E.A. SHERWIN nMDOT J. K. VAN BANT VICE-PRESIDENT A. M c CALLEN cashier MASKED ASHLAND IS READY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHLAND, OREGON. NO. 5747. STREET CARNIVAL LOGAN & RUSS And Ox Barbecue Dinner will be Features of Ashland’s 4th of July Celebration. CITY PROFUSELY DECORATED LOCAL NEWS At a meeting held in city hall Tuesday evening it was decided to celebrate the 4th of Jnlv in Ashland. All the Celebra­ tions heretofore have been undertaken on an elals>ruie scale, but the managers of this years’ celebration have taken hold of it on a modest scale and will work up to the situation as far as’ the de­ mands will warrant. A number of the old schemes of morning entertainment that- have heretofore run into money rapidly will be cut- out. and the carnival feature will be developed and made much of. As at present planned the morning will be observed by an oral ion from some first class sp.-aker, and together with the musical exercises and reading of the Declaration of Independence, etc , will be the principal amusement. At noon there will b a big free barbe­ cue dinner in Chautauqua grove. In the afternoon there will be a match game of baseball at the At letic ground«. At six o’clock the grand street carni­ val will be pulled off in a c oud uf glory and hilarious fun A grand ball at the opera house in the evening will close the d iv. Other attractions will be added later on. The executive committee in charge is as follows: G « Morris, E A Hi dreth tr , C C Wood, A C. Gabriel and H L Sayles The finance committee—D. L. Minkler, C E L me and L J. Kaiser—have se­ cured ample encouragement a GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS J. D. Heard left for Arizona to-day. Try Sutton’s ice cream. He keeps the liness and Piety is Abroad and the good kind. We solicit your account and will give your business Christian World is Ready for a Spirit- prompt, accuralr and con*i charter has ity along moral and Christian principle.« arrived a d there will s»o , be a meeting * will be blended with the hosts at home for perma e. t organization. and the Cause of Christ and the Cross County Judge Tonningson is in from will produce a thorough awakening in Lakeview to return with his daughter this town. The local unions have been prayerfully Jean who is attending St. Marv’s devoted to the convention and nothing academy. but an unqualified success is expected. mills 18 THE TIME OF YEAR Granite lodge, Knights of Pythias, has Chairman H. L McWilliams, of the elected J.he following officers; C C., J. to clean up harness for summer Entertainment committee of the Board E Thornton; V C , T A. Haves; P, J use. I have a good line of oils, Soaps of Trade, appointed J. K. Van Sant, El­ R Norris; M. W_, A E Graham; M A . ’Phone No., Main 376. 4th Street, near Depot. and Harness Dressing wh:ch you need mer Patrick and Clarence Lane to notify E Hicks; I G , D D. Good; O G , L E. Extra Session. the business houses to decorate to make tlifin l'H.k like new— and if Be der. The executive committee of local On t.he fourth page of this is«ue we you t'.re short on old harness to clean For Sale—Burbank potatoes, choice se unions—T. F. Kershaw, chairman; Nel­ again reprint the form of petition to Gov up, i can sell you new ones at reason­ lected, at wholesale A. B. Mi 1er. lie Crocker, secretary; J Syd. McNair, T T. Geer asking for an extra session of able prices. treasurer; Frank D. Robbins, finance, the new Oregon legislature just previous S. W. McClendon returned from Los Special attention to Commercial men. Bates reasonable Nellie Crocker entertainment; Esthei Angeles Monday where he and Frank to the regular ses-ion, for the special pur­ Silsby, music; Mabel Russel, decorations; JurdOn were transacting business in the pose <*f making the proposed changes in Manufacturer and Dealer in T T VW7 A X.TT'kTk YTYITO J 8y’d McNair, press—have done excel interest of the Yellow Jacket Mining Co , the salary law before the officials are harness and Saddlery Goods. CONVICT ITINERARY. W • UX\.E< WO lent work assisted by the following sub­ of which the former is the principal sworn in, and to puns the needed legis­ committees: lation putting into practical working or­ stockholder. —Go d Hill News. »lotiday’s Oregonian] Souvenir—Miss Leslie, Maud Btirne«, '’outlay, JuneV, 7a. m.—Left peniten­ der the recently adopteii» constitutiona Bargains in shoes at Miller & Yeo’s. Ì amendment known as the initiative and tiary. Mrs. W. T. Coburn, ' rs. H. T. Mitchell, See ad. Lucinda Spencer, Mabel Galey. 25o Monday, June 9, 10 p. m.—Returned referendum This special session is veri Will R. Yeo and wife left Tuesday to Salem Ashland, Oregon handsome souvenir, heart shape, with a i necessary as the members of the legisla- Tuesday, June 10, 4 a. m .—Arrived at > wil1 compelled to go on record on picture of Chautauqua building and for estminster, Los Angeles county, to j these matters without the customary ex­ j" ' ’ :‘l ** blank pages for names, has been pur­ make their home on his father’s farm at Gervias. that are hedged about- a ri-gular Tuesday, June 10, 9:30 p. m — At penses I chased with an inscription “Engrave that place. Charles A. Miller came in A Limited Amount of Stock will be offered for 10 cents your name upon my heart,” etc. ses-ion worked up and embroiled in a from Klamath Falls and returned with Gervais » Wednesday, June 11, 10 p. m.- Sur­ nastv senatorial contest. Lunch—Rosa Dodge, Grace Howell, Mrs \riller and the children. Miller It ma\ even be just possible that the Mabel Galey, Miss Grubb, Mrs. Coburn, it Coburg. A carload of Bain wagons a d a I"1 PoM-butg. 11 ...... ai I» It» 2 Tuesday. Theft of team at S item, horse at Ger­ more of the celebrated Racine sprin secured entertainment ior ill) delegti.es N1- l-e-eln g ve ■ I «i in <•< nip ance The Ashland bakery is now ready for The naval bill, carrying nmre than IN THE PHILIPPINES. mill he pr i ion- ■ I I lie ti- l ol Colivi, ss works, the best and strongest Whittlin' business. It is hicat'-d on 4'h street, vais, team at New Era. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. and Barnes garden tools just arrived a 078,000,000, was pissed by the Semite. f >Ulie 3’i ijnih-r iai da in ll.e aia'e- of i ' h H- 1:00 Lunch in Pioneer Hall. cakes and pastry of all kinds. Ring up Shooting of William Morris, pursuer, Peil’s. The three floors of my warehon-. two first-class armored cruisers aud two 'OH. a <>reif..n. Nt-va-m an.i Wa-nn itton to Fifth Cavalry Recovered. i A Manila 2:39 Prayer Service are now fill' of goods — enough to suppl 374. Prompt delivery to all parts of the by another pursuer. ■’’eriit.-ri’’ emended to a'l ibe Pn" ic dispatch says that the bodies The People's Papar 3:00 President’s Address—Rev. H. 8. city. Robbery of Henry Tiede, farmer,living all your wants, and all of the very be» gunboats, but strikes out the house pro­ Land- Stale- bi A. t of '••vn»t 4'Ii IK»2. of the sergeant, two oorporals and font vision that one of each sliail be built at Templeton, Portland. material and makes. Patronize voui .'avid > lien <*f A-lil»li-l, J .ck»>>n C'.iinty. Mrs. Mabel W. Kinney arrived from near Vancouver. A shland , O r ., Thursday, June 19, 1902 privates of the Fifth cavalry, who were 4:00 Registration. Entertainment as- home town when a responsible party i» government yards When the isihiuiau »'aie of O'e^. n. Ii»» tin- itav h ed in ibi» Escape of convicts. R-dding Tuesday evening on a visit to signed to delegates captured May 83 by ladrones at Bi nan* Call tor more bloodhoundsand request behi d it to make any of your reasonab!< canal question came upTaruer delivered otliiehi »»orn t teu ent.'io -.'48ft ior the tier folks. W. H Leeds and family will wit. n 2'*, 2*’, township SI % *4 »»»il.ti Paul Underwood, who, with Ina wife, gonan, Risal province, Luzon, have been grievances good. Come and see nn a speech iu favor of the N caragu.i route. i iir. ha-e "f Nt for militia. FRIDAY EVENING. arrive from Salem next Sunday. Prof 38 ran e ft e-»'. and wi" • ffer puHif i • when you want anything. E. P eil . is charged with the murder of tkeii recovered. Most of the bodies were The house began debate on the Pacific It w dial «lie '»nd »..in hl I- nior.-val'-ah e r. W Miles of Bakersfield is also visiting Wednesday’s Oregonian] three* weeks-old babe at Seattle, wai hewn limb from limb aud It was fonud 7:45 Song Service. Ashlandf x A. 0. Blanchard, West Bangor, N. Y . cable bill. Corliss said he was opp med t ■ its i'in"er or -lone limn f--r agr'Cill- Tracy and "errill made themselves i Prayer. iira pu-io e» a d e»tat>i'»h hi» <• «Im t>. captured in the woods while making impossible to recognize four of the dead. Special Music Harry Yoe says “Tell them to come in heard when they exchanged shots with says: “1 have been troubled with kid to the cable’s being owned by a private ; -»¡il a<*d l»liiie ih- C"t|id* ■ lerk o< Jack- hie way to Fraser river, says a South The American soldiers were buried to­ 8:20 Opening < onvention Sermon—Rev and ney disease for the last five years. Hav< two Vancouver guards at Salmon creek, company, mid argued iu favor of the see me, I have something new for al-k »o • coiintv. ttreven. a1 .lackHonvil e < ire Bend (Wash.) dispatch. He implicates gether. It was impossible to make sep­ .Mac H. Wallace, Eugene. most everybody, six days in a week, but Wounded a horse and leisurely made doctored with several physicians and i governm -n ’s owning, construe iug aud ■ I on ’•a'lirdav. 'In 2nd von; W to get rid of the child because of the in the matter have been made, and nine Music. Benediction. urday June 21st, in the evening ” Shoes held up A Kauzler, stole the two horses Foley’s Kidney Cure.”—T. K. Bolton. XVedne.day. E'i», "t A»Ii and Oregon; O—• wen of disgrace of its early birth. that look well, fit well, wear well, and he was driving and then, in spite of a Oregon received at the < hailestoi men have been identified as belonging The senate agreed to vote finally on Ashland. announce­ Foley’s Kidney Cure,” while J. A. Speru election of United States senators by tne NOTICI’ FOR PUBLICATION. Music. the oath of allegiance to the United er co utnn of this issue, of B. S. Stoner, ment in this issue. See their a 19, IW<2 The house dispatched the Corliss Pa­ Nininger brick aud will handle gents They have sworn allegiauoe and have 10:50 “Proportionate Giving," H. 8. «ells everything. Give him a call." i» firrel'V love • U ih I ll' iHU 11 ••'■<) WASHINGTON NOTES- cific cable bill by striking oat the enact-' Nolice furnishing goods, clothing, boots and promised Geueral Chaffee to give him ili ilo- v’-'u'i» ilo- CI "f ' murre«« Gile, Salem. 'ir. Colvig, in his excellent address of shoes. Their stock of superb, all wool, iug clause of the measure by a vote of I ” Novelty Blocs, Opp. Hotel Oregon JmeSit. IN7- einitl-.l •• A li sci fur I he all the assistant)) iu their power in the 1.15 “Our Reasonable Service”(Roni. welcome to the supreme lodge, A. O. U. The senate confirmed Clarence W. 116 to 77. The field is thus left clear to guaranteed clothing will arrive about -Hir ut limber J cii .I h 111 'he »tal' e "f l'alror- work of maintaining the present peace 12:1) Rev Hugh K VXalker, D W., erroneously stated that.the motto of Ju y 4th fr in the eist, and every gar­ Ide as collector of customs, Paget sound ot ma iiietou N- v -'I h «ini Wa«hinir'i>u fer­ ORFGON conditions in Samar. ASHLAND D., Los Angeles, Cal. the state of Oregon is “Alis volat pro ment carries a warrantee with it that it district, and Benjamin D. Crocker to be the CommeroiaU Cable company, ri ri " a- etieudeii lo all 'Ite l'ublie ' and» priis.” That was the motto of the Ore­ is strictly all wool and as repre ented. or collector of internal revenue, district of which John W. Mackay is president. Siate» hy Ani <■( Aiipust 4tli. IHli2, < bario» Henry Ide, the member of the Philip­ SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Thursday. H hmitHhury <>f A-hlan Jack»"" «-ouriiy, pine commission who was assigned to 1:30 Devotional Service—Leader, Chas. gon territory, but wa9 not adopted by money refunded. Their stock of furn­ Washington. M. BROWER, M. D. the state. Oregon flies with her own ishings and b 'Ots and shoes are Al and - In the senate MOrgan of Alabama -tateiif Or.ron, ba» ih!» oay ti ed in il D the department of finance and justice, ■ ffiiv t*iH »w>>n. »iMiemeni. N‘> 249«. uri-l>H»e <>f 8'' % 22 to»n»bn> ior an isibmiau canal, discussiug parti ­ men and will be pleased to wait upon 38 'a ieftea '.and wil «.ft^> pro'if Physician and Surgeon, in the employ of the government asking Citizen,” Rev. C. T. Hurd, La­ Latin language.—Portland Journal. public of Cuba. He pointedly declares cularly the diplomatic phases of the i" -li mi'h. customers. w ti ai it-e < hiii 1 so'irhi i» more Valli- fayette. that the proposition for a rebate is not question. ab e for ite liiuN-r or a'oiie ihan for aeri- ASHLAND — — — OREGON that their salaries be paid in gold or in 2:2. t “Missionary , Skinner & Son make an announcement Experiences,” Miss some other established and nou-fluctnat- gi < H - irK.vis. acceptable, and intimates that recipro­ ilaini The house devoted the day to general cuiural |iu*p -e.«Hi"lt e»' b.i li II» I-r» Julia Hatch, theC. E. Missionary in another column of this issue. It will of iug ourrency. In reply to this petition *y city alone will meet the necessities of debate of the irrigation bill. Tongue ot '<> «> id I hu .I lief.-re ibe <’ou a’U «<«>. i he‘2nd day «if \ue Laurel and Main Streets. tions of which the printers com jlaiued 5:45 “The Church,” H. W. Stone, Secretary clothing, etc., and are located next door 9:30 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at Commissioner Yerkes of the internal spoke in favor of the bill, wmle Gray of u» 19 2 • e imiiipi» »h wi 'I îp ^ n : Ihivid would probably be relieved. The man to the- Ashland Hotel on Main street. 11, text, Mark 14:9 The evening ser­ revenue bureau hasse tied the contested New York opposed the mea»ure, aud il**n.of A s I i I hik I er»->n» c aiutine ailver-e'V the expense of others. dial invitation is extended to all. J. T CRIMES AND ACCIDENTS. Rep< irts—Secretary. mine has been equipping the mine with •he ab ve t-c ib <» >a o feet and this at 9:45 a. in. and Christian Endeavor at The Boers geuerally hold an unfavor­ 6:30 p. m. No preaching services owing The honse passed the irrigation bill A HINMAN, D. D. S, young carpenter, who is in jail, and Conference on District Work, will be done i 1 the character of the ore to union services at the Chautauqua tub­ able opinion of their foreign allies, ex­ by a vote of 146 to 65. The bill has says that he shot Yeakey in self- developed warrants it. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, er acle, G. W. Nelson, pastor. cept the Americans, whom they declare already passed the senate. The friends I hor« Uvl K K* Hi«»i defense. The shooting was the result Dentist. Soother of Pain is a good thing. 7;45 Special Music. to be crafty and great fighters, says a of the measure greeted the announce­ l\ MteitHk-ton»**»»*. Baptist Church — Ronald McKillop pas ­ of a quarrel about a girl named Cassie Citizenship Address, “Forward, Friends, give it a trial. tor. Morning service at II a m. It is Pretoria dispatch. A promt neut oom- ment with a round of applause. Clawson, with whom Yeakey had been ROBERT M. GARRETT Rev. T. Fleming Revelle, Seattle. H S. Emery, the contractor. expected that some delegate to the Y P. mandant said, “All the Germans are fit Saturday. associating. Yeakey was a married Reception to De egates. In the Pioneer Block, up stairs, r.e r 8 C E. Convention will lie secured to for is to give horses sore backs." Superintendent. The house amendments to the irriga­ mau. with three cuildreu. There is not a pain or ache, nervous or preach in the morning. Sunday School SUNDAY MORNING. Fire destroyed the Novelty leather inflainatory, but what Soother of Pain tion bill were agreed to by the senate City Hall. lest and By the blowing out of the main at 9:45 a. m. Young Peoples Society at will ease in a moment, andin most in­ 7 p. m. Union service at the Chautau­ factory of M. Rosenblatt A Co. at Seo- and the measure was passed. Elkins oi steam-pipe of the transport Meade at ):45 Sunday Schools. luickest Reute Io stances entirely cure. ond and Oxford streets, Philadelphia, WestVirgiuia introduced a joint reso­ qua at 8 p.tn Folsom-street wharf, San Francisoo, 11:00 Union Church Service—Sermon by Rev. Hugh K. Walker, D. D., Los and resu.ted in severe in juries to a dozen lution providing for the anuexation ol g A. SHERWIN, A meeting of the officers of the South­ seven men employed in the engine-room Angeles, Cal. ern Oregon Soldiers and Sailors Reu ion Salem, June 16.—The official returns persons. Many other buildings were Cnba and its admission as a st ite of the • • were terribly scalded. George le Baron, Association was held at Gold Hiil for the on the vote for governor are now com­ damaged. There were many narrow Uuion. The resolution, at the suggestion SUNDAY AFTERNOON. machinist ou the Meate, was so severely G<»-e In Bnrr"n, Si ak»-, purpose of making arrangements for the plete, and the result is a plurality of 256 esea¡>63, most of the 400 men and women of E.kins, was allowed to lie on the Reliable S da Spri> ge. Parkfrp »nd burned that he is not expected to sur­ 3:00 Demonstration Exercise by Ashland ensuing encampment. Present: Col fur Chamberlain. employed in the factory saving their table. The Nicaragua canal bill wai Juniors, led by T. E. Gault oi John Patrick, Lieut o'. B Beach. Ma K-ii" ; alw ♦•*-«! <-oi i.n-iioni vive his injuries. Insurance, Wall paper 5c and up. Paint, oils, lives by leaping from the windows into before the senate for a short time, Mor­ Oregon City, State Supt of Jun­ jor Frank Kassafer, Chaplain B. B Pauli. linen Toni Klam- Hit ior Work, assisted by Miss Fannie Q. M., A. J. T Smith; time set for en­ glass, etc , at 11. S. Evans’. nets held by firemen. The damage is gan of Alabama speaking in support oi at h F h I s tn R.'i.m Z h , Blv De Wet Addresses the Boers. Fox of Ashland. estimated at (300,000. and Ldivu«, Fl Klamath the measure. OREGON campment, Mondav Sept. 15th, at Gold ASHLAND, Recent dispatches from South Africa Shoes—all sizes, shapes, styles, widths “Importance of Junior Work,” Hill Agfiu-V. and I< Iu the house Hay of Virginia called Eddie Guerin and George Miller of and colors at Miller A Yeo’s, Plaza and give the total number of Boers who have Mrs A. H. Burkholder, Ridge­ PaKM-tnrt-re. Bavgav^. F.xpr--ep & Ft^igl t up the resolution calling for information Chicago were sentenced iu Paris to life Soother of Pain For all pain. Pre­ Main field, Wash, W. A FATRICK ELMER PATRICK surrendered as 16,500, and the British Mll-t be Waihillrd. as to the cost ot the war iu the Philip ­ imprisonment at penal servitude, and are extending every possible kindness to pared and sold by Wilmer '1. Poley & Pure Ashland wales ice delivered every May Churchill, known as “Chicago pines. By a party vote of 91 to 63, a SUNDAY EVENING. C<>., druggists, Ashland. the men who come in. General Delarey A. PATRICK & SON, morning. One cent per pound or 75c motion to lay on the table was carried. 6:30 C. E. Prayer Meetings at the d.ffer- surrendered at Lichtenberg with 810 Passenger Brakeman L. Smith, who tier hundred. Phone 23. Factory on j May,” was sentenced to five years’ im­ ent, churches. Monday. prisonment. When the sentence was men. The appearance of Geueral De runs bet ween Roseburg and Ashland on Granite street, at the old planing mill. A bstracts , R eal E state , The senate pi»sed the Lindon dock pronounced May Churchill threw her Wet at the Boer camp at Winburg was 7:45 Union Meeting trains 15 and 16, was suddenly afflicted Spray pumps that simply can’t be beat. arms around Guerin’s neck aud kissed charges bill, wuich provi ies that the Praise Service. I nsurance , C onveyancing with an attack of heart failure while en Call the signal for a display of great enthu­ and see them. E. Pei I. Devotions. route »o R"sebtrrg on No. 16 Sàtnrda'y. him passionately. The guard sep irated master, agent or owner of any v*ssd N otary P ublic siasm. He delivered a speech, in wuich Special Music. Stamp photos36 for 25 cents at Camps’. them and led the prisonei s away. Guerin transporting goods from the United He was left at Glendale to receive tem ­ he counseled his hearers to ba loyal to Sermon by Dr. Walker. Upstair», Room 2, I'ioueer Block. porary assistance. - Roseburg Plain­ the British governtnaut. A fine line of box papers and stationery aud Miller were charged with having States to foreigu ports snail be held re­ Resolu ion Service, the President. dealer. ’1 hone No. 241. entered the office of the Americau Ex­ sponsible for loss or damage. Consider­ at McNair Bros. After Meeting. OREGON ABHLAND. J. H. Settlemeier & Son, Sewing machines of all kinds, new or press compauy in Paris during the night ation of the isthmian canal project was If you are going to visit the old home— Play Atlantis, or the Game of all MONDAY. second hand and at lowest prices. Ma­ Nations. your childhood’s nome, write A.D.Charl- of April 26, 1901, and with stealing then continued. Proprietor». Ashland Canvon. chines to rent. J. P. Dodge, opera block. otff, A G. P. A , No. 255 Morrison street, The bouse adopted a resolution ap­ 80,000 francs ($6,000). The Churchill L. c illiams Portland, Oregon, for low excursion Join the Boys of all Nations. woman was aocused of being their ac­ propriating (25.900 for the preparation The News says the Southern Pacific is Frank Dewitt, an official court steno­ running rates named by the Northern Pacific to of plans for a memorial in Washington trains so thick and fast through Unique wall paper, up-to-date esign« complice. ATTORN KT-AT-LAW, all points East. grapher of Sacramento conury, aud his Dunsmuir, it is said the t o. may put in from 8 Cents up at Stock’s. to Abraham Liuoolu, aud 0119,000 fot O. F. W. Neely, who, on March 34. Phoebd Bauey, 23 years old, who was 7-year-old son, were drowned iu the a double track to Chestnut to relieve th- the erection of a mo utneut to heroe» apples ; pears , Oregon. visitiug her aunt, Mrs. O. Ashland, James F. Wheelock was hanged at was sentenced to ten years’ imprison­ of the revolutionary war. The reso.u- King, at Sacramento river, at Sacramento, by strain of congestion. The yards here ment and to pay a fine of 056,701 for were filled with trains of freight and San Qnentiu prison for the brutal mur­ Claremont, near Pomona, Cal., com­ the overturning of a gasoline launch. PEACHES, PLUMS, complicity iu the Cuban postal frauds, tiou adopted was to carryout an author­ mitted suicide by setting fire to her George S. Ramsay, who was dismissed passenger cars last week; and extras and der oi aged Mrs. Eaii.y Martin at the PRUNES, APRICOTS WiU practice in Brate and Federal d-nr«- clothing in the sagebrush. The body, sections were going in and out town of Couieieue, Butte county, Cal. was released under the bill signed by ization made inr this purpose in 1777 hy as superintendent of public schools in double I President Palm.t, granting amnesty to the continental congress tmth ways, in addition to the regular To tue last the prisoner stoutly protested , W* Office, Reeser bl’k, over Wesit'i- horribly burned, wiu found by two Fresno conury, Cal., in December last, trains. VERYTHI'G in«rant«-»d true to Union telegraph office. his innocence of the crime. He walked all Americans convicted of crimes iu ranchers. She was a resident of Red­ was committed at Loe Angeles to the Call at any drug store and get a free On-- of the ol'tee’—stub- Garden and sprav hose all prices. W. Cuba daring the term of American oo «ample of < hambtrlain ’ s Stomach slid to the gallows with a firm step, and a ding, aud a daughter of E. L. Bailey. Insane asylum. Siuoe his dismissal for N. Grubb à Co. I - «1 -nd l'est kni'«n nnrs-nrs enpatiou and those awaiting trial. Liver Tablets. They also improve the <r Waller expects to be stationed a W. R. C. strongest and best team on the road BÜBÜHIDB BBLIBF CORPS NO. 2< . lue Brooklyn navy yard. cine. Beware of substitutes. T. K. Bol­ pioneer citizen of Eugene, died at hi has been reduced to 93 hours, both the was remanded till June 31. home in that city Sunday morning Lake Shore and Pennsylvania raids __ _____ Coast ton. Maetsm ot Limited-’ on the Northern Pacific carries Moki Tea positively Cures Sick Head­ having now put on well-equipped trains • his i« the opixir'nnitv of a life iim> Across the Continent. the broom among railway trains. It is ache and a run down condition generally, MOh munta. ache, Indigestion and Constipation. A for the purpose of making the fast run Mw. J. D. «'BOCKKB. ITw. the onlv electric lighted train operated all mean kidney disorder. Folev’» Kid The Gieat Northern RHilasv will w delightful herb drink. Removes al between the two cities. The fme in arranged to i a«« the greatest M b «. M J. Rpene-r. Nee v. in the Northwest and you can travel to ney < ure will restore your strength «nd •onnd trip rickets from 1 O'llai'd to Si eruptions of the skin, producing per­ mg a per- ••■■■nir fesni^s of the due during div'lYht. ’ ’ snl end reinrn vood for sixty da'- the east on it as cheaply as any other vigor by making toe kidneys well. fect complexion or monev —.— J refunded. Pann-h e«» fnrnmhed '-ee on ai-|>ix-a'i<>n | 2 round trip $72 tn Chi' ago and KNIGHT*- OF PYTHIAK. train. Take no substitute. — T. K. Bolton. 25c and 5dc. T Write to us for free mm- i .1 t foYLK, ’oYLK. F. b\ R JOHNbtlN. JoHNbtlN, nrn. On »' Com t Narioi.al te-^c*’»-' A. D Charlton, assistant general pass cure Dyspepsia and all disorders arising pie. GRANITE MMMiK. NO. 23 Knur hr» of " . H. H ooker & Co., Buffalo, N A- m . Ceti Pa«», »st., F A e. i,t O<'V' n i n in Miuneapoli«. June 10. Inirn Indi estion. Endor»»-d hv phv«ic- enger agent of the Northern Pacific, at TORIA. fvthias Ashland. Oregon, meet» every totli Y. McNair Bros , Druggists. o Vancouver B 0 Poman«!. Ore 'V Pliahm. T. I' H. or H Dickson, < i' fl- __ Lk ians everywhere. 8 - ’ d hv a'l dru gisi». Monday evanins. Visiting Knights lng'»«i 25o ''orrison street, comer of Third, will The Kind You Haw Always Boujtit Bean the D0U2RI The Kind You Haw ii-ket Hgent, 122 Third »tr- et, Pori ¡ hi >• Do you Intend to make garden? " e ... 28 cent» T-isI psi-k- •taniltngaM-enrdially invited ro attend be glad to give you full information re- Nn core, no pay. N B. This rale i. opeu to the ^«i.err Blfutue J R. TttOKNTiiN. 1’bauoa ior t-.tu girding rates, routes, etc., either in per* »ies free by writing to W. H. H qoku A have all the garden tools you want Chii V allet R ecord Fyu 11.75 T, F Lua»«, a. K. 0 •ad get prices. W. N. Grubb A Ce. public. Co, Buffalo, X. Y, rf sen er by letter. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. With Gold and White, the Air of Clean MITCHELL BROS. & MOIST, LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. New Barn, « New Rigs, « Fresh Horses DO $ 2 2 PI 2 Illi V JUL I lol a (/) Entire New Stock < New Store o (V o a Boots, Shoes, Etc. A Message For You ,.. ... Southern Oregon Oil Company New and Second-Hand Furniture Stoves Sewing Maceines Musical Instruments In fact, almost anything you want S. B. Stoner Southern Oregon Oil Company VALLEY RECORD. Professional Cards p STAGE <■ LINE KIAJI ITII F.ll h yy. Woodburn Nursery jje M W , fruit Tree?. Shrubbery J r.. F. HOOVER, C anadian P acific New Fast Service Imperial Limited 4 DAYS 4 ACKER’S DYSPEPJA TABLETS