James Priddy inherited the prop­ forms 11s that himself and partner, J. D. $1000 to D V. Turner, a recent arrival F. G. McWilliams, who is employed Max Muller to August Lawrentz; 4 sent out a large number of these maps to fruit men to get the legislature to make Graham, have 4 men steadily employed erty from her father, who died more with a real estate firm at Portland, visit­ the necessary changes to the law. from Frederick, Kansas. acres in sec 25, tp 37, r 2 w, $450. A :iotels and public places and many re­ mrs. 3. JL mcDade developing the property. They have a than half a century ago. It was then ed his family the past week. Alonzo Drake to Henry Helms; 9 acres , quests for them from its friends and pa­ union would do much toward enforcing farming land, worth about $5 per acre. shaft 30 feet deep and a tunnel about in Talent precinct, $1500. f Proprietor. trons have been complied with. Mesdames I. L. Hamilton, W. H. Ric­ the present fruit pest laws, and thus pre­ 100 feet on the ledge at which depth Kansas City was a small village, and no Henry Helms to Alonzo Drake: 147 vent careless farmers and town residents shows a tine body of ore from 2 to 4 feet one then dreamed that at the beginning key, Josephine Russell and Jessie Lan- from acres, d 1 c 53, tp 37, r 1 w, $2400. allowing their fruit trees to become 1 visited Ashland Saturday. in width The doctor said that he mor- of the 20th century it would be a pros- geil M A Anderson to Henry Helms; 147 a nursery for the propagation of pests tarod a piece of q.iartz an inch square porous city of ovei 21)0,000 inhabitants. Miss Flora Billings arrived Friday that would swarm out and over-run the acres d 1 c 58, tp 37, r 1 w, $1300. Mrs. Priddy ’ s h us ba id was a brick ma- , which was taken from the richest body from Oakland, Cal., to attend the funer­ orchards of those who try to keep their O & C R R & U T Co to C R Ray; lot 1 ' of her of ore last week aud obtained $16 in free son and worked at his trade in a modest al father, the late D. R. Billings. trees clean and healthy. sec 13, tp 36, r 3 w, $75. Will cure the worst cases gold which makes the ore several thous­ way, until gold was discovered in Cali- ' A J Olseu to J H Bagley; placer claims Mr. Olwell wishedit distinctly under­ Mr. and Mrs Flack of San Diego are fornia. In the spring of 1853 he sold the and dollars per ton of stomaeh trouble. on Ward’s creek, $1. land in controversy for $200, and with visiting their daughter, Mrs A. C. stood that he was not opposed to the Ben Haymond to Alice Shelby; 120 Sam McClendon has taken a home­ his family started on the long journey Griffith, at The Poplars on Pelican bay. fruit men getting together for their mu­ < A letter from David F. Fox, Ashland, acres sec 27, tp 34 s, r 2 w, $3000. stead on Trail creek and has Jeff llaugh- across the plains. He cast his lot with tual interests, or that he even desired to Oregon. : Mrs. Alice Manning and children and discourage the effort to organize a union. Ashland, Oregon, Corner Second and Main. A M Russell to John D Taylor; lot ad­ man now building him a residence. tne miners of Sacramento county, with For five years I suffered from stomach joining J K Leabo lot, Ashland, $75. When done, John McClendon will move varying success, and in 1870 came to Miss M. M. Dixon arrived from Portland On the contrary he was willing and anx­ to visit relatives at Manning’s ious to do all that he could to push the trouble, having in the meantime tried Win J Powers to Edward Charles; 17 DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK his family there and engage in the stock Jackson county where his wife died in Friday , sawmill. many remedies for its alleviation, but acres on westerly side of Granite street, business. fruit business of Jackson county, and to 1892, and he followed her some four MARBLE, GRANITE, IRON FENCING and without effect. I met a friend who told Ashland, $475. Jack Bailey, who has been at Ketchi­ make it possible for the growers to main­ me The Purkeypile Bros.’ mine is show­ years later. GENERAL CONTRACTING in STONE WORK of Nau's Dyspepsia Cure, and how it W F Towne to A W Short; 50 feet of The Oregon heirs of Mrs. Priddy have kan, Alaska, several months, returned to tain the high quality and splendid repu­ made a healthy woman of his wife, who south ing up in good style. Tiie lessee have end of lot 2, blk 2, Thoenix, $35. several tons of rich ore out ready to mill. now brought suit for the recovery Ashland Friday, accompanied by his tation that their fruit now has, and also had suffered for fifteen years from stom­ d E H Patterson to Charles II Pierce; Satisfaction <3rTX£L3r£tn.t; secure to them the best prices that the faithful dog. the property, claiming that she ach trouble, and from which cause ehe 2 27 acres on Water street, Ashland, Mrs. T. E. Ilammersley of Portland is of markets of the world can afford. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bartges are vis­ had been given up t<> die 1 without de­ $700. visiting with Geo. R. ilammersley and was a minor at the time she made a deed to the property and that, a- she iting their old home at Dayton, Wash. lay sent for your medicine. After taking family this week. Daniel Whetstone to Chris and Eliza­ Mrs A Benoit and children have re­ three ‘ was a married woman at that time, and Mrs. Critchlow arrived Monday from bottles of the CURE, found me a beth Arnold; 68 acres die 78, tp 37 s, r Carl Phelps and wife accompanied Mr. continued so to the time of her death, San Jose to take care of the children turned to Wilbur from a three weeks’ well man. Knowing its great efficacy 2 w, $3100. and Mrs Riley Ilammersley on their re­ the statute of limitation did not run during their absence. visit in Salem. from not only my own experience, but Thomas R Rock to Lora A Rock; 200 turn to their Evans creek ranch Tuesday. against her or her heirs. The Kansas Miss Ora Griswold of San Jose, Cal., is from the experience of others, I never acres sec 18, tp 39 s, r 4 w, $100. Peter Provost arrived Saturday from Mr. i’helps contemplates taking a home­ City parties allege that Mrs Priddy was Medford on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. overlook an opportunity to recommend Jane K Sather to Regents of Universi­ stead in that vicinity if a suitable claim over 21 years of age when she made the Montreal, Can., to join his family and at U. Lumsden. this remedy to any one whom I know to ty of California; property on Main aud make their home in Ashland. Mr. Pro ­ can be found. deed, and they insist that they have the be suffering from stomach trouble. Hargadine streets, Ashland, $10. vost is a brother of D. B. Provost, Ash ­ Geo. F. McConnell of Redding is vis ­ better claim to the property. The machinery for Houck’s electric J M Keene to Edith Bundy; undivided iting his wife and daughter at Los Ange­ Lawyers representing the contending land’s well-known citizen. plant is now on the way here The poles 1 interest in Wright Q claim inN C Dean les. parties have been in here and at 'ed- F»r sale by McNair Bros., or druggists d 1 c and J interest lot 2 sec 5, tp 37 s, r Try Sutton’s ice cream. He keeps the for carrying .he wires are all on the Everything usually found in an “Up-to-Date” Furniture Store ground. The holes will be dug this ford for the past two weeks taking testi­ good kind. Ladies dress hats just received at Gur­ generally. 2 w, $100. week and by the 15th of July the town mony in the effort to fix Mrs Priddy’s nea’ 8 4th street dry goods store. and at right prices. Mrs J. P. Gilmore returned Friday George Moore to Bradley O Moore; 160 FRANK NAU, Portland, Ore., of Gold Hill will be lighted by electric­ age. There are no family records and no from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. acres sec 33 tp 31 s, r 3 e, $110.88. J A. Running, the ex-brakeman and oil or 203 Broadway, New York. one appears to have any accurate infor ­ OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ity. The plant will be operated from Lulu E Bartlett to Bradley O Moore; Rice, in Portland Misses Annes and magnate, was on Monday’s south bound the Houck water power that operates mation. nJ of sw} aud s] of nw} sec 33, tp 31 s, r Leda Rice came out from Portland to train in his private car, El Fleda. Right here is where the controversy Price, $1.00; 6 bottles $5.00, express 3 e, $24 37. the flour and grist mill. over the tombstone comes in. The Kan­ spend their usual holiday vacation. Wall paper, mattings, lace curtains and prepaid. Frank M Bartlett to Bradley O Moore; Use Soother of Pain. For all pain. If you want the best photos and latest sas City attorneys claim that the original portiers at Gurnea’s 4th street dry goods nJ of swj and s] of nw} sec 33, tp 31, s r styles that can be made in Ashland go to inscription on the tombstone read “66 3 e, $22.72. Eva Jacobs left Tuesday even­ store. years” and that it has been changed ing Miss Camps’ studio. Fannie A Schilling to Bradley O for Puyallup, Washington, to visit H. Hum and Chas. Beck are home within the last year or two by some one her grandparents, Moore; nJ of sw} and sj of nw} sec & tp who reside there from a general tour of the Siskiyou moun­ in the interests of the Oregon heirs, and Later Miss Jacobs will 31, s r 3 e, $22.72. attend the Taco­ tain range west of Ashland, having been they point in confirmation of their theory ma business college.—Roseburg Plain ­ LOCATION NOTiCES. out three weeks. to the notices of Mrs Priddy’s death in dealer. two of the county papers in which her Otto Shell, who umpired the 4th of Chas Bland, placer claim, Davenport For Sale—One horse buggy. Apply to July baseball game between Ashland and age was given as 66. In this claim they district, June 18. Mrs. Martha Hutchings, Helman street i uCtl the baby is most like­ are corroborated by the tombstone man Grants Pass last 4th of July, was after­ G S and S M Bristow, ditch and water who made the monument and cut the ly nervous, rani fretful, and Prof. W. M. Clayton, for two years ward in a Shasta county train wreck and right, Brush creek, June 21. inscription. president of the Southern Oregon State then startled Red Bluff by breaking out Thos M Judge, quartz claim, Birdsey uov.-u't gain in weight. On the other hand it is asserted that Normal School, left Monday to join his with the smallpox while in that town, creek, Juue 23. Scott’s Emulsion while it is probable that the original family in Ohio. He will be principal of arrived Monday from Sacramento where ; figures were 66, yet the tombstone man the public school at Santa Ana, Cal., he has been for several months. Official Vote of Oregon. is the best food and medicine I made the mistake in cutting the inscrip- this fall. Leon Patrick, who has been spending Olili be Celebrated | i tion, and that upon discovering his error, Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar has at by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. for teething babies. They Keep cool. Pure Ashland water ice at winter in Denver, Col., cultivating ' ’ he changed the right hand figure to a 0 1 cent per pound and 75 cents per 100 the last announced the official returns of the gain from the start. his fine musical voice under the direction J before the monument was erected. A pounds is- cheap enough and will give of Prof, and Mrs. W. J. Whiteman, and election held in Oregon on J une 2, 1902. Send for n free sample. SCOT C ft BOWNE. Chemists, i : great mass of testimony has been taken you great comfort and relief. Phone 23. studying civil engineering, is home for The vote on state officers, exclusive of F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: am -4is IT.irl Street, New York. ? in support of this theory, of persons who governor, is given as follows: B altimore , Md., March 30, loai. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. Chas. Freeland, who accompanies Prof. the summer. In the fall he will enter knew Mrs. Priddy in her life time Supreme judge — R. S. Bean, rep., 49,- Gentlemen : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you the civil engineering department of the Steel and operates the stereoptican and a full history of my case, to lie used at your discretion. ' They estimate her age at the time of her 876; B. F. Bonbam, dem , 32,730; C. J. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, uutil I lost death all the way from 49 to 80, one es­ talking machine for the Woodmen lect­ University of Oregon at Eugene. Bright, prohi., 5,U3. Bean’s plurality, my hearing in this ear entirely. timable lady, who deposed that in her ures, was formerly a resident of Ashland There is none better than pure Ash­ PROGRAM, 11 A. M. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num­ 17,146. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. opinion Mrs. Priddy died in 1892 at the and is a cousin of Walter Freeland, the land water ice, manufactured by Rob­ ber of physicians, among ethers, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that Secretary of state—F. I. Dunbar, rep., only an operation could lieip me, aud even that only temporarily, that thé head noises would freight clerk. bins & Stevens at their factory and Oration by 47,623; D. W. Sears, dem., 30,557; C. W. The largest sum ever paid for a pre­ age of 40, was visibly embarrassed when then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. planing mill on Granite street. Prices, she was informed that she was married Barzee, socialist, 5,5891 N A. Davis, pro ­ I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, aud ordered your treat­ scription, changed hands in San Fran­ A respectable lady desires a place in a ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and hi., 4,934. Dunbar’s plurality, 17,066. cisco, Aug 30, 1901. The transfer in­ in 1849, thus revealing that she was family. Can do all kinds of general 1 cent per lb., 109 lbs. 75 cents. Tele­ after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I th auk you Bon» R« Ge Smith» State treasurer —Chas. 8. Moore, rep., to-day, volved in coin and stock $112,500.0) and married some three years before she was house work and has some knowledge of phone 23. heartily and beg to remain Very trr.ly yours. 46,418; Henry Blackman, dem., 30,506; F. A. W’ERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. was paid by a party of business me» for born. Others were quite positive that sewing. Address, E. B. M , care of the J. Cal Eubanks and Sam L. Goldman, of Grants Pass* W. W. Myers, socialist, 5.7G3; T. S. Mc­ a specific for Brights Disease and Diabe­ they had seen the monument in the Valley Record. JOur treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. well-known traveling men of San Fran ­ cemetery in 1892, 1893, and 1894, and Daniel. prohi., 5,269. Moore’s plurality, tes, hitherto incurable diseasea. Mrs. Viola Gill arrived from Seattle cisco are showing the trade the latest in Chaplain, J. T. Abbett. 15,912. HOME “ They commenced the serious investí- that the inscription read 60 years, while Monday on a visit to the family of H. C headgear and underclothing this week. Superintendent of public instruction— ¥ t and and while they agree that a change in 1 ■ U. covery that has turned out to be the 12. m., Grand Barbecue hi., Attorney 8. commissioner there. general—A. M. Crawford, watching them. They a'so got physici­ the inscription has been made, they dif­ only tin mine in America. Cal is also • O rep , 45,423; Jas. H. Raley, dem., 32,311; 4. ans to nam- chronic, incurable cases, fer widely us to when the alteration was 1 Fat cows, steers, hog, sheep and poul- interested, and expects to get a fortune T. H. Goyne, prohi, 5,104. Crawford’s and administered it with the physicians made, the stone itself has been pho­ ' trv wanted at all times by the Ashiand out of it within a few months. He has Binnen plurality, 13,112. forjudges Up to Aug 25, eighty-seven tographed, plaster casts have been made Meat Company. an army of friends who will rejoice at his State printer—J. R. Whitney, rep., eper ent of the test cases were either of it, and the Kansas City attorneys Meat, Bread, Coffee and good fortune. — Lakeview Examiner. Blue print maps of any township in made an offer to take the monument 42,649; Jas. E Godfrey, dem., 31,010; J. well or progressing favorably. The Japs of the Southern Pacific wood E Hosmer, socialist, 5,223; W. W. ♦ There being but thirteen per cent of bodily from its resting place to the Roseburg Oregon Land District, showing Sugar Free. Brooks, prohi., 5,102. Whitney’s plu­ failures, the parties were well satisfied Missouri court as evidence to “speak for all vacant lands, for 50 cents each. If train who figured in the general mixup you want any information from the U. S in the railroad yards recently with the rality, 11,639. Worth of 80 Pound Steel Rails, 50 New Locomotives and closed the transaction. The pro­ itself.” Congressman, 1st district—Thos. H. The outcome of the case will be Land Oflice, address, T itle G uarantee white train crew of a freight, train, went ceedings of the investigating committee 2 p. m.— Baseball Game* ' Tongue, rep., 26,585; J. K. Weatherford, on a strike and were discharged. No and the clinical reports of the test cases watched with considerable interest here. A L oan Co., Roseburg, Oregon. and 55 New Coaches, Chair Cars, Dining aDd Cafe one will regret their departure. They b dem , 16,213; B. F. Ramp, socialist, 2,- were published and will be mailed free Mt. Shasta-Ashland, at the occupy positions that ought and should ' 576; Hiram Gould, prohi., 2,185. + on application. Address J ohn J. F ulton BORN, Cars is the record of tho Tongue’s plurality, 7,372. be filled by white men.—Grants Pass Athletic Grounds. C ompany , 429 Montgomery St. San Fran­ Congressman, 2nd district — J. N. Wil ­ Observer. cisco, Cal. GILLETTE—InAshland,June 27,1902, to liamson, rep., 23,397; W. F. Butcher, Here is your chance, 36 stamp photos , Mr. and Mrs. H H. Gillette, a daugh­ 15,568; D. T. Gerdes, socialist, 2,- ♦ « » maskers* Grand Street dem., for 25 cents, at Camps’ photo studio. ter. 753; F. R. Spaulding, prohi., 1,957. Williamson's plurality, 7,799 The Medford school board has elected DIEB. Carnival» 5:30 £♦ m« Iniative and referendum—Yes, 62,024; the following teachers for the Medford schools for the next year, commencing no, 5,668; total number who voted at ❖ during the past year, making it the most modern and np to date in September: N. L. Narregan, prin­ this election, 92,920. HAMMOND — In Medford, June 26,1902, a railroad in the country. Travel over it and enjoy the fineet equip* The festivities to close with Medford, cipal; Miss Gertrude Sutton, assistant Mrs. A. 8. Haiumond; aged 43 years The vote on governor between the two menton earth. C. 8. CRANE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 8t. Louis, Mo. ROSS principal; Misses May Phipps, Mae Ear­ < • leading candidates was: Chamberlain, hart, Minnie Hockenyos, Grace Garrett, C. CLINE, Pac. Coast Pass. Agi., Los Angeles, Cal. Grand Ball D., 39,862; Furnish, R., 39,606. MARRIED. Fannie Haskins and Anna Jeffry for the other graded and primary departments. In the evening James G. Amhertof, Della O., writes: AVE IN STOCK 2000 Newtown Pip­ pi»! *»d Spiixenberus. One Hun­ COOKE—SMITH—In Yreka, Jnne 21, Miss Belle Dollarhide, daughter of H. “ I had an obstinate sore on my face dred Cou Doynne du Comice winter 1902, by Rev. J. E. Wright, Edgar A. C. Dollarhide, now of Dunsmuir, but which everything else failed to heal. pears. Cooke and Alzora Daisy Smith, both formerly of the Siskiyou toll house, was After one application of Banner Salve it of Greenview, Scott Valley. married at Dunsmuir on Tuesday of last began to heal and after three applications The bride was formerly of Medford and week to Conductor Thos. W. Patrick of it v.as entirely healed leaving no scar. groom recently solicited Ashland and Tucson, Arizona. They are honey-, —T. K. Bolton. Full Line of A'ursery Stock the other southern Oregon towns for * des- mooning in the northwest and will make' thoir honm. Best jab printing at R scokd offica. crjgAivw fM Oregon Grown. Utz $ Dunn McNAIR BROTHERS, Druggists and Stationers * For Sale at a Bargain ! SUNDRIES Ulm. Yeo $ Co. €. JI. miller Shively, 3 ? J O WO O O € 0 0 0 • Blue Front Restaurant. Nau’s Dyspepsia Cure FURNITURE, Carpets, Draperies. -J. P. DODGE ARE Cbe Glorious fourth Ï j ANY HEAD NOISES? DEAF? DEAFNESS OR HARD ..EARING ARE NOW CURABLE HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. ...Tn Msbland YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT Ï S3,000,00O : MAPLESDEN & WARIER Oregon. H Wabash Railroad ENGINEER’S OVERALLS I