PERSONAL AND I Try Hill’s soft drink«. Dry Goods and Clothing Store THE BRAND THIS IS THE TICKET.” We hi ndle e ery sty e a d tolor in Jill Sizes of Boti Overalls and Jumpers. Thev fit and are niad<- to wear. P. H. Donoghue, who arrived recently from San Francisco, intends locating in Ashland again Headquarters for Railroad Mens’ Clothing of » very description. Supt. P. H Daily came up from Jack fl .nville yesterday to lie present at the normal graduating exercises. Chan. Watson who is attending state ■iniversity at Eugene, returned home yesterday for hie summer vacation. Call in and inspect our Soods. "BIST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES” Uaupel, Dorris £ Drake James Fleming lias returned from 8iss >u. Miss Telia Dickson is in from Klamath county. Misa Nettie Johnson returned from Cal ifornia Sunday. R ibt Hall was up from Grants Pass th • pa«t week on a visit. For Sale—Selected choice Burbank* at who. s.iie. A. B. Miller. D B Jew- tt of Hornic, Iowa, has been visiting Gibson Bros. Miss Nellie Bolton returned Monday from a visit at Montague. A carload of cans arrived yesterday for the Ashland Preserving ' o. District 76 school shoes are A 1 for children—at Miller & Yeo’s. Miss Marie Luca* of Henley is visiting Iter sister at Machias, Wash. m ill Mitchell has returned from hi- h *tm stead up Rogue river T Hanley of near Phoenix has rented a hou-e in Ashland and will locate here Mrs. J. C. Pendleton of Table Rock w is visiting Ashland Iriends over Sun day. ♦ Prof. O. B. Thiele of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived in Ashland yesterday to pay a v -it to old friend*, the family of R. A. Johnson, formerly of ' abasha. Miss Kate Emery returned today from a week’s visit with her cousin, Miss So phia Davis, at Tolo. Reports from San Francisco are to the effect that C. E Donnelly’s health is not receiving the improvement that the Bay City climate was expected to bring about. Bargains in shoes at Miller & Yeo’s. 4ee ad. Mrs. Jennie Learned and son returned to Gold Hill Monday from a visit with »tinlev A. McIntosh and wife at San Francisco. Mrs. W. W Miller and son went to Eagle Point Tuesday to visit relatives Ur Miller is in Portland. Mis-es Amelia and Sophia Muller of .Ja-k»>nvilie visited Ashland and S' >da Spring* Sunday. uike Wooley, the Eagle Point farmer, was here Monthly and secured a sp*n of missing horses that were in the pound Nice line of bicycle sundries at G tr- ne:t’s Mr. atnl Mrs. J P. O’Hara and daugh ter, Miss Leia, anil Wnt. Stockham nd wife of Tolo, went to Tolman Spring* to day on a two weeks outing. Mrs. innie Callahin, of Climax, is stooping with the family of Otto M inter. Her brother, lav Charley, came over with her last Friday. MRS. BING GRUBB DEAD AFTER THE POSTMASTERSHIP. LOCAL. -------------- In Railroad Circles. The physiognomy of Tom Elliott, lothed in them self same Van Dyke whiskers, is seen about town again after inahsence of four years from this cli Mrs Grnbb, wife of W. Bing Grubb; mate. He liaile from Reno, Nev., the wel known pioneer family of Klamatl' town famous for marriages of California countv. died Tuesday after an illnes Jvorcees. Mr. Elliott succeeds F. •. with typhoid fever latch as route agent for this territory The'funeral takes place today at Spen Mrs. James Hume left yesterday to ••er creek. visit her folks at Spnmokawa, Wash, r« W. B. Simpson returned last Fr liss Jessie Hume returned home to ■lav from San Francisco and other Osh ’ortland with her. fornia places, where she had been for h> • Mrs. Geo. R. Singleton returned home health. She wxs accompanied here b > Roseburg yesterday from a visit with tw<» yntiiig ladies of Oakland, the wisn- Benner. Mrs. Simpson- returned tnucl Ashland relatives. improved in health. Mrs. Fd. I-aing and sister, Miss Jessie lershev, arrived from Portland Monday George T. Conner, the hotel man o Merrill, was in town Friday and returnee vhere the latter has been in the hospital or many weeks. home Saturday. D. R. MIL’S, ’*BBsiniNT. E. V. CARTER, CaaarM. F H. CARTER Vrc»- ax i ent . C. H. THOMAS, A s »* x «TAXT Cail J. R. Casey Enters tee Race and a Warm Wiisoe-Micfeael Wedding—SoM Uqeor te Contest in Prospect. Ex-Mayor J, R Caney has been passing a petition about town this week securing signatures of republicans praying for his appointment as postmaster of Ashland. It was nnnierously signed. State Sena tor-elect E. V. Carter, F D. Wagner and E. D. Briggs were to present it to W. F. Mathews, chairman of the republican «tote centra committee yesterday, ar- '■ordin..' to report, for his end*>r enient Postmaster George Engle’s official term of four years expired last February, and a* there was no prospect of agree ment in the Oregon delegation over ap pointments, Engle was holding on like the other federal officials in this state. When Mr. Casey’s petition was brought forward Postmaster Engle also prepared a petition asking for his reappointnten: and is securing signatures to the same On the face of the matter it is the appli cation of two republicans for the appoint ment of pi>.-tmaster of Ashland. But it also represents a struggle bet ween the two factions of the republican party o' this city and is a continuation of a fac tional fight that cante to a head at the primaries two years ago over a Tongue or Carter delegation to the congressional convention from Jack«on county, the continued story of which is familiar to all. Heretofore Postmaster Enjjle has lieen in an impregnable position by r.-ason of his having both Tongue and Mitchell at his back and his opponents were unable to get a leverage upon his job The election of Carter as state sena tor gives hitna large prospective influence on those matters and he will undoubtedly use it to the best of his ability As Con gre*8tnan Tongue will most likely stand up and make a strong fight for Engle there is a favorable prospect for a g<x>i stiff fight for the position. CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. AV. T. Shieve of Fort Klamath paid Klamath Falls a visit last Friday. Miss San Francisco Michael and A. T Wilson, ex-county assessor, are to b married to-day, Tuesday, at the resident*' •f H. H. AVood of Pine Flat, near Dair\ Sheriff Sam Summers saw a man b the name of Smith give an Indian a"boi • le of whiskey to-day on the street, an he promptly placed them both under ar rest and in the county jail. Circuit court was to convene yesterday Monday but circuit judge H. L. Bensoi who was expected from Lakeview ha failed to put in an appearance at thi writing. Tue day 5 o’clock p. m. Quin a number of jurors and witness iron different parts of the county are in wait ing. Later -Judge Benson came at 5:15 p m. and told the waiting jurors and other that court had dismissed itself on ac count of the judge not being here by 4 o’clock this evening. Richard Hutchinson lias sold his rancl •in Tule Lake to Jesse D. Carr, consider ation $4500. This is one of the oldest ranches in the county. Richard 8 Smith, the well known Ore gon athlete, who graduated at the U. O hist year, is now a full-fledged member of ’he rowing crew at Columbia univer sity, New York. Smith has the honoi of being the only new man on the Colum bia crew. The remainder of the crew consists of seasoned veterans, and Smith’s winning of a place is indeed remarkable, considering the fact that there were8<> candidates for the eight positions. He was the crack all-round athlete f tin state university for four years, and still holds the nort west collegiate record fo the hammer-throw. Last fall he played halfback on the Columbia f<K>tball eleven and recently won a number of medals ii a local field day at the university. His many friends here are glad to hear of his success. Mrs. Geo A Knoblauch is convales- ing after a serious attack of a mild form >f appoplexy, which confined her to her •ed for several days. Mrs. E. P. Long of Ashland, is visiting iriends in Roseburg. Mr. Long has given iu his position as brakeman out of Ash i nd and accepted another as a conductor >n the new Cottage Grove-Bohemia R. < , now in process of construction. They vill move to Cottage Grove Tuesday. —Roseburg Review. Miss Anna Pinkston who is employed is bookkeeper in a large establishment ai ■alias, Texas, is expected back to Asli- ind again soon to keep house for her irother, J Harry Pinkston. BANK OF ASHLAND. ESTABLISHED 1884. Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, : $15,000 BOARD DIRECTORS : HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. ------- Toreian and Domestic Exchange Bought and Sold.------- .4. General Banking Business Transacted. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. THE POOLE HOSPITAL Mrs. J. I Cole and sister, Miss Emma -kelton, started yesterday en route to Los Angeles, where r. Cole is employed is locomotive engineer. They will visit .t Dunsmuir en route. Mrs. Del Hildreth left yesterday fo< ■'¡in Francisco with her twelve year old <>n, to put him in the railroad hospital. Traiodispatcher Lloyd L 3/ulit lefi ast night to attend the Natio al co ve«- to of trai"dispatchers that meets at .’ittsburg, Penn. He will make it the •ccasio . for a visit with eastern folks OF * YREKA, CAL. PRIVATE HOSPITAL and Sanitarium for the suc cessful treatment of medical and surgical cases by the nost advanced and approved meth ds and procedures of mod- rn practice, both medical and operative. Supt R. M. Garrett of the Ashland- Klamath Falls Stage line is again about town after sustaining a fracture of two Coos Bay Railroad. ribs, a badly bruised Bide and several cuts in the head Ih order to talk busi Central Point. Chief Engineer L. D. Kinney, of th'- Everything new, clean and commodious. All chronic ness matters over with Agent J. A. Mc 1 L-e-it Central Railroad Company, is giv- Intire of Missouri, who was en route to Part of the business transacted was the A shland , O b ., Thursday, June 12, 1902 on a* authority for the r declaration i.cL.r_::.,r. thai :!.-t Klamath Fills to meet his employer, E. -ranting Geo. B. Rose a liquor license fur iiseses solicited; diseases of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, th<* road will be huilt from E-> pire Cit\ Dutro, the new contractor, Mr. Garrett ix months. There is about $500 in tin on Coo* Bay, t-o Roseburg, whether the drove Saturday’s stage to Hart’s station. own treasury. The trustees were em- bladder, etc.; diseases of women ; alcohol, opium, cocaine, and An amendment io the constitution of Silt Ijik»* extension materializes or not On making the return trip the doubli*- lowered to hire Marshal Patrick to Oregon, providing for the adoption of Those figuring on the road from Salt. Lake tree became loose from the tongue, the -prink le Pine street from the hotel to the Irug habits; diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. the initiative and referendum, was City to Coos bav are given until Aligns* Con tongue fell out of its yoke and struck the Hostel brick hall. passed at the general state election, and o make up their minds whether they ground. Tin* horses went one wav, the want it If they do not- want it, the Em Mrs. Paul Van Scoy and infant an. finement cases can be accommodated is now a law of Oregon. wagon started down hill and Bob under pire Citv-Rosebitrg end will he built a* n Mrs. Chas. Schock, who have been visit took the double somersault and leap-for- The will of the late ex-Governor Syb I i^m/eme^/i'^ tig George Brown and family at Eagl< • M- J life act He wasn’t Santos-Dumont, Tester Peunover was filed fur probate at f imiey ' has an option on 96,9’0 acres o' Point, returned home to Montague W ed- however, and his preparations for re Portland. Tlte bulk of the estite, vol- 1 m'>er land in Coo* county, and the roa nesday. maining in the air were not complete, ued at $130 UOO, was left to the widow * ill be built Io bring this» timlier, as well hence the injuries. Mrs. Ed. Farra, of Willow Spring* The attending and consulting physicians have had a wide * other contiguous, to market In the t.ud a daughter, Mrs. W. H Russell. ■net with quite an accident last evenin'. A frightful and most unfortunate ac v ■ t the eastern people «opposed to fig George E White, the cattle king of • >*e on a Coo- bav terminus for their road 'Tuesday). She fell off a fence and hur cident. Iiefell Brakeman A R Grieve, of Medford. herself so badly that Dr. Cole was sem ind successful experience in the whole domain of practical Round Valiev, died at his home in ro-n Salt L ike ('’itv, throw up the prop* Ashland, nt Merlin Thursday afternoon ............... . -- for ' . Grieve was brakeman on Covelo, Cal., of heart failure, aged 71. ■ition, it is «tilted the timber interests of 1 of . la«t week, F. C. Wade of Tacoma, accompanied nedicine and surgery, All charges (payable in advance) aie the gravel train and was caught between by an uncle, James Wade of Iowa, ar His business and domestic affairs appear 'oo-conn tv will co-opi-rate with locd Janies Poo'e and family are late arriv the cars while switching at Merlin. rived in Medford this week and have iIs from Pierce, Nebraska. Mr. Poole i to be badly muddled, and it is expected • irtdin the building of the Empire Several ribs were broken and very se gone to the Grand Applegate mines, in very much pleased with this part of th-- asonahle for the accommodations given and work performed. it •-Roseburg ro id The length of thi« that there will be a bitter coutest over rions interna injuries received. He was which the former is interested. The valley and its climate. o •! will lie al ’ ont 1*0 uiile«, and it will the estate. brought to Grants Pas* and placed under latter will spend a few days in hunting pen up **ne of the finest bodies of virgin N. Cooke has sold his house and lot. At Pine Creek, 20 miles north of the care of Dr Kremer For particulars, address, and hopes to kill a deer or bear while • dier in the state Chico, Cal., thieves stole from tne poul- The gravel airs are built out at the • mt and find a few pickets containing in this place to Mrs. Will Nichols, ami The large sawmill of Empire City, has moved back to his farm in Willow ■ ends with aprons, allowing but a very- gold therein Although past eighty tiy farm of C. B. Butler about 600 tar • liicli hi« lain idle for half a dozen few inehea spice between them when years of age, In* is quite active. He will Springs precinct. keys. A few days previously all of ars. will resume operations ass*>on as thev come t igether. Grieve was mak V'sit a brother in California after an out Mr. Bethers came up from Merlin la- eriilroad gets under way, and the Butler’s dogs hud been poisoued. It is ing a cotiiiling and forgetting himself re ing at the mines. Sunday to see his family. He will mov not kuowu how the thieves managed to *•*•* hnv country will experience a mained lietween the cars. It was a mir- them to Merlin in the near future. neral revival. get awuv with so mauy tarkeys ut one County Recorder Peter Applegate se iacle that he was not killed outright. It is not. yet. known what eastern rail- Two hundred thousand people, inclui- E der E. Badger, Christian minister of time. There is no clew to the robbers. >ad interest* are figuring nntlie Coos Mrs. E. L. Gurnea returned home to ■ Mrs. A R. Grieve, Conductor Frank cured one of the San Francisco rxam- Ashland, preached in the Baptist churcl iug the kiug and queen of England, saw tier’s valuable prizes in the drawing For 15 minutes after the drop was biy terminus, but the probabilities are Medford Monday after a visit of several E. Grieve and his mother, Vrs Ard Patrick wiu the English Derby, j Noonan, brought the injured man home June 5th. The prize was a mantel clock, last Sunday morning and evening. made Lotus Peauqnetre, murderer of I •h it it is the Gould roads. Neither the days with Ashland relatives. He was not ex of modern invention. The pendulum has Rev. N. S. Hallcroft, Baptist minister, superbly ridden by “Skeets” Martin, an Francis Legere, gurg.ed aud gasped as I ill nor Harriman people are be- • Mrs. J. P. O’Hara came up from Tolo to Ashland Sunday. rotary movement instead of the left to the rope strung e<l him, says a Vau- 'ieved to be interested in transconti- Tuesday to visit her daughter, Miss Leia pected to live, but began improving right motion and does not tick off sec will preach here next Saturday evening, American jockey. Martin, on being Last night his conditio" was not so good, and Sunday morning and evening lifted from his horse, was the center ol cover (B. C.) dispatch. He was cou- leulal roads not yet constructed. O'Hara, during normal commencement. a d he is not yet out of danger. onds. Furthermore the clock will not demued tode.ith, aud the hanging took Kit Carson went to Cole’s Wednesday a cheering throng, and congratulation* have to be wound up until July 3, 1903. Miss M. Julia Taylor, the teacher, was ( Osteopathy. to put up some buildings at the new were hurled at him irom every qn trier. pluce at Kimloops. Tne official execu called home to Philomath Tuesday by' Joe Rader, of Eagle Point, Jackson Mrs. E J. Kubi. of Jacksonville also won Sugar Pine Co. sawmill. Ard Patrick, against which the betting a pair of kid gloves. tioner l ungled the job, as he has done county’s popular sheriff-elect, called on A system of dmgless therapy founded the serious illness of her brother. was 100 to 14, is owned by J. O. Gnbbin. in hangiug other onmina s. but Peau- >n tlieha-isofanat-miy. Asalmost every Mrs. Howard and her three children, H. H. McCarthy of Portland was in Mi*s Grace A. Morey, who teaches the Ashland friends Saturday and received Colonel H. McCalmout’s' Rising Glass quette’s str.iugiiug wus of the longest ¡in <>f the I mk I v receives its nerve sup art of cooking in the Sin Francisco the cordial congratulations and hast Medford ami Jacksonville daring the of Arbuckle, Cal., is visiting her broth was *ecoud and the duke of Portland’s darutiou. from »om ■ pirtof the -pinalcirl public schools, arrived in Ashland Tues- wishes of all, over his successful election week on business He has an interest era, the Hamrick boys. -t* SA.L j .H1 7 Friar Tack third. ! to this important office. Mr Rader’s in the Pine Neislle Manufactory of Grants e oste »fiatli looks to the spine lor the d iv to spend her summer vacation. Chief Justice Kent, sitting as a trial Mr. Faris, painter, spent several da\ House and lot on Union «treat, $600, majority of 419 leads all the majorities Pass, where a superior quality of mat last week at the Bybee sulphur spring A cable to the New York Herald from Judge in the tuird jwifcLd district, •atise of disease-and the treatment of sltapes, . styles, widths „„ on _____ either __________ the state or conntv tickets and and tresses, pillows, and various articles are on Evang creek. . ____ tv tickets Udive esults ‘ “ Loudon says that Seupr Clemente Fi-i handed down "^lecismu in the snitsj Gotd house and lot on upper Granite Yeo’s, Plaza and p,lts hint behind no man and next to the manufactured of pine needles. This giueer of woods and forest* Street, $600. Thts-nas Vv’iison a *MMt governor The town trw’ ” * ■*_ \ 1 ‘ major* r— of the iuit iatO» r-ieremiura kfa*mpi*e* to ho one of the leading indur unary islands, aud for many phy and the former auditor, suyV •zen yea f itiee of southern Oregon in a few years regular1 session- (of Lawson, Mo., amendment. bouse and lot on Iowa street, $5 DO. years professor of physics at St, Augus Phooinx (A. T.) dispatch. Kverr terri «•»paths i tu spend the summer Forest Moore has the lumber on tin The complete official election returns | D T. Lawton who has been business torial warrant that was coiuplaiued of • ••ther phy'siaanui^-ji**^»- ' House, barn and fonr Iòta on Second with her sister, Mrs. E. Cuinmons. . She for Jackson countv as canvassed by Gu- j ! nanager of Mitchell-Staver & Co.’s im ground to build a residence in this place tine’s college at Las Palmas, has for some time been working silently at a street, $1250. l»r J. 11. ’ McGee is a graduate of tne is well pleased with the beauty of was deolared by the conrt to have been <-2 Ash- Newbury, assi ted by Justices of the] plement house for this comity, has ac Central Point, June 11, 1802. ■¡•linal school under the founder of the land and hopes to locate here perinan- method of directly utilizing atmospheric properlf issued. This ends a matter Peace E. D. Fmidrav and W. J. Plymale, cepted a position as floor salesman for The lease of a fine ranch with stock, •»•nee, in Kirksville, Mo. He has had ently. electricity—.but is to say, without toola crop, etc., $2350. Particulars on that has attracted much atteutiou. appears on fourth page in this issue. the wholesale business at Portland. He The Northern Pacific “ North Coas iret* years practice in Iowa and was chemicals or dynamos — and making application. Governor E P. Savage of Nebraska, Dr. and Mrs. Everett Mingus are here Cut them out, put. them in a scrap book j I will begin his duties about July 1st His Limited” train from Port'and to Minne i*cted trustee <>f the Iowa Osteopathic from M irsltfield, Coos county, to attend anil they will be handy for reference two' family will remain at Medford for the a polis, St Paul and the East is made uj practical application of it without the with bis fall military staff and their so'-iation in Dec.. 1899. summer. of first and second-class day coaches. need of employing any motive force. families, will leave Lincoln the latter The doctor has se- uri-d rooms in the the wedding of hi* sister, Mi*s Clara, and years hence. Insurance is a good investment. I Pullman and tourist sleeping cars, am He says its effect wiU be a tremendous visit his folks, Mrs. Conrad Mingus and Representative-elect Miles Cantrall part of this month, going direct to Villiains b'oek, ain street-, wherein* Mr. and Mrs L. A. Lucas and daugh have some of the best companies in th« and wife were over from Ruch attending ter, Miss Cleo, leave this week for each is lighted throughout with electrii economic aud industrial revolution. He *orld, both Fire and Life Insurance, and ¡11 !>• found at his office after June 15th family. Seattle, where it will be entertained the Aitken- ingus wedding and visiting Grants Pass, where Mr L. has purchased lights. This train leaves Portland dailj intends shortly going to Madrid and til s’K-h .late he will lx* found at his July 3 1,4th and Sth. On the Fourth sould be glad to insure ysu. Com« The family of J. L Gentry has arrived old friends. Mr. Cantrail received the | the Harkness sa<id ery business. John at 2 p. m. and does not cost you any mor Berlin to patent his inventions. ■ >nis in Mrs. Thornton ’ s Ixjarding house the keel of the bat lieship Nebraska will md see me. from lx*b:itton. Or., and moved into the congratulations of the people over his to travel on it than it does on any other i ain street. Letsou Balliet was found guilty in — ornci: —— be laid in M rail’s shipy irds. After Clivt'Ht hui ding ou Factory street for successful campaign and his career is C. Lucas will remain in charge of the Try it on one of your trips to 'he east store in Medford. the federal court at Des Moines of using the summer. the visit to Seartle the party will leave For rates and general information con :i!0N CONVICTED—SENTENCE DEFERRED. expected to lie an improvement on past U A IN St, , near Bridge, Ashland, Oregos j .’tiss Bessie Nickell left Sunday for cerning routes, etc., write or call on A. the mails to defraud investors in stock for an extended trip, which will take in Miss Rosa Dodge and her brother, experiments from this county. Portland to attend commencement ex Ex-Sheriff V J. Neibrn was convicted Louis Dodge, stu lent* at the University Portland, Sou Francisco and various , Sale—Burbank potatoes, choice se- ercises at St. Helen’s Hall. She will be D. Charlton, assistant general passengei in the White Swan Mining compauy, •v a jury nt Lakeview on the charge of of Oregon, are home for the summer va- 1 lec For agent, 255 Morrison street, Portland, Or. whose property is situated near Baker ports of California r^ ™^ho “ esaie 2, ■ t A. B. Mi ler. accompanied home by her sister Marie, •’obezzling the county fund*, a reported cation. City, Or. He was charged with having O. W. D odoe ■<hort:ig>* of $ti<X>» having been alleged J. C Hill and wife left Tuesday by who returns to Jacksonville to spend the I SALTS from M ineral received $220,000 from purchasers of ++++ ¡-++b J**M~F-i*+-M*++ V+4-4-++++ igainst him. The ca*e will be appealed Pure Ashland watesice delivered every private conveyance for Oakland, Cal., summer. 1 NPVPr=(mnA WELL*. Texas are al- stock and with having invested not to ♦ *i morning. One cent pier pound or 75c going by way of Crescent City, Del Norte most tasteless. The first Mrs • has Prim, Misses Maud Prim, + 4 ■••the supreme court and pending the ° * dose pleases you »nd the exceed $25,000 in the property, aud this Phone 23. Factory on county. Mr. Hill is superintendent of the Josephine Orth and Lillie Taylor, Native 4 lecision of the higher court Circuit Judge pier hundred. result wins your friendship. A mild but certain cure 4 'I L B-nsoii has su-pended sentence, Granite street, at the old planing mill. Ashland Oil < o., a syndicate of Califor Daughters of Jackson ville, left Tuesday for Chronic Constipation, Sick Headache, Rheuma was expended largely in acquiring title 4 riii-ca-e is a contest affording a great ' rs. Thomas Gault, ot Oregon City, nia oil magnates who own great quan for Portland as delegates to the Grand tism Female Complaints, Liver, Kidney and Stomach to it after he hod begun to sell stock. Troubles, toe. or box containing 3 times the quan It was proved that Balliet had expended 4 leal of credit to District Attorney sisier-inlaw of J. L. Gault, with her son tities of oil lands near Ashland. Mr. CUbin which convenes this week. tity 25c at your druggists. By mail Ijc and 30c Ir. 4 Reanles, licitig one of the most c«>mpli and daughter, are in Ashland visiting Hill says nothing further will be done $25,000 in buying a newspaper at Baker ASHLAND, OREGON. sumps. One box will convince the most skeptical 4 cated and ditlii-iilt embezzlement trials i City Regiyder W . T. York has resigned, relatives and will attend the i hristian in the way of boring for oil until the owing to a refusal of the council to raise 0. M. WaterkMie C«. 830 tlowjrd St. S m Fratclsc. City, aud about $35,000 in advertising 4 FRUITS, NUIS, Agent* wanted In every town. Liberal terms. 4 •ver tried in Oregon. Defendant’s St Endeavor conve tion. manager of the company, L. Guggen the mine and himself as the Cecil Rhodes FREIGHT AND t lu • rs , T obacco . 4 his salary. Theaalaiy is $40 a month ameys, Col. Cogswell and A. S. Ham .'u>U t> H S E k ans heim, returns from Europe. at America. Balliet is 29 years of age, and he had to pay a deputy out of this Mrs. Geo. Scanned returned Tuesday SODA. OYS ¡ER-, 4 mond, expect to upset the decision in from a visit with her brother, Will Storm, I Just received a nice line of glass-ware amount. and a son of Judge 3. F. Balliet, re- BAGGAGE TRANSFER the supreme court. T \.M k LF S, ETC. centlyof the Polk county district bench, jr. After spending the week with her at Gurnea’s.' 4 John Prall and son, Will, who went to IlKI. filOli- ITKH*. + Ever thin.* First Cla-fl. iowa. Wood For Sale. sister, Mr«. Svlvain Provost, she returns j jesse g Gartin, of Danbury, Neb., ar- Lakeview three weeks ago, write home 4 I rjve<j Monday and Tuesday began work that they have captured a young ante 4 You are sure to get something artistic Sunday school at the Methodist church horne to San Francisco Sunday. Nt*xt t» Pustottice C. E. LANE 4 it the usual hour. Prof J. Percy W ells has finished for L. P. Orr at his Orange Front drug I lope and will have another pet for their J you have photos made at Camps’ stn- Ice Delivered Daily in Season At 11 a. tn., Chil- 4 Mr. Gartin park. lio. Epworth another successful term of school as store on Fourth street. • Iren’s Day will be observed, 4--r-r+ >•+++ -Î-+ -Î-4-J* -e+-K-r+++ l-eagne at 6:30 p. 111., preaching in the principal at Gold Hill and returned home comes well recommended as an honest I i Mis9 Belle Potter, the popular teacher ■. man and first class druggist. Have your • •veiling by the pastor. J. T. Ab bett, to Ashland Tuesday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. „ „ ,, „ . j ■ prescriptions filied at the Orange Front of Jacksonville, leaves in a few day9 for Ikistor. United Bta'es fdtnd Office. G. F. cConnell, head clerk and win- arMp be convinced. Pure drugs and liv- Enr> ka, Cal., to spend her vacation >j RogebtnSf, Oregon Mav 27 1902 NeX» Snie'av’s servi «*• at the Chri-'- dow dresser for Henning Brothers, ex- > with a sister. Notice 1s hereby given that inc tupiiatice piects to leave July 1st for Los Angeles &P * e of non n il inn-re- mn (Jiii'eh will Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman and Mrs. Alibi e provision* of lhe VCtof Coilgr«“« STEAM 4S>< ANYBODY Kt V.e iiioriiilK seiKlCc, Hie pa-tor «i 1 to spiend a month with his family in that • Ladies dress hats just received at Gur- ID. H. Miller are at Portland attending • i June 3 187«. entitled ‘An act for the o’ s-'.iioii- on Th-- citv —Redding Searchlight ••gin a -e*'»-- ►«'!«“ ••• • nea’s 4th street dry goods store. a e of Tiiuh-r Lands in the states of Cali LAUNDRY the Grand Chapter meeting of the East a* |H-"t ■ -Proi»het 1‘rouhet ” ’’ Toe *lll»j-*«*! for WHO DRIVES •ornia. ’regon. Nevaua and Wa-hineton Nelson Scheibe, a prominent farmer of Maj. Chas. E, Worden came in from ern Star. o| • ih lit fl*-t fi ■ -t -ermon ol h «•*'i»>« sill t»e rer'itory*' as ex enned to ad the public F. HtBERLII llic >• li-fai.l I i J hi . i 'ivin ' i\i>. ” Tie- HVeniug Ixivewell, Kail., will arrive in Ashland Klamath county vesterday with his wife Dr. W. L- Cameron and wife of Chica- -mid HtHtes b> act of Auvusi 4 1892, Joi n Prop’r. so m to look at the country and to visit and daughter, Miss May. The latter if it t- noi a fwc that ...- vie. wi I >••■ v*|»>-ia 1, f.*r voting men. Ih-agle. of Ashland Jacks.»* c utny »'»'• , go will arrive on the 15th for a visit and his brother-in-law. W. N. Grubb. , leave tomorrow on an extended trip to we Itl'K •••!' 'he lest • »f Oregon, ba- thi* dav filed in thn offic '• are i vit«-«’, bill mung inenesp via' WATER Street. in all probability will locate in the valley. Keep cool. Pure Ashland water ice at S Newport and Pelland A L. g'.d nio*l stvli-lt look his -Wien statement No 2-Mj9 for the pur- \ >1 * m Y”i>ng M- ii *’ will be a NEAR MAIN Mrt J. D Buckley of Applegate re- <*h <se ol the i-f-X of section 28 n. lown- I cent per pound and 75 cents per 1U0 daughter, Mrs J V * S ' « r ; ing rig- in town I s'U'H nf llii- snrvi< e Appropriate lllll -hip 38. ranee 4 -ast and will <>tfer We have go od and Iter son Don arrived yesterday ' J turned hom® this week, after a visit at i<- will e "••ute-.-il at l-'th servicr- pounds is cheap enough and will give Orders by mail or iir<a>f that the lai d sought ie more valuable •vaiíiíí Jrou great comfort and relief. Phone 23. front Delta, Ohio, to spend the summer the McAndrews farm on the east side. ||.ir-e-< and new velli- express receive ni>«l.«i -ch'-il at 9:45 i. in. Young Pe*>- for the timi>er or Atone than tor agricul ura 6 ; with ‘ ajor •' orden tn Klamath county. cl s nneting at 7 p ni. * ev G. K 7 Mrs. E. A. Hicks left Wednesday for ;-urposes, and to est rblisti hl* claim t>> said urrnupi atieudon Mrs. Mary Davenport of Athena ar-i Mrs. Sargent and Prof W. 8. Worden r r a Ii * 1 e il I *t'H*k MOWING THE LAWN IL-rr, editor of the Pacific Christian. >and before ibe cou tv clerk of Jackson <' ebms C ash , at Sacramento to visit her husband ’ s folha. rived in Ashland Tuesday on a visit to ** ' wil join them in Klamath land later in She was formerly diss Anna Carney. pro|>erl\ fed and well .•ounty. Oregon at .lacksonvitle. Oregon, reasonable rstea -<d -peak at I lie chri lian Church neX’ relatives, the guest of her sister. Mrs. G the summer. • arci for in Olir large is not hard work if you have the right on Friday, tne 8’h div of ugu-t. 1902. He tiidav eVriiin at 8 o’clock. Mrs. 0. W. Fox came down from Ash I Mitchell. a* wiines-es the following nam'd livery stable. Sor sale at wholesale, choice selected land Sunday to visit fora few days with kind of a mower. Now this kind is just names personal J E. I’ellon.of Ashland. Oregon Wall paper, mattings, lacecurtains and Burbank potatoes A. B. Miller. what D. B. P rovost is offering to his pa laealto'-aa • aniiot Be i'lie' d W T Begg'e. of Ashland. Oreg«»", G H her mother, Mrs. Jane Plymale. portiere at Gurnea’s 4th street dry goods trons. Easy running, of exceeding dur Butler, of Ashl nd, Oregon, J. M. Ciem- by local applicitions as they cannot store. Miss Emma Reed, who has been teach mei s, of Astilaiid. < •recon. reach the diseased portion of the ear. A-hland. ■ >re. ing in the Medford school, has accepted ability, perfectly adjusted bearings and a nv and all person» c aiming adverse!) E. Dutra and his horse expert, J. A ' There is only one w-ty to cure deafnrss, self-sharpening knives, carefully hard • he above d<-sci ibed lands are reque-ted to a summer school at Prospect. Painters, Paper Hausers Oppoaite BrHge renter of town. . and that is by constitutional remedies. McIntire, are in Klamath county. Thev tile ihei' claims in this office on or before ened and tempered. Mrs. H. C. Shearer has gone to Taco .'take charge of the Ashland-Klamath I Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- „ • he said Sth day of August. 1902. and Reef Painters ma and other points in Washington to J T. BKIIH i ES, Register. I dition of the mucous lilting of the Eu- Falls daily mail line July 1st. Fite in- 15th Annual Convention LM «ÖS5Ä3S visit relatives. st n-hian Tula*. When this tube is in-. creased travel will require four horses, flamed you have or After - — July mail both ------ Ash- Headquarters, Ytlanit-d li.,,v- a .* rumbling i „ iuui , ii ^ sound ... ,-■ r 1st — the — — V- , leaves ------------- Mrs. Sherman Orton of Redding, Cal., NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. imperfect hearing, entire- land and Klamath Falls 5 a. m. and *it.B, and __2 when it I is _____ arrived during the week and will remain Unite*! State« Land office. Iv cl'K'-d. Deafness is the result, and nn- arrives in each place at 7 p. m , making several weeks. Roseburg Oregon, May 27. 1HQ3 less the infl.iiiiination can be taken out the trip in an all daylight run both ways, Nonce is hereby given 'Dann cutupl ance J. A. Perry, of the independent ware and this tube restored to its norVla! c,,n-1 There is none better than pure Ash- u stteaking eooa music wi h the provisions <>f itie Act of Congress Good speaking speaking, gooa good music, music, and a gen- house, was at Portland during the week. dition. Iwanng will be destroyed forever; I ljuld wuU.r ice manufactured by Rob- of Juni-3. 187s. entitled -An Act fur tbc PRICES REASONABLE. -aie uf I ini her Lands In tne states of Cali nine rase« out of ten ere caused bv < a- bi|J8 & sUvt.n8 ttl jheir factory and eral spiritual uplifting for all. . Ashland j Mrs. F. J. King returned to Medford GIVE US A TRIAL. fornia. Oregon, N*vnda and Washington tarrh, which 1« nothing but an lnflaiueu planing mill on Granite street. Prices, i citizens should open their hearts and Saturday from a visit in San Francisco. erritory* as extended to all ih>* i ublic land condition of the umciious surface*. 11 cent per lb., 100 lbs. 75 cents. Tele- help receive the people of Old -------- Oregon Ex-8enator 8. H. Holt was down from states by act of Augast 4. Irt92, William T. | Me will give One Hundred Dollars for p|1O(ie 23. Beavle. ol A-bland. lacksua county, state Ashland this week on a business trip. during this convention. any case of Deafness (caused bv Catarrh) of Oregon, has this day tiled 'n this office that cannot be cured by all’s Catarrh J T. Richard will open for business Fri- Chas. Hoeley, the well known Ashland bis it«oin s aietuent No 257 ' -thepur- Tw«» w ll-equipped e houses Cure. Send for circul v... irs free. I day <>r Satnrilay, the Ashland bakerv on • ha**-of the NbJi of .eciion Z5 n lown- butcher, visited Medford Wednesday. The Old-Reliable Blacksmith, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Fourth street, in Nininger block where >bp 3! li Mug« 4 Ea t. aod «ill offer i H. D. Kubli and family of Applegate erected by the Armour mid Sold by Ih-nggisis, 75c. he will keep everything found in a first proof to sDow tiia< ibr land nougat ia more Has Purchased........................ CONTRACTOR valuable for <ts ttnilier or stona >ban f* r spent Saturday in Medfora. class Istkerv. Will make a specialty of llall’s Family Pills are the best. a. rn-ultural purposes, and to establish hi* Earl fruit carrying companies| bread, pies, cakes and all kinds of pastry. W 0. Johnson's Shop Fay Sears is at Ashland visiting her Tele AND i-la'iu io «aid land before ibe county Clerk ot I sister, Mrs. R. T. Burnett. phone Rev. Idleman of Colorado, will co* • HO! Pen NKWPOUT Jacxsoii county, regpji at Jacksonville. in the railroad yards of Ash duct services in Trinity Episcopal church Oregon, up Friday.'lie 8th‘-ay of August. And is now prepared to serve BUILDER Miss Stella 8mith spent Thursday via 19ti2. He names as witnes-es the fol owing • .ext Su day. Main bla old customer« and the pub iting the sick at Ashland. by the named per* m*: G. r., of «bland land are .offered for sale. Or» kOn h FnVurlie N.-aaidr lic generally at the old standi Here ¡9 your chance, 36 stamp photos Otegon J. M Cieimuen- of A-bland, Ore Miss Matnie Smith of Ashland is 51 “Recognizing the advantage of New for 25-eents, al Camps’ photo studio. gon. John Beagle, of A »bland, Oregon, J. port a.*« a summer resort over other sea M air S t .. O pp . O pkaa Houag B l ®«« Felton, ot A-ta'anfl. Oiegop. Deputy Sheriff John Estes of Salem OR-EQ-OIST side resorts in the Northwest, and to Any and «11 persons claiming ady«rsel- General Black-mitbing al all kiade Look them over and make it po-sil>le for all who desire to do : arrived in Ash and Tuesday to look at the above de-enttd laud* ar« reque»i^to The 8. P. Company will sell round trip HnnvahoeiDR a Specialty. t<> spend their vacation by the ocean the country with a view of investing ti e tbetr claim- !•• HlM vffii* a^ or before Give Us a* Offer. tickets from Ashland to Portland on Plans, Specifications -aid 8th day ul AUeUM. waves, the Southern P.*c tic company, in He is a nephew of Mr. Munkers who has i i to1 1 and 14th good the 18th in *.7 BKlLtGEB. Register connection with the Corvallis & Eastern become interested quite extensivel* in Across the Continent. , I June , , 13th qd , „ the to meeting ... and Estimates on All Kind* elusive, accoum of of the clusive. on account railroad, will p ace on sale, effective June Ashland town property. Th« unir i» arrauaed to pas« the rreaie-t I supreme ‘ lodge A. - L. O. 0. U. AV., W„ tor $10. |10. loth, round trip tickets from al points I’D Hl 1-HKIfs NOTICE Miss Gurnea teaches piano, guitar, will pay pat |14.3o and receive a of Carpenter Work, ______________ in Oregon on the Southern Pacific to madolin and banjo. Studio over Gur- scenic tt*aiu*es of the -ine durine daylixM. | Purchaser« Sob-crilier- who fail to receive the Paini-b’ets furniaUrd tree on applica'i n a rebate of $4.25 on return from Port nt Fair Prieta. Newport, good for return until October • uea’s new store near depot. V ai LitY K kcobd regularly, w 11 confer a E. J COYLE, V. K. JOHNSON. land. The same rate will prevail from S, A H RING Agent. 10th, at specially reduced rates. For full I yard Orwek — At *d Hicks lumber great favor b, repotting th« same to JL hh . G«a Paaa. Aft.. r. < p. a., Medford and intervening stations to AlU* information pk-ase inquire of your local' Wall paper 5c.I and up. Paint, oik, VALLEY RECORD thia office immediately. opposite Ashland Stum Laundry. Vauoeuvar, B. 0. Perunad, gUu, ete„ al H. 8. Krana*. agent.** iiH'O'U) DR. W. E. POOLE, Manager. Geo. 01. Crefren Law, Eoans, and Insurance« I I + H oiïb Made Confec- tione y. I t Jlsbland Troth & Buckman Fox & Good, Oregon Ashlaud House. For Sale. J. H. DUTTON, E. 0. SHERMAN C anadian P acific New Fast Service Im perial Limited | 4 DAYS 4 ARMOUR CAR LINES 2.6 Stark i P mlan n, O b ASHLAND, X» T3T* OB PRINTING