Î 4 Uaiipel, Dorris $ Drake Dry Goods and Clothing Store PERSONAL AND LOCAL CENTRAL POINT. Died Last Night. O. R. Buckman, the well known whee'- wright and carpenter who has resi led in Ashland for the past 12 years, died last night at the residence of C J. Foster, after an illness of some time from a com­ plication of diseases. He leaves a wife and grown children at Portland. . The funeral takes place tomorrow at 2 o’clock p m. from the late residence, interment in Hargadine cemetery. De­ ceased was a respected pioneer and In­ dian war veteran, aged 70 years. Try Hill’s soft drinks Mrs. G. C. Stanley ia visiting Medford relatives. Ex-SenatorS. H Holt visited Phoenix yesterday. Fred Ulin is here visiting his parents and friends. Rev. F. G Strange left thia morning for Marshfield. Will Virgin is home from Portland for his summer vacation. Exclusive Shoe Store. Miss Lillian Julien returned to Siski­ Messrs. Miller A Yeo this week moved you county yesterday. their stock of dry goods, clothing and Roland McBride and A. H. Pracht vis­ gents furnishings to Klamath Falls where ited Colestin yesterday. they will hold forth for the present. stock of bootsand shoes will re­ Bede Heberlie and wife have moved Their main at the old stand under the manage­ from Chico to Redding. ment of Harry Yeo, who todav opens an Thos. Ran ken of La Fayette, Ind., is exclusive shoe house. Mr \eoannoun- registered at Hotel Oregon. ces that he will inaugurate a special dis­ E. E. Miner was up from Gold Hill count sa e of shoes and all kinds of foot­ wear commencing from today, which sale Tuesday on a business trip. will be strictly for cash. Please don’t Mrs. R. T. Burnett returned yesterday ask for credit. It is the manager’s inten­ from a visit at Jacksonville. tion to make this special sale one which Miss Martha Cardwell was up from it will be worth yonr while to attend, as you will be able to buy his wares at here­ Gold HiL this week on a visit tofore unheard of prices. H. Von der Hellen is erecting a new residence on h s farm at VVellen. Deaths. Mrs. J. D. Crocker leaves soon for Abraham Radcliffe died at his home Portland where she has a good position. in Ashland at 12 o’clock Monday night, Brakeman A. C. Roth has returned aged 75 years, 1 month and 2 days. The from San Francisco and Southern Cali­ I deceased was i I only a few days and his fornia. death was induced by hemorrhage of the Miss Agnes Mattoon returned to Med­ brain. He was born in Yorkshire, Eng­ ford ■■'aturday from a visit with Ashland land, in 1827, and came to Oregon in 1882. friends. To rent—3 rooms furnished for house­ Mr«. E. N. Tibbetts died at her borne keeping Cor. 5th and • ain. Mrs. in Hornbrook, Saturday evening, of Edelboff. heart failure after a very brief illness. Mrs. Ella B. Mills and son are home ! Mrs. Tibbetts, whose husband is a fire­ from spendii g the winter in southern man on the S P. Co.’s railroad, lived in Ashland about one year ago. Besides California. i her husband she leaves two little child­ James I. Utz and daughter, Miss Mina, ren, a girl 5 years of age and a boy 18 returned Sunday iroin a visit with Rose­ months old. The funeral services oc­ burg friends. curred Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock Mrs. F. H. Gregory, who had been in • from her late residence at Hornbrook. Portland for sometime, returned to Ash­ KLAMATH FALLS land last week. J. S. Meek brought his family to Ash­ land yesterday from Portland to spend Death of Mrs Shallock—Walker-Swingle the summer here. Wedding. Mrs. Alice Kane returned yesterday Henry Schallock the merchant, and from a visit with her sister, »lrs. Dela­ , John Schallock the mail contractor, lost mater, at Gold dill. i their venerable mother at Redding, < al., Election day dinner at Pioneer hall 1 May 27, from typhoid fever, aged 78 given by the ladies of the Womans’ Re­ years. Mrs Mary Louise Schallock was a native of Germany and resided with a lief Corps. 25 cents. ' son, Ed. Schallock, who is engaged in Cam. Ranken, a friend of J. H. Cham- mining, bers, is seriously ill at Hotel Oregon; Charles Walker and Miss Ida Swingle, with stomach trouble. both of Langel valley, we e married at John Herndon and Walter Messenger lie Klamath hotel in Klamath Falls, went to Klaniathon yesterday to be em­ Tuesday, the 20th. Mr. Walker is a son ployed in a box factory. of Jesse Walker of Langell valley, and Miss Gurnea teaches piano, guitar, the bride is the eldest daughter of Frank madolin and banjo. Studio over Gur­ Swingle of the same place. nea s new store near depot. | jjjgg Miss Ida Humphrey of t is place and Miss Agnes Swindon, who has been Oliver Howard of Drews valley, Lake employed at Hotel Vendome, was called county, were married last Friday. to Central Point yesterday Frank Ward and M ill Wilson of thi* Deputy Internal Revenue Collector place and four or five Jackson < ouaty David F Fox returned home yesterday men started Monday with 78 head of horses for Ashland, to be shipped to from an official trip up north. None, laska The horses were bought Wadsworth Bradstreet, the awning from J. F. Adams, of Tule lake. man, and his wife have located in Ash­ Jack Horton and J. O Hamaker re­ land. They are from Dakota. turned Sunday from where they had Hon. E. D. Foudray was up from been as reresentatives of Bonanza Lodge, Phoenix Tuesday on a business trip and I. 0. O. F. made this office a pleasant call. ' J. F. Goeller and Mrs. F. E Boyd, who Strawberries—the delicious kind that went to represent the Klamath Falls Ashland is noted for—made their ap­ Lodge of Rebekahs and Odd Fe lows, re-. pearance in the market this week. turned Monday. David Stigner and family of Lebeau, L. D. Ward apd wife, who live on the Kan , are this week visiting old friends, Gowen ranch on the state line south of Geo. W. Morris and family in this city. Merrill, were in town Monday and Tues­ Mrs Geo. R. Singleton, wife of the lo­ day. comotive fireman, is out from Roseburg George Deal and wife of Langell valley visiting her folks, Dick Roach tnd fam­ were doing busines- in town last Wednes­ ily. day and Thursday Ex-Postmaster M. D. Wilson of Talent J. L. Padgett, merchant of Keno, was has returned from the Free Methodist at the Falls last Wednesday. conference at Fortlaud and was in Ash­ ! Harry Mnmyer was down fr> m Klam­ land yesterday. ath agency la-1 week. Get your harness oil, hoof ointment Mrs. G. W. Morine of Bonanza visited and gall cure of S. K. Adams, Main street. He also sells harness and does the Falls last week. harness repairing. Al Bradburn, saloonkeeper of Picard, D. D. Good is home from the Grouse is in town to-day. creek placer mine, and Win. Fox and H. H. Woods of Pine Flat is in town Sim •' ard have gone thither to delve in today- the golden gravel. i Klamath Falls, May 27. Mr and Mrs. F. Roper arrived Tuesday from Bakersfield to spend the summer C yde Payne, U. O. student-, holder of visiting their son and family at Phoenix the northwest record for the 22t>-yard and friends in Ashland. dash, left for his home at Ashland this Judge H K. Hanna, of Jacksonville, afternoon to remain during the sum­ is presiding in place of Judge J W. mer vacation. He will work in the mines Hamilton during the present port ion of there—Eugene Guard, May 26. the circuit court session in Roseburg. A cail-iad of Bain wagons ami a lot J. R Allen and Mrs. Mary Harjnon more of the celebrated Racine spring leave Kansas City Monday ep route to works, the best abd strongest Whitman As’iland to spend the summer with their' and Barnes garden tools just arrived at Peil’s. Thethree floors of my warehouse sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Cutuinon* ~ of this are no w full of go urr. 70 Horace and 13 Men fin Route to North. J. Frank Adams came in from his Mer­ rill, Klamath county horse market yes- tertay with 70 head of horses, which are being put on the cars todav to be shipped to the Miocene Ditch Co., of Nome, Alaska, of which ex-county clerk J. M. Davidson of Siskivou county and W. L. Leland formerly of Sisson, are prominent members Mr. Davidson was here re­ ceiving the horses. They start for Se­ attle to-night and will take the steamer for Nome June Uth. They are a tine lot of horses and the men who broke them in Klamath county go to Nome and will P“t them into harness and work the animals for the Miocene Ditch Co. They are well-known in Klamath and Jackson county, as follows: Frank Ward, Frank Adams. Charles Cornell, Fred Moody, J. S. and Robert Robinson, S. B. Grizzle, J. H. Montgomery, Wm. Cottrell, Mannie Cherry, trank Lowden, William Wilson and William Kinder. R. V. CARTER, CaaHin. C. H. THOMAS, A ssistami C auubb . BANK OF ASHLAND. Died—In W’illow Springs precinct, at the residence of her son-in-law, A. C. ('bitten, May 24. 1902, at 5 o’clock a. m., Susan Evans, aged 80 years. Funeral services to be held at the B. w. Dean ESTABLISHED 1884 residence on the 25th, at I o’clock p. m., Rev. E. B. Lockhart officiating, inter­ ment in the Jacksonville cemetery Mav 28th. Roht P. Neil, candidate for state sena­ tor on the democratic ticket,and his broth­ er, J. R. Neil of Jacksonville, spoke in this place last Saturday evening to a full house. The party is in good shape in BOARD OF DIRECTORS : this part of the county. HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. 8. BUT­ Judge Prim and Horace Pelton of Sams 5 alley and John Orth, candidate for county clerk on the democratic ticket, LER, F. H. ( ARTER, E. V. CARTER. and Frank Williams of Ash'and, were in our town Tuesday. Mr. Williams was looking after the interest of the initiative Toreian and Domestic Exchange Bought and Sold. and referendum. Ex-County Judge W. S. Crowell will BEAGLB THIS ¡S THE TICKET.” speak in the town hall tonight (Wednes­ There seems to be considerable inter­ day) to tell the people the straight busi- We lu ndle e\ery sty'e a <1 color in nese about the finances of the county est taken in regard to the election of road Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. that there has been so much fuss made supervisor in Dis't No. 25. There is at about There is one thing sure the tax­ present three candidates for the office, Jill Sizes of Both Overalls and Jumpers« payer has the bills to pay aud they are Mr. Brown, on the democratic ticket; Mr. Nelson on the republican and Mr. not of his making. Bailey on the—well,— we don’t know They fit and are made to wear. Quite a number of houses have been what ticket. But we do know that repainted in this place this spring. Mrs. all persons interested in having good »1. M. Cookey has had hei large dwelling Headquarters for Railroad Mens* Clothing should support Mr. Brown as he house, barn, fence and even her cement roads has had a great deal of experience in «alk painted. Mr. Faris did the work. that line of business and will perform the of every description. C. Jefires has painted his house. Geo. duties of the office in a skillful and hon­ Russ has had his two houses painted. H. est manner. Call in and inspect our goods. ■ ornra is painting his kitchen. Mr. Joe Rader and other democratic can­ Ringer and Mr. Faris are engaged at this time painting the A. O U. W. large hall didates were making a canvass of this “BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES” j vicinity a few days last week. Joe building. PRIVATE HOSPITAL and Sanitarium for the suc­ makes friends wherever he goes and will, The three children of Mr. Heatherly without a doubt, carry more than the that were reported last week with the party vote in Table Rock precinct. cessful treatment of medical and surgical cases by the dvphtheria are much better and hopes J. M. Rodgers made a flying trip to of their recovery is almost sure. There most advanced and approved meth ds and procedures of mod* ’♦ Central Point Saturday. are no new cases in town. Mrs. W. J. Rodgers of Lake Creek vis­ ■rn practice, both medical and operative. J. W. Merritt has had an increase this spring to his band of sheep of 1400 head ited parents, Mr. and Mrs. M A. Hous­ ItblJGlOi«. ITEM*. of lambs, there being 300 pair of twins. ton of this place, a few days recently. The executive committee of the W. C. We are sorry to report the serious ill­ J I. Fredenburg and wife of Medford F. U. will meet at the < hristi«n church were in this place a few days ago. He ness of Wm. Ireland and son, Oscar, as next Tuesday at 2:30 o’clock and the reg­ Everything new, clean and commodious. All chronic A shland , O r , Thursday, May 20,1002 ular meeting will be at 3 o’clock p tn. will move here in the near future, He both are at present afflicted with pneu­ monia fever. Dr. G. B Cole is the at ­ owns a house and lot in this place. It. is earnestly desired that all members diseses solicited; diseases of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, Mr. Taylor and family have returned tending physician. Roseburg Review: W. W. Cardwell lie present as business of much impor­ tance will come before the Un ion. Their Rev. N. S. Hollcroft will preach at. to their old home in Colorado. They left this morning for Cape Nome to look mot to for the present quarter is, “Except catne here a year ago and bought part of Antioch school house Sunday, June 8th. bladder, etc.; diseases of women ; alcohol, opium, cocaine, and after his mining i teresis. He will be the build the house we labor in the Tabernacle land but lost his health There will be a basket dinner on the joined at. Seattle in a day or two by vain Lord who build it ” and became discouraged. grounds and services in the afternoon drug habits; diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Con­ Wiley Pilkington and hi* s->n Ira. They also. expect to sail from Seattle to the far The W C. T. U. invites you to dinner The baseball team of Medford and the Beagle, May 27, 1902. north next Sunday. Mr. Cardwell is 1 at noon on Decoration Day in the build­ finement cases can be accommodated Central Point team played a game here said to h 1 ve some very valuable mining ing next door to the ineat market; price last Friday. The score stood Medford, NORMAL NOTES. i claim* in the Cape Nome district. Jas. 25 cents. Ice cream and cake 15 cents. 12; ■ entral Point, 13 B Cawiiield lias been in charge of them i Supper from 5 to 7 p. tn. M iss Mary Jacobs is expected to ar­ The final examinations have begun. d'triiig the past winter. Attend preaching at. the Congregation­ rive here today from Waldo where she The examination in modern history The attending and consulting physicians have had a wide yesterdav was the second, elocution be­ has been stopping since last October. The anivers ry of Ct'ifornit defeated al church Sunday at 11 a. tn. and 8 p. tn. ing the first. Also Sunday school 9:45 a. m. and Chris ­ the Priucetou athletic team iu a dud Rev. Lockhart, prohibition candidate Endeavor at 7 p. m. G W. Nelson, The class in English literature gathered and successful experience in the whole domain of practical meet held ar Princeton, N. J., by tm- tian for representative, will speak in town pastor. at the home of Prof. 1. E. Vining last score ot 7 to 6, California having much hall Friday evening, May 29. Friday evening. The professor read the medicine and surgery, All charges (payable in advance) aia At the M. E. church: Quarterly con­ the best of tiie lot in the sprints a id VVm. Morris came over from Coles play of “Othello,” after which games hurdles, aud Princeton showing up th1 ference Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. station Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. were introduced and refreshments served reasonable for the accommodations given and work performed Preaching Sunday at 11, a. m. by the stronger iu the distauce an i field eveuts K. Morris of this place, returning Wed­ The evening was ¡4 delightful one. Rev. D. T. Summerville, presiding elder, • nesday. Karl Maim, the vegetarian, won the the sermon to be follow'ed by the Holy A dinner was given to a party of nor­ international pede.*triau match from Communion. Preaching at*8 p. m. by For particulars, address, A. M. Latnmey has moved his family mal students at the home of Earl Shep­ Berliu to Dr -*deu. The distance cov­ the pastor, subject, “Peradventure.” » near Brownsboro where Mr. L- is em­ herd, last Sunday aftemoon. After the ered was 125 miles, mid Mann's time i Sunday school at 9.30 a. in. Epworth ployed on the Butte Creek water ditch. sumptuous feast the p 2569 for f<.r 25 cents at Camps’. -hip 38. range 4 east and W’JI offer 0181». Friday, May 30 The usual services and FOR SALE: The temporary injunction asked for proof that the Igi d sought is »io>e valuable ' ' ' . — .. ...... .................. ... program will be carried out. All are in­ A dispatch from S in Francisco states lor the tini -er or stone than tor agricul Ural by the government against the members that the Southern Pacific Company has vited to attend House and lot on Union street, *600, STOCK—At Bitt*, Iowa, May 22,1902« i-urposes, and to establish his claim to said of the so-called packers’ combine is now raised the price on all its timber lands Herman Stock, aged 79 years, father land before the cou ty clerk of Jackson Central Point, May 28, 1902. Gocd house and lot on upper Granite in force, says a < bicago dispatch. They and some of the lands have practically county. Oregon, at Jacksonville. <'regun. of H. U. Stock of Ashland. Friday, the 8'h day of »ugu*t. 1902. He street, *600. will have uutil Aug. 4 to make reply to been withdrawn from the market. The There are several difieient parties in TIBBETTS—In Hornbrook. May 21. tin names a- witnesses the following named the complaiut. All the evidence tended immense flow of timber hunters from House and lot on Iowa street, 1500. the Watkins district looking for options 1902, Mrs. E. N. Tibbetts, formerly of p-rsons: J. E. Felton,of Ashland, Oregon, to show that there is an agreement ' the east caused this action. on copper prospects, one party repre­ W T. Bt-age. i.f Ashland. Oregon, Q s. Ashland, ( House, barn and four lots on Seoond amoug tbe packers in various cities by senting Senator W. A. Clark of Montana. Butler, of A-hl nd. Oregon, J. M Ciem- Mall paper, mattings, lacecurtains and street, *1250 me s, of Ashland, Oregon, The Childs bond of *250,000 on the Mc­ which competition is done a-.vay with, portiers at Guruea’s 4th street dry goods • SALTS from M ineral Ain ar>d alt persons maiming adversely Vey properties an the Joe creek tribu­ 9AVA1*S0T1flP business being allotted iu shares aud store. The lease of a fine ransh with stock, WELLS, Texas, are al. the above desc tbed lands -re reque-ted to tary ol Elliott creek has expired and . TvYvl «LIll/V most tasteless. The first prices fixed tools crop, etc., *2350. Particulars on tile their claims in this office on or before The blackbird, which was at one time o 1 dose pleases you and the several are after it- The ‘ rescent < ity application. result wins your friendship. A mild but certain cure ibe said 8tb day of August, 1902. almost universally despised, says the owners exact *5 >,000 cash down before a CASTOFIIA. for Chronic Constipation, Sick Headache, Rheuma­ J T. BRIiuiEs, Regis’er. Red Bmff Cause, is growing in favor pick is struck. tism Female Complaints, Liver, Kidney and Stoaiach Bear, the I*19 K'nd You Hate Always Bought with fruit growers, who now realize that Troubles, toe, or box containing j ti»a> the quan­ Insurance is a good investment. I The Southern Pacific Co. who are con­ tity a;c at your druggists. By mall ljc and joc In NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the bird is an actual pesi destroyer. SigsatOM have some of the beet companies in the stamps. One box wii convince the most skeptical stantly at work with a large force of m-n Manv of the ending fruitgrowers in this United Slates Land'ffice. A world, both Fire and Life Insurance,and Watert>0BW to. 830 Howard St. San Francisco developing the coal properties north of 0. M. A.^vai» valley believe that if tlieblackbirds were Roseburg Oregon, May 27, 1 h 02 wanted in every town. Liberal terms. would be glad to insure you. Come Phoenix, are preparing to ship a carload Nonce is hereby given ■ bat in compì ance and see me. protected they would solve the canker i. d b H 8 El Ah8 to Sacramento to have it tested, The Al'h ibe provisions <>f the Act or Congress Worm problem. ++-J-4» :-++•>• .-•¡••»••{••{•-»"F'F-F-F '.■4-+4-++++ ----- officii ------ nt Jun-3, 187s. entitled “An Act for the quality of the coal is said to be improv­ + ! Lime, plaster Paris and Portland ce­ -a e of Timber Lands m tbe states of Cali­ MAIN St,, near Bridge, Ashland, Oregon ing as the development work progresses. + ment by the car load at H. 8. Evans’. fornia. Oregon, N< vada and Washington Muro new machinery is daily expected. erritory’ as extended mail ih-> ub’'2. He names as witnea-es the fol.owing Here is your chance, 36 stamp photos It is reported from Grants Pass that a 1 C. E. LANE named person* : G. r.. Butter, of 'stilami FREIGHT AND for 25 cents, at Camps’ photo studio. company of San Francisco capita ists Oregon J. M. Cietumen*. of Ashland, Ore­ ♦ haven project in view to utilize the Roseburg Review: Supt. H. S French gon. John Beagle, of Ashland, Oregon, J. BAGGAGE TRANSFER Pelton, of A-hiand. Oregon. power of Applegate Falls, on Applegate of the Postal Telegiapp Co’e. construc­ Any and all persons clatmo g ad verseli They tion force, has discontinued work on re* I river, western Josephine county. tbe above described lands are requested to Wood For Sale. U ; «. ; -> o ■, > .'•o-'l'T- propose to secure electric power from bhiTiTi- g the line between here and Can­ n e their claims in this office on or tkfiire j — . „ ._ these fa is and will operate all starno yonville awing to a lack of poles. He CQlYHlfö said 8th day oi August. 19"2 mill« no»,—— , , .-I I M »** r“ ‘ ’ started north this morning with his crew J. T. BRlDtilJB. Register. . ...... iiiacoiner'" ._. x / iim . 1M. Culver apdeuiidren ar­ Ice Delivered Daily in Season ■ ® _. «..v, incwries in rived Sunday from \Tatneila, Cal., to and will repair the line between here MOWING THE LAWN ASK ANYBODY .»osephnie voutit», us well us in a part of spend the summer with numerous friends and Portland. His party includes H. D. NQTI^t FOR PUBLICATION. Jackson. P*»wer will also be generated ! and relatives, the guest of her parents, Snider, T. Wheaton, G. C. Hinsdale, is not hard work if you have the right for an electric line from Grants Pass to ‘ United State* Land Offi e, Shellah Carroll, A. W. Martin, W. Mc- kind of a mower. Now this kind is lust WHO DRIVES Roseburg. Oregon, Hay 19. 1902. A aldo, the noted copper district of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Miller. Dona d. what D. B. P rovost is offering to his pa­ Notice is hereby given thai in compliance JIsbland For fancy soaps and sweet perfumes! ¡southwestern Josephine. with the prov-i-iun» of the Act of Congress Hats! YeS, we have them, for men if It i« no» a fact that Tw > wll-equipped ice houses and boys in all colors and shades and trons. Easy running, of exceeding dur­ of STEAM Fat cows, steers, hog, sheep and poul- go to McNair Bros. lune 3rd, 1878. entitled “An HCt for the We turn out the best Father L. P. Desmarias, formerly in , latest designs, at very low prices. Vau-" ability, perfectly adjusted bearings and N.tle of timber lands in the states of Cali­ trv wanted at all times by the Ashiand ai.-l mo-t -lyiish look­ self-sharpening knives, carefully hard­ fornia. Orest“»*. Nevada and Washington LAUNDRY M at Company. i charge of the tathoiic church of this par- . erected by the Armour and pel, Norris & Drake, ing > ig- in town. ’erntory” as extended to all the Pnt»in- rish, was on Tuesday’s train returning i ened and tempered. We have go o d Lands States by Act of August 4th 1102. F. HEBERLIE We have a large, full and complete from a trip in oíd »>éxico. He expects ’ |/arj fmit carrying companies 5S Javid A lien of Ashland, Jacks*county, horses ami urw vehi­ The briefest will ever filed in the su­ Prop’r. slock of men’s, yuuths’ and boys cloth­ to go east to reside in due time. i " J ° 1 state of Oregon, has this day h'evt in thi- cles perior oourt at Stockton, Oal., was of­ ing in best woof, weaves and design office hi- sworn -tstement, No. 2495. tor the A? ATER Street, Special sale of shoes at Yeo’s. P aza in the railroad yards of Ash­ fered for probate by Attorney O. W. Transient stia-k flnelyfinished and tailored in the verv nurvhase of 88.^ section 22, township and Main. NEAR MAIN property fed and well latest' and most approved fashion. Ail Norton. It ia pronounced by attorneys 38. ranwe 5 east, and will offer proof t > eared for in our large strictly up-to-date Prices to suit every­ sale. to be one of the strongest legal docu­ Peter Provost will arrive Saturday from land are offered for -b‘>w ihat th« land sought is more vahtab e Orders by mail or livery stable. body. Vaupel, Norris A Drake. for its timber or stone than for agnetii- express receive Montreal, Canada, to join his family menta of ita kind they have ever seen, turai pnr|io-es and to establish his claim to prompt attention C. C. Cliilwo'Hi has resigned his posi­ who preceeded hint some weeks ago and notwithstanding that tbe maker, Nettie said laud before the County Clerk of Jack- V kbmb (' ash , at tion in the Red Cross drug store and are located on Spring street. They will M’Call, had no lawyer wheu she drew it Look them over and son countv. Oregon, al Jacksonvil e Ore reasonable rate*. will lt-ave shortly for Klamath Falls, make their future home in this city. gon. on .■saturdgy, the 2nd day of August. up. Here ia the complete will: “What­ A«liland, Ore. where he will engage in the drug busi­ Give Us an Offer. 1902. He names a* witness««: C. B Mrs J. P. Dodge and Mrs. Grace ever I have, if anything, I wish my Kingsbury of Ashland, Q'geon; W. W. ness with a brother. While Mr. ( hit Hasty have been elected delegates to the UppiMite Bridge, centeruf town. brother, J. W. Horton, and my aister, Erb, of Ash and Oregon; G*<> ‘»wen of wood’s sojourn in this city has been Degree of Honor state convention that Ashland, Oregon; Jas. Ballev, of Ashland. Georgia T. Hortou, to have. May 10, brief he has made many warm friends in meets in p “ Oregon. Mm P. H Hargadine Hwraidinp ’ were 19 q 0.” The estate ia valued at *10,000. .Marshfield, who wil regret his depart­ Tozer and Mrs. C. H Any and all persons claiming adver«eiv ure.—Marshfield Sun. or. Chitwood I chosen alternates. There ia a poaaibility that the will may tbe above described ands are rrque-tedto arrived in Ashland yesterday. not stand, as the maker was committed tiie their claims in this office on or before Painters, Paper Bankers S, A HERING, Agent. Nice line of bicycle sundries at Gar­ CONTRACTOR said 2nd day of August. 1902 to the local asylum about two weeks Ladies dress hats just received at Gur- • nea’s J. T. BRIDGES. ••• ♦♦♦ and Roof Painters she wrote it. It ia not denied that Tele nea’s 4th street dry goods store. Register P ortland , O r . after AND Mrs J. H. McBride antì Roland Me- 246 Sta k St. Mrs. MoCall was of unsound mind at the phone Rosebu.g Review: Mrs. Ida Foster, , Bride are out from Portland on a visit to Headquarters, time the will was executed, but in the BUILDER NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. past president of the Rebekah Assembly ’ their old home and friends, after an ab- meantime the court is asked to decide Main of Oregon, has been spending a couple . of í i sence of four years. Mrs. M. is the guest United states Land Office, that the document was her last will and davs in town visiting with rs. f S. K. ’r 1 of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Pracht, Roseburg, Oregon. May 19, 1902 51 illett. I Mrs .............................. Foster’s husband • is one landlady of the Depot Hotel. testament. Notice is hereby given that iueomt>li-f Ashlan i. Jackson county, toilet waters and fancy soaps, see Mc­ their mediumship, ” and receiving fees there ­ and wife. Misses Esther and Mary Silsby state of Oregon, has this day ti ed in thi Nair Bros. office his sworn statement, No 2496. for and Ina Hunt, Arthur Wakefield, Frank for, without having first obtained a of Carpenter Work. the purchase of 8w M section 29. township It is reported that Lotta Crabtree, or Elliott and Engineer Brown. lioenae from the city. While the city Tb« Old-Reliable Blacksmith, Chautau m T b -macie, 38-outb, range 5 ea-«. and w>il offer proof •‘Little U»tta,” as she was known in has a right to license all trades, busi­ Has Purchased................. .. Just received a nice line of glasi-ware «bow ttiat tbe land sought is more valu­ girlhood dajs when singing and dancing O ffice —At old Hicks lumber yard to nesses and professions within its pre ­ able for its timber or sione I han for agri ­ ASHLAND, at Guruea ’ s. in Yreka on the old Arcade saloon stage cultural purpo*es and toeaV’bli-h bis claim cincts, said the judge, still the constitu­ opposite Ashland Steam Laundry. of Hillsboro, will ad­ W 0. Johnson's Shop during the ’50 period where the Red Emerson Howell has been paving his to said land before the County < l«rk of tion of the state of California declares eii’s Hall now stands, is married to a mother and brother, M R. Howell, a Jackson county, Oregon, at Jacksonville, dress the citizens of that any and all religions may be prac­ C. F. TILTON, D- D. 8. A, C. CALDWKLL, D. D, 8. Oregon, on t-aturday, tbe 2nd day of Aug young New York st<)ck broker, named And is now prepared to serve 9 George Edward Tales. Miss Crabtree is visit the past week after an absence of ticed withouc hiudranoe or discrimina­ usi, 1902. He names as wnnesses: David some 20 years from home. He didn't Jackson county as his old customers and tbs pub­ Allen, of Ashland. Oregon; Gei. Owen, of now 57 years old, and the richest actress recognize the place any more. Mr. tion, and “until more light is throwu lic genemllv at tbs old stand Ashland Or.gon; W W. Erb of Ashland. follows: in America, owning valuable New York Howell was a delegate to the I. 0. O. F. upon the subject neither the court nor TILTON &, CALDWELL Oregon; Jas. rtailev, of Ashland. Oregon and Boston real estate. She donated grand lodge at Newport from Richmond, M ain S t .. O pp . O pera House B lock the jury has a right to declare that Any and all persons c'aimine adversely Speeche^ I v the handsome Lotta fountain at the Kear­ Wheeler county. DENTAL SURGEONS. the above .'escribed la ,ds are requested to General Blackunitbing of all kinds spiritualism is not a religious belief. ” ney and Market street corner, of San tile their claims in this office on or before The judgment of the lower court ia re­ Garden and spray hose all prices. W. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Francisco many years ago and has been said 2nd day of August, iyo2 Gas Newbury in Rubber, CENTRAL POINT 7:30 p m. May 22 Dentures Full versed and a new trial ordered. J. T. BRIDGES. liberal in the use of her means on all N. Grubb A Co. 44 44 «• • « alluminum cast, Register 23 occasions.—Yreka Journal. Rev D. H. Tribou, chaplain of the U. MEDFORD Hon. H. V. Gates 44 44 The greatest skin specialist in America retained removable • 4 J m KSON ILLE - • I 24 8. battleship Wisconsin, supped off yes ­ originated the formula for Banner Salve Unique wall paper, up-to-date desigus 44 <4 gold combination, rent 14HKKS NOTICE. terday to pay a visit to his old school­ TALENT 41 << Hon. W. M. Colvig from 8 cents up at Stock’s. 26 For all skin diseases, all cuts or sores, 44 44 porcelain “ mate and pupil, D. H. Jackson. Rev. Subscriber- wlo fail to r*elve the and for piles, it’s the most healing medi­ *< 4« Jit Fair Prcas. Try the new remedy for costivene*s, Tribou is accoin|«anied by his wife and GOLI' HILL •7 cine. Beware of substitutes. T. K. Bol­ V alley R kcorp regularly, w II coaler a Band and Uocal Dusic AU with or without "fecial articulation. Ciiamtierlan'.- Stomach and Liver lab daughter, and thev are going overland EAGLE POINT • 4 great favor b\ repotting tbs same to 23 ton. VALLEY RECORD •ta Every l»ox guaranteed. Price, 25 While the battleship is going frou San this office immediately. Bharwiu 4 Van Sant Block 4« 4« PHQKN1X - ■ ••..*<. fur sal« by all dru^iata. 29 Beet job p^iÍDtiof at Raooao offi«e. FraaaiKe to Saattlc. THE ««ss BRAND Uaupel, Dorris $ Drake (ALLEY I Hom ! RECO Kb. + Mi Co f c- :l tione y + + :+ Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, $15.000 A General Banhind Business Transacted. THE POOLE HOSPITAL YREKA, CAL DR. W. E. POOLE, Manager. Beo« Hl. Crefren ICE HOUSES For Sale. I Fox & Good, ■ .“.ARMOUR CAR LINES Republican Rally J. H. DUTTON, ASHLAND, Troth & Buckman Ashlaud House. Ami Close of Caiupaigi Hon. H. V. Gates E. C. SHERMAN Safer lay, May 3Í 8 o’clccl p. m. JOB PRINTING Everybody Invited»