THE OREGONIAN’S WALE. I sc°n on mitchell . ------------ /| ! Portland Journal, Rep.] The Oregonian’s Small-Minded Partisan The Fight Against Scott A Co.’s Machine. “»“X years ago, in 1886, H. W. Program for Ashland Tomorrow. | Scott opposed the election of Colonel Cor- Efforts Over the Big Fair Refuted. The People’s Paper. j neIius, the republican candidate for gov- The members of Burnside Post and TV. : Portland Journal, Rep. J R. C. will meet in their hall at 9 a. m. The Oregonian of yesterday stys that ernor on the ground that Cornelius was Portland, Oregon, May 22, 1902. and form in procession on the plaza at Oregon may democratic in June, . - and of John II. Mitchell, whom _____ zo go _________________ ____ a supporter •- . .. A shland , O r ., Thursday, May 27, 1902 To the Editor: if it does the blame will rest upon the be denounced as a “man of vile politics A number of persons have called upon 9:30: ¡and of still viler personal character. 1. Band. me in reference to the Lewis & Clarke ¡ business men and working men.’’ They_______________________________ 4 Centennial Á American Pacific Exposi- j •> Co. B, 2nd Reg't, O. N. G. will try to endure the disapprobation oi Mr. Scott returned trom the east yester- 3. Post and Corps and Civic societies, j the Oregonian The idea that the elec jday and in his leading editorial this tion & Oriental Fair, and have asked me to designate who of the various candi 4. Schools. tion of a governor who announces his morning he calls upon republicans to 5 City authorities and citizens and purpose to cut off illegal fees in the state ( elect Banker Furnish governor because it dates for certain positions, in my judg The ment would best subserve the interests march to the Ashland cemetery where i departments; that the election of a cit would please Senator Mitchell. of the fair, if they should be elected to the following will be carried out: izens' ticket in this county that will cut I'ditor of the Oregonian, after bitterly de- , the respective positions. 1 have iu all 1 I . \ddress by the Post Commander. I off the influence of Jack Maihewi- in lo nouncir.g John II. Mitchell tor near'. 1’01 2. Music. instances informed the gentlemen that 1, cal administration, is going to se id the years, invading even the privacy of Sen 3. Prayer by the Chaplain. being chairman of the state commission, whole country to the “demnition bow ator Mitchell’s home and embittering his 4. W. R. C. services. and -.'.Iso chairman of the organization in wows.” does not appeal to com men sense. whole life, now practically admits that 5. America. Portland, for the successful promotion of Nobody seriously believes that such a re all he has printed, or uttered against the 6. Tapps this enterprise, I have declined in every sult will injuriously affect prosperity or public and personal character oi Senator 7. Decorat ing the graves. instance to express any preference for adversely influence national politics in Mitchell was untrue; either that or else Fifteen minutes will be taken to view the slightest degree On the other liand the Oregonian was wrong then or is Pullman any candidate for these"respective posi tions, and have always informed the the decorations. Procession will then a reform in the methods of state admin wrong now. The influence of the Ore Sleeping Cars gentlemen that we wanted the help oí re-form as before and inarch to the Chau istration that have become fixed by long gonian cannot prevent thousands of the Elegant every class of citizens, democrats, repub tauqua tabernacle where the following usage may reasonably be expected from republicans in the state of Oregon from en licans, and every other shade of politics, will be carried out: a man who has had the perspicacity to tering a protest against surrendering con Dining Cars 1. Prayer by the Chaplain. to act and co-operate with us in promot see them and the courage to point them I trol of their party into the hands of Jack Tourist 2. Music by the Ashland Male Quar out. In country and city affairs both Matthews and H. W. Scott in the most ing the success of the fair. The request from the board of direc tette. business men and working men believe effective way, and that wax will be to Sleeping Cars 3. Recitation—Miss Mary Clute. tors, to those who have been selected to that local affairs will be better admin vote against Banker Furnish and elect 4. Reading Memorial orders. ST. PAUL visit the various towns and cities in the istered by the elimination of a machine George Chamberlain governor. 5. M usic—Quartette. state, was that they should avoid in that is working for its own benefit rather MINNEAPOLIS 6. Recitation—Miss Frances Johnson. than for the public welfare. >So the Sciatic Rticuma'ism Cured After every way, any indications of political DULUTH i. Post exercises. Fourteen Years of Suffering. preference for any candidate, where average man of sense is not moved by s. Oration by Prof. W. T. Van Scoy. such appeals. He sees plainly enough meeting to create an interest and ask aid FARGO “ I have been afflicted with sciatic 9. Benediction. and co-operation for the Lewis & Clarke that what the Oregonian really fears and rheumatism for fourteen years,” says j GUANO FORKS A recess will be had until 2 p. in. when Centennial. The board of directors seeks to prevent is not any public detri TO Edgar, of Germantown, Cal. “I would regard it very unfortunate if poli the Port and Corps will go to Hargadine ment or disaster, but the defeat of its Josh CROOKSTON was able to be around but constantly tics should enter into this laudable en cemetery. machine made ticket. It is a cry of dis suffered, I tried everything I could WINNIPEG Hon. H. V. Gates, Past Dep’t Com tress, but the apprehension is not for terprise. It is the desire of the directors of and at last was told to try Cham to avoid in every way any political sig mander of Oregon G. A. R., will be the business men or working men. It is for hear HELENA and berlain’s Pain Balm, which I’did and orator at the cemetery. nificance of this event. It is wholly the ring, and only for the ring. was immediately relieved and in a short BUTTE with a view of honoring President Jeffer But the defeat of the ring ticket might time cured, and I am happy to saj* it son and Lewis and Clarke, whoconceived Wall paper of the very latest designs : otherwise be of some positive benefit to has not since returned.” Why not use the idea of an expedition to the Pacific at Stock’s. Oregon Certain it is that the republi this liniment and get well? It is for sale Coast for the purpose of more firmly es can leaders have not reflected public or by all druggists. TO tablishing our rights to the great North Biliousness is a condition characterized even republican sentiment in Oregon on CHICAGO west, called the Oregon country, that i by a disturbance of the digestive organs. i some important, measures. We do not IL E Huntington said recently that WASHINGTON people might inherit and enjoy its vast I i The stomach is debilitated, the liver tor- : believe in the ship subsidy bill, bills for Long Beach was going to be one of the region irrespective of political predilec- ! I pid, the bowels constipated. There is a > the benefit of trusts, the discrimination PHILADELPHIA greatest seaside resorts on the southern tions, and certainly in commemorating | against this state in Federal business [ loathing of food, pains in the bowels, NEW YORK this 100th anniversary we should not by i dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting, | and appropriations—all of which have California coast, and many improve BOSTON AND ALL any act of ours allow our political pref-' 1 first of the undigested or partly digested been pointed out from time to time by the ments now iu progress testify to this erence to enter into the consideration of I food and then of bile. Chamberlain’s Oregonian. Mr. Hanna, who is the re- assertion. The latest is a bathhouse POINTS EAST and SOUTH Stomach and Liver Tablets allay the dis I sponsible leader, asks for a republican which is to cost $200,000. The Long Through tickets to J Loan aud China, via this great event. I tlierefore desire to say, as chairman turbances of the stomach and create a victory here to endorse these measures. Beach Bathhouse company, with that Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship of the organization for the promotion of healthy appetite. They also tone up the If they should not be endorsed perhaps amount of capital, was incorporated at Co. For information, time cards, map and the fair, that we wish to declare that this ■ liver to a healthy action and regulate the the republican leaders might lend a lis Los Angeles recently. enterprise, in no way, will be used to in i bowels. Try them and yon are certain tening ear in the next two years to tickets, call on or write fluence the votes for any particular can I to be much pleased with the result. Fox ! appeals which have hitherto been in Charles H. Baker, proprietor of the A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General fR3»enger Agent. didate, ior any position for which he ¡ sale by all druggists. Pacific Lithographic company, at 537 | vain. It’s worth an experiment. PORTLAND. OREGON. ■ may be nominated by either party, I i Washington street, San Francisco, who make this statement as 1 have had fre- ’ was arrested recently for aiding and quent calls to know whether this fair I abetting a lottery in the printing of lot ncxoK was to be a republican partisan fair or tery tickets therefor, pleaded guilty to [Frani the Oregon City Couriev-Herald.] otherwise. I have always declared that TO AND FROM ALL the charge in Judge Cabaniss’s court there was no politics in the matter and was fined $100. His two assistants, and that we expected the support of both Charles Holbrook and B. B. Cinega, parties who have both endorsed the fair, and I understand whoever is elected will proved that they were merely em give their hearty and united support to ployees, and the charges against them this non-partisan enterprise. We expect were dismissed. whoever is elected to the legislature, G. R. Brookman, a printer, who dis whether democrat or republican, who appeared recently from Los Angeles, ever is elected mayor of the city, whether was found dead near Santa Monica. democrat or republican, whoever is elec- ted governor whether democrat or re Brookman had been riding a bicycle be publican, will give their hearty support tween Santa Monica and the canyon, . and .1 co-operation, « . . mzv 4- » z-. z-v otherwise ♦ I • z^». r« • « .1 za ' it would z—. >11,1 1 be , z\ when, by some means he was thrown, futile for us to attempt to hold an expo with his wheel, over the bluff, falling sition of this great event. more than 100 feet on the rocks below, We expect when the matter of appro aud was instantly killed. priation comes before congress, that we shall have the co-operation of the sena J. S. Doble, son of a minister, em tors and representatives from the demo ployee of a tract society and a member cratic state of Missouri in the same cor in good standing iu a church, was ar dial manner as extended by our repre rested at an early hour while making TO sentatives on the Pacific coaBt to them his third burglarious trip to the office of ST. PAUL, DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO ior the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. the California Tract society, in the Re H. W. CORBETT. AND POINTS VAST. liance club building, on San Pablo avenue, Oakland, Cal. Doble walked Whooping Cough. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers into the arms of a policeman, who had A woman who has had experience Dining and Buffet Smoking been stationed there by Chief of Police with this disease, tells how to prevent Library Cars. Hodgkins to capture the burglar, who any dangerous consequences from it. She had visited the tract society twice, aud DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME says: Our three children took whooping was expected to do so a third time. For Bates. Folders, and Full iniurma- cough last summer, our baby boy being tion regarding tickets, routes, etc,, call on only three months old, and owing to out The prisoner made a complete con or address giving them Chamberlain’s Cough Rem fession. H. DICKSON. edy, they lost none of their plumpness Judge Mortimer Smith of the Oak Citv Ticket agt.. Portland, Or. and came out in much better health than J. W PH ALON, land (Cal.) police court declared invalid T. P. A., 122 Third Street. Portland, Or other children whose parents did not use the city sign-license ordinance, on the this remedy. Our oldest little girl would A. B. C. DENNISTON, G. W. P. A. ground that it imposed a tax for rev call lustily for cough syrup between t>12 First Avenue Seattle, Wn. whoops.—J essie P inkey H all , Spring enue, not for the regulation of a busi ness, and in that particular being un ville, Ala This Remedy is for sale by constitutional. F. G. Lea, a merchant, all druggists. declined to pay the tax, aud this was D.irl L E.;vcy, until recently a clerk made a test case. Since the ordinance in the enip; -y ot W. J. Biggy at the went into effect in Jnly of last year the United States laundry, San Francisco, sum of $5,800 has been collected in was arrested iu Denver on a charge of licenses. Many paid under protest, but embezzlement preferred by his em Judge Smith is of the opinion that these ployer. Knowing the combination of cannot recover. the safe, Eavey opened it early in the regon Work has begun on the Barrett dam morning aud took therefrom $77. lie at the place where it was stopped some hortline then took the train east. The San Fran months ago, says a San Diego dispatch. cisco police telegraphed to Denver, Tnis dam—which will be of solid mas where a detective was in waiting to ar onry—when completed will be the highest of a series of three reservoirs nion acific rest Eavey. I T ime S chedules . connecting the mountain rain regions The Great Scourge I A rrive D epart FROM with the. bay at a point where an un PORTLAND, OR. of modern times is consumption. Many failing water supply can be secured for cures and discoveries from time to time a large area of fine land. The dam and Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver. Ft 4:30 p. m are published but Foley’s Honey and reservoir will form a part of the system Portland Worth.Omaha, Kan Tar does truthfully claim to cure all THE MISFIT GOVERNOR. of the Southern California Mountain Special sas City, St Louis, cases in the early stages and always af 9 a. tu. Chicago and East. Water company, and the water there fords comfort and relief in the very W. J. Furnish as he would appear wearing the gar worst cases. Take no substitutes.—T. impounded will be released into the K Bolton. ments of Governor Geer. watershed which collects the supply for Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver. Ft 8:10 a. tn the Lower O> ay reservoir. Worth, Omaha, Kan Express A dispatoh to the New York Suu from 8 ;lû p m sas City, St Louis, Via Hun Chicago and East. , Washington says that on account of the Leslie M. Shaw, the newly appointed tington damage done in the diplomatic recep secretary of the treasury, has issued in No Loss of Time. British Capture Many Boers. tion-room of the state department by 1 have sold Chamberlain’s Colic. Chol structions from Washington that when One of the biggest drives of the Boer relic-hunting vandals, the secretary of St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewis 7 a, nr. era Diarrhoea Remedy for years, the contents of trunks aud bigs are state has been obliged to order that war has just wound up against the and and Fast Mail ton. kpokane, Min would rather be out of coffee and "man handled” on the docks by his cus 6:15 pm neapolis, 8t Paul. visitors shall be admitted to the apart Bechuanalaud blockhouse, says a Vrv- sugar than it. I sold five bottles yester toms inspectors, these searchers after Duluth, Milwaukee. via ments only on application, and that in j burg dispatch, General Hamilton and day to threshers that could go no farther dutiable goods must wear white gloves. Spo kane Chicago and East. viewing them they shall be accompanied other commanders have gathered in 400 and they are at work again this morn He instructs the inspectors further to by an attendant. The big ebony treaty prisoners, including 100 rebels and re ing.—H. B P helps , Plymouth, Oklaho repack carefully all articles that have Portland to Chicago 72 Hours table, at which many important inter calcitrant Boers who have caused much ma. As will be seen by the above the been taken from the personal baggage national arrangements were signed, has trouble in the past. Among the pris threshers were able to keep on with of passengers from abroad, instead ol no change of cars been badly mutilated. Vandals have oners are a brother of General Delarej their work without losing a single day’s leaving them in confused heaps on the Ocean and River Schedule freni twisted from it pieces of half a dozen and several other commandants. The time. You should keep a bottle of this dock or steamer deck, that the curious Hort land. Remedy in your home. For sale by all ornamentol nobs. Another handsome movement was remarkable for the lack druggists. may not take notes while the raging ebony table was chipped, and pieces of resistance by the Boers, most of whom tourist does the repacking himself. It All sailing dates sub- surrendered, after aimless dodging, 4:30 p nt were out from an expensive rug 8 p. m . ject to change. Judge Sullivan, in the district court at is evident trom this that the complaints I For San Francisco — without fighting. There were no Brit Kearney, Neb., handed down a decision of the long-suffering tourist have not ¡Sail every 5 days It you are sick all over and don’t ish casualties. Five hundred Boers man which in effect declares that a United been unheeded by the new secretary. know just what ails you, it’s ten to one aged to escape iu the earlier stages of States citizen may, by the payment of A dispatch from Birmingham, Ala., $1.25 per acre, pre-empt for homestead states that the proposed trust of jobbing 4 p. m vour kidney’s are out of order. Foley’s the drive. Daily C olumbia R ivcb Ex Bun- Ex. Sun Kidney Cure will bring you health and S teamers entry land granted to the Union Pacific hardware firms has fallen through. Peculiar Will Case. energy. T. K. Bolton. May. 8 p. Robert A. Williams, who was ohief of An interesting will case was tried in company by the government, - In the X», Satur day 10 p. To Astoria and Way Ì Mayor Schmitz of San Francisco has the Kings conuty surrogate’s court, and case decided the plaintiff brought suit the Chicago fire department at the time m. Landings. Issued a communication to tho effect was decided iu favor of the will, says a to compel the railroad company to con of the great fire of October, 1871, and I that no further contributions are at New York dispatch. The plaiutiffs vey to him a quarter section of land who at that time distinguished himself Go East Through Portland present required for the relief of the were the niece and husband of Susau S. upon the payment of the amount named. by his heroism, died recently at Chicago, o sufferers in Martinique and St. Vinceut. Allen, who died leaving all her money The road's delense was that the act was aged 77 years. Williams came to Chi- ÆJ^’Tickets via this route on eale a’ The sum of $3.000 has already been for to her friend and boarding mistress, aud no longer binding. The court, however, sago in 1847 from Canada, where he 8. P. depot. A. L CRAIG, warded from Sau Francisco. who it was attempted to prove was in held that the act was still binding on the Was born iu 1825. Gen. Pass. Agent. Portland. O road and its assignees. The decision -, - - , ‘ William McCormick, a well-known sane at the time the will was drawn. will affect a great amount of land in DO IT NOW. Mrs. Allen imagined she was called to horse traiuer, who shot and killed several states. The case will be ap Thomas Cullen, a groom, at the Haggin convert the heathen Chinese, and began pealed. Make inquiries regarding the best ranch, was arraigned in the superior operations on one Fong Gui. She con route to take on that trip vou are con John Nicolai and Henry Clarke are templating this summer. The Canadian rourt at Sacramento before Judge E. C. verted him and gave him a laundry, Hart aud pleaded guilty to a charge of which prospered. Mrs. Allen wanted making a monetary success of the larg Pacific Railway can offer greater induce manslaughter. He was sentenced to Gui to marry a white girl, who could est farm in Alaska, says a Tacoma dis ments to travellers than any other route. ten years’ imprisonment in the peniten accompany her Chiua as maid. When patch. It consists of 40 acres—35 aores The Scenic Beauties are unsurpassed traveller passing through the heart, tiary, which is the maximum penalty approached on the subject Gui said, at Dyea and five at Skagway. Their the of the Cascade and Rocky Mountain crops include vegetables of all kinds — “Tlotee out Melican girl and Fong Gui for manslaughter. Ranges during the day time—two days oats, berries, apples and crab apples. mally dlam quick. ” When William Holl, a pawnbroker, and one night of the Grandest Scenerj* Mrs. Allen found the girl, but one The experiments show the yields from in the World—passing the famous Sum whose office is on an upper floor of the Washington building, Portland, re month was enough for Gui, and he the Alaskan soil to be very large and mer Resorts and Hot Springs at Field, turned after half an hour's absence at quietly sold the laundry and went to the quality of the vegetables excellent. laggan, Sicamouse, Donald, Glacier and Tourist C ats and First-Class Sleepers Doily. luncheon, he found that his safe had San Francisco. Mrs. Allen became con Ì The entire product is sold at White Banff, and through the famous farming Horse, Atlin and other interior towns, districts of Assinaboine, Manitoba, North The time is arranged to pass the sreatesi be9n opened aud robbed of $1,000 worth vinced that she had made a mistake as bringing high prices. The farm is one Dakota and Minnesota. Making a trip to her being called to convert the scenic features of the line during daylight. of jewels and money. It is evident that Pamphlets furnished free on application the robbery was committed by some one heathen, mads her will and died. The of the chief places in Alaska to be vis via this route and the beautiful passen E. J. COYLE, F. R. JOHNSON, ited by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson ger steamers “Athabaska” “Assina contest followed. familiar with the place. boine” and Manitoba across the Great Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., F. * P. A., on his Alaska trip this summer. Lakes, the tourist avoids the heat, dust U. S. District Attorney John Hall, has I James Brown, who belongs to the Vancouver, B. C. Portland. Or» Miss Mamie Smith, Middlesboro, Ky • and other objectionable features of sum Browns’ professional baseball team of been instructed by U. 8. Attorney-Gen mer travel. First class and tourist sleep ' Albuquerque, N. M., iu a fit of rage at eral Philander Knox to investigate the writes: “My little sister had the croup ing cars, dining cars and observation cars workings of the Beef Trust in Oregon, his sweetheart, Cora Miller, because she with relation to the allegations in the very bad. I gave her several doses of on every train. Foley’s Honey and Tar and she was in . threatened to quit him. cut her throat complaint in the case of the United stantly For rates and other information call on relieved. It saved her life.”—T. or address, with a pocket-knife, severing her wind States against Swift & Co. and others, K. Bolton._______________ F. R. J ohnson , F. & P. A., pipe, and then, turning the knife against brought in Chicago. The Burlington Route are naming a 142 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. himself, slashed his own throat from Thomas Maple, Birkbeck, Ill., writes: specially low rate of fare to all points ear to ear. The woman is still alive, “I had a very bad case of kidney trouble East and return. .If you expect to take but cannot recover. There is some and my back pained me so I could not a trip write for full'particulars. The jliance for Brown. straighten up. The doctor’s treatment Burlington Route runs its own through did me no good. Saw Foley’s Kidney daily trains, with best accommodations, ‘‘I had a running sore on my breast Cure advertised and took one bottle quickest time and choice of routes. For Infants and Children. for over a year,” says Henry R. Rich- which cured me and I have not been af R. W. F oster , irds of Willseyville, N. Y., ‘‘and tried a fected since I gladly recommend this' Ticket Agent, jreat many remedies, but got no relief remedy.”—T. K. Bolton. Cor. 3rd and Stark St3. Portland, Or. until I used Banner Salve. After using Bears the PHOÇATR WIRT. one-half box, I was perfect'v cured. I If you want the best photos and latest >rtlJ[l; order Signature of cannot recommend it too highly.” T, K. styles that can be Estate of Edith D Corti I m made in Aehland Ashland go to Csmps’ turtle, >•110»! adwuurtniMr« appointing Edgar Cortbell L_ _________ VALLEY RECORD CORBETT SAYS NO POLITICS MEMORIAL DAY. THE MILWAUKEE” A familiar name for the Chicano, M.iW iiikee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as tbs Gr-st Railway ruuning the IT orthsrn PACIFIC PIONEER LIMITED' for Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Trains every day and night between St Pau: and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, ‘‘The only perfect trains in the w< rid.” Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers tt*e beet service known Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Of a verity equaled bv no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee” when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket agents eel) them. In Use For Over 30 Years. THS CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. For rates, pamphlets or other infci- mvtion, address, J W. CASEY, Trav. Puss. Agt., ARE YOU GOING EAST ? Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via THROUGH TICKETZ POINTS SHORT LINE S «o U O P R anadian P acific The World’s Scenic Route CASTOR IA Ths Kind You Have Always Bought C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ortland , O b The.... Northwestern Line! We don’t offer V vou lower rates than other lines, but we do what is better —relieve you of a world of trouble in selecting your route, buying your ticket and reserving your berth. When you call, don't be afraid to ask questions—we’ll answer them. ---- THE---- st . paul , MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thia is the C hicago , LINE GREAT SHORT Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO Omaha, Chicago. Kansas Citv, St. Louie, and EVERYWHERE beyond. Write or call at this offi e, and we will take pleasure in giving you further information. And All Pointe East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vea- tibuled Dining an.i Sleeping Car Trains.and Motto: A. C. SHELDON, General Agent, Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given this road a national reputa tion. All claBaea of parBetigere carried on the veetibuled frame without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over famous line. Ail agents have tickets. W H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F.& P. Agt-nt, Portland. Oregon. DON T QUESS But if you are going east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and a< commodeti<>ns offered by Through personally conduct ed Tourist sleeping cars be tween Portland and Chicago once a week, and between Og den and Chicago three times a week v ia the the Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars via the Illinois Central trom Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don’t fail to write us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over which is operated some of the finest trains in the world. Scenic Line. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service Through S andard Sleeping Care daily between Ogden and Chicago via the Scenic Line. Through Standard Sleeping Care daily between Colorado Springs and St. Louis. Tliri.u.h Standard and Tourist Sleep ing Care daih between San Francisco and Qhicago via Los Ansel- e and El Paso. Through Standard Sleeping Cars and Choir Cars daily between 8f. Paul and Chicago. Be sure to see that your ticket reads | via the call on or address, J. C. LINDSEY, B. H. TRUMBULL, T, F. & P. A. Com’l Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Oregon. Great Rock Island Route Former Policeman John E Fay of Los Angeles pleaded guilty iu tho police court of that city to a charge of stealing eggs, for which he was fined $60, with the alternative of 60 days in jail. Fay paid the fine. A firm of grocers, who trusted Fay with a key to their store so that he could use their telephone at night, informed the chief of police that Fay was systematically pilfering. Chief of Police Elton hid himself be hind a screen in the grocery aud waited till Fay came in to report off duty by telephone. Fay then filled his pocket with eggs, when he was confronted by the chief, who made him disgorge. Fay immediately tendered his resignation and wrote a check for $25 in favor of the grocers to reimburse them for his pilfer ing. The police commissioners then prosecuted him for petty larceny. One man, possibly two, drowned, two others rescued from the waves, and 200 persons for several hours in peril of go ing to the bottom of the sea is the record of the voyage of the Wilmington Transportation company’s tug Warrior from Avalon, Santa Cataliua island, to San Pedro. The man who lost his life was F. S. Knight of Highland Park, a conductor on the Salt Lake road. lie was washed from the upper dock in midchannel and was drowned iu full view of 200 panic-stricken passengers. The storm was tho severest experienced in the channel for years. Knight was 35 years old and is survived by a wife and child, who were with him. He was also accompanied by a brother and his wife’s parents, all of whom saw him drown. It is said that another man went over with Knight. T he t est and most reasonable Dining Car »ervice. For rates, folders and descriptive lit- 1 erature write to I A. E. COOPER, ! General Agent, Portland, Or»gon Dyspepsia Cure White Sulphur Springs Digests what you eat. It can’t help hut do —ABC— Private Tub Baths. GRANT HELMAN, Prop. AT ATHLETIC GROUNDS. ONE-HALF milk north of plaza ASHLAND, OREGON. — good SWIMMING RINK — Solid stone rink and waiks. Sink. 30x80 Prepared only b E. O. D f .W itt Chicago Ttiirtv Dre-nng • ooms attached. Thell. bottle contains times the £>0c situ i feet. Equipped with Rings, Swings, Spring Boards, etc. Reception Boom, Lunch Counter, Cigars* Unfnmii-bed Cottages to rent. Smmmiug Kink Opens about May 1st. Gast Via the visit DR. JORDAN'S great ^ i M useum of mióme lte! MlRkl.T ST., Sii FKlSvlSCt, C1L. I The Largest Anatomical Museum in the World. Wcakncs cs or any contracted disease positively curad by the cidMt Specialist on the Coast E sl 36 years. 1 DR. JOPOAH—DISEASES OF MEN I REDUCED RATES TO THE EAST. Those contemplating an eastern trip will be interested to know that the e directly through will shortly be on eale greatly reduced ■ate tickets in connection with the Rio Salt Lake City, Grand System, the famous “Scenic Line Leadville, ..f the World.” This line offers its passengers a most Pueblo, delightful and comfortable journey to ell, Colorado Springs eastern points. ( It is the only transcontinental line; and Denver. passing directly through quaint and pic turesque Salt Lake City, “The City of Three splendidly equipped trains daily the -aintB,” beautiful Glenwood Springs, I to all points bust eadville. Pueblo, Colorado Springs Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and 'where a side trip may be made to the Free Reclining Chair Cars. Garden of the Gods and the summit of The most magnificent scenery in Pikes Peak over the cog wheel railroad) and Denver, the queen city of the inter America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of mountain region. Stop-overs are allowed tickets. on all classes of tickets. Three daily express trains make close For cheapest rates and descriptive lit connectior s with all trains east and west erature address and afford a choice of five dis inct routes J. D. MANSFIELD, of travel. The equipment of these trains General Agent, is the best, including f ee reclining ehair care, standard and touriet sleepers, 124 Third Street. Portand, a perfect dining car service, and also personally conducted excursion care, each in charge r.f a competent guide, whose business it is to look after the comfort of his gueete. No more pleasant or inexpensive means of crossing the Continent can be found than ie provided by these excursions. For additional details, addreee, J. D.M ansfield , Gen’l. Ag’t., Rio Grande Lines, 124Third St., Portland, Oregon Bert job printing st RaooiD OfiWt SWIMMING RINK This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food, ltgivesinstant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all thé food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distressaftereating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant totake. Valley Record Job Printing is a Business Bringer S VP FI St I fB thoroughly eradicated > from system without the use of Werciary Truhses fitted by an Exj>ert. it «di- ee l m;e for Ilupture. a quick and ' radical cure for Pile«.. Flhture and Plsstulor. by Dr. Jordan’s special paia- 1 less methods. A Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per V sonajiy or by letter. A PortCt* Cure in every ca.e \ undertaken. Write for B >ok B'KtB,OWPUV off & M tuniACr. MAILED FREE. 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